package org.wyona.yarep.impl.repo.vfs; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; /* import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field.Index; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field.Store; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter; */ import org.wyona.yarep.core.NoSuchRevisionException; import org.wyona.yarep.core.NodeStateException; import org.wyona.yarep.core.NodeType; import org.wyona.yarep.core.Path; import org.wyona.yarep.core.Property; import org.wyona.yarep.core.PropertyType; import org.wyona.yarep.core.Repository; import org.wyona.yarep.core.RepositoryException; import org.wyona.yarep.core.Revision; import org.wyona.yarep.core.UID; import org.wyona.yarep.core.attributes.VersionableV1; import org.wyona.yarep.impl.AbstractNode; import org.wyona.yarep.impl.DefaultProperty; /** * Utility class to index and search revisions of a node by date */ public class DateIndexerSearcherImplV1 implements DateIndexerSearcher { private static Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(DateIndexerSearcherImplV1.class); private String TIME_ZONE_ID = "UTC"; //private static final String DATE_INDEX_BASE_DIR = "index_date"; // DEPRECATED private static final String DATE_INDEX_BASE_DIR = "index_date_utc"; // INFO: Introduced new directory, because the directory structure is now using for setting/getting UTC (instead the local time), because this will make sure that timezone changes or winter/summer does not cause problems anymore (Also see private static final String DATE_INDEX_ID_FILENAME = "id.txt"; private File metaDir; private String nodePath; private VirtualFileSystemRepository repo; /** * @param path Absolute repository path of node for which revisions shall be indexed by date. e.g. '/foo/bar.txt' * @param node Node for which revisions shall be indexed by date * @param metaDir Meta directory of this node (e.g. '/Users/michaelwechner/my-realm/repos/data-repo/yarep-meta/foo/bar.txt.yarep') which contains 'meta' file, 'revisions' directory and date index of revisions */ public DateIndexerSearcherImplV1(String path, File metaDir, VirtualFileSystemRepository repo) { this.repo = repo; this.nodePath = path; this.metaDir = metaDir; //log.debug("Date indexer searcher: " + path + ", " + metaDir); } /** * Check if date index already exists */ public boolean indexExists() { File dateIndexBaseDir = new File(this.metaDir, DATE_INDEX_BASE_DIR); return dateIndexBaseDir.isDirectory(); } /** * @see org.wyona.yarep.impl.repo.vfs.DateIndexerSearcher#getRevisionYoungerThan(Date) */ public Revision getRevisionYoungerThan(Date date) throws Exception { log.debug("Get revision younger than: " + format(date)); Date youngerThanDate = new Date(date.getTime() + 1); //log.debug("Get revision for date: " + format(youngerThanDate)); File dateIndexBaseDir = new File(this.metaDir, DATE_INDEX_BASE_DIR); log.debug("Use vfs-repo specific implementation: " + nodePath + ", " + youngerThanDate); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTimeZone(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone(TIME_ZONE_ID)); cal.setTime(youngerThanDate); boolean descending = false; String path2 = getRevisionByYear(dateIndexBaseDir, cal, descending); if (path2 == null) { log.debug("No index file found for date: " + youngerThanDate); return null; } if (path2 != null && !new File(path2).isFile()) { log.warn("No such index file: " + path2); return null; } String revisionName = getRevisionName(path2); try { //log.debug("Return revision '" + revisionName + "' of node '" + nodePath + "'."); return new VirtualFileSystemRevision(repo, nodePath, revisionName); } catch(NoSuchRevisionException e) { if (new File(path2).isFile()) { log.warn("It seems that the index is out of sync, because an index file exists '" + path2 + "', but no such revision: " + revisionName); } throw e; } } /** * @see org.wyona.yarep.impl.repo.vfs.DateIndexerSearcher#getRevisionOlderThan(Date) */ public Revision getRevisionOlderThan(Date date) throws Exception { //log.debug("Get revision older than: " + format(date)); Date olderThanDate = new Date(date.getTime() - 1); Revision revision = getRevision(olderThanDate); if (revision != null && date.getTime() > revision.getCreationDate().getTime()) { return revision; } else { log.warn("There seems to be NO revision older than: " + format(date)); return null; } } /** * Get most recent revision * @return Most recent (head) revision, and if no such revision exists, then return null */ public Revision getMostRecentRevision() { try { File dateIndexBaseDir = new File(this.metaDir, DATE_INDEX_BASE_DIR); String[] years = sortAlphabeticallyAscending(dateIndexBaseDir.list()); // INFO: Ascending 2009, 2011, 2014 if (years != null && years.length > 0) { //log.debug("Most recent year: " + years[years.length - 1]); return getRevisionFromIndexFile(getYoungestRevisionOfYear(new File(dateIndexBaseDir, years[years.length - 1]))); } log.warn("No year and hence no revision: " + dateIndexBaseDir); return null; } catch(Exception e) { log.error(e, e); return null; } } /** * Get oldest revision * @return Oldest revision, and if no such revision exists, then return null */ public Revision getOldestRevision() { try { File dateIndexBaseDir = new File(this.metaDir, DATE_INDEX_BASE_DIR); String[] years = sortAlphabeticallyAscending(dateIndexBaseDir.list()); // INFO: Ascending 2009, 2011, 2014 if (years != null && years.length > 0) { // TBD: Find oldest year, set date to one year below oldest year and then use getRevisionOlderThan(Date date) log.debug("Oldest year: " + years[0]); return getRevisionFromIndexFile(getOldestRevisionOfYear(new File(dateIndexBaseDir, years[0]))); } log.warn("No year and hence no revision: " + dateIndexBaseDir); return null; } catch(Exception e) { log.error(e, e); return null; } } /** * @see org.wyona.yarep.impl.repo.vfs.DateIndexerSearcher#getRevision(Date) */ public Revision getRevision(Date date) throws Exception { log.debug("Get revision for date: " + format(date)); File dateIndexBaseDir = new File(this.metaDir, DATE_INDEX_BASE_DIR); log.debug("Use vfs-repo specific implementation: " + nodePath + ", " + date); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTimeZone(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone(TIME_ZONE_ID)); cal.setTime(date); String path2 = getRevisionByYear(dateIndexBaseDir, cal, true); if (path2 == null) { log.debug("No index file found for date: " + date); return null; } if (path2 != null && !new File(path2).isFile()) { log.warn("No such index file: " + path2); return null; } String revisionName = getRevisionName(path2); try { //log.debug("Return revision '" + revisionName + "' of node '" + nodePath + "'."); return new VirtualFileSystemRevision(repo, nodePath, revisionName); } catch(NoSuchRevisionException e) { if (new File(path2).isFile()) { log.warn("It seems that the index is out of sync, because an index file exists '" + path2 + "', but no such revision: " + revisionName); } throw e; } } /** * Get revision by year, whereas the algorithm assumes that the order which File.list() is generating is ascending: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, ... * @param dateIndexBaseDir Directory where date index is located * @param cal Point in time for which a revision shall be found * @param descending Flag whether to check for revision by descending or ascending. When descending is set to true, then the next 'lower' year will be checked if the specified year itself does not contain a revision * @return TODO */ private String getRevisionByYear(File dateIndexBaseDir, Calendar cal, boolean descending) throws Exception { /* DEBUG String[] unsortedYears = {"2018", "1989", "2010" ,"2009", "2017"}; String[] years = sortAlphabeticallyAscending(unsortedYears); */ String[] years = null; if (descending) { years = sortAlphabeticallyAscending(dateIndexBaseDir.list()); } else { years = sortAlphabeticallyDescending(dateIndexBaseDir.list()); } for (int i = years.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // INFO: Descend, e.g. 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, ... //log.debug("Year: " + years[i]); try { int year = new Integer(years[i]).intValue(); if (descending) { if (year < cal.get(Calendar.YEAR)) { // INFO: This can happen when for the year of point in time no revisions exist log.debug("Year '" + year + "' which matched is smaller, hence get youngest revision for this year."); return getYoungestRevisionOfYear(new File(dateIndexBaseDir, years[i])); } else if (year == cal.get(Calendar.YEAR)) { log.debug("Year '" + year + "' which matched is equals, hence start comparing within this particular year."); String path = getRevisionByMonth(new File(dateIndexBaseDir, years[i]), cal, descending); if (getRevisionFromIndexFile(path) != null) { return path; } else { log.debug("Try next year lower ..."); } } else { log.debug("Try next year lower ..."); } } else { if (year > cal.get(Calendar.YEAR)) { // INFO: This can happen when for the year of point in time no revisions exist log.debug("Year '" + year + "' which matched is bigger, hence get oldest revision for this year."); return getOldestRevisionOfYear(new File(dateIndexBaseDir, years[i])); } else if (year == cal.get(Calendar.YEAR)) { log.debug("Year '" + year + "' which matched is equals, hence start comparing within this particular year."); String path = getRevisionByMonth(new File(dateIndexBaseDir, years[i]), cal, descending); if (getRevisionFromIndexFile(path) != null) { return path; } else { log.debug("Try next year higher ..."); } } else { log.debug("Try next year higher ..."); } } } catch(NumberFormatException e) { log.warn("Does not seem to be a year '" + years[i] + "' and hence will be ignored."); } } return null; } /** * Get youngest (most recent) revision of year, whereas the algorithm assumes that the order of months is ascending 01, 02, ..., 12 * @param yearDir Directory of year containing months */ private String getYoungestRevisionOfYear(File yearDir) throws Exception { String[] months = sortAlphabeticallyAscending(yearDir.list()); for (int k = months.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) { try { int month = Integer.parseInt(months[k]); //int month = new Integer(months[k]).intValue(); if (1 <= month && month <= 12) { log.debug("Youngest month '" + month + "' of year '" + yearDir + "' found"); return getYoungestRevisionOfMonth(new File(yearDir, months[k])); } else { log.warn("Does not seem to be a month '" + month + "' and hence will be ignored."); } } catch(NumberFormatException e) { log.warn("Does not seem to be a month '" + months[k] + "' and hence will be ignored."); } } log.warn("No youngest month found within year '" + yearDir + "'"); return null; } /** * Get oldest revision of year, whereas the algorithm assumes that the order of months is ascending 01, 02, ..., 12 * @param yearDir Directory of year containing months */ private String getOldestRevisionOfYear(File yearDir) throws Exception { String[] months = sortAlphabeticallyAscending(yearDir.list()); for (int k = 0; k < months.length; k++) { try { int month = Integer.parseInt(months[k]); //int month = new Integer(months[k]).intValue(); if (1 <= month && month <= 12) { log.debug("Oldest month '" + month + "' of year '" + yearDir + "' found"); return getOldestRevisionOfMonth(new File(yearDir, months[k])); } else { log.warn("Does not seem to be a month '" + month + "' and hence will be ignored."); } } catch(NumberFormatException e) { log.warn("Does not seem to be a month '" + months[k] + "' and hence will be ignored."); } } log.warn("No oldest month found within year '" + yearDir + "'"); return null; } /** * Get youngest revision of month, whereas the algorithm assumes that the order of days is ascending 01, 02, ..., 31 * @param monthDir Directory of month containing days */ private String getYoungestRevisionOfMonth(File monthDir) throws Exception { String[] days = sortAlphabeticallyAscending(monthDir.list()); for (int k = days.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) { try { int day = Integer.parseInt(days[k]); if (1 <= day && day <= 31) { log.debug("Youngest day '" + day + "' of month '" + monthDir + "' found"); return getYoungestRevisionOfDay(new File(monthDir, days[k])); } else { log.warn("Does not seem to be a day '" + day + "' and hence will be ignored."); } } catch(NumberFormatException e) { log.warn("Does not seem to be a day '" + days[k] + "' and hence will be ignored."); } } log.warn("No youngest day found within month '" + monthDir + "'"); return null; } /** * Get oldest revision of month, whereas the algorithm assumes that the order of days is ascending 01, 02, ..., 31 * @param monthDir Directory of month containing days */ private String getOldestRevisionOfMonth(File monthDir) throws Exception { String[] days = sortAlphabeticallyAscending(monthDir.list()); for (int k = 0; k < days.length; k++) { try { int day = Integer.parseInt(days[k]); if (1 <= day && day <= 31) { log.debug("Oldest day '" + day + "' of month '" + monthDir + "' found"); return getOldestRevisionOfDay(new File(monthDir, days[k])); } else { log.warn("Does not seem to be a day '" + day + "' and hence will be ignored."); } } catch(NumberFormatException e) { log.warn("Does not seem to be a day '" + days[k] + "' and hence will be ignored."); } } log.warn("No oldest day found within month '" + monthDir + "'"); return null; } /** * Get youngest revision of day, whereas the algorithm assumes that the order of hours is ascending 00, 01, ..., 23 * @param dayDir Directory of day containing hours */ private String getYoungestRevisionOfDay(File dayDir) throws Exception { String[] hours = sortAlphabeticallyAscending(dayDir.list()); for (int k = hours.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) { try { int hour = Integer.parseInt(hours[k]); if (0 <= hour && hour <= 23) { log.debug("Youngest hour '" + hour + "' of day '" + dayDir + "' found"); return getYoungestRevisionOfHour(new File(dayDir, hours[k])); } else { log.warn("Does not seem to be a hour '" + hour + "' and hence will be ignored."); } } catch(NumberFormatException e) { log.warn("Does not seem to be a hour '" + hours[k] + "' and hence will be ignored."); } } log.warn("No youngest hour found within day '" + dayDir + "'"); return null; } /** * Get oldest revision of day, whereas the algorithm assumes that the order of hours is ascending 00, 01, ..., 23 * @param dayDir Directory of day containing hours */ private String getOldestRevisionOfDay(File dayDir) throws Exception { String[] hours = sortAlphabeticallyAscending(dayDir.list()); for (int k = 0; k < hours.length; k++) { try { int hour = Integer.parseInt(hours[k]); if (0 <= hour && hour <= 23) { log.debug("Oldest hour '" + hour + "' of day '" + dayDir + "' found"); return getOldestRevisionOfHour(new File(dayDir, hours[k])); } else { log.warn("Does not seem to be a hour '" + hour + "' and hence will be ignored."); } } catch(NumberFormatException e) { log.warn("Does not seem to be a hour '" + hours[k] + "' and hence will be ignored."); } } log.warn("No oldest hour found within day '" + dayDir + "'"); return null; } /** * Get youngest revision of hour, whereas the algorithm assumes that the order of minutes is ascending 00, 01, ..., 59 * @param hourDir Directory of hour containing minutes */ private String getYoungestRevisionOfHour(File hourDir) throws Exception { String[] minutes = sortAlphabeticallyAscending(hourDir.list()); for (int k = minutes.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) { try { int minute = Integer.parseInt(minutes[k]); if (0 <= minute && minute <= 59) { log.debug("Youngest minute '" + minute + "' of hour '" + hourDir + "' found"); return getYoungestRevisionOfMinute(new File(hourDir, minutes[k])); } else { log.warn("Does not seem to be a minute '" + minute + "' and hence will be ignored."); } } catch(NumberFormatException e) { log.warn("Does not seem to be a minute '" + minutes[k] + "' and hence will be ignored."); } } log.warn("No youngest minute found within hour '" + hourDir + "'"); return null; } /** * Get oldest revision of hour, whereas the algorithm assumes that the order of minutes is ascending 00, 01, ..., 59 * @param hourDir Directory of hour containing minutes */ private String getOldestRevisionOfHour(File hourDir) throws Exception { String[] minutes = sortAlphabeticallyAscending(hourDir.list()); for (int k = 0; k < minutes.length; k++) { try { int minute = Integer.parseInt(minutes[k]); if (0 <= minute && minute <= 59) { log.debug("Oldest minute '" + minute + "' of hour '" + hourDir + "' found"); return getOldestRevisionOfMinute(new File(hourDir, minutes[k])); } else { log.warn("Does not seem to be a minute '" + minute + "' and hence will be ignored."); } } catch(NumberFormatException e) { log.warn("Does not seem to be a minute '" + minutes[k] + "' and hence will be ignored."); } } log.warn("No oldest minute found within hour '" + hourDir + "'"); return null; } /** * Get youngest revision of minute, whereas the algorithm assumes that the order of seconds is ascending 00, 01, ..., 59 * @param minuteDir Directory of minute containing seconds */ private String getYoungestRevisionOfMinute(File minuteDir) throws Exception { String[] seconds = sortAlphabeticallyAscending(minuteDir.list()); for (int k = seconds.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) { try { int second = Integer.parseInt(seconds[k]); if (0 <= second && second <= 59) { log.debug("Youngest second '" + second + "' of minute '" + minuteDir + "' found"); return getYoungestRevisionOfSecond(new File(minuteDir, seconds[k])); } else { log.warn("Does not seem to be a second '" + second + "' and hence will be ignored."); } } catch(NumberFormatException e) { log.warn("Does not seem to be a second '" + seconds[k] + "' and hence will be ignored."); } } log.warn("No youngest second found within minute '" + minuteDir + "'"); return null; } /** * Get oldest revision of minute, whereas the algorithm assumes that the order of seconds is ascending 00, 01, ..., 59 * @param minuteDir Directory of minute containing seconds */ private String getOldestRevisionOfMinute(File minuteDir) throws Exception { String[] seconds = sortAlphabeticallyAscending(minuteDir.list()); for (int k = 0; k < seconds.length; k++) { try { int second = Integer.parseInt(seconds[k]); if (0 <= second && second <= 59) { log.debug("Oldest second '" + second + "' of minute '" + minuteDir + "' found"); return getOldestRevisionOfSecond(new File(minuteDir, seconds[k])); } else { log.warn("Does not seem to be a second '" + second + "' and hence will be ignored."); } } catch(NumberFormatException e) { log.warn("Does not seem to be a second '" + seconds[k] + "' and hence will be ignored."); } } log.warn("No oldest second found within minute '" + minuteDir + "'"); return null; } /** * Get youngest revision of second, whereas the algorithm assumes that the order of milliseconds is ascending 0, 1, ..., 999 * @param secondDir Directory of second containing milliseconds */ private String getYoungestRevisionOfSecond(File secondDir) throws Exception { String[] millis = sortAlphabeticallyAscending(secondDir.list()); for (int k = millis.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) { try { int milli = Integer.parseInt(millis[k]); if (0 <= milli && milli <= 999) { log.debug("Youngest millisecond '" + milli + "' of second '" + secondDir + "' found"); String path = secondDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + millis[k] + File.separator + DATE_INDEX_ID_FILENAME; log.debug("ID File: " + path); if (new File(path).isFile()) { return path; } else { log.warn("No such index file: " + path + " (Probably has been deleted by accident, please delete the millisec directory to clean this up)"); return null; } } else { log.warn("Does not seem to be a millisecond '" + milli + "' and hence will be ignored."); } } catch(NumberFormatException e) { log.warn("Does not seem to be a millisecond '" + millis[k] + "' and hence will be ignored."); } } log.warn("No youngest millisecond found within second '" + secondDir + "'"); return null; } /** * Get oldest revision of second, whereas the algorithm assumes that the order of milliseconds is ascending 0, 1, ..., 999 * @param secondDir Directory of second containing milliseconds */ private String getOldestRevisionOfSecond(File secondDir) throws Exception { String[] millis = sortAlphabeticallyAscending(secondDir.list()); for (int k = 0; k < millis.length; k++) { try { int milli = Integer.parseInt(millis[k]); if (0 <= milli && milli <= 999) { log.debug("Oldest millisecond '" + milli + "' of second '" + secondDir + "' found"); String path = secondDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + millis[k] + File.separator + DATE_INDEX_ID_FILENAME; log.debug("ID File: " + path); if (new File(path).isFile()) { return path; } else { log.warn("No such index file: " + path + " (Probably has been deleted by accident, please delete the millisec directory to clean this up)"); return null; } } else { log.warn("Does not seem to be a millisecond '" + milli + "' and hence will be ignored."); } } catch(NumberFormatException e) { log.warn("Does not seem to be a millisecond '" + millis[k] + "' and hence will be ignored."); } } log.warn("No oldest millisecond found within second '" + secondDir + "'"); return null; } /** * Get revision by month * @param descending Flag whether to check for revision by descending or ascending. When descending is set to true, then the next 'lower' month will be checked if the specified month itself does not contain a revision */ private String getRevisionByMonth(File yearDir, Calendar cal, boolean descending) throws Exception { String[] months = null; if (descending) { months = sortAlphabeticallyAscending(yearDir.list()); // IMPORTANT: Make sure the order is ascending: 1, 2, ..., 12 } else { months = sortAlphabeticallyDescending(yearDir.list()); // IMPORTANT: Make sure the order is desscending: 12, 11, ..., 1 } for (int k = months.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) { //log.debug("Month: " + months[k] + " (" + cal + ")"); if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Month: " + months[k] + " (" + cal + ")"); try { int month = new Integer(months[k]).intValue(); if (descending) { if (month < cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1) { log.debug("Month '" + month + "' which matched is smaller, hence get youngest revision for this month."); return getYoungestRevisionOfMonth(new File(yearDir, months[k])); } else if (month == cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1) { log.debug("Month '" + month + "' which matched is equals, hence start comparing within this particular month."); String path = getRevisionByDay(new File(yearDir, months[k]), cal, descending); if (getRevisionFromIndexFile(path) != null) { return path; } else { log.debug("Try next month lower ..."); } } else { log.debug("Try next month lower ..."); } } else { if (month > cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1) { log.debug("Month '" + month + "' which matched is bigger, hence get oldest revision for this month."); return getOldestRevisionOfMonth(new File(yearDir, months[k])); } else if (month == cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1) { log.debug("Month '" + month + "' which matched is equals, hence start comparing within this particular month."); String path = getRevisionByDay(new File(yearDir, months[k]), cal, descending); if (getRevisionFromIndexFile(path) != null) { return path; } else { log.debug("Try next month higher ..."); } } else { log.debug("Try next month higher ..."); } } } catch(NumberFormatException e) { log.warn("Does not seem to be a month: " + months[k]); } } return null; } /** * Get revision by day * @param descending Flag whether to check for revision by descending or ascending. When descending is set to true, then the next 'lower' day will be checked if the specified day itself does not contain a revision */ private String getRevisionByDay(File monthDir, Calendar cal, boolean descending) throws Exception { String[] days = null; if (descending) { days = sortAlphabeticallyAscending(monthDir.list()); // IMPORTANT: Make sure the order is ascending: 1, 2, ..., 31 } else { days = sortAlphabeticallyDescending(monthDir.list()); // IMPORTANT: Make sure the order is descending: 31, 30, ..., 1 } for (int k = days.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) { log.debug("Day: " + days[k]); try { int day = new Integer(days[k]).intValue(); if (descending) { if (day < cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)) { log.debug("Day '" + day + "' which matched is smaller, hence get youngest revision for this day."); return getYoungestRevisionOfDay(new File(monthDir, days[k])); } else if (day == cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)) { log.debug("Day '" + day + "' which matched is equals, hence start comparing within this particular day."); String path = getRevisionByHour(new File(monthDir, days[k]), cal, descending); if (getRevisionFromIndexFile(path) != null) { return path; } else { log.debug("Try next day lower ..."); } } else { log.debug("Try next day lower ..."); } } else { if (day > cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)) { log.debug("Day '" + day + "' which matched is bigger, hence get oldest revision for this day."); return getOldestRevisionOfDay(new File(monthDir, days[k])); } else if (day == cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)) { log.debug("Day '" + day + "' which matched is equals, hence start comparing within this particular day."); String path = getRevisionByHour(new File(monthDir, days[k]), cal, descending); if (getRevisionFromIndexFile(path) != null) { return path; } else { log.debug("Try next day higher ..."); } } else { log.debug("Try next day higher ..."); } } } catch(NumberFormatException e) { log.warn("Does not seem to be a day: " + days[k]); } } return null; } /** * Get revision by hour * @param descending Flag whether to check for revision by descending or ascending. When descending is set to true, then the next 'lower' hour will be checked if the specified hour itself does not contain a revision */ private String getRevisionByHour(File dayDir, Calendar cal, boolean descending) throws Exception { //log.debug("Try to find revision for UTC hour: " + cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)); String[] hours = null; if (descending) { hours = sortAlphabeticallyAscending(dayDir.list()); // IMPORTANT: Make sure the order is ascending: 1, 2, 3, ... } else { hours = sortAlphabeticallyDescending(dayDir.list()); // IMPORTANT: Make sure the order is descending: ..., 3, 2, 1 } for (int k = hours.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) { log.debug("Hour: " + hours[k]); try { int hour = Integer.parseInt(hours[k]); if (descending) { if (hour < cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)) { log.debug("Hour '" + hour + "' which matched is smaller, hence get youngest revision for this hour."); return getYoungestRevisionOfHour(new File(dayDir, hours[k])); } else if (hour == cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)) { log.debug("Hour '" + hour + "' which matched is equals, hence start comparing within this particular hour."); String path = getRevisionByMinute(new File(dayDir, hours[k]), cal, descending); if (getRevisionFromIndexFile(path) != null) { return path; } else { log.debug("Try next hour lower ..."); } } else { log.debug("Try next hour lower ..."); } } else { if (hour > cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)) { log.debug("Hour '" + hour + "' which matched is bigger, hence get oldest revision for this hour."); return getOldestRevisionOfHour(new File(dayDir, hours[k])); } else if (hour == cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)) { log.debug("Hour '" + hour + "' which matched is equals, hence start comparing within this particular hour."); String path = getRevisionByMinute(new File(dayDir, hours[k]), cal, descending); if (getRevisionFromIndexFile(path) != null) { return path; } else { log.debug("Try next hour higher ..."); } } else { log.debug("Try next hour higher ..."); } } } catch(NumberFormatException e) { log.warn("Does not seem to be a hour: " + hours[k]); } } return null; } /** * Get revision by minute * @param descending Flag whether to check for revision by descending or ascending. When descending is set to true, then the next 'lower' minute will be checked if the specified minute itself does not contain a revision */ private String getRevisionByMinute(File hourDir, Calendar cal, boolean descending) throws Exception { String[] minutes = null; if (descending) { minutes = sortAlphabeticallyAscending(hourDir.list()); // IMPORTANT: Make sure the order is ascending: 1, 2, 3, ... } else { minutes = sortAlphabeticallyDescending(hourDir.list()); // IMPORTANT: Make sure the order is descending: ..., 3, 2, 1 } for (int k = minutes.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) { log.debug("Minute: " + minutes[k]); try { int minute = Integer.parseInt(minutes[k]); if (descending) { if (minute < cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE)) { log.debug("Minute '" + minute + "' which matched is smaller, hence get youngest revision for this minute."); return getYoungestRevisionOfMinute(new File(hourDir, minutes[k])); } else if (minute == cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE)) { log.debug("Minute '" + minute + "' which matched is equals, hence start comparing within this particular minute."); String path = getRevisionBySecond(new File(hourDir, minutes[k]), cal, descending); try { if (getRevisionFromIndexFile(path) != null) { return path; } else { log.debug("Try next minute lower ..."); } } catch(IndexOutOfSyncException e) { // TODO: We should rather just check one millisec lower, because we might also ignore other revisions, which are fine log.warn("There seems to be an index file '" + e.getPath() + "' which is out of sync, whereas we will ignore it and continue with next minute lower..."); } } else { log.debug("Try next minute lower ..."); } } else { if (minute > cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE)) { log.debug("Minute '" + minute + "' which matched is bigger, hence get oldest revision for this minute."); return getOldestRevisionOfMinute(new File(hourDir, minutes[k])); } else if (minute == cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE)) { log.debug("Minute '" + minute + "' which matched is equals, hence start comparing within this particular minute."); String path = getRevisionBySecond(new File(hourDir, minutes[k]), cal, descending); try { if (getRevisionFromIndexFile(path) != null) { return path; } else { log.debug("Try next minute higher ..."); } } catch(IndexOutOfSyncException e) { // TODO: We should rather just check one millisec lower, because we might also ignore other revisions, which are fine log.warn("There seems to be an index file '" + e.getPath() + "' which is out of sync, whereas we will ignore it and continue with next minute lower..."); } } else { log.debug("Try next minute higher ..."); } } } catch(NumberFormatException e) { log.warn("Does not seem to be a minute: " + minutes[k]); } } return null; } /** * Get revision by second * @param descending Flag whether to check for revision by descending or ascending. When descending is set to true, then the next 'lower' second will be checked if the specified second itself does not contain a revision */ private String getRevisionBySecond(File minuteDir, Calendar cal, boolean descending) throws Exception { String[] seconds = null; if (descending) { seconds = sortAlphabeticallyAscending(minuteDir.list()); // IMPORTANT: Make sure the order is ascending: 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., 60 } else { seconds = sortAlphabeticallyDescending(minuteDir.list()); // IMPORTANT: Make sure the order is descending: 60, 59, , 1, 0 } for (int k = seconds.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) { log.debug("Second: " + seconds[k]); try { int second = Integer.parseInt(seconds[k]); if (descending) { if (second < cal.get(Calendar.SECOND)) { log.debug("Second '" + second + "' which matched is smaller, hence get youngest revision for this second."); return getYoungestRevisionOfSecond(new File(minuteDir, seconds[k])); } else if (second == cal.get(Calendar.SECOND)) { log.debug("Second '" + second + "' which matched is equals, hence start comparing within this particular second."); String path = getRevisionByMillisecond(new File(minuteDir, seconds[k]), cal, descending); if (getRevisionFromIndexFile(path) != null) { return path; } else { log.debug("Try next second lower ..."); } } else { log.debug("Try next second lower ..."); } } else { if (second > cal.get(Calendar.SECOND)) { log.debug("Second '" + second + "' which matched is bigger, hence get oldest revision for this second."); return getOldestRevisionOfSecond(new File(minuteDir, seconds[k])); } else if (second == cal.get(Calendar.SECOND)) { log.debug("Second '" + second + "' which matched is equals, hence start comparing within this particular second."); String path = getRevisionByMillisecond(new File(minuteDir, seconds[k]), cal, descending); if (getRevisionFromIndexFile(path) != null) { return path; } else { log.debug("Try next second higher ..."); } } else { log.debug("Try next second higher ..."); } } } catch(NumberFormatException e) { log.warn("Does not seem to be a second: " + seconds[k]); } } return null; } /** * Get revision by millisecond * @param secondDir TODO * @param cal TODO * @param descending Flag whether to check for revision by descending or ascending. When descending is set to true, then the next 'lower' millisecond will be checked if the specified millisecond itself does not contain a revision */ private String getRevisionByMillisecond(File secondDir, Calendar cal, boolean descending) throws Exception { String[] millis = null; if (descending) { millis = sortAlphabeticallyAscending(secondDir.list()); // IMPORTANT: Make sure the order is ascending: 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., 999 } else { millis = sortAlphabeticallyDescending(secondDir.list()); // IMPORTANT: Make sure the order is descending: 999, 998, ...., 2, 1, 0 } for (int k = millis.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) { log.debug("Millisecond: " + millis[k]); try { int milli = new Integer(millis[k]).intValue(); if (descending) { if (milli <= cal.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND) ) { log.debug("Millisecond matched: " + milli); String path = secondDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + millis[k] + File.separator + DATE_INDEX_ID_FILENAME; log.debug("ID File: " + path); if (new File(path).isFile()) { return path; } else { log.warn("No such index file: " + path + " (Probably has been deleted by accident, please delete the millisec directory to clean this up)"); return null; } } } else { if (milli >= cal.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND) ) { log.debug("Millisecond matched: " + milli); String path = secondDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + millis[k] + File.separator + DATE_INDEX_ID_FILENAME; log.debug("ID File: " + path); if (new File(path).isFile()) { return path; } else { log.warn("No such index file: " + path + " (Probably has been deleted by accident, please delete the millisec directory to clean this up)"); return null; } } } } catch(NumberFormatException e) { log.warn("Does not seem to be a millisecond: " + millis[k]); } } return null; } /** * Delete revision from date index * @param revisionName Name of revision to be deleted */ public void deleteRevision(String revisionName) throws Exception { if (!indexExists()) { log.warn("No index yet, hence cannot delete revision '" + revisionName + "' from index."); return; } File dateDirF = getRevisionDateDir(revisionName); File revisionIdFile = new File(dateDirF, DATE_INDEX_ID_FILENAME); if (revisionIdFile.isFile()) { String indexedRevisionName = getRevisionName(revisionIdFile.getAbsolutePath()); if (indexedRevisionName.equals(revisionName)) { log.warn("Delete revision date/ID file: " + revisionIdFile); revisionIdFile.delete(); // TODO: What about deleting milliseconds directory, etc.?! deleteEmptyDirectories(revisionIdFile.getParentFile()); } else { log.warn("Revision name '" + revisionName + "' is not equals revision name inside index file: " + revisionIdFile); } } else { log.warn("No such revision date file: " + revisionIdFile); } } /** * @see org.wyona.yarep.impl.repo.vfs.DateIndexerSearcher#addRevision(String) */ public void addRevision(String revisionName) throws Exception { log.debug("Add revision '" + revisionName + "' to date index ..."); if (!indexExists()) { buildDateIndex(); } File dateDirF = getRevisionDateDir(revisionName); if (!dateDirF.isDirectory()) { dateDirF.mkdirs(); File revisionIdFile = new File(dateDirF, DATE_INDEX_ID_FILENAME); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(revisionIdFile)); pw.print(revisionName); pw.close(); } else { log.debug("Revision '" + revisionName + "' already exists within date index!"); } } /** * Build date index in order to retrieve revisions more quickly based on creation date */ public void buildDateIndex() throws Exception { File dateIndexBaseDir = new File(this.metaDir, DATE_INDEX_BASE_DIR); if (!dateIndexBaseDir.isDirectory()) { dateIndexBaseDir.mkdirs(); } log.warn("Build date index '" + dateIndexBaseDir + "', whereas this should happen only once when no index exists yet (or has been manually deleted again). Please note that the reading of the revisions must be based on the implementation VirtualFileSystemNode#readRevisions()!"); org.wyona.yarep.core.Node node = repo.getNode(nodePath); Revision[] revisions = node.getRevisions(); for (int i = revisions.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { addRevision(revisions[i].getRevisionName()); } } /** * Sort alphabetically ascending * @param array TODO * @return TODO */ static String[] sortAlphabeticallyAscending(String[] array) { /* String unsorted = ""; for (int i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { unsorted = unsorted + " " + array[i]; } log.warn("DEBUG: Array unsorted: " + unsorted); */ java.util.Arrays.sort(array); /* String sorted = ""; for (int i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { sorted = sorted + " " + array[i]; } log.warn("DEBUG: Array sorted: " + sorted); */ return array; } /** * Sort alphabetically descending * @param array TODO * @return TODO */ static String[] sortAlphabeticallyDescending(String[] array) { /* String unsorted = ""; for (int i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { unsorted = unsorted + " " + array[i]; } log.warn("DEBUG: Array unsorted: " + unsorted); */ java.util.Arrays.sort(array, java.util.Collections.reverseOrder()); /* String sorted = ""; for (int i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { sorted = sorted + " " + array[i]; } log.warn("DEBUG: Array sorted: " + sorted); */ return array; } /** * Format date * @param date Date to format */ static String format(Date date) { return new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd'T'HH:mm:ss/SZ").format(date); } /** * Get revision date directory * @param revisionName Name of revision * @return revision date directory, e.g. '/Users/michaelwechner/my-realm/data-repo/yarep-meta/foo/bar.html.yarep/index_date_utc/2011/11/04/09/28/51/526' */ private File getRevisionDateDir(String revisionName) throws Exception { //log.debug("Get revision date directory for revision '" + revisionName + "' of node '" + nodePath + "'..."); Date creationDate = new VirtualFileSystemRevision(repo, nodePath, revisionName).getCreationDate(); // WARN: Older creation dates might not have milliseconds and hence are not corresponding exactly with the revision name, hence in order to build the date index correctly one needs to use the creation date //Date creationDate = new Date(Long.parseLong(revisionName)); // INFO: The name of a revision is based on System.currentTimeMillis() (see createRevision(String)) log.debug("Creation date: " + creationDate); java.text.DateFormat df = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd/HH/mm/ss/S"); df.setTimeZone(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone(TIME_ZONE_ID)); // INFO: Write index in UTC String dateDirS = df.format(creationDate); log.debug("Date directory of revision '" + revisionName + "': " + dateDirS); File dateIndexBaseDir = new File(this.metaDir, DATE_INDEX_BASE_DIR); File dateDirF = new File(dateIndexBaseDir, dateDirS); return dateDirF; } /** * Get revision name from index file * @param path Path of revision name index file */ private String getRevisionName(String path) throws Exception { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(path))); String revisionName = br.readLine(); br.close(); return revisionName; } /** * Get revision from index file * @param path2 Absolute path of index file * @return TODO */ private Revision getRevisionFromIndexFile(String path2) throws Exception, IndexOutOfSyncException { if (path2 != null) { if (new File(path2).isFile()) { String revisionName = getRevisionName(path2); if (revisionName != null) { try { //log.debug("Get revision name from index file '" + path2 + "' for node '" + nodePath + "'."); return new VirtualFileSystemRevision(repo, nodePath, revisionName); } catch (NoSuchRevisionException e) { log.warn("No revision for revision name '" + revisionName + "' of index file: " + path2); throw new IndexOutOfSyncException(path2); } } else { log.warn("Index file '" + path2 + "' does not seem to contain a revision name!"); return null; } } else { log.warn("No such index file: " + path2); return null; } } else { //log.debug("No path."); return null; } } /** * Delete empty directories recursively upwards * @param dir Directory which will be deleted if it is empty */ private void deleteEmptyDirectories(File dir) { if (dir.isDirectory()) { if (isEmpty(dir)) { File parentDir = dir.getParentFile(); dir.delete(); deleteEmptyDirectories(parentDir); } } else { log.warn("No such directory: " + dir.getAbsolutePath()); } } /** * Check whether a directory is empty * @param dir Directory to be checked * @return true if directory is empty and false otherwise */ private boolean isEmpty(File dir) { String[] filesAndDirs = dir.list(); if (filesAndDirs != null && filesAndDirs.length > 0) { log.debug("Directory '" + dir.getAbsolutePath() + "' is NOT empty."); return false; } log.debug("Directory '" + dir.getAbsolutePath() + "' is empty."); return true; } } /** * */ class IndexOutOfSyncException extends Exception { private String path; /** * @param path Path of index file which is out of sync */ public IndexOutOfSyncException(String path) { this.path = path; } /** * Get path of index file which is out of sync */ public String getPath() { return path; } }