package org.wyona.yarep.tests; import org.wyona.yarep.core.Node; import org.wyona.yarep.core.NodeStateException; import org.wyona.yarep.core.NodeType; import org.wyona.yarep.core.Path; import org.wyona.yarep.core.Repository; import org.wyona.yarep.core.RepositoryFactory; import org.wyona.yarep.core.Revision; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /** * Test for the node based repository implementation. */ public class NodeRepoTest extends TestCase { protected Repository repo; private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(NodeRepoTest.class); public void setUp() throws Exception { RepositoryFactory repoFactory = new RepositoryFactory(); repo = repoFactory.newRepository("node-fs-example", new File("node-fs-example/repository.xml")); } protected String getCollectionTestPath() { return "/hello"; } protected String getResourceTestName() { return "world.txt"; } /** * Get mime type of test node */ protected String getMimeTypeOfTestNode() { return "text/plain"; } protected String getResourceTestPath() { return getCollectionTestPath() + "/" + getResourceTestName(); } protected String getRevisionTestPath() { return getCollectionTestPath() + "/revisiontest.txt"; } /** * Test write and read re node content */ public void testWriteRead() throws Exception { String path = getResourceTestPath(); // Asserts that a condition is true. If it isn't it throws an AssertionFailedError with the given message. assertTrue("Path does not exist: " + path, repo.existsNode(path)); Node node = repo.getNode(path); node.setMimeType(getMimeTypeOfTestNode()); // Write content to repository"Writing content to repository \"" + repo.getName() + "\""); String testContent = "Hello World! " + System.currentTimeMillis(); writeToNode(node, testContent); // Read content from repository"Reading content from repository \"" + repo.getName() + "\""); String line = readFromNode(node); assertEquals(line, testContent); } public void testProperties() throws Exception { String path = getResourceTestPath(); assertTrue("Path does not exist: " + path, repo.existsNode(path)); Node node = repo.getNode(path); long size = node.getSize(); assertTrue(size > 0); // set a string property: String string1 = "test " + System.currentTimeMillis(); node.setProperty("test", string1); String string2 = node.getProperty("test").getString(); assertEquals(string1, string2); // set a date property: Date date1 = new Date(); node.setProperty("test-date", date1); Date date2 = node.getProperty("test-date").getDate(); assertEquals(date1, date2); // delete a property: node.removeProperty("test-date"); assertNull(node.getProperty("test-date")); } public void testAddNode() throws Exception { String path = getCollectionTestPath(); assertTrue("Path does not exist: " + path, repo.existsNode(path)); Node node1 = repo.getNode(path); // add file node: Node node2 = node1.addNode("sub-uuu", NodeType.RESOURCE); // write content to node2: String testContent = "Hello Sub World! " + System.currentTimeMillis(); writeToNode(node2, testContent); // read content from node2: String line = readFromNode(node2); assertEquals(line, testContent); } public void testAddNodes() throws Exception { String path = getCollectionTestPath(); assertTrue("Path does not exist: " + path, repo.existsNode(path)); Node node1 = repo.getNode(path); // add directory node: Node node2 = node1.addNode("sub-x", NodeType.COLLECTION); // add file node: Node node3 = node2.addNode("sub-y", NodeType.RESOURCE); assertTrue(repo.existsNode(path + "/sub-x/sub-y")); // add string property to node2: String string1 = "test " + System.currentTimeMillis(); node2.setProperty("test", string1); String string2 = node2.getProperty("test").getString(); assertEquals(string1, string2); // add date property to node3: Date date1 = new Date(); node3.setProperty("test-date", date1); Date date2 = node3.getProperty("test-date").getDate(); assertEquals(date1, date2); // write content to node3: String testContent = "Hello Sub World! " + System.currentTimeMillis(); writeToNode(node3, testContent); // read content from node3: String line = readFromNode(node3); assertEquals(line, testContent); } public void testLastModified() throws Exception { String path = getResourceTestPath(); assertTrue("Path does not exist: " + path, repo.existsNode(path)); Node node = repo.getNode(path); long lastModified1 = node.getLastModified(); Thread.sleep(1000); // Write content to repository String testContent = "bla"; writeToNode(node, testContent); long lastModified2 = node.getLastModified(); assertTrue(lastModified2 > lastModified1); } public void testSize() throws Exception { String path = getResourceTestPath(); assertTrue("Path does not exist: " + path, repo.existsNode(path)); Node node = repo.getNode(path); // Write content to repository String testContent = "bla bla bla"; writeToNode(node, testContent); long size = node.getSize(); assertEquals(testContent.length(), size); } public void testRootNode() throws Exception { assertTrue("Root node does not exist.", repo.existsNode("/")); Node node = repo.getRootNode(); assertEquals(node.getType(), NodeType.COLLECTION); assertEquals(node.getName(), ""); assertNull(node.getParent()); } public void testParents() throws Exception { String path = getResourceTestPath(); Node node = repo.getNode(path); Node parent = node.getParent(); String[] pathTokens = path.split("/"); assertEquals(parent.getName(), pathTokens[pathTokens.length - 2]); Node grandParent = parent.getParent(); assertEquals(grandParent.getName(), ""); assertNull(grandParent.getParent()); } public void testChildren() throws Exception { Node parent = repo.getNode(getCollectionTestPath()); Node[] children = parent.getNodes(); assertTrue("No children found", children.length > 0); boolean foundChild = false; for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { if (children[i].getName().equals(getResourceTestName())) { assertEquals(getResourceTestPath(), children[i].getPath()); foundChild = true; } } assertTrue("Child " + getResourceTestName() + " not found", foundChild); Node child = parent.getNode(getResourceTestName()); assertEquals(getResourceTestName(), child.getName()); assertEquals(getResourceTestPath(), child.getPath()); } public void testResource() throws Exception { Node node = repo.getNode(getResourceTestPath()); assertTrue(node.isResource()); assertFalse(node.isCollection()); } public void testCollection() throws Exception { Node node = repo.getNode(getCollectionTestPath()); assertTrue(node.isCollection()); assertFalse(node.isResource()); node = repo.getNode(getCollectionTestPath() + "/"); assertTrue(node.isCollection()); assertFalse(node.isResource()); } public void testCheckinCheckout() throws Exception { Node node = repo.getNode(getResourceTestPath()); assertFalse("Node is not supposed to be checked out", node.isCheckedOut()); String testUser = "test-user"; node.checkout(testUser); assertTrue("Node is supposed to be checked out", node.isCheckedOut()); assertEquals(testUser, node.getCheckoutUserID()); String testContent = "checkin checkout test"; writeToNode(node, testContent); node.checkin(); assertFalse("Node is not supposed to be checked out", node.isCheckedOut()); } /** * Test revision */ public void testRevision() throws Exception { Node node = repo.getNode(getRevisionTestPath());"Revision Test Path: " + getRevisionTestPath()); node.checkout("test-user"); String testContent = "editing..."; writeToNode(node, testContent); Revision newRevision = node.checkin(); node.checkout("test-user"); String testContent2 = "editing2..."; writeToNode(node, testContent2); Revision newRevision2 = node.checkin(); Revision[] revisions = node.getRevisions();"Number of revisions: " + revisions.length); String contentRev0 = readFromNode(revisions[0]);"Content of revision 0: " + contentRev0);"Test content: " + testContent); assertTrue(testContent.equals(contentRev0)); String contentRev1 = readFromNode(revisions[1]); assertFalse(testContent.equals(contentRev1)); assertEquals(newRevision2, revisions[revisions.length-1]); assertTrue(revisions[0].getRevisionName().compareTo(revisions[revisions.length-1].getRevisionName()) < 0); String contentNewRev = readFromNode(newRevision); assertEquals(testContent, contentNewRev); } public void testRevisionTag() throws Exception { Node node = repo.getNode(getRevisionTestPath()); node.checkout("test-user"); String testContent = "revision label test"; writeToNode(node, testContent); Revision newRevision = node.checkin(); newRevision.setTag("testTag"); Revision revision = node.getRevisionByTag("testTag"); String content = readFromNode(revision); assertEquals(testContent, content); } public void testRestore() throws Exception { Node node = repo.getNode(getRevisionTestPath()); node.checkout("test-user"); String testContent1 = "editing... step1"; writeToNode(node, testContent1); Revision newRevision = node.checkin(); String revisionName = newRevision.getRevisionName(); node.checkout("test-user"); String testContent2 = "editing... step2"; writeToNode(node, testContent2); node.checkin(); String content = readFromNode(node); assertEquals(testContent2, content); node.restore(revisionName); content = readFromNode(node); assertEquals(testContent1, content); } public void testCancelCheckout() throws Exception { Node node = repo.getNode(getRevisionTestPath()); node.checkout("test-user"); try { node.checkout("another-user"); assertTrue("checkout is supposed to fail", false); } catch (NodeStateException e) { // this exception is expected, checkout is supposed to fail } node.cancelCheckout(); node.checkout("another-user"); writeToNode(node, "bla bla"); Revision newRevision = node.checkin(); } // auxiliary methods: protected void writeToNode(Node node, String content) throws Exception { Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(node.getOutputStream()); writer.write(content); writer.close(); } protected String readFromNode(Node node) throws Exception { Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(node.getInputStream()); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(reader); String line = br.readLine(); br.close(); reader.close(); return line; } /** * */ public void testContentSearch() throws Exception { String path = getResourceTestPath(); assertTrue("Path does not exist: " + path, repo.existsNode(path)); Node node = repo.getNode(path); node.setMimeType(getMimeTypeOfTestNode()); String testContent = "Will you find Rory Stewart?"; writeToNode(node, testContent); Node[] results ="Rory"); assertEquals(1, results.length);"Node found: " + results[0].getPath()); assertEquals(results[0].getPath(), path); } }