package com.baselet.control.util; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.baselet.control.constants.SystemInfo; import com.baselet.control.enums.Os; import com.baselet.control.enums.Program; import com.baselet.element.interfaces.GridElement; public class Path { private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Path.class); private static String tempDir; private static String homeProgramDir; public static boolean hasOsConformConfig() { try { File file = new File(osConformConfig()); return file.exists(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Cannot load os conform config or cannot create UMLet parent dir in os conform home dir", e); return false; } } public static String osConformConfig() { String programConfigDir = combine(osConformConfigDirectory(), Program.getInstance().getProgramName()); ensureDirectoryIsExisting(programConfigDir); return combine(programConfigDir, Program.getInstance().getConfigName()); } @Deprecated // #273: legacy cfg is read for some versions; should be removed in v15 or sooner (only use osConformConfig() instead) public static boolean hasLegacyConfig() { File file = new File(legacyConfig()); return file.exists(); } @Deprecated // #273: legacy cfg is read for some versions; should be removed in v15 or sooner (only use osConformConfig() instead) public static String legacyConfig() { String programConfigDirectory = combine(userHomeDirectory(), Program.getInstance().getProgramName()); return combine(programConfigDirectory, Program.getInstance().getConfigName()); } private static void ensureDirectoryIsExisting(String path) { File file = new File(path); if (!file.exists()) { Path.safeMkDir(file, true); } } private static String osConformConfigDirectory() { String configDir = userHomeDirectory(); if (SystemInfo.OS == Os.WINDOWS) { configDir = windowsConfigDirectory(); } else if (SystemInfo.OS == Os.MAC) { configDir = macOSXConfigDirectory(); } else if (SystemInfo.OS == Os.LINUX || SystemInfo.OS == Os.UNIX) { configDir = xgdConfigDirectory(); } return configDir; } private static String windowsConfigDirectory() { String configPath = System.getenv("LOCALAPPDATA"); if (configPath == null) { configPath = userHomeDirectory(); } return configPath; } private static String macOSXConfigDirectory() { return combine(userHomeDirectory(), "Library/Preferences"); } private static String xgdConfigDirectory() { String configPath = System.getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); if (configPath == null) { configPath = combine(userHomeDirectory(), ".config"); } return configPath; } private static String userHomeDirectory() { return System.getProperty("user.home"); } private static String combine(String path, String childPath) { return new File(path, childPath).getPath(); } public static String customElements() { return homeProgram() + "custom_elements/"; } public static String temp() { if (tempDir == null) { String tmp = System.getProperty(""); if (!tmp.endsWith(File.separator)) { tmp = tmp + File.separator; } tempDir = tmp; } return tempDir; } /** * <ul> * <li>{@literal STANDALONE NOJAR: <programpath>}</li> * <li>{@literal STANDALONE JAR: <programpath>}</li> * <li>{@literal ECLIPSE NOJAR: <programpath>}</li> * <li>{@literal ECLIPSE JAR: <eclipse-path>/<configuration>/<dirToStoreCustomStuff>}</li> * </ul> */ public static String homeProgram() { return homeProgramDir; } public static void setHomeProgram(String homeProgramDir) { Path.homeProgramDir = homeProgramDir; } /** * <ul> * <li>{@literal STANDALONE NOJAR: <umlet-swing-path>/target/classes/}</li> * <li>{@literal STANDALONE JAR: <program-path>/<progname>.jar}</li> * <li>{@literal ECLIPSE NOJAR: <umlet-eclipse-plugin-path>}</li> * <li>{@literal ECLIPSE JAR: <eclipse-path>/<pluginname>.jar}</li> * </ul> */ public static String executable() { return executableHelper(Path.class); } public static String executableShared() { return executableHelper(GridElement.class); } private static String executableHelper(Class<?> c) { String path = null; URL codeSourceUrl = c.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation(); try { // Convert URL to URI to avoid HTML problems with special characters like space,ä,ö,ü,... path = codeSourceUrl.toURI().getPath(); } catch (URISyntaxException e) {/* path stays null */} if (path == null) { // URI2URL Conversion failed, because URI.getPath() returned null OR because of an URISyntaxException // In this case use the URL and replace special characters manually (for now only space) path = codeSourceUrl.getPath().replace("%20", " "); } return path; } public static void safeCreateFile(File file, boolean errorIfFileExists) { try { boolean success = file.createNewFile(); if (!success && errorIfFileExists) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot create file " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " because it already exists"); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot create file " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } } public static void safeDeleteFile(File file, boolean errorIfFailed) { boolean success = file.delete(); if (!success && errorIfFailed) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot delete file " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } } public static void safeMkDir(File file, boolean errorIfFailed) { boolean success = file.mkdir(); if (!success && errorIfFailed) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot make dir " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } } }