package org.wyona.yarep.impl.repo.vfs; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import; import; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field.Index; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field.Store; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter; import org.wyona.yarep.core.NoSuchRevisionException; import org.wyona.yarep.core.Node; import org.wyona.yarep.core.NodeStateException; import org.wyona.yarep.core.NodeType; import org.wyona.yarep.core.Path; import org.wyona.yarep.core.Property; import org.wyona.yarep.core.PropertyType; import org.wyona.yarep.core.Repository; import org.wyona.yarep.core.RepositoryException; import org.wyona.yarep.core.Revision; import org.wyona.yarep.core.UID; import org.wyona.yarep.core.attributes.VersionableV1; import org.wyona.yarep.impl.AbstractNode; import org.wyona.yarep.impl.DefaultProperty; /** * This class represents a repository node. * A repository node may be either a collection ("directory") or a resource ("file"). */ public class VirtualFileSystemNode extends AbstractNode implements VersionableV1 { private static Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(VirtualFileSystemNode.class); protected static final String META_FILE_NAME = "meta"; protected static final String REVISIONS_BASE_DIR = "revisions"; protected static final String META_DIR_SUFFIX = ".yarep"; private static final char PROPERTY_SEPARATOR = ':'; static final String PROPERTY_TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_REVISIONS = "yarep_vfs_total_number_of_revisions"; //protected FileSystemRepository repository; protected File contentDir; protected File contentFile; protected File metaDir; protected File metaFile; // INFO: Because of the new split path functionality previous versions with a regular path are migrated automatically to a splitted path version, whereas the original version remains as a backup (TODO: Make the backup configurable, because one might have no need for backups) protected File backupContentFile; protected File backupMetaDir; protected File backupMetaFile; // NOTE: Flag to indicate if revisions already have been read/initialized from file system protected boolean areRevisionsRead = false; protected RevisionDirectoryFilter revisionDirectoryFilter = new RevisionDirectoryFilter(); String vfsMetaFileVersion = null; static final int REVISION_SPLIT_LENGTH = 2; /** * Constructor * @throws RepositoryException */ public VirtualFileSystemNode() throws RepositoryException { } /** * Constructor * @throws RepositoryException */ public VirtualFileSystemNode(VirtualFileSystemRepository repository, String path, String uuid) throws RepositoryException { super(repository, path, uuid); init(); } /** * Constructor * @throws RepositoryException */ protected VirtualFileSystemNode(VirtualFileSystemRepository repository, String path, String uuid, boolean doInit) throws RepositoryException { super(repository, path, uuid); if (doInit) { init(); } } /** * Init node */ protected void init() throws RepositoryException { //log.debug("Try to init node: " + this.uuid); this.contentDir = getRepository().getContentDir(); this.contentFile = new File(this.contentDir, getRepository().splitPath(this.uuid)); this.backupContentFile = new File(this.contentDir, this.uuid); //String metauuid = getRepository().splitPath(this.uuid + META_DIR_SUFFIX); this.metaDir = getMetaDir(getRepository(), uuid); if (getRepository().getMetaDir() != null) { //this.metaDir = new File(getRepository().getMetaDir(), metauuid); this.backupMetaDir = new File(getRepository().getMetaDir(), uuid + META_DIR_SUFFIX); } else { //this.metaDir = new File(this.contentDir, metauuid); this.backupMetaDir = new File(this.contentDir, uuid + META_DIR_SUFFIX); } this.metaFile = new File(this.metaDir, META_FILE_NAME); this.backupMetaFile = new File(this.backupMetaDir, META_FILE_NAME); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("VirtualFileSystemNode: path=" + path + " uuid=" + uuid); log.debug("contentDir=" + contentDir); log.debug("contentFile=" + contentFile); log.debug("metaDir=" + metaDir); log.debug("metaFile=" + metaFile); } if (!metaFile.exists()) { // TODO: Is this really necessary? log.warn("No meta file exists yet for node '" + path + "' and hence one will be created!"); createMetaFile(); } readProperties(); } /** * Get meta directory of this node * @param repo Repository containing node or revision * @param uuid TODO * @return TODO */ static File getMetaDir(VirtualFileSystemRepository repo, String uuid) { //log.debug("UUID: " + uuid); String metauuid = repo.splitPath(uuid + META_DIR_SUFFIX); File metaDirectory = null; if (repo.getMetaDir() != null) { metaDirectory = new File(repo.getMetaDir(), metauuid); } else { metaDirectory = new File(repo.getContentDir(), metauuid); } //log.debug("Meta directory: " + metaDirectory); return metaDirectory; } /** * Create meta file */ protected void createMetaFile() throws RepositoryException { log.debug("creating new meta file in dir: " + metaDir); if (!metaDir.exists()) { metaDir.mkdirs(); } = new HashMap(); if (this.contentFile.isDirectory()) { this.setProperty(PROPERTY_TYPE, NodeType.TYPENAME_COLLECTION); } else { this.setProperty(PROPERTY_TYPE, NodeType.TYPENAME_RESOURCE); //this.setProperty(PROPERTY_SIZE, this.contentFile.length()); } this.setProperty(PROPERTY_LAST_MODIFIED, this.metaFile.lastModified()); } /** * Read properties from (persistent) meta file */ protected void readProperties() throws RepositoryException { // TODO: Make sure properties are only read if saveProperties finished, because otherwise one might get just part of the data and/or strange exceptions... try { log.debug("Reading meta file: " + this.metaFile); = new HashMap(); this.vfsMetaFileVersion = null; BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(this.metaFile)); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { line = line.trim(); String name; String typeName; String value; if (vfsMetaFileVersion != null && vfsMetaFileVersion.equals("1.0")) { try { name = unescapeSeparator(line.substring(0, line.indexOf("<")).trim()); typeName = line.substring(line.indexOf("<")+1, line.indexOf(">")).trim(); value = unescapeLinebreak(unescapeSeparator(line.substring(getValueStartIndex(line)).trim())); } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new RepositoryException("Error while parsing meta file: " + this.metaFile + " at line " + line); } } else { // INFO: Backwards compatibility (also see method checkForSeparator(String)) try { name = unescapeSeparator(line.substring(0, line.indexOf("<")).trim()); typeName = line.substring(line.indexOf("<")+1, line.indexOf(">")).trim(); value = unescapeLinebreak(line.substring(line.indexOf(PROPERTY_SEPARATOR) + 1).trim()); // INFO: Because revisions of a node also contain separators, the checkForSeparator() method generates a huge amount of log entries! //value = unescapeLinebreak(checkForSeparator(line.substring(line.indexOf(PROPERTY_SEPARATOR) + 1).trim())); } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new RepositoryException("Error while parsing meta file: " + this.metaFile + " at line " + line); } } if (name.equals("yarep_vfs-meta-file-version")) { vfsMetaFileVersion = value; } Property property = new DefaultProperty(name, PropertyType.getType(typeName), this); property.setValueFromString(value);, property); } reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RepositoryException("Error while reading meta file: " + metaFile + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * @deprecated Use {@link saveProperties(String)} instead * Save all properties within a meta file * @throws RepositoryException */ /* protected void saveProperties() throws RepositoryException { log.warn("DEPRECATED"); try { log.debug("Writing meta file: " + this.metaFile); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(this.metaFile)); writer.println("yarep_vfs-meta-file-version" + "<" + "string" + ">" + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + "1.0"); if (vfsMetaFileVersion != null && !vfsMetaFileVersion.equals("1.0")) { throw new RepositoryException("No such vfs meta file version supported: " + vfsMetaFileVersion); } Iterator iterator =; while (iterator.hasNext()) { Property property = (Property); if (!property.getName().equals("yarep_vfs-meta-file-version")) { if (property.getValueAsString() == null) { log.warn("Value as string of property '" + property.getName() + "' is null!"); } writer.println(escapeSeparator(property.getName()) + "<" + PropertyType.getTypeName(property.getType()) + ">" + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + escapeLinebreak(escapeSeparator(property.getValueAsString()))); // NOTE: Please note that the property is being indexed before it is being saved persistently. Does that make sense? // if (getRepository().isAutoPropertyIndexingEnabled()) { // log.debug("Index property '" + property.getName() + "' of node: " + this.getPath()); // getRepository().getIndexer().index(this, property); // } } } writer.flush(); writer.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e, e); throw new RepositoryException("Error while writing meta file: " + metaFile + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } } */ /** * Save all properties within a meta file * TODO/TBD: Changing a property should update the last modified date. This implementation does not change the last modified date if a property changes. * @param pname Property name which has been set or removed (see setProperty(Property) and removeProperty(String)) * @throws RepositoryException */ private void saveProperties(String pname) throws RepositoryException { synchronized("save-properties") { try { log.debug("Writing meta file: " + this.metaFile); if (!this.metaFile.getParentFile().isDirectory()) { log.warn("Trying to save modified property '" + pname + "', but directory '" + this.metaFile.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath() + "' does not exist yet, hence we will create it ..."); this.metaFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(this.metaFile)); writer.println("yarep_vfs-meta-file-version" + "<" + "string" + ">" + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + "1.0"); if (vfsMetaFileVersion != null && !vfsMetaFileVersion.equals("1.0")) { throw new RepositoryException("No such vfs meta file version supported: " + vfsMetaFileVersion); } Property modifiedProperty = null; Iterator iterator =; while (iterator.hasNext()) { Property property = (Property); if (!property.getName().equals("yarep_vfs-meta-file-version")) { if (property.getValueAsString() == null) { log.warn("Value as string of property '" + property.getName() + "' is null!"); } else { if (property.getName().equals(pname)) { modifiedProperty = property; } } writer.println(escapeSeparator(property.getName()) + "<" + PropertyType.getTypeName(property.getType()) + ">" + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + escapeLinebreak(escapeSeparator(property.getValueAsString()))); } } writer.flush(); writer.close(); /* NOTE: Already done by setProperty(Property) and removeProperty(String) if (modifiedProperty != null) { if (getRepository().isAutoPropertyIndexingEnabled()) { log.debug("Index property '" + modifiedProperty.getName() + "' of node: " + this.getPath()); getRepository().getIndexer().index(this, modifiedProperty); } } else { log.warn("Modified property '" + name + "' has not been indexed!"); } */ } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e, e); throw new RepositoryException("Error while writing meta file: " + metaFile + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } } } /** * @see org.wyona.yarep.core.Node#getNodes() */ public Node[] getNodes() throws RepositoryException { //log.debug("Get nodes from repository: " + getRepository().getClass().getName() + ", " + getRepository().getConfigFile()); Path[] childPaths; if (getRepository().isSplitPathEnabled()) { // TODO: Unsplit paths log.warn("TODO: Unsplit paths..."); childPaths = getRepository().getMap().getChildren(new Path(this.path)); } else { childPaths = getRepository().getMap().getChildren(new Path(this.path)); } Node[] childNodes = new Node[childPaths.length]; for (int i=0; i<childPaths.length; i++) { childNodes[i] = this.repository.getNode(childPaths[i].toString()); } return childNodes; } /** * @see org.wyona.yarep.core.Node#addNode(java.lang.String, int) */ public Node addNode(String name, int type) throws RepositoryException { String newPath = getPath() + "/" + name; if (getPath().endsWith("/")) { newPath = getPath() + name; } if (type == NodeType.COLLECTION && !name.endsWith("/")) { newPath = newPath + "/"; } log.debug("Adding node: " + newPath); if (this.repository.existsNode(newPath)) { throw new RepositoryException("Node exists already: " + newPath); } String splittedPath = getRepository().splitPath(newPath); log.debug("Splitted path (if applicable): " + splittedPath); UID uid = getRepository().getMap().create(new Path(splittedPath), type); // INFO: The VFileSystemMapImpl already adds the files and directories (see obsolete code below) return this.repository.getNode(newPath); /* // INFO: Create file/directory File file = new File(this.contentDir, uid.toString()); try { if (type == NodeType.COLLECTION) { boolean created = file.mkdirs(); if (!created) { log.warn("File '" + file + "' seems to exist already!"); } } else if (type == NodeType.RESOURCE) { boolean parentCreated = file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); boolean created = file.createNewFile(); if (!created) { log.warn("File '" + file + "' seems to exist already!"); } } else { throw new RepositoryException("Unknown node type: " + type); } return this.repository.getNode(newPath); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RepositoryException("Could not access file " + file, e); } */ } /** * @see org.wyona.yarep.core.Node#removeProperty(java.lang.String) */ public void removeProperty(String name) throws RepositoryException {; //saveProperties(); saveProperties(name); try { if (getRepository().isAutoPropertyIndexingEnabled()) { log.debug("Remove property '" + name + "' of node: " + this.getPath() + " from index."); getRepository().getIndexer().removeFromIndex(this, getProperty(name)); } } catch(Exception e) { log.error(e, e); } } /** * @see org.wyona.yarep.core.Node#setProperty(org.wyona.yarep.core.Property) */ public void setProperty(Property property) throws RepositoryException { //log.debug("Set property: " + property.getName());, property); //saveProperties(); saveProperties(property.getName()); try { if (getRepository().isAutoPropertyIndexingEnabled()) { log.debug("Index property '" + property.getName() + "' of node: " + this.getPath()); getRepository().getIndexer().index(this, property); } } catch(Exception e) { log.error(e, e); } } /** * @see org.wyona.yarep.core.Node#getInputStream() */ public InputStream getInputStream() throws RepositoryException { try { if (isCollection()) { if (getRepository().getAlternative() != null) { File backupAlternativeFile = new File(backupContentFile, getRepository().getAlternative()); File alternativeFile = new File(contentFile, getRepository().getAlternative()); if (!alternativeFile.exists() && backupAlternativeFile.exists()) { if (alternativeFile.isFile()) { alternativeFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); try { IOUtils.copy(new FileInputStream(backupAlternativeFile), new FileOutputStream(alternativeFile)); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Could not copy file or directory '" + backupAlternativeFile + "' to '" + alternativeFile + "'"); log.error(e, e); } } } if (alternativeFile.isFile()) { return new FileInputStream(alternativeFile); } else { log.warn("Is Collection (" + contentFile + ") and no alternative File exists (" + alternativeFile + "), hence return directory listing as XHTML..."); return new, getRepository().getDirListingMimeType())); } } else { log.warn("Is Collection: " + contentFile); return new, getRepository().getDirListingMimeType())); } } else { if (!contentFile.exists() && backupContentFile.exists()) { log.warn("Not-splitted-yet file exists, hence copying file " + backupContentFile.getAbsolutePath() + " to " + contentFile.getAbsolutePath()); contentFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); try { IOUtils.copy(new FileInputStream(backupContentFile), new FileOutputStream(contentFile)); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Could not copy file or directory '" + backupContentFile + "' to '" + contentFile + "'"); log.error(e, e); } } /* // TODO: Synchronize this block if (!contentFile.exists() && remoteHost != null) { // TODO: Get data from remote host and cache locally } */ return new FileInputStream(contentFile); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new RepositoryException(e.getMessage(), e); } //return getProperty(PROPERTY_CONTENT).getInputStream(); } /** * @see org.wyona.yarep.core.Node#getOutputStream() */ public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws RepositoryException { try { if (isCollection()) { if (getRepository().getAlternative() != null) { File alternativeFile = new File(contentFile, getRepository().getAlternative()); if (alternativeFile.isFile()) { return new VirtualFileSystemOutputStream(this, alternativeFile); } else { throw new RepositoryException("Is not a file: " + alternativeFile); } } else { throw new RepositoryException("Is a directory: " + this.contentFile); } } else { //return new FileOutputStream(this.contentFile); log.debug("Write content to '" + contentFile + "'"); return new VirtualFileSystemOutputStream(this, this.contentFile); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new RepositoryException(e.getMessage(), e); } //return getProperty(PROPERTY_CONTENT).getOutputStream(); } /** * @see org.wyona.yarep.core.Node#checkin() */ public Revision checkin() throws NodeStateException, RepositoryException { return checkin(""); } /** * @see org.wyona.yarep.core.Node#checkin() */ public Revision checkin(String comment) throws NodeStateException, RepositoryException { return doCheckin(comment, System.currentTimeMillis()); } /** * Checkin node and create a revision for a particular time, which can be used to manipulate the history of a node. This method is not part of the Yarep API, but one needs to cast this class in order to use it. * @param comment Comment what the revision is about * @param time A particular revision time * @return revision which has been created or manipulated */ public Revision checkin(String comment, long time) throws NodeStateException, RepositoryException { log.warn("Create/manipulate a revision '" + getPath() + "' for a particular time: " + new Date(time) + " (Epoch time value: " + time + ")"); return doCheckin(comment, time); } /** * Checkin node and create a revision for a particular time * @param comment Comment what the revision is about * @param time A particular revision time * @return revision which has been created */ private Revision doCheckin(String comment, long time) throws NodeStateException, RepositoryException { if (!isCheckedOut()) { throw new NodeStateException("Node " + path + " is not checked out."); } Revision revision = createRevision(comment, time); setProperty(PROPERTY_IS_CHECKED_OUT, false); setProperty(PROPERTY_CHECKIN_DATE, new Date(time)); setProperty(PROPERTY_LAST_MODIFIED, time); // INFO: Overwrite createMetaFile() return revision; } /** * @see org.wyona.yarep.core.Node#cancelCheckout() */ public void cancelCheckout() throws NodeStateException, RepositoryException { if (!isCheckedOut()) { throw new NodeStateException("Node " + path + " is not checked out."); } setProperty(PROPERTY_IS_CHECKED_OUT, false); setProperty(PROPERTY_CHECKIN_DATE, new Date()); } /** * @see org.wyona.yarep.core.Node#isCheckedOut() */ @Override public boolean isCheckedOut() throws RepositoryException { readProperties(); // INFO: Make sure to re-read properties from persistent repository, because otherwise another synchronized methods like for example checkout(String) do not really make sense! return super.isCheckedOut(); } /** * @see org.wyona.yarep.core.Node#checkout(java.lang.String) */ public void checkout(String userID) throws NodeStateException, RepositoryException {"Try to checkout node '" + getPath() + "' by user '" + userID + "'."); synchronized("virtual-file-system-node") { if (isCheckedOut()) { throw new NodeStateException("Node " + path + " is already checked out by: " + getCheckoutUserID()); } /* // INFO: In order to test synchronization, we slow down this method. long timestamp = new java.util.Date().getTime(); try { log.warn("DEBUG: Create lock (pid: " + timestamp + "), but first sleep for 42 seconds in order to delay this process and test synchronization..."); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { Thread.sleep(7000); log.warn("DEBUG: " + (i+1)*7 + " seconds passed since delay loop started (pid: " + timestamp + ")"); } } catch(InterruptedException ex) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } */ setProperty(PROPERTY_IS_CHECKED_OUT, true); setProperty(PROPERTY_CHECKOUT_USER_ID, userID); setProperty(PROPERTY_CHECKOUT_DATE, new Date()); // TODO: One should be able to overwrite the checkout date similar to as the checkout method is able to do so. /* TBD: What is this good for and why is it commented?! if (getRevisions().length == 0) { // INFO: create a backup revision createRevision("initial revision"); } */ } } /** * Create revision of this node * @param comment Comment re this new revision */ protected Revision createRevision(String comment) throws RepositoryException { return createRevision(comment, System.currentTimeMillis()); } /** * Create revision of this node for a particular time * @param comment Comment re this new revision * @param revisionTime A particular time */ private Revision createRevision(String comment, long revisionTime) throws RepositoryException { try { String revisionName = String.valueOf(revisionTime); File destContentFile = getRevisionContentFile(revisionName); //log.debug("Create content of revision '" + destContentFile + "' for a particular time: " + new Date(revisionTime)); FileUtils.copyFile(this.contentFile, destContentFile); File destMetaFile = getRevisionMetaFile(revisionName); //log.debug("Create meta of revision '" + destMetaFile + "' for a particular time: " + new Date(revisionTime)); FileUtils.copyFile(this.metaFile, destMetaFile); Revision revision = new VirtualFileSystemRevision(this, revisionName); revision.setProperty(PROPERTY_IS_CHECKED_OUT, false); ((VirtualFileSystemRevision)revision).setCreationDate(new Date(revisionTime)); ((VirtualFileSystemRevision)revision).setCreator(getCheckoutUserID()); ((VirtualFileSystemRevision)revision).setComment(comment); if (areRevisionsRead) { this.revisions.put(revisionName, revision); } DateIndexerSearcher dis = getDateIndexerSearcher(); try { dis.addRevision(revisionName); } catch(Exception e) { log.error(e, e); } if (hasProperty(PROPERTY_TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_REVISIONS)) { long currentTotal = getProperty(PROPERTY_TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_REVISIONS).getLong(); setProperty(PROPERTY_TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_REVISIONS, currentTotal + 1); } return revision; } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new RepositoryException(e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Read revisions into memory */ protected void readRevisions() throws RepositoryException { log.warn("Do not use this method, because of scalability and performance issues!"); // IMPORTANT: Please note that this implementation is used by DateIndexerSearcher#buildDateIndex() and hence one should NOT replace this implementation by the iterator implementation, because otherwise one creates a "loop"! A workaround would be though to "copy" this implementation to DateIndexerSearcher such that DateIndexerSearcher is independent of this implementation here. this.revisions = new LinkedHashMap<String, Revision>(); File revisionsBaseDir = getRevisionsBaseDir(this.metaDir); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Read revisions: " + revisionsBaseDir); File[] revisionDirsUnsplitted = revisionsBaseDir.listFiles(this.revisionDirectoryFilter); if (revisionDirsUnsplitted != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Number of revisions which made it through the filter: " + revisionDirsUnsplitted.length); Arrays.sort(revisionDirsUnsplitted); for (int i = 0; i < revisionDirsUnsplitted.length; i++) { String revisionName = revisionDirsUnsplitted[i].getName(); Revision revision = new VirtualFileSystemRevision(this, revisionName); this.revisions.put(revisionName, revision); } } readRevisionsFromSplittedDirectories(); areRevisionsRead = true; } /** * @see org.wyona.yarep.core.Node#restore(java.lang.String) */ public void restore(String revisionName) throws NoSuchRevisionException, RepositoryException { try { File srcContentFile = getRevisionContentFile(revisionName); FileUtils.copyFile(srcContentFile, this.contentFile); File srcMetaFile = getRevisionMetaFile(revisionName); FileUtils.copyFile(srcMetaFile, this.metaFile); setProperty(AbstractNode.PROPERTY_LAST_MODIFIED, this.contentFile.lastModified()); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new RepositoryException(e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Filter to check whether path is a revision (e.g. '1361266662652') */ protected class RevisionDirectoryFilter implements FileFilter { /** * @see */ public boolean accept(File pathname) { if (pathname.isDirectory() && pathname.getName().length() > REVISION_SPLIT_LENGTH && pathname.getName().matches("[0-9]+")) { return true; } else { if (pathname.getName().startsWith(".")) { // Ignore hidden files/directories, e.g. '.svn' log.warn("Hidden file or directory: " + pathname); } //log.debug("Does not seem to be a revision: " + pathname); return false; } } } /** * @see org.wyona.yarep.impl.AbstractNode#getLastModified() */ @Override public long getLastModified() throws RepositoryException { long lm = super.getLastModified(); if (lm > 0) { return lm; } else { //log.warn("No last modified set: " + getPath()); return this.contentFile.lastModified(); } } /** * @see org.wyona.yarep.impl.AbstractNode#getSize() */ public long getSize() throws RepositoryException { return this.contentFile.length(); } /** * Get the virtual file system repository this node belongs to */ public VirtualFileSystemRepository getRepository() { return (VirtualFileSystemRepository)this.repository; } /** * @see org.wyona.yarep.core.Node#delete() */ public void delete() throws RepositoryException { deleteRec(); } /** * Delete node and its children recursively */ protected void deleteRec() throws RepositoryException { // INFO: Delete children of this node recursively Node[] children = getNodes(); if (children.length > 0) { log.debug("Try to delete '" + children.length + "' children of node: " + getPath()); for (int i=0; i < children.length; i++) { children[i].delete(); } } else { log.debug("Node '" + getPath() + "' does not seem to have any children."); } try { log.warn("DEBUG: Delete node '" + getPath() + "' from fulltext search index..."); getRepository().getIndexer().removeFromIndex(this); log.warn("DEBUG: Delete properties of node '" + getPath() + "' from properties search index..."); Property[] props = getProperties(); if (getRepository().isAutoPropertyIndexingEnabled()) { for (int i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { log.debug("Remove property '" + props[i].getName() + "' of node: " + getPath() + " from index."); getRepository().getIndexer().removeFromIndex(this, props[i]); } } else { log.warn("Auto indexing of properties is disabled, hence cannot delete properties of node '" + getPath() + "' from properties index."); } } catch(Exception e) { log.error(e, e); } //boolean success = getRepository().getMap().delete(new Path(getPath())); try { if (getRepository().getMap().isCollection(new Path(getPath()))) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(this.contentFile); } else { this.contentFile.delete(); } FileUtils.deleteDirectory(this.metaDir); // TODO: Delete empty directories! } catch (IOException e) { throw new RepositoryException("Could not delete node: " + getPath() + ": " + e.toString(), e); } } /** * */ public int getType() throws RepositoryException { if (getRepository().getMap().isCollection(new Path(path))) { return NodeType.COLLECTION; } else if (getRepository().getMap().isResource(new Path(path))) { return NodeType.RESOURCE; } else { return -1; } } /** * Get directory listing as XHTML */ public String getDirectoryListing(File file, String mimeType) { StringBuffer dirListing = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"); if(mimeType.equals("application/xhtml+xml")) { dirListing.append("<html xmlns=\"\">"); dirListing.append("<head>"); dirListing.append("<title>" + path + "</title>"); dirListing.append("</head>"); dirListing.append("<body>"); dirListing.append("<ul>"); String[] children = file.list(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { File child = new File(file, children[i]); if (child.isFile()) { dirListing.append("<li>File: <a href=\"" + children[i] + "\">" + children[i] + "</a></li>"); } else if (child.isDirectory()) { dirListing.append("<li>Directory: <a href=\"" + children[i] + "/\">" + children[i] + "/</a></li>"); } else { dirListing.append("<li>Child: <a href=\"" + children[i] + "\">" + children[i] + "</a></li>"); } } dirListing.append("</ul>"); dirListing.append("</body>"); dirListing.append("</html>"); } else if (mimeType.equals("application/xml")) { dirListing.append("<directory xmlns=\"\" path=\""+path+"\" fs-path=\""+file+"\">"); String[] children = file.list(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { File child = new File(file, children[i]); if (child.isFile()) { dirListing.append("<file name=\"" + children[i] + "\"/>"); } else if (child.isDirectory()) { dirListing.append("<directory name=\"" + children[i] + "\"/>"); } else { dirListing.append("<child name=\"" + children[i] + "\"/>"); } } dirListing.append("</directory>"); } else { dirListing.append("<no-such-mime-type-supported>" + mimeType + "</no-such-mime-type-supported>"); } return dirListing.toString(); } /** * @see org.wyona.yarep.core.attributes.VersionableV1#existsRevision(Date) */ /* public boolean existsRevision(Date date) throws Exception { log.warn("TODO: Implement this method..."); return false; } */ /** * @see org.wyona.yarep.core.attributes.VersionableV1#getRevision(Date) */ public Revision getRevision(Date date) throws Exception { //log.debug("Use vfs-repo specific implementation: " + getPath() + ", " + date); if (true) { log.debug("New implementation"); // According to tests with 15K revisions, the new implementation is about 80 times faster than the old one (8 millis instead 640 millis) DateIndexerSearcher dis = getDateIndexerSearcher(); if (dis.indexExists()) { Revision revision = dis.getRevision(date); if (revision != null) { return revision; } else { //log.warn("No revision found via data index, try to find otherwise ..."); //log.warn("No revision found for node '" + path + "' and point in time '" + date + "'"); return null; } } else { log.warn("No date index yet, hence one will be created ..."); dis.buildDateIndex(); return getRevision(date); } } else { log.debug("Old implementation"); if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Use vfs-repo specific implementation ..."); Revision[] revisions = getRevisions(); for (int i = revisions.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { //log.warn("DEBUG: Revison: " + revisions[i].getRevisionName()); //Date creationDate = new Date(Long.parseLong(revisions[i].getRevisionName())); // INFO: The name of a revision is based on System.currentTimeMillis() (see createRevision(String)) Date creationDate = revisions[i].getCreationDate(); // INFO: This method is slower than the above if (creationDate.before(date) || creationDate.equals(date)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Revision found: " + revisions[i].getRevisionName()); log.debug("Number of revisions compared: " + (i + 1)); return revisions[i]; } } log.warn("No revision found for node '" + path + "' and point in time '" + date + "'"); return null; } } /** * @see org.wyona.yarep.core.attributes.VersionableV1#getTotalNumberOfRevisions() */ public int getTotalNumberOfRevisions() throws Exception { if (areRevisionsRead) { /* if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { Iterator it = revisions.entrySet().iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { Revision rev = (Revision) ((java.util.Map.Entry); log.debug("Revision: " + rev.getRevisionName() + ", " + rev.getCreationDate()); } } */ log.warn("It's faster to get the length of the list of the already read revisions (" + revisions.size() + "), but actually we should avoid using readRevisions(), because it does not scale well!"); return revisions.size(); } if (hasProperty(PROPERTY_TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_REVISIONS)) { return (int)getProperty(PROPERTY_TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_REVISIONS).getLong(); } log.warn("Total number of revisions is determined by counting all revisions of '" + getPath() + "', which does not scale well and hence should be avoided!"); // INFO: See discussion re performance/scalability: int total = getNumberOfRevisionsFromSplittedDirectories(); //log.debug("Number of revisions which are inside splitted directories: " + revisionDirsSplitted); File revisionsBaseDir = getRevisionsBaseDir(this.metaDir); if (revisionsBaseDir.isDirectory()) { File[] revisionDirsUnsplitted = revisionsBaseDir.listFiles(this.revisionDirectoryFilter); // INFO: The RevisionDirectoryFilter slows down this method, but it's necessary, because the base directory might also contain hidden directories, e.g. '.svn' //log.debug("Number of revision directories which are unsplitted: " + revisionDirsUnsplitted.length); total = total + revisionDirsUnsplitted.length; } setProperty(PROPERTY_TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_REVISIONS, total); //log.debug("Total number of revisions of '" + getPath() + "': " + total); return total; } /** * Count revisions which are inside splitted directories */ private int getNumberOfRevisionsFromSplittedDirectories() { File revisionsBaseDir = getRevisionsBaseDir(this.metaDir); if (revisionsBaseDir.isDirectory()) { //log.debug("Revisions base directory: " + revisionsBaseDir); File[] topLevelSplittedDirectories = revisionsBaseDir.listFiles(new SplittedDirectoryFilter()); int numberOfRevisions = 0; for (int i = 0; i < topLevelSplittedDirectories.length; i++) { //log.debug("Splitted directories: " + topLevelSplittedDirectories[i].getAbsolutePath()); numberOfRevisions = getNumberOfRevisionsFromSplittedDirectories(topLevelSplittedDirectories[i], numberOfRevisions); } return numberOfRevisions; } else { log.warn("No revisions base directory exists: " + revisionsBaseDir); return 0; } } /** * Count revisions which are inside splitted directories * @param dir TODO * @param numberOfRevisions TODO */ private int getNumberOfRevisionsFromSplittedDirectories(File dir, int numberOfRevisions) { if (new File(dir, VirtualFileSystemRevision.CONTENT_FILE_NAME).isFile() && new File(dir, META_FILE_NAME).isFile()) { return numberOfRevisions + 1; } else { File[] filesAndDirs = dir.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < filesAndDirs.length; i++) { if (filesAndDirs[i].isDirectory()) { //log.debug("Check directory: " + filesAndDirs[i].getAbsolutePath()); numberOfRevisions = getNumberOfRevisionsFromSplittedDirectories(filesAndDirs[i], numberOfRevisions); } } } return numberOfRevisions; } /** * Read revisions which are inside splitted directories */ private void readRevisionsFromSplittedDirectories() throws RepositoryException { File[] topLevelSplittedDirectories = getRevisionsBaseDir(this.metaDir).listFiles(new SplittedDirectoryFilter()); if (topLevelSplittedDirectories != null) { Arrays.sort(topLevelSplittedDirectories); for (int i = 0; i < topLevelSplittedDirectories.length; i++) { //log.debug("Splitted directories: " + topLevelSplittedDirectories[i].getAbsolutePath()); readRevisionsFromSplittedDirectories(topLevelSplittedDirectories[i], topLevelSplittedDirectories[i].getName()); } } } /** * Read revisions which are inside splitted directories * @param dir Splitted revision directory * @param unsplittedName Unsplitted revision name */ private void readRevisionsFromSplittedDirectories(File dir, String unsplittedName) throws RepositoryException { if (new File(dir, VirtualFileSystemRevision.CONTENT_FILE_NAME).isFile() && new File(dir, META_FILE_NAME).isFile()) { String revisionName = unsplittedName; //log.debug("Add revision: " + dir.getAbsolutePath() + ", " + revisionName); Revision revision = new VirtualFileSystemRevision(this, revisionName); this.revisions.put(revisionName, revision); return; } else { File[] filesAndDirs = dir.listFiles(); if (filesAndDirs != null) { Arrays.sort(filesAndDirs); for (int i = 0; i < filesAndDirs.length; i++) { if (filesAndDirs[i].isDirectory()) { //log.debug("Check directory: " + filesAndDirs[i].getAbsolutePath()); readRevisionsFromSplittedDirectories(filesAndDirs[i], unsplittedName + filesAndDirs[i].getName()); } } } } } /** * @see org.wyona.yarep.core.attributes.VersionableV1#getRevisions(boolean) */ public java.util.Iterator<Revision> getRevisions(boolean reverse) throws Exception { return new VFSRevisionIterator(getDateIndexerSearcher(), null, reverse); } /** * @see org.wyona.yarep.core.attributes.VersionableV1#getRevisions(Date, boolean) */ public java.util.Iterator<Revision> getRevisions(Date date, boolean reverse) throws Exception { return new VFSRevisionIterator(getDateIndexerSearcher(), date, reverse); } /** * @see org.wyona.yarep.core.Node#getRevision(String) */ public Revision getRevision(String revisionName) throws NoSuchRevisionException, RepositoryException { VirtualFileSystemRevision revision = new VirtualFileSystemRevision(this, revisionName); if (!revision.contentFile.exists()) { String logMessage = "Node '" + getPath() + "' has no such revision: " + revisionName; //log.error(logMessage); throw new NoSuchRevisionException(logMessage); } return revision; } /** * @see org.wyona.yarep.core.Node#getRevisionByTag(String) */ @Override public Revision getRevisionByTag(String tag) throws NoSuchRevisionException, RepositoryException { if (!areRevisionsRead) { readRevisions(); } return super.getRevisionByTag(tag); } /** * @see org.wyona.yarep.core.Node#getRevisions() */ @Override public Revision[] getRevisions() throws RepositoryException { log.warn("DEPRECATED: Very bad scalability/performance! Use getRevisions(boolean) which is using an iterator instead."); if (!areRevisionsRead) { readRevisions(); } return super.getRevisions(); } /** * @see org.wyona.yarep.core.Node#hasRevisionWithTag(String) */ @Override public boolean hasRevisionWithTag(String tag) throws RepositoryException { if (!areRevisionsRead) { readRevisions(); } return super.hasRevisionWithTag(tag); } /** * Get revision content file * @param revisionName Name/ID of revision */ public File getRevisionContentFile(String revisionName) { return new File(getRevisionDir(getRepository(), this.metaDir, revisionName), VirtualFileSystemRevision.CONTENT_FILE_NAME); } /** * Get revision meta file * @param revisionName Name/ID of revision */ public File getRevisionMetaFile(String revisionName) { return new File(getRevisionDir(getRepository(), this.metaDir, revisionName), VirtualFileSystemRevision.META_FILE_NAME); } /** * Get meta file */ public File getMetaFile() { return metaFile; } /** * Check for separators within a string. Because of backwards compatibility we cannot unescape the separator of existing data, because it might contain strings like "\:" but which have not been escaped like "\\:" */ private String checkForSeparator(String st) throws RepositoryException { if (st.indexOf(PROPERTY_SEPARATOR) >= 0) { // INFO: Check node itself and its revisions! log.warn("Meta data string/property-value '" + st + "' contains reserved character '" + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + "' (Node path: " + getPath() + ")."); } return st; } /** * Escape separator within a string */ private String escapeSeparator(String st) { if (st != null && st.indexOf(PROPERTY_SEPARATOR) >= 0) { log.debug("String '" + st + "' contains reserved character '" + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR + "' and hence will be escaped."); return st.replace("" + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR, "\\" + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR); } else { log.debug("String '" + st + "' contains no reserved character: " + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR); return st; } } /** * Unescape separator within a string */ private String unescapeSeparator(String st) { return st.replace("\\" + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR, "" + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR); } /** * Escape linebreak within a string */ private String escapeLinebreak(String st) { String lineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator"); if (st != null && st.indexOf(lineSeparator) >= 0) { log.warn("String '" + st + "' contains a line break and hence the line break will be escaped."); return st.replace(lineSeparator, "\\ "); } else { log.debug("String '" + st + "' contains no line break."); return st; } } /** * Unescape linebreak within a string */ private String unescapeLinebreak(String st) { return st.replace("\\ ", System.getProperty("line.separator")); } /** * Get index of where the value starts * @param line Line containing name and value separated by a SEPARATOR */ private int getValueStartIndex(String line) throws RepositoryException { for (int i = 1; i < line.length(); i++) { if (line.charAt(i) == PROPERTY_SEPARATOR && !(line.charAt(i - 1) == '\\')) { return i + 1; } } String errMsg = "No name/value separator found within line '" + line + "' (Path: " + getPath() + ")!"; throw new RepositoryException(errMsg); //return line.indexOf(">" + PROPERTY_SEPARATOR) + 2; //return line.indexOf(PROPERTY_SEPARATOR) + 1; } /** * Get base directory containing revisions * @param metaDirectory Meta directory containing revisions directory, e.g. '/Users/michaelwechner/src/yanel/src/realms/yanel-website/data-repo/yarep-meta/en/about.html.yarep' * @return Directory where revisions are located, e.g. '/Users/michaelwechner/src/yanel/src/realms/yanel-website/data-repo/yarep-meta/en/about.html.yarep/revisions */ static File getRevisionsBaseDir(File metaDirectory) { return new File(metaDirectory, REVISIONS_BASE_DIR); } /** * Get directory of a particular revision * @param revisionName Name/ID of revision, e.g. '1171842541025' * @return Directory where revision is located, e.g. flat version '/Users/michaelwechner/src/yanel/src/realms/yanel-website/data-repo/yarep-meta/en/about.html.yarep/revisions/1171842541025' or splitted version '/Users/michaelwechner/src/yanel/src/realms/yanel-website/data-repo/yarep-meta/en/about.html.yarep/revisions/11/71/84/25/41/025' */ static File getRevisionDir(VirtualFileSystemRepository repo, File metaDirectory, String revisionName) { //log.debug("Get directory of revision '" + revisionName + "'..."); File file = getRevisionDirFlat(metaDirectory, revisionName); // WARN: Most filesystems have a hard limit of sub-directories per one directory, for example ext2 and ext3 the hard limit is 31998. Ext4 supports an unlimited number of sub-directories, though it may default to a limit of 64000. if (file.isDirectory()) { // INFO: Because of backwards compatibility reasons we check whether the revision directory already exists as a flat directory! //log.debug("Flat revision path: " + file); return file; } else { String[] includepaths = {"/"}; file = new File(getRevisionsBaseDir(metaDirectory), VirtualFileSystemRepository.splitPath("/" + revisionName, REVISION_SPLIT_LENGTH, 5, includepaths, "+")); // WARN: Depending on the filesystem, the number of inodes has to be fixed at filesystem creation time, which means that one might be running out of inodes later. For more information, see if (repo.getRevisionsPathType().equals(VirtualFileSystemRepository.REVISIONS_PATH_TYPE_SPLITTED) || file.isDirectory()) { // INFO: Because of backwards compatibility reasons we check whether the revision directory already exists as a splitted directory! //log.debug("Splitted revision path: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); return file; } else { //log.debug("Revision '" + revisionName + "' does not exist as splitted path '" + file + "' and revisions path type is set to '" + getRepository().getRevisionsPathType() + "', hence use 'flat' path type..."); return getRevisionDirFlat(metaDirectory, revisionName); } } } /** * Get directory of a particular revision as a flat path * @param metaDirectory TODO * @param revisionName Name/ID of revision, e.g. '1171842541025' * @return Directory as flat path '/Users/michaelwechner/src/yanel/src/realms/yanel-website/data-repo/yarep-meta/en/about.html.yarep/revisions/1171842541025' */ static private File getRevisionDirFlat(File metaDirectory, String revisionName) { return new File(getRevisionsBaseDir(metaDirectory), revisionName); } /** * Get date indexer searcher implementation */ DateIndexerSearcher getDateIndexerSearcher() throws RepositoryException { if (getRepository().getRevisionsDateIndexImpl().equals(VirtualFileSystemRepository.REVISIONS_DATE_INDEX_DIRECTORY_IMPL)) { return new DateIndexerSearcherImplV1(getPath(), this.metaDir, getRepository()); } else if (getRepository().getRevisionsDateIndexImpl().equals(VirtualFileSystemRepository.REVISIONS_DATE_INDEX_LUCENE_IMPL)) { return new DateIndexerSearcherImplV2(this, this.metaDir); } else { log.error("No such revisions date index implementation '" + getRepository().getRevisionsDateIndexImpl() + "'!"); return null; } } } /** * Filter to check whether path is a revision (e.g. '1361266662652') */ class SplittedDirectoryFilter implements FileFilter { private static Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(SplittedDirectoryFilter.class); /** * @see */ public boolean accept(File pathname) { if (pathname.isDirectory() && pathname.getName().length() == VirtualFileSystemNode.REVISION_SPLIT_LENGTH && pathname.getName().matches("[0-9]+")) { return true; } else { if (pathname.getName().startsWith(".")) { // Ignore hidden files/directories, e.g. '.svn' log.warn("Hidden file or directory: " + pathname); } //log.debug("Does not seem to be a revision inside a splitted directory: " + pathname); return false; } } }