package com.eveningoutpost.dexdrip.Models; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.provider.BaseColumns; import android.util.Log; import com.activeandroid.Model; import com.activeandroid.annotation.Column; import com.activeandroid.annotation.Table; import com.activeandroid.query.Select; import com.eveningoutpost.dexdrip.ImportedLibraries.dexcom.records.CalRecord; import com.eveningoutpost.dexdrip.ImportedLibraries.dexcom.records.CalSubrecord; import com.eveningoutpost.dexdrip.Sensor; import com.eveningoutpost.dexdrip.UtilityModels.BgSendQueue; import com.eveningoutpost.dexdrip.UtilityModels.CalibrationSendQueue; import com.eveningoutpost.dexdrip.UtilityModels.Constants; import com.eveningoutpost.dexdrip.UtilityModels.Notifications; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; /** * Created by stephenblack on 10/29/14. */ @Table(name = "Calibration", id = BaseColumns._ID) public class Calibration extends Model { private final static String TAG = Calibration.class.getSimpleName(); @Expose @Column(name = "timestamp", index = true) public double timestamp; @Expose @Column(name = "sensor_age_at_time_of_estimation") public double sensor_age_at_time_of_estimation; @Column(name = "sensor", index = true) public Sensor sensor; @Expose @Column(name = "bg") public double bg; @Expose @Column(name = "raw_value") public double raw_value; // // @Expose // @Column(name = "filtered_value") // public double filtered_value; @Expose @Column(name = "adjusted_raw_value") public double adjusted_raw_value; @Expose @Column(name = "sensor_confidence") public double sensor_confidence; @Expose @Column(name = "slope_confidence") public double slope_confidence; @Expose @Column(name = "raw_timestamp") public double raw_timestamp; @Expose @Column(name = "slope") public double slope; @Expose @Column(name = "intercept") public double intercept; @Expose @Column(name = "distance_from_estimate") public double distance_from_estimate; @Expose @Column(name = "estimate_raw_at_time_of_calibration") public double estimate_raw_at_time_of_calibration; @Expose @Column(name = "estimate_bg_at_time_of_calibration") public double estimate_bg_at_time_of_calibration; @Expose @Column(name = "uuid", index = true) public String uuid; @Expose @Column(name = "sensor_uuid", index = true) public String sensor_uuid; @Expose @Column(name = "possible_bad") public Boolean possible_bad; @Expose @Column(name = "check_in") public boolean check_in; @Expose @Column(name = "first_decay") public double first_decay; @Expose @Column(name = "second_decay") public double second_decay; @Expose @Column(name = "first_slope") public double first_slope; @Expose @Column(name = "second_slope") public double second_slope; @Expose @Column(name = "first_intercept") public double first_intercept; @Expose @Column(name = "second_intercept") public double second_intercept; @Expose @Column(name = "first_scale") public double first_scale; @Expose @Column(name = "second_scale") public double second_scale; public static void initialCalibration(double bg1, double bg2, Context context) { SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); String unit = prefs.getString("units", "mgdl"); if(unit.compareTo("mgdl") != 0 ) { bg1 = bg1 * Constants.MMOLL_TO_MGDL; bg2 = bg2 * Constants.MMOLL_TO_MGDL; } clear_all_existing_calibrations(); Calibration higherCalibration = new Calibration(); Calibration lowerCalibration = new Calibration(); Sensor sensor = Sensor.currentSensor(); List<BgReading> bgReadings = BgReading.latest_by_size(2); BgReading bgReading1 = bgReadings.get(0); BgReading bgReading2 = bgReadings.get(1); BgReading highBgReading; BgReading lowBgReading; double higher_bg = Math.max(bg1, bg2); double lower_bg = Math.min(bg1, bg2); if (bgReading1.raw_data > bgReading2.raw_data) { highBgReading = bgReading1; lowBgReading = bgReading2; } else { highBgReading = bgReading2; lowBgReading = bgReading1; } = higher_bg; higherCalibration.slope = 1; higherCalibration.intercept = higher_bg; higherCalibration.sensor = sensor; higherCalibration.estimate_raw_at_time_of_calibration = highBgReading.age_adjusted_raw_value; higherCalibration.adjusted_raw_value = highBgReading.age_adjusted_raw_value; higherCalibration.raw_value = highBgReading.raw_data; higherCalibration.raw_timestamp = highBgReading.timestamp;; highBgReading.calculated_value = higher_bg; highBgReading.calibration_flag = true; highBgReading.calibration = higherCalibration;;; = lower_bg; lowerCalibration.slope = 1; lowerCalibration.intercept = lower_bg; lowerCalibration.sensor = sensor; lowerCalibration.estimate_raw_at_time_of_calibration = lowBgReading.age_adjusted_raw_value; lowerCalibration.adjusted_raw_value = lowBgReading.age_adjusted_raw_value; lowerCalibration.raw_value = lowBgReading.raw_data; lowerCalibration.raw_timestamp = lowBgReading.timestamp;; lowBgReading.calculated_value = lower_bg; lowBgReading.calibration_flag = true; lowBgReading.calibration = lowerCalibration;;; highBgReading.find_new_curve(); highBgReading.find_new_raw_curve(); lowBgReading.find_new_curve(); lowBgReading.find_new_raw_curve(); List<Calibration> calibrations = new ArrayList<Calibration>(); calibrations.add(lowerCalibration); calibrations.add(higherCalibration); for(Calibration calibration : calibrations) { calibration.timestamp = new Date().getTime(); calibration.sensor_uuid = sensor.uuid; calibration.slope_confidence = .5; calibration.distance_from_estimate = 0; calibration.check_in = false; calibration.sensor_confidence = ((-0.0018 * * + (0.6657 * + 36.7505) / 100; calibration.sensor_age_at_time_of_estimation = calibration.timestamp - sensor.started_at; calibration.uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();; calculate_w_l_s(); CalibrationSendQueue.addToQueue(calibration, context); } adjustRecentBgReadings(5); CalibrationRequest.createOffset(, 35); Notifications.notificationSetter(context); } //Create Calibration Checkin public static void create(CalRecord[] calRecords, long addativeOffset, Context context) { create(calRecords, context, false, addativeOffset); } public static void create(CalRecord[] calRecords, Context context) { create(calRecords, context, false, 0); } public static void create(CalRecord[] calRecords, Context context, boolean override, long addativeOffset) { //TODO: Change calibration.last and other queries to order calibrations by timestamp rather than ID Log.w("CALIBRATION-CHECK-IN: ", "Creating Calibration Record"); Sensor sensor = Sensor.currentSensor(); CalRecord firstCalRecord = calRecords[0]; CalRecord secondCalRecord = calRecords[0]; // CalRecord secondCalRecord = calRecords[calRecords.length - 1]; //TODO: Figgure out how the ratio between the two is determined double calSlope = ((secondCalRecord.getScale() / secondCalRecord.getSlope()) + (3 * firstCalRecord.getScale() / firstCalRecord.getSlope())) * 250; double calIntercept = (((secondCalRecord.getScale() * secondCalRecord.getIntercept()) / secondCalRecord.getSlope()) + ((3 * firstCalRecord.getScale() * firstCalRecord.getIntercept()) / firstCalRecord.getSlope())) / -4; if (sensor != null) { for(int i = 0; i < firstCalRecord.getCalSubrecords().length - 1; i++) { if (((firstCalRecord.getCalSubrecords()[i] != null && Calibration.is_new(firstCalRecord.getCalSubrecords()[i], addativeOffset))) || (i == 0 && override)) { CalSubrecord calSubrecord = firstCalRecord.getCalSubrecords()[i]; Calibration calibration = new Calibration(); = calSubrecord.getCalBGL(); calibration.timestamp = calSubrecord.getDateEntered().getTime() + addativeOffset; if (calibration.timestamp > new Date().getTime()) { Log.e(TAG, "ERROR - Calibration timestamp is from the future, wont save!"); return; } calibration.raw_value = calSubrecord.getCalRaw() / 1000; calibration.slope = calSlope; calibration.intercept = calIntercept; calibration.sensor_confidence = ((-0.0018 * * + (0.6657 * + 36.7505) / 100; if (calibration.sensor_confidence <= 0) { calibration.sensor_confidence = 0; } calibration.slope_confidence = 0.8; //TODO: query backwards to find this value near the timestamp calibration.estimate_raw_at_time_of_calibration = calSubrecord.getCalRaw() / 1000; calibration.sensor = sensor; calibration.sensor_age_at_time_of_estimation = calibration.timestamp - sensor.started_at; calibration.uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); calibration.sensor_uuid = sensor.uuid; calibration.check_in = true; calibration.first_decay = firstCalRecord.getDecay(); calibration.second_decay = secondCalRecord.getDecay(); calibration.first_slope = firstCalRecord.getSlope(); calibration.second_slope = secondCalRecord.getSlope(); calibration.first_scale = firstCalRecord.getScale(); calibration.second_scale = secondCalRecord.getScale(); calibration.first_intercept = firstCalRecord.getIntercept(); calibration.second_intercept = secondCalRecord.getIntercept();; CalibrationSendQueue.addToQueue(calibration, context); Calibration.requestCalibrationIfRangeTooNarrow(); } } if(firstCalRecord.getCalSubrecords()[0] != null && firstCalRecord.getCalSubrecords()[2] == null) { if(Calibration.latest(2).size() == 1) { Calibration.create(calRecords, context, true, 0); } } Notifications.notificationSetter(context); } } public static boolean is_new(CalSubrecord calSubrecord, long addativeOffset) { Sensor sensor = Sensor.currentSensor(); Calibration calibration = new Select() .from(Calibration.class) .where("Sensor = ? ", sensor.getId()) .where("timestamp <= ?", calSubrecord.getDateEntered().getTime() + addativeOffset + (1000 * 60 * 2)) .orderBy("timestamp desc") .executeSingle(); if(calibration != null && Math.abs(calibration.timestamp - (calSubrecord.getDateEntered().getTime() + addativeOffset)) < (4*60*1000)) { Log.d("CAL CHECK IN ", "Already have that calibration!"); return false; } else { Log.d("CAL CHECK IN ", "Looks like a new calibration!"); return true; } } public static Calibration getForTimestamp(double timestamp) { Sensor sensor = Sensor.currentSensor(); return new Select() .from(Calibration.class) .where("Sensor = ? ", sensor.getId()) .where("slope_confidence != 0") .where("sensor_confidence != 0") .where("timestamp < ?", timestamp) .orderBy("timestamp desc") .executeSingle(); } public static Calibration create(double bg, Context context) { SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); String unit = prefs.getString("units", "mgdl"); if(unit.compareTo("mgdl") != 0 ) { bg = bg * Constants.MMOLL_TO_MGDL; } CalibrationRequest.clearAll(); Calibration calibration = new Calibration(); Sensor sensor = Sensor.currentSensor(); if (sensor != null) { BgReading bgReading = BgReading.last(); if (bgReading != null) { calibration.sensor = sensor; = bg; calibration.check_in = false; calibration.timestamp = new Date().getTime(); calibration.raw_value = bgReading.raw_data; calibration.adjusted_raw_value = bgReading.age_adjusted_raw_value; calibration.sensor_uuid = sensor.uuid; calibration.slope_confidence = Math.min(Math.max(((4 - Math.abs((bgReading.calculated_value_slope) * 60000))/4), 0), 1); double estimated_raw_bg = BgReading.estimated_raw_bg(new Date().getTime()); calibration.raw_timestamp = bgReading.timestamp; if (Math.abs(estimated_raw_bg - bgReading.age_adjusted_raw_value) > 20) { calibration.estimate_raw_at_time_of_calibration = bgReading.age_adjusted_raw_value; } else { calibration.estimate_raw_at_time_of_calibration = estimated_raw_bg; } calibration.distance_from_estimate = Math.abs( - bgReading.calculated_value); calibration.sensor_confidence = Math.max(((-0.0018 * bg * bg) + (0.6657 * bg) + 36.7505) / 100, 0); calibration.sensor_age_at_time_of_estimation = calibration.timestamp - sensor.started_at; calibration.uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();; bgReading.calibration = calibration; bgReading.calibration_flag = true;; BgSendQueue.addToQueue(bgReading, "update", context); calculate_w_l_s(); adjustRecentBgReadings(); CalibrationSendQueue.addToQueue(calibration, context); Notifications.notificationSetter(context); Calibration.requestCalibrationIfRangeTooNarrow(); } } else { Log.w("CALIBRATION", "No sensor, cant save!"); } return Calibration.last(); } public static List<Calibration> allForSensorInLastFiveDays() { Sensor sensor = Sensor.currentSensor(); if (sensor == null) { return null; } return new Select() .from(Calibration.class) .where("Sensor = ? ", sensor.getId()) .where("slope_confidence != 0") .where("sensor_confidence != 0") .where("timestamp > ?", (new Date().getTime() - (60000 * 60 * 24 * 5))) .orderBy("timestamp desc") .execute(); } public static void calculate_w_l_s() { if (Sensor.isActive()) { double l = 0; double m = 0; double n = 0; double p = 0; double q = 0; double w; List<Calibration> calibrations = allForSensorInLastFourDays(); //5 days was a bit much, dropped this to 4 if (calibrations.size() == 1) { Calibration calibration = Calibration.last(); calibration.slope = 1; calibration.intercept = - (calibration.raw_value * calibration.slope);; } else { for (Calibration calibration : calibrations) { w = calibration.calculateWeight(); l += (w); m += (w * calibration.estimate_raw_at_time_of_calibration); n += (w * calibration.estimate_raw_at_time_of_calibration * calibration.estimate_raw_at_time_of_calibration); p += (w *; q += (w * calibration.estimate_raw_at_time_of_calibration *; } Calibration last_calibration = Calibration.last(); w = (last_calibration.calculateWeight() * (calibrations.size() * 0.14)); l += (w); m += (w * last_calibration.estimate_raw_at_time_of_calibration); n += (w * last_calibration.estimate_raw_at_time_of_calibration * last_calibration.estimate_raw_at_time_of_calibration); p += (w *; q += (w * last_calibration.estimate_raw_at_time_of_calibration *; double d = (l * n) - (m * m); Calibration calibration = Calibration.last(); calibration.intercept = ((n * p) - (m * q)) / d; calibration.slope = ((l * q) - (m * p)) / d; if ((calibrations.size() == 2 && calibration.slope < 0.95) || (calibration.slope < 0.85)) { // I have not seen a case where a value below 7.5 proved to be accurate but we should keep an eye on this calibration.slope = calibration.slopeOOBHandler(0); if(calibrations.size() > 2) { calibration.possible_bad = true; } calibration.intercept = - (calibration.estimate_raw_at_time_of_calibration * calibration.slope); CalibrationRequest.createOffset(, 25); } if ((calibrations.size() == 2 && calibration.slope > 1.3) || (calibration.slope > 1.4)) { calibration.slope = calibration.slopeOOBHandler(1); if(calibrations.size() > 2) { calibration.possible_bad = true; } calibration.intercept = - (calibration.estimate_raw_at_time_of_calibration * calibration.slope); CalibrationRequest.createOffset(, 25); } Log.d(TAG, "Calculated Calibration Slope: " + calibration.slope); Log.d(TAG, "Calculated Calibration intercept: " + calibration.intercept);; } } else { Log.w(TAG, "NO Current active sensor found!!"); } } private double slopeOOBHandler(int status) { // If the last slope was reasonable and reasonably close, use that, otherwise use a slope that may be a little steep, but its best to play it safe when uncertain List<Calibration> calibrations = Calibration.latest(3); Calibration thisCalibration = calibrations.get(0); if(status == 0) { if (calibrations.size() == 3) { if ((Math.abs( - thisCalibration.estimate_bg_at_time_of_calibration) < 30) && (calibrations.get(1).possible_bad != null && calibrations.get(1).possible_bad == true)) { return calibrations.get(1).slope; } else { return Math.max(((-0.048) * (thisCalibration.sensor_age_at_time_of_estimation / (60000 * 60 * 24))) + 1.1, 1.08); } } else if (calibrations.size() == 2) { return Math.max(((-0.048) * (thisCalibration.sensor_age_at_time_of_estimation / (60000 * 60 * 24))) + 1.1, 1.15); } return 1; } else { if (calibrations.size() == 3) { if ((Math.abs( - thisCalibration.estimate_bg_at_time_of_calibration) < 30) && (calibrations.get(1).possible_bad != null && calibrations.get(1).possible_bad == true)) { return calibrations.get(1).slope; } else { return 1.3; } } else if (calibrations.size() == 2) { return 1.2; } } return 1; } private static List<Calibration> calibrations_for_sensor(Sensor sensor) { return new Select() .from(Calibration.class) .where("Sensor = ?", sensor.getId()) .where("slope_confidence != 0") .where("sensor_confidence != 0") .orderBy("timestamp desc") .execute(); } private double calculateWeight() { double firstTimeStarted = Calibration.first().sensor_age_at_time_of_estimation; double lastTimeStarted = Calibration.last().sensor_age_at_time_of_estimation; double time_percentage = Math.min(((sensor_age_at_time_of_estimation - firstTimeStarted) / (lastTimeStarted - firstTimeStarted)) / (.85), 1); time_percentage = (time_percentage + .01); Log.w(TAG, "CALIBRATIONS TIME PERCENTAGE WEIGHT: " + time_percentage); return Math.max((((((slope_confidence + sensor_confidence) * (time_percentage))) / 2) * 100), 1); } public static void adjustRecentBgReadings() {// This just adjust the last 30 bg readings transition from one calibration point to the next adjustRecentBgReadings(30); } public static void adjustRecentBgReadings(int adjustCount) { //TODO: add some handling around calibration overrides as they come out looking a bit funky List<Calibration> calibrations = Calibration.latest(3); List<BgReading> bgReadings = BgReading.latestUnCalculated(adjustCount); if (calibrations.size() == 3) { int denom = bgReadings.size(); Calibration latestCalibration = calibrations.get(0); int i = 0; for (BgReading bgReading : bgReadings) { double oldYValue = bgReading.calculated_value; double newYvalue = (bgReading.age_adjusted_raw_value * latestCalibration.slope) + latestCalibration.intercept; bgReading.calculated_value = ((newYvalue * (denom - i)) + (oldYValue * ( i ))) / denom;; i += 1; } } else if (calibrations.size() == 2) { Calibration latestCalibration = calibrations.get(0); for (BgReading bgReading : bgReadings) { double newYvalue = (bgReading.age_adjusted_raw_value * latestCalibration.slope) + latestCalibration.intercept; bgReading.calculated_value = newYvalue;; } } bgReadings.get(0).find_new_raw_curve(); bgReadings.get(0).find_new_curve(); } public void rawValueOverride(double rawValue, Context context) { estimate_raw_at_time_of_calibration = rawValue; save(); calculate_w_l_s(); CalibrationSendQueue.addToQueue(this, context); } public static void requestCalibrationIfRangeTooNarrow() { double max = Calibration.max_recent(); double min = Calibration.min_recent(); if ((max - min) < 55) { double avg = ((min + max) / 2); double dist = max - avg; CalibrationRequest.createOffset(avg, dist + 20); } } public static void clear_all_existing_calibrations() { CalibrationRequest.clearAll(); List<Calibration> pastCalibrations = Calibration.allForSensor(); if (pastCalibrations != null) { for(Calibration calibration : pastCalibrations){ calibration.slope_confidence = 0; calibration.sensor_confidence = 0;; } } } public String toS() { Gson gson = new GsonBuilder() .excludeFieldsWithoutExposeAnnotation() .registerTypeAdapter(Date.class, new DateTypeAdapter()) .serializeSpecialFloatingPointValues() .create(); return gson.toJson(this); } //COMMON SCOPES! public static Calibration last() { Sensor sensor = Sensor.currentSensor(); return new Select() .from(Calibration.class) .where("Sensor = ? ", sensor.getId()) .orderBy("timestamp desc") .executeSingle(); } public static Calibration first() { Sensor sensor = Sensor.currentSensor(); return new Select() .from(Calibration.class) .where("Sensor = ? ", sensor.getId()) .where("slope_confidence != 0") .where("sensor_confidence != 0") .orderBy("timestamp asc") .executeSingle(); } public static double max_recent() { Sensor sensor = Sensor.currentSensor(); Calibration calibration = new Select() .from(Calibration.class) .where("Sensor = ? ", sensor.getId()) .where("slope_confidence != 0") .where("sensor_confidence != 0") .where("timestamp > ?", (new Date().getTime() - (60000 * 60 * 24 * 4))) .orderBy("bg desc") .executeSingle(); if(calibration != null) { return; } else { return 120; } } public static double min_recent() { Sensor sensor = Sensor.currentSensor(); Calibration calibration = new Select() .from(Calibration.class) .where("Sensor = ? ", sensor.getId()) .where("slope_confidence != 0") .where("sensor_confidence != 0") .where("timestamp > ?", (new Date().getTime() - (60000 * 60 * 24 * 4))) .orderBy("bg asc") .executeSingle(); if(calibration != null) { return; } else { return 100; } } public static List<Calibration> latest(int number) { Sensor sensor = Sensor.currentSensor(); if (sensor == null) { return null; } return new Select() .from(Calibration.class) .where("Sensor = ? ", sensor.getId()) .orderBy("timestamp desc") .limit(number) .execute(); } public static List<Calibration> allForSensor() { Sensor sensor = Sensor.currentSensor(); if (sensor == null) { return null; } return new Select() .from(Calibration.class) .where("Sensor = ? ", sensor.getId()) .where("slope_confidence != 0") .where("sensor_confidence != 0") .orderBy("timestamp desc") .execute(); } public static List<Calibration> allForSensorInLastFourDays() { Sensor sensor = Sensor.currentSensor(); if (sensor == null) { return null; } return new Select() .from(Calibration.class) .where("Sensor = ? ", sensor.getId()) .where("slope_confidence != 0") .where("sensor_confidence != 0") .where("timestamp > ?", (new Date().getTime() - (60000 * 60 * 24 * 4))) .orderBy("timestamp desc") .execute(); } }