package com.baselet.element; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.baselet.control.SharedUtils; import com.baselet.control.basics.geom.Dimension; import com.baselet.control.basics.geom.DimensionDouble; import com.baselet.control.basics.geom.Line; import com.baselet.control.basics.geom.Point; import com.baselet.control.basics.geom.PointDouble; import com.baselet.control.basics.geom.Rectangle; import com.baselet.control.config.SharedConfig; import com.baselet.control.constants.SharedConstants; import com.baselet.control.enums.AlignHorizontal; import com.baselet.control.enums.Direction; import com.baselet.control.enums.ElementStyle; import com.baselet.control.enums.LineType; import com.baselet.diagram.draw.DrawHandler; import com.baselet.diagram.draw.helper.ColorOwn; import com.baselet.diagram.draw.helper.ColorOwn.Transparency; import com.baselet.element.facet.Facet; import com.baselet.element.facet.KeyValueFacet; import com.baselet.element.facet.PropertiesParserState; import com.baselet.element.facet.Settings; import com.baselet.element.facet.common.GroupFacet; import com.baselet.element.facet.common.LayerFacet; import com.baselet.element.interfaces.Component; import com.baselet.element.interfaces.CursorOwn; import com.baselet.element.interfaces.DrawHandlerInterface; import com.baselet.element.interfaces.GridElement; import com.baselet.element.interfaces.GridElementDeprecatedAddons; import com.baselet.element.sticking.PointChange; import com.baselet.element.sticking.Stickable; import com.baselet.element.sticking.StickableMap; import com.baselet.element.sticking.Stickables; import com.baselet.element.sticking.StickingPolygon; import com.baselet.gui.AutocompletionText; public abstract class NewGridElement implements GridElement { private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NewGridElement.class); private DrawHandler drawer; // this is the drawer for element specific stuff private DrawHandler metaDrawer; // this is a separate drawer to draw stickingborder, selection-background etc. private Component component; private DrawHandlerInterface handler; private List<String> panelAttributes; protected PropertiesParserState state; protected final UndoHistory undoStack = new UndoHistory(); public void init(Rectangle bounds, String panelAttributes, String additionalAttributes, Component component, DrawHandlerInterface handler) { this.component = component; drawer = component.getDrawHandler(); metaDrawer = component.getMetaDrawHandler(); setPanelAttributesHelper(panelAttributes); setRectangle(bounds); this.handler = handler; state = new PropertiesParserState(createSettings(), drawer); setAdditionalAttributes(additionalAttributes); } @Override public String getPanelAttributes() { return SharedUtils.listToString("\n", panelAttributes); } @Override public List<String> getPanelAttributesAsList() { return panelAttributes; } @Override public void setPanelAttributes(String panelAttributes) { setPanelAttributesHelper(panelAttributes); updateModelFromText(); } public void setPanelAttributesHelper(String panelAttributes) { this.panelAttributes = Arrays.asList(panelAttributes.split("\n", -1)); // split with -1 to retain empty lines at the end } /** * ugly workaround to avoid that the Resize().execute() call which calls setSize() on this model updates the model during the * calculated model update from autoresize. Otherwise the drawer cache would get messed up (it gets cleaned up 2 times in a row and afterwards everything gets drawn 2 times). * Best testcase is an autoresize element with a background. Write some text and everytime autresize triggers, the background is drawn twice. */ private boolean autoresizePossiblyInProgress = false; @Override public void updateModelFromText() { autoresizePossiblyInProgress = true; drawer.clearCache(); drawer.resetStyle(); // must be set before actions which depend on the fontsize (otherwise a changed fontsize would be recognized too late) try { PropertiesParser.parsePropertiesAndHandleFacets(this, state); } catch (Exception e) {"Cannot parse Properties Text", e); drawer.resetStyle(); String localizedMessage = e.getLocalizedMessage(); if (localizedMessage == null) { localizedMessage = e.toString(); } drawError(drawer, localizedMessage); } autoresizePossiblyInProgress = false; component.afterModelUpdate(); } protected void drawError(DrawHandler drawer, String errorText) { drawer.setEnableDrawing(true); drawer.setForegroundColor(ColorOwn.RED); drawer.setBackgroundColor(ColorOwn.RED.transparency(Transparency.SELECTION_BACKGROUND)); drawer.setLineWidth(0.2); drawer.drawRectangle(0, 0, getRealSize().width, getRealSize().height); // draw dotted rect (to enforce background color even if element has no border) resetAndDrawMetaDrawerContent(metaDrawer); // y coordinate specifies the bottom line of the first text line therefore // count the new line chars and calculate offset to place the message in the center String[] errorLines = errorText.split("\n"); double y = getRealSize().height * 0.5 - errorLines.length * drawer.textHeightMaxWithSpace() / 2.0 + drawer.textHeightMax(); for (int i = 0; i < errorLines.length; i++, y += drawer.textHeightMaxWithSpace()) { drawer.print(errorLines[i], 3, y, AlignHorizontal.LEFT); } } void resetMetaDrawerAndDrawCommonContent(PropertiesParserState state, boolean resetMetaDrawer) { drawCommonContent(state); if (resetMetaDrawer) { resetAndDrawMetaDrawerContent(metaDrawer); } } protected abstract void drawCommonContent(PropertiesParserState state); protected void resetAndDrawMetaDrawerContent(DrawHandler drawer) { drawer.clearCache(); drawer.setForegroundColor(ColorOwn.TRANSPARENT); drawer.setBackgroundColor(ColorOwn.SELECTION_BG); drawer.drawRectangle(0, 0, getRealSize().width, getRealSize().height); if (SharedConfig.getInstance().isDev_mode()) { drawer.setForegroundColor(ColorOwn.BLACK); drawer.setFontSize(10.5); drawer.print(getId().toString(), new PointDouble(getRealSize().width - 3, getRealSize().height - 2), AlignHorizontal.RIGHT); } drawer.resetColorSettings(); if (SharedConfig.getInstance().isShow_stickingpolygon()) { drawStickingPolygon(drawer); } } @Override public void setProperty(String key, Object newValue) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(""); for (String line : getPanelAttributesAsList()) { if (!line.startsWith(key)) { sb.append(line).append("\n"); } } if (sb.length() > 0) { // remove last linebreak sb.setLength(sb.length() - 1); } if (newValue != null) { sb.append("\n").append(key).append(KeyValueFacet.SEP).append(newValue.toString()); // null will not be added as a value } setPanelAttributes(sb.toString()); } @Override public String getSetting(String key) { for (String line : getPanelAttributesAsList()) { if (line.startsWith(key + KeyValueFacet.SEP)) { String[] split = line.split(KeyValueFacet.SEP, 2); if (split.length > 1) { return split[1]; } } } return null; } @Override public String getAdditionalAttributes() { return ""; // usually GridElements have no additional attributes } @Override public void setAdditionalAttributes(String additionalAttributes) { // usually GridElements have no additional attributes } @Override public boolean isInRange(Rectangle rect1) { return rect1.contains(getRectangle()); } @Override public Set<Direction> getResizeArea(int x, int y) { Set<Direction> returnSet = new HashSet<Direction>(); if (state.getElementStyle() == ElementStyle.NORESIZE || state.getElementStyle() == ElementStyle.AUTORESIZE) { return returnSet; } if (x <= 5 && x >= 0) { returnSet.add(Direction.LEFT); } else if (x <= getRectangle().width && x >= getRectangle().width - 5) { returnSet.add(Direction.RIGHT); } if (y <= 5 && y >= 0) { returnSet.add(Direction.UP); } else if (y <= getRectangle().height && y >= getRectangle().height - 5) { returnSet.add(Direction.DOWN); } return returnSet; } /** * @deprecated use {@link #generateStickingBorder()} instead, because typically the stickingpolygon is created for the own Rectangle, and the other method guarantees that the correct zoom level is applied (important to make alternative StickingPolygonGenerators like PointDoubleStickingPolygonGenerator work) */ @Deprecated @Override public final StickingPolygon generateStickingBorder(Rectangle rect) { return state.getStickingPolygonGenerator().generateStickingBorder(rect); } /** * generates the StickingPolygon of the element using the rectangle as if the zoomlevel would be 100% (this is IMPORTANT because the sticking-calculation doesn't calculate the zoomlevel (see Issue 229 and 231) * Should never be overwritten; if a specific StickingPolygon should be created, instead overwrite the StickingPolygonGenerator in PropertiesParserState eg: Class uses different Generators based on which facets are active (see */ @Override public final StickingPolygon generateStickingBorder() { return generateStickingBorder(getRealRectangle()); // ALWAYS generate the stickingBorder as if zoom were 100% } private final void drawStickingPolygon(DrawHandler drawer) { Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, getRealSize().width, getRealSize().height); StickingPolygon poly = this.generateStickingBorder(rect); drawer.setLineType(LineType.DASHED); drawer.setForegroundColor(ColorOwn.STICKING_POLYGON); Vector<? extends Line> lines = poly.getStickLines(); drawer.drawLines(lines.toArray(new Line[lines.size()])); drawer.setLineType(LineType.SOLID); drawer.resetColorSettings(); } @Override public void setRectangle(Rectangle bounds) { component.setBoundsRect(bounds); } @Override public void setLocationDifference(int diffx, int diffy) { setLocation(getRectangle().x + diffx, getRectangle().y + diffy); } @Override public void setLocation(int x, int y) { Rectangle rect = getRectangle(); rect.setLocation(x, y); component.setBoundsRect(rect); } @Override public void setSize(int width, int height) { if (width != getRectangle().width || height != getRectangle().height) { // only change size if it is really different Rectangle rect = getRectangle(); rect.setSize(width, height); setRectangle(rect); if (!autoresizePossiblyInProgress) { updateModelFromText(); } } } @Override public Rectangle getRectangle() { return component.getBoundsRect(); } @Override public void repaint() { component.repaintComponent(); } /** * @see com.baselet.element.interfaces.GridElement#getRealSize() */ @Override public Dimension getRealSize() { return new Dimension(zoom(getRectangle().width), zoom(getRectangle().height)); } public Rectangle getRealRectangle() { return new Rectangle(zoom(getRectangle().x), zoom(getRectangle().y), zoom(getRectangle().width), zoom(getRectangle().height)); } private int zoom(int val) { return val * SharedConstants.DEFAULT_GRID_SIZE / getGridSize(); } @Override public Component getComponent() { return component; } protected abstract Settings createSettings(); @Override public List<AutocompletionText> getAutocompletionList() { List<AutocompletionText> returnList = new ArrayList<AutocompletionText>(); addAutocompletionTexts(returnList, state.getSettings().getFacetsForFirstRun()); addAutocompletionTexts(returnList, state.getSettings().getFacetsForSecondRun()); return returnList; } private void addAutocompletionTexts(List<AutocompletionText> returnList, List<? extends Facet> facets) { for (Facet f : facets) { for (AutocompletionText t : f.getAutocompletionStrings()) { returnList.add(t); } } } @Override public Integer getLayer() { return state.getFacetResponse(LayerFacet.class, LayerFacet.DEFAULT_VALUE); } @Override public Integer getGroup() { return state.getFacetResponse(GroupFacet.class, null); } public void handleAutoresize(DimensionDouble necessaryElementDimension, AlignHorizontal alignHorizontal) { Dimension realSize = getRealSize(); double diffw = necessaryElementDimension.getWidth() - realSize.width; double diffh = necessaryElementDimension.getHeight() - realSize.height; int diffwInt = SharedUtils.realignTo(false, unzoom(diffw), true, getGridSize()); int diffhInt = SharedUtils.realignTo(false, unzoom(diffh), true, getGridSize()); List<Direction> directions = null; if (alignHorizontal == AlignHorizontal.LEFT) { directions = Arrays.asList(Direction.RIGHT, Direction.DOWN); } else if (alignHorizontal == AlignHorizontal.RIGHT) { diffwInt = -diffwInt; directions = Arrays.asList(Direction.LEFT, Direction.DOWN); } else if (alignHorizontal == AlignHorizontal.CENTER) { diffwInt = SharedUtils.realignTo(false, diffwInt / 2.0, true, getGridSize()) * 2; directions = Arrays.asList(Direction.RIGHT, Direction.LEFT, Direction.DOWN); } drag(directions, diffwInt, diffhInt, new Point(0, 0), false, true, handler.getStickableMap(), false); } private double unzoom(double diffw) { return diffw / SharedConstants.DEFAULT_GRID_SIZE * getGridSize(); } @Override public void setRectangleDifference(int diffx, int diffy, int diffw, int diffh, boolean firstDrag, StickableMap stickables, boolean undoable) { Rectangle oldRect = getRectangle(); StickingPolygon stickingPolygonBeforeLocationChange = generateStickingBorder(); String oldAddAttr = getAdditionalAttributes(); setRectangle(new Rectangle(oldRect.x + diffx, oldRect.y + diffy, oldRect.getWidth() + diffw, oldRect.getHeight() + diffh)); moveStickables(stickables, undoable, oldRect, stickingPolygonBeforeLocationChange, oldAddAttr); } @Override public void drag(Collection<Direction> resizeDirection, int diffX, int diffY, Point mousePosBeforeDrag, boolean isShiftKeyDown, boolean firstDrag, StickableMap stickables, boolean undoable) { Rectangle oldRect = getRectangle(); StickingPolygon stickingPolygonBeforeLocationChange = generateStickingBorder(); String oldAddAttr = getAdditionalAttributes(); if (resizeDirection.isEmpty()) { // Move GridElement setLocationDifference(diffX, diffY); } else { // Resize GridElement Rectangle rect = getRectangle(); if (isShiftKeyDown && diagonalResize(resizeDirection)) { // Proportional Resize boolean mouseToRight = diffX > 0 && diffX > diffY; boolean mouseDown = diffY > 0 && diffY > diffX; boolean mouseLeft = diffX < 0 && diffX < diffY; boolean mouseUp = diffY < 0 && diffY < diffX; if (mouseToRight || mouseLeft) { diffY = diffX; } if (mouseDown || mouseUp) { diffX = diffY; } } if (resizeDirection.contains(Direction.LEFT) && resizeDirection.contains(Direction.RIGHT)) { rect.setX(rect.getX() - diffX / 2); rect.setWidth(Math.max(rect.getWidth() + diffX, minSize())); } else if (resizeDirection.contains(Direction.LEFT)) { int newWidth = rect.getWidth() - diffX; if (newWidth >= minSize()) { rect.setX(rect.getX() + diffX); rect.setWidth(newWidth); } } else if (resizeDirection.contains(Direction.RIGHT)) { rect.setWidth(Math.max(rect.getWidth() + diffX, minSize())); } if (resizeDirection.contains(Direction.UP)) { int newHeight = rect.getHeight() - diffY; if (newHeight >= minSize()) { rect.setY(rect.getY() + diffY); rect.setHeight(newHeight); } } if (resizeDirection.contains(Direction.DOWN)) { rect.setHeight(Math.max(rect.getHeight() + diffY, minSize())); } setRectangle(rect); if (!autoresizePossiblyInProgress) { updateModelFromText(); } } moveStickables(stickables, undoable, oldRect, stickingPolygonBeforeLocationChange, oldAddAttr); } private void moveStickables(StickableMap stickables, boolean undoable, Rectangle oldRect, StickingPolygon stickingPolygonBeforeLocationChange, String oldAddAttr) { Map<Stickable, List<PointChange>> stickableChanges = Stickables.moveStickPointsBasedOnPolygonChanges(stickingPolygonBeforeLocationChange, generateStickingBorder(), stickables, getGridSize()); if (undoable) { undoStack.add(new UndoInformation(getRectangle(), oldRect, stickableChanges, getGridSize(), oldAddAttr, getAdditionalAttributes())); } } @Override public void dragEnd() { // only used by some specific elements like Relations } @Override public boolean isSelectableOn(Point point) { return getRectangle().contains(point); } private boolean diagonalResize(Collection<Direction> resizeDirection) { return resizeDirection.contains(Direction.UP) && resizeDirection.contains(Direction.RIGHT) || resizeDirection.contains(Direction.UP) && resizeDirection.contains(Direction.LEFT) || resizeDirection.contains(Direction.DOWN) && resizeDirection.contains(Direction.LEFT) || resizeDirection.contains(Direction.DOWN) && resizeDirection.contains(Direction.RIGHT); } protected DrawHandlerInterface getHandler() { return handler; } public int getGridSize() { return getHandler().getGridSize(); } private int minSize() { return handler.getGridSize() * 2; } @Override public void undoDrag() { execUndoInformation(true); } private void execUndoInformation(boolean undo) { UndoInformation undoInfo = undoStack.get(undo); if (undoInfo != null) { setRectangle(getRectangle().add(undoInfo.getDiffRectangle(getGridSize(), undo))); Stickables.applyChanges(undoInfo.getStickableMoves(undo), null); setAdditionalAttributes(undoInfo.getAdditionalAttributes(undo)); } } @Override public void redoDrag() { execUndoInformation(false); } @Override public void mergeUndoDrag() { UndoInformation undoInfoA = undoStack.remove(); UndoInformation undoInfoB = undoStack.remove(); undoStack.add(undoInfoA.merge(undoInfoB)); } @Override public GridElementDeprecatedAddons getDeprecatedAddons() { return GridElementDeprecatedAddons.NONE; } @Override public CursorOwn getCursor(Point point, Set<Direction> resizeDirections) { return getCursorStatic(this, point, resizeDirections); } public static CursorOwn getCursorStatic(GridElement e, Point point, Set<Direction> resizeDirections) { if (!e.isSelectableOn(point)) { return CursorOwn.DEFAULT; } else { if (resizeDirections.isEmpty()) { return CursorOwn.HAND; } else if (resizeDirections.contains(Direction.UP) && resizeDirections.contains(Direction.RIGHT)) { return CursorOwn.NE; } else if (resizeDirections.contains(Direction.UP) && resizeDirections.contains(Direction.LEFT)) { return CursorOwn.NW; } else if (resizeDirections.contains(Direction.DOWN) && resizeDirections.contains(Direction.LEFT)) { return CursorOwn.SW; } else if (resizeDirections.contains(Direction.DOWN) && resizeDirections.contains(Direction.RIGHT)) { return CursorOwn.SE; } else if (resizeDirections.contains(Direction.UP)) { return CursorOwn.N; } else if (resizeDirections.contains(Direction.RIGHT)) { return CursorOwn.E; } else if (resizeDirections.contains(Direction.DOWN)) { return CursorOwn.S; } else if (resizeDirections.contains(Direction.LEFT)) { return CursorOwn.W; } return CursorOwn.DEFAULT; } } }