/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /* * FirstOrder.java * Copyright (C) 1999 Len Trigg * */ package weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute; import weka.filters.*; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Vector; import weka.core.Attribute; import weka.core.FastVector; import weka.core.Instance; import weka.core.Instances; import weka.core.Option; import weka.core.OptionHandler; import weka.core.Range; import weka.core.SparseInstance; import weka.core.Utils; import weka.core.UnsupportedAttributeTypeException; /** * This instance filter takes a range of N numeric attributes and replaces * them with N-1 numeric attributes, the values of which are the difference * between consecutive attribute values from the original instance. eg: <P> * * Original attribute values <BR> * <code> 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.1, 0.3 </code> <P> * * New attribute values <BR> * <code> 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, -0.2, -0.2 </code> <P> * * The range of attributes used is taken in numeric order. That is, a range * spec of 7-11,3-5 will use the attribute ordering 3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11 for the * differences, <i>not</i> 7,8,9,10,11,3,4,5.<p> * * Valid filter-specific options are:<p> * * -R index1,index2-index4,...<br> * Specify list of columns to take the differences between. * First and last are valid indexes. * (default none)<p> * * @author Len Trigg (trigg@cs.waikato.ac.nz) * @version $Revision: $ */ public class FirstOrder extends Filter implements UnsupervisedFilter, StreamableFilter, OptionHandler { /** Stores which columns to take differences between */ protected Range m_DeltaCols = new Range(); /** * Returns an enumeration describing the available options. * * @return an enumeration of all the available options. */ public Enumeration listOptions() { Vector newVector = new Vector(1); newVector.addElement(new Option( "\tSpecify list of columns to take the differences between.\n" + "\tFirst and last are valid indexes.\n" + "\t(default none)", "R", 1, "-R <index1,index2-index4,...>")); return newVector.elements(); } /** * Parses a given list of options controlling the behaviour of this object. * Valid options are:<p> * * -R index1,index2-index4,...<br> * Specify list of columns to take the differences between. * First and last are valid indexes. * (default none)<p> * * @param options the list of options as an array of strings * @exception Exception if an option is not supported */ public void setOptions(String[] options) throws Exception { String deltaList = Utils.getOption('R', options); if (deltaList.length() != 0) { setAttributeIndices(deltaList); } else { setAttributeIndices(""); } if (getInputFormat() != null) setInputFormat(getInputFormat()); } /** * Gets the current settings of the filter. * * @return an array of strings suitable for passing to setOptions */ public String [] getOptions() { String [] options = new String [2]; int current = 0; if (!getAttributeIndices().equals("")) { options[current++] = "-R"; options[current++] = getAttributeIndices(); } while (current < options.length) { options[current++] = ""; } return options; } /** * Sets the format of the input instances. * * @param instanceInfo an Instances object containing the input instance * structure (any instances contained in the object are ignored - only the * structure is required). * @return true if the outputFormat may be collected immediately * @exception UnsupportedAttributeTypeException if any of the * selected attributes are not numeric * @exception Exception if only one attribute has been selected. */ public boolean setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo) throws Exception { super.setInputFormat(instanceInfo); m_DeltaCols.setUpper(getInputFormat().numAttributes() - 1); int selectedCount = 0; for (int i = getInputFormat().numAttributes() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (m_DeltaCols.isInRange(i)) { selectedCount++; if (!getInputFormat().attribute(i).isNumeric()) { throw new UnsupportedAttributeTypeException("Selected attributes must be all numeric"); } } } if (selectedCount == 1) { throw new Exception("Cannot select only one attribute."); } // Create the output buffer FastVector newAtts = new FastVector(); boolean inRange = false; String foName = null; for(int i = 0; i < instanceInfo.numAttributes(); i++) { if (m_DeltaCols.isInRange(i)) { if (inRange) { Attribute newAttrib = new Attribute(foName); newAtts.addElement(newAttrib); } foName = instanceInfo.attribute(i).name(); foName = "'FO " + foName.replace('\'', ' ').trim() + '\''; inRange = true; } else { newAtts.addElement((Attribute)instanceInfo.attribute(i).copy()); } } setOutputFormat(new Instances(instanceInfo.relationName(), newAtts, 0)); return true; } /** * Input an instance for filtering. Ordinarily the instance is processed * and made available for output immediately. Some filters require all * instances be read before producing output. * * @param instance the input instance * @return true if the filtered instance may now be * collected with output(). * @exception IllegalStateException if no input format has been defined. */ public boolean input(Instance instance) { if (getInputFormat() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No input instance format defined"); } if (m_NewBatch) { resetQueue(); m_NewBatch = false; } Instances outputFormat = outputFormatPeek(); double[] vals = new double[outputFormat.numAttributes()]; boolean inRange = false; double lastVal = Instance.missingValue(); int i, j; for(i = 0, j = 0; j < outputFormat.numAttributes(); i++) { if (m_DeltaCols.isInRange(i)) { if (inRange) { if (Instance.isMissingValue(lastVal) || instance.isMissing(i)) { vals[j++] = Instance.missingValue(); } else { vals[j++] = instance.value(i) - lastVal; } } else { inRange = true; } lastVal = instance.value(i); } else { vals[j++] = instance.value(i); } } Instance inst = null; if (instance instanceof SparseInstance) { inst = new SparseInstance(instance.weight(), vals); } else { inst = new Instance(instance.weight(), vals); } copyStringValues(inst, false, instance.dataset(), getInputStringIndex(), getOutputFormat(), getOutputStringIndex()); inst.setDataset(getOutputFormat()); push(inst); return true; } /** * Returns the tip text for this property * * @return tip text for this property suitable for * displaying in the explorer/experimenter gui */ public String attributeIndicesTipText() { return "Specify range of attributes to act on." + " This is a comma separated list of attribute indices, with" + " \"first\" and \"last\" valid values. Specify an inclusive" + " range with \"-\". E.g: \"first-3,5,6-10,last\"."; } /** * Get the current range selection * * @return a string containing a comma separated list of ranges */ public String getAttributeIndices() { return m_DeltaCols.getRanges(); } /** * Set which attributes are to be deleted (or kept if invert is true) * * @param rangeList a string representing the list of attributes. Since * the string will typically come from a user, attributes are indexed from * 1. <br> * eg: first-3,5,6-last * @exception Exception if an invalid range list is supplied */ public void setAttributeIndices(String rangeList) throws Exception { m_DeltaCols.setRanges(rangeList); } /** * Set which attributes are to be deleted (or kept if invert is true) * * @param attributes an array containing indexes of attributes to select. * Since the array will typically come from a program, attributes are indexed * from 0. * @exception Exception if an invalid set of ranges is supplied */ public void setAttributeIndicesArray(int [] attributes) throws Exception { setAttributeIndices(Range.indicesToRangeList(attributes)); } /** * Main method for testing this class. * * @param argv should contain arguments to the filter: use -h for help */ public static void main(String [] argv) { try { if (Utils.getFlag('b', argv)) { Filter.batchFilterFile(new FirstOrder(), argv); } else { Filter.filterFile(new FirstOrder(), argv); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); } } }