package com.eveningoutpost.dexdrip.Models; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.provider.BaseColumns; import android.util.Log; import com.activeandroid.Model; import com.activeandroid.annotation.Column; import com.activeandroid.annotation.Table; import com.activeandroid.query.Select; import com.eveningoutpost.dexdrip.ImportedLibraries.dexcom.records.CalSubrecord; import com.eveningoutpost.dexdrip.ImportedLibraries.dexcom.records.EGVRecord; import com.eveningoutpost.dexdrip.ImportedLibraries.dexcom.records.SensorRecord; import com.eveningoutpost.dexdrip.Sensor; import com.eveningoutpost.dexdrip.Services.DexShareCollectionService; import com.eveningoutpost.dexdrip.UtilityModels.BgSendQueue; import com.eveningoutpost.dexdrip.UtilityModels.Constants; import com.eveningoutpost.dexdrip.UtilityModels.Notifications; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; @Table(name = "BgReadings", id = BaseColumns._ID) public class BgReading extends Model { private final static String TAG = BgReading.class.getSimpleName(); //TODO: Have these as adjustable settings!! public final static double BESTOFFSET = (60000 * 0); // Assume readings are about x minutes off from actual! @Column(name = "sensor", index = true) public Sensor sensor; @Column(name = "calibration", index = true) public Calibration calibration; @Expose @Column(name = "timestamp", index = true) public long timestamp; @Expose @Column(name = "time_since_sensor_started") public double time_since_sensor_started; @Expose @Column(name = "raw_data") public double raw_data; @Expose @Column(name = "filtered_data") public double filtered_data; @Expose @Column(name = "age_adjusted_raw_value") public double age_adjusted_raw_value; @Expose @Column(name = "calibration_flag") public boolean calibration_flag; @Expose @Column(name = "calculated_value") public double calculated_value; @Expose @Column(name = "calculated_value_slope") public double calculated_value_slope; @Expose @Column(name = "a") public double a; @Expose @Column(name = "b") public double b; @Expose @Column(name = "c") public double c; @Expose @Column(name = "ra") public double ra; @Expose @Column(name = "rb") public double rb; @Expose @Column(name = "rc") public double rc; @Expose @Column(name = "uuid", index = true) public String uuid; @Expose @Column(name = "calibration_uuid") public String calibration_uuid; @Expose @Column(name = "sensor_uuid", index = true) public String sensor_uuid; @Column(name = "snyced") public boolean synced; @Column(name = "raw_calculated") public double raw_calculated; @Column(name = "hide_slope") public boolean hide_slope; @Column(name = "noise") public String noise; public double calculated_value_mmol() { return mmolConvert(calculated_value); } public double mmolConvert(double mgdl) { return mgdl * Constants.MGDL_TO_MMOLL; } public String displayValue(Context context) { SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); String unit = prefs.getString("units", "mgdl"); DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#"); df.setMaximumFractionDigits(0); if (calculated_value >= 400) { return "HIGH"; } else if (calculated_value >= 40) { if(unit.compareTo("mgdl") == 0) { df.setMaximumFractionDigits(0); return df.format(calculated_value); } else { df.setMaximumFractionDigits(1); return df.format(calculated_value_mmol()); } } else { return "LOW"; } } public static double activeSlope() { BgReading bgReading = BgReading.lastNoSenssor(); double slope = (2 * bgReading.a * (new Date().getTime() + BESTOFFSET)) + bgReading.b; Log.w(TAG, "ESTIMATE SLOPE" + slope); return slope; } public static double activePrediction() { BgReading bgReading = BgReading.lastNoSenssor(); if (bgReading != null) { double currentTime = new Date().getTime(); if (currentTime >= bgReading.timestamp + (60000 * 7)) { currentTime = bgReading.timestamp + (60000 * 7); } double time = currentTime + BESTOFFSET; return ((bgReading.a * time * time) + (bgReading.b * time) + bgReading.c); } return 0; } //*******CLASS METHODS***********// public static void create(EGVRecord[] egvRecords, long addativeOffset, Context context) { for(EGVRecord egvRecord : egvRecords) { BgReading.create(egvRecord, addativeOffset, context); } } public static void create(SensorRecord[] sensorRecords, long addativeOffset, Context context) { for(SensorRecord sensorRecord : sensorRecords) { BgReading.create(sensorRecord, addativeOffset, context); } } public static void create(SensorRecord sensorRecord, long addativeOffset, Context context) { Log.w(TAG, "gonna make some sensor records: " + sensorRecord.getUnfiltered()); if(BgReading.is_new(sensorRecord, addativeOffset)) { BgReading bgReading = new BgReading(); Sensor sensor = Sensor.currentSensor(); Calibration calibration = Calibration.getForTimestamp(sensorRecord.getSystemTime().getTime() + addativeOffset); if(sensor != null && calibration != null) { bgReading.sensor = sensor; bgReading.sensor_uuid = sensor.uuid; bgReading.calibration = calibration; bgReading.calibration_uuid = calibration.uuid; bgReading.raw_data = (sensorRecord.getUnfiltered() / 1000); bgReading.filtered_data = (sensorRecord.getFiltered() / 1000); bgReading.timestamp = sensorRecord.getSystemTime().getTime() + addativeOffset; if(bgReading.timestamp > new Date().getTime()) { return; } bgReading.uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); bgReading.time_since_sensor_started = bgReading.timestamp - sensor.started_at; bgReading.synced = false; bgReading.calculateAgeAdjustedRawValue();; } } } public static void create(EGVRecord egvRecord, long addativeOffset, Context context) { BgReading bgReading = BgReading.getForTimestamp(egvRecord.getSystemTime().getTime() + addativeOffset); Log.w(TAG, "Looking for BG reading to tag this thing to: " + egvRecord.getBGValue()); if(bgReading != null) { bgReading.calculated_value = egvRecord.getBGValue(); if (egvRecord.getBGValue() <= 13) { Calibration calibration = bgReading.calibration; double firstAdjSlope = calibration.first_slope + (calibration.first_decay * (Math.ceil(new Date().getTime() - calibration.timestamp)/(1000 * 60 * 10))); double calSlope = (calibration.first_scale / firstAdjSlope)*1000; double calIntercept = ((calibration.first_scale * calibration.first_intercept) / firstAdjSlope)*-1; bgReading.raw_calculated = (((calSlope * bgReading.raw_data) + calIntercept) - 5); bgReading.noise = egvRecord.noiseValue(); } Log.w(TAG, "NEW VALUE CALCULATED AT: " + bgReading.calculated_value); bgReading.calculated_value_slope = bgReading.slopefromName(egvRecord.getTrend().friendlyTrendName()); if(egvRecord.getTrend().friendlyTrendName().compareTo("NOT_COMPUTABLE") == 0 || egvRecord.getTrend().friendlyTrendName().compareTo("OUT_OF_RANGE") == 0) { bgReading.hide_slope = true; }; bgReading.find_new_curve(); bgReading.find_new_raw_curve(); Notifications.notificationSetter(context); BgSendQueue.addToQueue(bgReading, "create", context); } } public static BgReading getForTimestamp(double timestamp) { Sensor sensor = Sensor.currentSensor(); if(sensor != null) { BgReading bgReading = new Select() .from(BgReading.class) .where("Sensor = ? ", sensor.getId()) .where("timestamp <= ?", (timestamp + (60*1000))) // 1 minute padding (should never be that far off, but why not) .where("calculated_value = 0") .where("raw_calculated = 0") .orderBy("timestamp desc") .executeSingle(); if(bgReading != null && Math.abs(bgReading.timestamp - timestamp) < (3*60*1000)) { //cool, so was it actually within 4 minutes of that bg reading? Log.w(TAG, "Found a BG timestamp match"); return bgReading; } } Log.w(TAG, "No luck finding a BG timestamp match"); return null; } public static boolean is_new(SensorRecord sensorRecord, long addativeOffset) { double timestamp = sensorRecord.getSystemTime().getTime() + addativeOffset; Sensor sensor = Sensor.currentSensor(); if(sensor != null) { BgReading bgReading = new Select() .from(BgReading.class) .where("Sensor = ? ", sensor.getId()) .where("timestamp <= ?", (timestamp + (60*1000))) // 1 minute padding (should never be that far off, but why not) .orderBy("timestamp desc") .executeSingle(); if(bgReading != null && Math.abs(bgReading.timestamp - timestamp) < (3*60*1000)) { //cool, so was it actually within 4 minutes of that bg reading? Log.w(TAG, "Old Reading"); return false; } } Log.w(TAG, "New Reading"); return true; } public static BgReading create(double raw_data, Context context, Long timestamp) { BgReading bgReading = new BgReading(); Sensor sensor = Sensor.currentSensor(); if (sensor != null) { Calibration calibration = Calibration.last(); if (calibration == null) { bgReading.sensor = sensor; bgReading.sensor_uuid = sensor.uuid; bgReading.raw_data = (raw_data / 1000); bgReading.filtered_data = (raw_data / 1000); bgReading.timestamp = timestamp; bgReading.uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); bgReading.time_since_sensor_started = bgReading.timestamp - sensor.started_at; bgReading.synced = false; bgReading.calibration_flag = false; bgReading.calculateAgeAdjustedRawValue();; bgReading.perform_calculations(); } else { bgReading.sensor = sensor; bgReading.sensor_uuid = sensor.uuid; bgReading.calibration = calibration; bgReading.calibration_uuid = calibration.uuid; bgReading.raw_data = (raw_data/1000); bgReading.filtered_data = (raw_data/1000); bgReading.timestamp = timestamp; bgReading.uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); bgReading.time_since_sensor_started = bgReading.timestamp - sensor.started_at; bgReading.synced = false; bgReading.calculateAgeAdjustedRawValue(); if(calibration.check_in) { double firstAdjSlope = calibration.first_slope + (calibration.first_decay * (Math.ceil(new Date().getTime() - calibration.timestamp)/(1000 * 60 * 10))); double calSlope = (calibration.first_scale / firstAdjSlope)*1000; double calIntercept = ((calibration.first_scale * calibration.first_intercept) / firstAdjSlope)*-1; bgReading.calculated_value = (((calSlope * bgReading.raw_data) + calIntercept) - 5); } else { BgReading lastBgReading = BgReading.last(); if (lastBgReading != null && lastBgReading.calibration != null) { if (lastBgReading.calibration_flag == true && ((lastBgReading.timestamp + (60000 * 20)) > bgReading.timestamp) && ((lastBgReading.calibration.timestamp + (60000 * 20)) > bgReading.timestamp)) { lastBgReading.calibration.rawValueOverride(BgReading.weightedAverageRaw(lastBgReading.timestamp, bgReading.timestamp, lastBgReading.calibration.timestamp, lastBgReading.age_adjusted_raw_value, bgReading.age_adjusted_raw_value), context); } } bgReading.calculated_value = ((calibration.slope * bgReading.age_adjusted_raw_value) + calibration.intercept); } bgReading.calculated_value = Math.min(400, Math.max(40, bgReading.calculated_value)); Log.w(TAG, "NEW VALUE CALCULATED AT: " + bgReading.calculated_value);; bgReading.perform_calculations(); Notifications.notificationSetter(context); BgSendQueue.addToQueue(bgReading, "create", context); } } Log.w("BG GSON: ",bgReading.toS()); return bgReading; } public static String slopeArrow() { double slope = (float) (BgReading.activeSlope() * 60000); return slopeArrow(slope); } public static String slopeArrow(double slope) { String arrow; if (slope <= (-3.5)) { arrow = "\u21ca"; } else if (slope <= (-2)) { arrow = "\u2193"; } else if (slope <= (-1)) { arrow = "\u2198"; } else if (slope <= (1)) { arrow = "\u2192"; } else if (slope <= (2)) { arrow = "\u2197"; } else if (slope <= (3.5)) { arrow = "\u2191"; } else { arrow = "\u21c8"; } return arrow; } public String slopeName() { double slope_by_minute = calculated_value_slope * 60000; String arrow = "NONE"; if (slope_by_minute <= (-3.5)) { arrow = "DoubleDown"; } else if (slope_by_minute <= (-2)) { arrow = "SingleDown"; } else if (slope_by_minute <= (-1)) { arrow = "FortyFiveDown"; } else if (slope_by_minute <= (1)) { arrow = "Flat"; } else if (slope_by_minute <= (2)) { arrow = "FortyFiveUp"; } else if (slope_by_minute <= (3.5)) { arrow = "SingleUp"; } else if (slope_by_minute <= (40)) { arrow = "DoubleUp"; } if(hide_slope) { arrow = "9"; } return arrow; } public double slopefromName(String slope_name) { double slope_by_minute = 0; if (slope_name.compareTo("DoubleDown") == 0) { slope_by_minute = -3.5; } else if (slope_name.compareTo("SingleDown") == 0) { slope_by_minute = -2; } else if (slope_name.compareTo("FortyFiveDown") == 0) { slope_by_minute = -1; } else if (slope_name.compareTo("Flat") == 0) { slope_by_minute = 0; } else if (slope_name.compareTo("FortyFiveUp") == 0) { slope_by_minute = 2; } else if (slope_name.compareTo("SingleUp") == 0) { slope_by_minute = 2; } else if (slope_name.compareTo("DoubleUp") == 0) { slope_by_minute = 4; } else if (slope_name.compareTo("NOT_COMPUTABLE") == 0 || slope_name.compareTo("OUT_OF_RANGE") == 0) { slope_by_minute = 0; } return slope_by_minute /60000; } public static BgReading last() { Sensor sensor = Sensor.currentSensor(); if (sensor != null) { return new Select() .from(BgReading.class) .where("Sensor = ? ", sensor.getId()) .where("calculated_value != 0") .where("raw_data != 0") .orderBy("timestamp desc") .executeSingle(); } return null; } public static List<BgReading> latest_by_size(int number) { Sensor sensor = Sensor.currentSensor(); return new Select() .from(BgReading.class) .where("Sensor = ? ", sensor.getId()) .where("raw_data != 0") .orderBy("timestamp desc") .limit(number) .execute(); } public static BgReading lastNoSenssor() { return new Select() .from(BgReading.class) .where("calculated_value != 0") .where("raw_data != 0") .orderBy("timestamp desc") .executeSingle(); } public static List<BgReading> latest(int number) { Sensor sensor = Sensor.currentSensor(); if (sensor == null) { return null; } return new Select() .from(BgReading.class) .where("Sensor = ? ", sensor.getId()) .where("calculated_value != 0") .where("raw_data != 0") .orderBy("timestamp desc") .limit(number) .execute(); } public static List<BgReading> latestUnCalculated(int number) { Sensor sensor = Sensor.currentSensor(); if (sensor == null) { return null; } return new Select() .from(BgReading.class) .where("Sensor = ? ", sensor.getId()) .where("raw_data != 0") .orderBy("timestamp desc") .limit(number) .execute(); } public static List<BgReading> latestForGraph(int number, double startTime) { DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#"); df.setMaximumFractionDigits(1); return new Select() .from(BgReading.class) .where("timestamp >= " + df.format(startTime)) .where("calculated_value != 0") .where("raw_data != 0") .orderBy("timestamp desc") .limit(number) .execute(); } public static List<BgReading> last30Minutes() { double timestamp = (new Date().getTime()) - (60000 * 30); return new Select() .from(BgReading.class) .where("timestamp >= " + timestamp) .where("calculated_value != 0") .where("raw_data != 0") .orderBy("timestamp desc") .execute(); } public static double estimated_bg(double timestamp) { timestamp = timestamp + BESTOFFSET; BgReading latest = BgReading.last(); if (latest == null) { return 0; } else { return (latest.a * timestamp * timestamp) + (latest.b * timestamp) + latest.c; } } public static double estimated_raw_bg(double timestamp) { timestamp = timestamp + BESTOFFSET; double estimate; BgReading latest = BgReading.last(); if (latest == null) { Log.w(TAG, "No data yet, assume perfect!"); estimate = 160; } else { estimate = (latest.ra * timestamp * timestamp) + (latest.rb * timestamp) + latest.rc; } Log.w(TAG, "ESTIMATE RAW BG" + estimate); return estimate; } //*******INSTANCE METHODS***********// public void perform_calculations() { find_new_curve(); find_new_raw_curve(); find_slope(); } public void find_slope() { List<BgReading> last_2 = BgReading.latest(2); if (last_2.size() == 2) { BgReading second_latest = last_2.get(1); double y1 = calculated_value; double x1 = timestamp; double y2 = second_latest.calculated_value; double x2 = second_latest.timestamp; if(y1 == y2) { calculated_value_slope = 0; } else { calculated_value_slope = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1); } save(); } else if (last_2.size() == 1) { calculated_value_slope = 0; save(); } else { Log.w(TAG, "NO BG? COULDNT FIND SLOPE!"); } } public void find_new_curve() { List<BgReading> last_3 = BgReading.latest(3); if (last_3.size() == 3) { BgReading second_latest = last_3.get(1); BgReading third_latest = last_3.get(2); double y3 = calculated_value; double x3 = timestamp; double y2 = second_latest.calculated_value; double x2 = second_latest.timestamp; double y1 = third_latest.calculated_value; double x1 = third_latest.timestamp; a = y1/((x1-x2)*(x1-x3))+y2/((x2-x1)*(x2-x3))+y3/((x3-x1)*(x3-x2)); b = (-y1*(x2+x3)/((x1-x2)*(x1-x3))-y2*(x1+x3)/((x2-x1)*(x2-x3))-y3*(x1+x2)/((x3-x1)*(x3-x2))); c = (y1*x2*x3/((x1-x2)*(x1-x3))+y2*x1*x3/((x2-x1)*(x2-x3))+y3*x1*x2/((x3-x1)*(x3-x2))); Log.w(TAG, "BG PARABOLIC RATES: "+a+"x^2 + "+b+"x + "+c); save(); } else if (last_3.size() == 2) { Log.w(TAG, "Not enough data to calculate parabolic rates - assume Linear"); BgReading latest = last_3.get(0); BgReading second_latest = last_3.get(1); double y2 = latest.calculated_value; double x2 = timestamp; double y1 = second_latest.calculated_value; double x1 = second_latest.timestamp; if(y1 == y2) { b = 0; } else { b = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1); } a = 0; c = -1 * ((latest.b * x1) - y1); Log.w(TAG, ""+latest.a+"x^2 + "+latest.b+"x + "+latest.c); save(); } else { Log.w(TAG, "Not enough data to calculate parabolic rates - assume static data"); a = 0; b = 0; c = calculated_value; Log.w(TAG, ""+a+"x^2 + "+b+"x + "+c); save(); } } public void calculateAgeAdjustedRawValue(){ double adjust_for = (86400000 * 1.9) - time_since_sensor_started; if (adjust_for > 0) { age_adjusted_raw_value = (((.45) * (adjust_for / (86400000 * 1.9))) * raw_data) + raw_data; Log.w("RAW VALUE ADJUSTMENT: ", "FROM:" + raw_data + " TO: " + age_adjusted_raw_value); } else { age_adjusted_raw_value = raw_data; } } public void find_new_raw_curve() { List<BgReading> last_3 = BgReading.latest(3); if (last_3.size() == 3) { BgReading second_latest = last_3.get(1); BgReading third_latest = last_3.get(2); double y3 = age_adjusted_raw_value; double x3 = timestamp; double y2 = second_latest.age_adjusted_raw_value; double x2 = second_latest.timestamp; double y1 = third_latest.age_adjusted_raw_value; double x1 = third_latest.timestamp; ra = y1/((x1-x2)*(x1-x3))+y2/((x2-x1)*(x2-x3))+y3/((x3-x1)*(x3-x2)); rb = (-y1*(x2+x3)/((x1-x2)*(x1-x3))-y2*(x1+x3)/((x2-x1)*(x2-x3))-y3*(x1+x2)/((x3-x1)*(x3-x2))); rc = (y1*x2*x3/((x1-x2)*(x1-x3))+y2*x1*x3/((x2-x1)*(x2-x3))+y3*x1*x2/((x3-x1)*(x3-x2))); Log.w(TAG, "RAW PARABOLIC RATES: "+ra+"x^2 + "+rb+"x + "+rc); save(); } else if (last_3.size() == 2) { BgReading latest = last_3.get(0); BgReading second_latest = last_3.get(1); double y2 = latest.age_adjusted_raw_value; double x2 = timestamp; double y1 = second_latest.age_adjusted_raw_value; double x1 = second_latest.timestamp; if(y1 == y2) { rb = 0; } else { rb = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1); } ra = 0; rc = -1 * ((latest.rb * x1) - y1); Log.w(TAG, "Not enough data to calculate parabolic rates - assume Linear data"); Log.w(TAG, "RAW PARABOLIC RATES: "+ra+"x^2 + "+rb+"x + "+rc); save(); } else { Log.w(TAG, "Not enough data to calculate parabolic rates - assume static data"); BgReading latest_entry = BgReading.lastNoSenssor(); ra = 0; rb = 0; rc = latest_entry.age_adjusted_raw_value; save(); } } public static double weightedAverageRaw(double timeA, double timeB, double calibrationTime, double rawA, double rawB) { double relativeSlope = (rawB - rawA)/(timeB - timeA); double relativeIntercept = rawA - (relativeSlope * timeA); return ((relativeSlope * calibrationTime) + relativeIntercept); } public String toS() { Gson gson = new GsonBuilder() .excludeFieldsWithoutExposeAnnotation() .registerTypeAdapter(Date.class, new DateTypeAdapter()) .serializeSpecialFloatingPointValues() .create(); return gson.toJson(this); } public String noiseValue() { if(noise == null || noise.compareTo("") == 0) { return "1"; } else { return String.valueOf(noise); } } }