package com.eveningoutpost.dexdrip.UtilityModels; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.os.BatteryManager; import android.util.Log; import com.eveningoutpost.dexdrip.Models.BgReading; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.UUID; /** * Created by THE NIGHTSCOUT PROJECT CONTRIBUTORS (and adapted to fit the needs of this project) */ public class PebbleSync { // CGM_ICON_KEY = 0x0, // TUPLE_CSTRING, MAX 2 BYTES (10) // CGM_BG_KEY = 0x1, // TUPLE_CSTRING, MAX 4 BYTES (253 OR 22.2) // CGM_TCGM_KEY = 0x2, // TUPLE_INT, 4 BYTES (CGM TIME) // CGM_TAPP_KEY = 0x3, // TUPLE_INT, 4 BYTES (APP / PHONE TIME) // CGM_DLTA_KEY = 0x4, // TUPLE_CSTRING, MAX 5 BYTES (BG DELTA, -100 or -10.0) // CGM_UBAT_KEY = 0x5, // TUPLE_CSTRING, MAX 3 BYTES (UPLOADER BATTERY, 100) // CGM_NAME_KEY = 0x6 // TUPLE_CSTRING, MAX 9 BYTES (xDrip) public static final UUID PEBBLEAPP_UUID = UUID.fromString("2c3f5ab3-7506-44e7-b8d0-2c63de32e1ec"); public static final int ICON_KEY = 0; public static final int BG_KEY = 1; public static final int RECORD_TIME_KEY = 2; public static final int PHONE_TIME_KEY = 3; public static final int BG_DELTA_KEY = 4; public static final int UPLOADER_BATTERY_KEY = 5; public static final int NAME_KEY = 6; private Context mContext; private BgGraphBuilder bgGraphBuilder; private BgReading mBgReading; public PebbleDictionary buildDictionary() { PebbleDictionary dictionary = new PebbleDictionary(); dictionary.addString(ICON_KEY, slopeOrdinal()); dictionary.addString(BG_KEY, bgReading()); dictionary.addUint32(RECORD_TIME_KEY, (int) (mBgReading.timestamp / 1000)); dictionary.addUint32(PHONE_TIME_KEY, (int) (new Date().getTime() / 1000)); dictionary.addString(BG_DELTA_KEY, bgDelta()); dictionary.addString(UPLOADER_BATTERY_KEY, phoneBattery()); dictionary.addString(NAME_KEY, "xDrip"); return dictionary; } public void sendData(Context context, BgReading bgReading){ mContext = context; bgGraphBuilder = new BgGraphBuilder(mContext); mBgReading = BgReading.last(); sendDownload(buildDictionary()); } public String bgReading() { return bgGraphBuilder.unitized_string(mBgReading.calculated_value); } public String bgDelta() { String deltaString = bgGraphBuilder.unitized_string((int)(mBgReading.calculated_value_slope * (5 * 60 * 1000))); if(mBgReading.calculated_value_slope > 0.1) { return ("+"+deltaString); } else if(mBgReading.calculated_value_slope > -0.1 && mBgReading.calculated_value_slope < 0.1) { return "0"; } else { return deltaString; } } public String phoneBattery() { return String.valueOf(getBatteryLevel()); } public String bgUnit() { return bgGraphBuilder.unit(); } public void sendDownload(PebbleDictionary dictionary) { if (PebbleKit.isWatchConnected(mContext)) { if (dictionary != null && mContext != null) { Log.d("PEBBLE PUSHER", "Sending data to pebble"); PebbleKit.sendDataToPebble(mContext, PEBBLEAPP_UUID, dictionary); } } } public int getBatteryLevel() { Intent batteryIntent = mContext.registerReceiver(null, new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED)); int level = batteryIntent.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_LEVEL, -1); int scale = batteryIntent.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_SCALE, -1); if(level == -1 || scale == -1) { return 50; } return (int)(((float)level / (float)scale) * 100.0f); } public String slopeOrdinal(){ double slope_by_minute = mBgReading.calculated_value_slope * 60000; String arrow = "0"; if (slope_by_minute <= (-3.5)) { arrow = "7"; } else if (slope_by_minute <= (-2)) { arrow = "6"; } else if (slope_by_minute <= (-1)) { arrow = "5"; } else if (slope_by_minute <= (1)) { arrow = "4"; } else if (slope_by_minute <= (2)) { arrow = "3"; } else if (slope_by_minute <= (3.5)) { arrow = "2"; } else { arrow = "1"; } if(mBgReading.hide_slope) { arrow = "9"; } return arrow; } }