package; import org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configuration; import; import org.wyona.yarep.core.Map; import org.wyona.yarep.core.Path; import org.wyona.yarep.core.RepositoryException; import org.wyona.yarep.core.UID; import org.wyona.yarep.impl.VFileSystemMapImpl; import org.wyona.yarep.impl.repo.treefs.TreeFileSystemRepository; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; /** * */ public class TreeFileSystemMap extends VFileSystemMapImpl { private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(TreeFileSystemMap.class); protected File pathsDir; protected Pattern[] ignorePatterns; protected ChildrenFilter childrenFilter = new ChildrenFilter(); protected int splitInterval; protected int maxSplits; public int getMaxSplits() { return maxSplits; } public void setMaxSplits(int maxSplits) { this.maxSplits = maxSplits; } public int getSplitInterval() { return splitInterval; } public void setSplitInterval(int splitInterval) { this.splitInterval = splitInterval; } /** * */ public void readConfig(Configuration mapConfig, File repoConfigFile) throws RepositoryException { try { setPathsDir(new File(mapConfig.getAttribute("src")), repoConfigFile); Configuration[] ignoreElements = mapConfig.getChildren("ignore"); ignorePatterns = new Pattern[ignoreElements.length]; for (int i=0; i<ignoreElements.length; i++) { String patternString = ignoreElements[i].getAttribute("pattern"); ignorePatterns[i] = Pattern.compile(patternString); log.debug("adding ignore pattern: " + ignorePatterns[i].pattern()); } } catch(Exception e) { log.error(e); throw new RepositoryException("Could not read map configuration: " + repoConfigFile.getAbsolutePath() + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Set paths directory */ @Override public void setPathsDir(File src, File repoConfigFile) throws RepositoryException { pathsDir = src; if (!pathsDir.isAbsolute()) { pathsDir = FileUtil.file(repoConfigFile.getParent(), pathsDir.toString()); }"Paths dir: " + pathsDir.toString()); if (!pathsDir.exists()) { log.error("No such file or directory: " + pathsDir); throw new RepositoryException("No such file or directory: " + pathsDir); } } /** * Split path */ protected String splitPath(String path) { path = stripLeadingSlash(path); int splitInterval = getSplitInterval(); int maxSplits = getMaxSplits(); //log.debug("map path: " + path); //log.debug("map splitInterval: " + splitInterval); //log.debug("map maxSplits: " + maxSplits); String splitPath = ""; int slashIndex = path.indexOf("/"); String part1 = path; String part2 = ""; if (slashIndex > -1) { part1 = path.substring(0, slashIndex); part2 = path.substring(slashIndex + 1); } for (int i = 0; i < maxSplits && part1.length() > splitInterval; i++) { if (splitPath.length() > 0) { splitPath = splitPath + "/"; } splitPath = splitPath + part1.substring(0, splitInterval); part1 = part1.substring(splitInterval); //log.debug("splitLevel: " + splitLevel); //log.debug("part1: " + part1); } if (part1.length() > 0) { splitPath = splitPath + "/" + part1; } if (part2.length() > 0) { splitPath = splitPath + "/" + part2; } //splitPath = "/" + splitPath; //log.debug("map split path: " + splitPath); return splitPath; } /** * Test if path should be ignored */ protected boolean ignorePath(String path) { if (ignorePatterns != null) { for (int i=0; i<this.ignorePatterns.length; i++) { Matcher matcher = this.ignorePatterns[i].matcher(path); if (matcher.matches()) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(path + " matched ignore pattern " + ignorePatterns[i].pattern()); } return true; } } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(path + " did not match any ignore patterns"); } return false; } /** * */ public boolean isResource(Path path) throws RepositoryException { File file = new File(pathsDir, splitPath(path.toString())); return file.isFile(); } /** * */ public boolean exists(Path path) throws RepositoryException { //log.debug("Check if path exists: " + path); File file = new File(pathsDir, splitPath(path.toString())); //log.debug("Check if file exists: " + file); // TODO: Get name of repository for debugging ... return file.exists() && !ignorePath(file.getPath()); } /** * */ public boolean delete(Path path) throws RepositoryException { // don't do anything because if we delete the file here, the delete // in the storage will fail later //File file = new File(pathsDir + path.toString()); //return file.delete(); return true; } /** * */ public boolean isCollection(Path path) throws RepositoryException { File file = new File(pathsDir, splitPath(path.toString())); return file.isDirectory(); } /** * Get children */ public Path[] getChildren(Path path) throws RepositoryException { String splitPath = splitPath(path.toString()); File file = new File(pathsDir, splitPath); if (!file.exists()) { log.warn("No such file or directory: " + file); return new Path[0]; } String[] filenames = file.list(this.childrenFilter); // NOTE: This situation should only occur if one is trying to get children for a file than a directory! One might want to consider to test first with isResource() or isCollection(). if (filenames == null) { log.warn("No children: " + path + " (" + file + ")"); return new Path[0]; } log.debug("Number of children: " + filenames.length + " (" + file + ")"); Path[] children = new Path[filenames.length]; for (int i = 0;i < children.length; i++) { if (path.toString().endsWith(File.separator)) { children[i] = new Path(path + filenames[i]); } else { // NOTE: Do not use File.separator here, because it's the repository path and not the Operating System File System path children[i] = new Path(path + "/" + filenames[i]); } log.debug("Child: " + children[i]); } return children; } /** * Get UID */ public synchronized UID getUID(Path path) throws RepositoryException { /* String p = path.toString(); if (p.startsWith("/")) { p = p.substring(1); } return new UID(p); */ return new UID(splitPath(path.toString())); } /** * Create UID (and node within map!) */ public synchronized UID create(Path path, int type) throws RepositoryException { log.debug("Create new node: " + path); // TODO: Check if leading slash should be removed ... File parent = new File(pathsDir, splitPath(path.getParent().toString())); if (!parent.exists()) { log.warn("Directory will be created: " + parent); parent.mkdirs(); } else { log.debug("Seems to exist already: " + parent); } if (type == org.wyona.yarep.core.NodeType.COLLECTION) { //new File(parent, path.getName()).mkdir(); new File(parent, splitPath(path.getName())).mkdirs(); log.warn("Directory will be created: " + new File(parent, splitPath(path.getName()))); //log.debug("New UUID of collection: " + new UID(splitPath(path.getName()))); return new UID(splitPath(path.getName())); } else { try { if(!new File(parent, path.getName()).createNewFile()) { log.error("File has NOT been created: " + new File(parent, path.getName())); } else { log.warn("File has been created: " + new File(parent, path.getName())); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } //log.debug("New UUID of resource: " + new UID(path.toString())); return new UID(path.toString()); } } /** * */ public void addSymbolicLink(Path path, UID uid) throws RepositoryException { throw new RepositoryException("Symbolic links not implemented for virtual file system!"); } /** * Ignore all children which are matched by an ignore pattern (see repository configuration, e.g. src/test/repository/node-fs-example/repository.xml) */ protected class ChildrenFilter implements FilenameFilter { public ChildrenFilter() { } public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { if (TreeFileSystemMap.this.ignorePath(name)) { return false; } else { return true; } } } /** * Strip leading forward slash */ private String stripLeadingSlash(String path) { if (path.startsWith("/")) { String pathWithoutLeadingSlash = path.substring(1); // strip leading slash return stripLeadingSlash(pathWithoutLeadingSlash); } else { return path; } } }