package weka.deduping.metrics; import java.util.*; /** A data structure for a term vector for a document stored * as a HashMap that maps tokens to Weight's that store the * weight of that token in the document. * * Needed as an efficient, indexed representation of sparse * document vectors. * * @author Ray Mooney */ public class HashMapVector { /** The HashMap that stores the mapping of tokens to Weight's */ public HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(); /** Store the length of a vector for efficiency */ protected double m_length = -1; /** Returns an iterator over the MapEntries in the hashMap */ public Iterator iterator() { return hashMap.entrySet().iterator(); } /** Returns the number of tokens in the vector. */ public int size () { return hashMap.size(); } /** Clears the vector back to all zeros */ public void clear () { hashMap.clear(); } /** Increment the weight for the given token in the vector by the given amount. */ public double increment(String token, double amount) { Weight weight = (Weight)hashMap.get(token); if (weight == null) { // If there is no current Weight for this token, create one weight = new Weight(); hashMap.put(token,weight); } // Increment the weight of this token in the bag. weight.increment(amount); return weight.getValue(); } /** Return the weight of the given token in the vector */ public double getWeight(String token) { Weight weight = (Weight)hashMap.get(token); if (weight == null) return 0.0; else return weight.getValue(); } /** Increment the weight for the given token in the vector by 1. */ public double increment(String token) { return increment(token, 1.0); } /** Increment the weight for the given token in the vector by the given int */ public double increment(String token, int amount) { return increment(token, (double)amount); } /** Destructively add the given vector to the current vector */ public void add(HashMapVector vector) { Iterator mapEntries = vector.iterator(); while (mapEntries.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); // An entry in the HashMap maps a token to a Weight String token = (String)entry.getKey(); // The weight for the token is in the value of the Weight double weight = ((Weight)entry.getValue()).getValue(); increment(token, weight); } } /** Destructively add a scaled version of the given vector to the current vector */ public void addScaled(HashMapVector vector, double scalingFactor) { Iterator mapEntries = vector.iterator(); while (mapEntries.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); // An entry in the HashMap maps a token to a Weight String token = (String)entry.getKey(); // The weight for the token is in the value of the Weight double weight = ((Weight)entry.getValue()).getValue(); increment(token, scalingFactor * weight); } } /** Destructively subtract the given vector from the current vector */ public void subtract(HashMapVector vector) { Iterator mapEntries = vector.iterator(); while (mapEntries.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); // An entry in the HashMap maps a token to a Weight String token = (String)entry.getKey(); // The weight for the token is in the value of the Weight double weight = ((Weight)entry.getValue()).getValue(); increment(token, -weight); } } /** Destructively multiply the vector by a constant */ public void multiply(double factor) { Iterator mapEntries = iterator(); while (mapEntries.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); // The weight for the token is in the value of the Weight Weight weight = (Weight)entry.getValue(); weight.setValue(factor * weight.getValue()); } } /** Produce a copy of this HashMapVector with a new HashMap and new Weight's */ public HashMapVector copy() { HashMapVector result = new HashMapVector(); Iterator mapEntries = iterator(); while (mapEntries.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); // An entry in the HashMap maps a token to a Weight String token = (String)entry.getKey(); // The weight for the token is in the value of the Weight double weight = ((Weight)entry.getValue()).getValue(); result.increment(token, weight); } return result; } /** Returns the maximum weight of any token in the vector. */ public double maxWeight() { double maxWeight = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; Iterator mapEntries = iterator(); while (mapEntries.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); // The weight for the token is in the value of the Weight double weight = ((Weight)entry.getValue()).getValue(); if (weight > maxWeight) maxWeight = weight; } return maxWeight; } /** Print out the vector showing the tokens and their weights */ public void print() { Iterator mapEntries = iterator(); while (mapEntries.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); // Print the term and its weight, where the value of the map entry is a Weight // and then you need to get the value of the Weight as the weight. System.out.println(entry.getKey() + ":" + ((Weight)entry.getValue()).getValue()); } } /** Return String of the vector showing the tokens and their weights */ public String toString() { String ret = ""; Iterator mapEntries = iterator(); while (mapEntries.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); // Print the term and its weight, where the value of the map entry is a Weight // and then you need to get the value of the Weight as the weight. ret += entry.getKey() + ": " + ((Weight)entry.getValue()).getValue() + " "; } return ret; } /** Computes cosine of angle to otherVector. */ public double cosineTo (HashMapVector otherVector) { return cosineTo(otherVector, otherVector.length()); } /** Computes cosine of angle to otherVector when also given otherVector's Euclidian length (Allows saving computation if length already known. more efficient when current vector is shorter than otherVector) */ public double cosineTo (HashMapVector otherVector, double length) { // Stores running sum for dot product of two vectors double dotProd = 0; // iterate through elements in current vector Iterator mapEntries = iterator(); while (mapEntries.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); // An entry in the HashMap maps a token to a Weight String token = (String)entry.getKey(); // The weight for the token is in the value of the Weight double weight = ((Weight)entry.getValue()).getValue(); double otherWeight = otherVector.getWeight(token); // Update dot product sum and sum of squares dotProd += weight * otherWeight; } // cosine is dot product over product of lengths return (dotProd / (m_length * length)); } /** Compute Euclidian length (sqrt of sum of squares) of vector */ public double length() { if (m_length < 0) { // Stores running sum of squares double sum = 0; Iterator mapEntries = iterator(); while (mapEntries.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); // An entry in the HashMap maps a token to a Weight double weight = ((Weight)entry.getValue()).getValue(); sum += weight * weight; } return Math.sqrt(sum); } else { return m_length; } } public void initLength() { m_length = length(); } }