package com.eveningoutpost.dexdrip.ImportedLibraries.dexcom; import android.util.Log; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; // This code and this particular library are from the NightScout android uploader // Check them out here: // Some of this code may have been modified for use in this project public class PacketBuilder { public static final int MAX_PAYLOAD = 1584; public static final int MIN_LEN = 6; public static final int MAX_LEN = MAX_PAYLOAD + MIN_LEN; public static final byte SOF = 0x01; public static final int OFFSET_SOF = 0; public static final int OFFSET_LENGTH = 1; public static final int OFFSET_NULL = 2; public static final byte NULL = 0x00; public static final int OFFSET_CMD = 3; public static final int OFFSET_PAYLOAD = 4; public static final int CRC_LEN = 2; public static final int HEADER_LEN = 4; public ArrayList<Byte> packet; public int command; public ArrayList<Byte> payload; public PacketBuilder(int command) { this.command = command; } public PacketBuilder(int command, ArrayList<Byte> payload) { this.command = command; this.payload = payload; } public byte[] compose() { packet = new ArrayList<Byte>(); packet.add(OFFSET_SOF, SOF); packet.add(OFFSET_LENGTH, getLength()); packet.add(OFFSET_NULL, NULL); packet.add(OFFSET_CMD, (byte) command); if (this.payload != null) { this.packet.addAll(OFFSET_PAYLOAD, this.payload); } byte[] crc16 = CRC16.calculate(toBytes(), 0, this.packet.size()); this.packet.add(crc16[0]); this.packet.add(crc16[1]); Log.d("ShareTest", "About to start adding to Byte, size: " + this.packet.size()); return this.toBytes(); } public List<byte[]> composeList() { packet = new ArrayList<Byte>(); packet.add(OFFSET_SOF, SOF); packet.add(OFFSET_LENGTH, getLength()); packet.add(OFFSET_NULL, NULL); packet.add(OFFSET_CMD, (byte) command); if (this.payload != null) { this.packet.addAll(OFFSET_PAYLOAD, this.payload); } byte[] crc16 = CRC16.calculate(toBytes(), 0, this.packet.size()); this.packet.add(crc16[0]); this.packet.add(crc16[1]); Log.d("ShareTest", "About to start adding to ByteList, size: " + this.packet.size()); return this.toBytesList(); } private byte getLength() { int packetSize = payload == null ? MIN_LEN : payload.size() + CRC_LEN + HEADER_LEN; if (packetSize > MAX_LEN) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(packetSize + " bytes, but packet must between " + MIN_LEN + " and " + MAX_LEN + " bytes."); } return (byte) packetSize; } public byte[] toBytes() { byte[] b = new byte[this.packet.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < this.packet.size(); i++) { b[i] = this.packet.get(i).byteValue(); } return b; } public List<byte[]> toBytesList() { List<byte[]> byteMessages = new ArrayList<byte[]>(); double totalPacketSize = packet.size(); int messages =(int) Math.ceil(totalPacketSize/18); for(int m = 0; m < messages; m++) { int thisPacketSize; if (m == messages - 1) { thisPacketSize = ((this.packet.size()+2) % 18); } else { thisPacketSize = (20); } int offset = m * 18; Log.d("ShareTest", "This packet size: " + thisPacketSize); byte[] b = new byte[thisPacketSize]; b[0] = (byte) (m + 1); b[1] = (byte) (messages); for (int i = 2; i < thisPacketSize; i++) { b[i] = packet.get(offset + i - 2).byteValue(); } byteMessages.add(b); } return byteMessages; } }