package com.baselet.element.sequence_aio.facet; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import com.baselet.control.basics.Line1D; import com.baselet.control.basics.geom.PointDouble; import com.baselet.control.enums.AlignHorizontal; import com.baselet.control.enums.AlignVertical; import com.baselet.control.enums.LineType; import com.baselet.diagram.draw.DrawHandler; import com.baselet.diagram.draw.TextSplitter; /** * Draws a combined fragment. * The border starts at the top of the start tick and ends at the bottom of the end tick + half of the tick y padding. * */ public class CombinedFragment implements LifelineSpanningTickSpanningOccurrence, Container { /** how much space is between the header and the first constraint */ private static final double HEADER_CONSTRAINT_PADDING = 5; private static final double CONSTRAINT_Y_PADDING = 2; private static final double COMBINED_FRAGMENT_HORIZONTAL_BORDER_PADDING = 7; private static final double COMBINED_FRAGMENT_VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING = 7; private final Lifeline[] coveredLifelines; /** first tick which is in the combined fragment, contains the operator and the InteractionConstraint of the first operand */ private final int startTick; private final String[] operatorLines; private final Deque<Operand> operands; /** * * @param coveredLifelines the lifelines which are covered by this combined fragment * @param startTick * @param operator can be multiple lines (but only \n is allowed) */ public CombinedFragment(Lifeline[] coveredLifelines, int startTick, String operator) { super(); this.coveredLifelines = Arrays.copyOf(coveredLifelines, coveredLifelines.length); this.startTick = startTick; operatorLines = operator.split("\n"); operands = new LinkedList<CombinedFragment.Operand>(); } @Override public Lifeline getFirstLifeline() { return coveredLifelines[0]; } @Override public Lifeline getLastLifeline() { return coveredLifelines[coveredLifelines.length - 1]; } @Override public int getStartTick() { return startTick; } // public void setEndTick(int endTick) { // this.endTick = endTick; // } /** * the last tick which lies in the combined fragment */ @Override public int getEndTick() { if (operands.isEmpty()) { return startTick; } return operands.getLast().endTick; } /** * Adds an operand to the combined fragement. * @param startTick * @param endTick */ public void addOperand(int startTick, int endTick) { if (operands.size() == 0 && this.startTick != startTick) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The start tick of the first operand must be equal to the start tick of the combined fragment"); } operands.add(new Operand(startTick, endTick)); } /** * Adds an operand with an interaction constraint to the combined fragment. * @param startTick * @param endTick * @param text * @param constraintLifeline * @throws SequenceDiagramCheckedException if the lifeline already contains an occurrence at the startTick or * if the lifeline is not created on start and the startTick is prior in time to the create tick */ public void addOperand(int startTick, int endTick, String text, Lifeline constraintLifeline) throws SequenceDiagramCheckedException { if (operands.size() == 0 && this.startTick != startTick) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The start tick of the first operand must be equal to the start tick of the combined fragment"); } operands.add(new Operand(startTick, endTick, text, constraintLifeline)); } @Override public void draw(DrawHandler drawHandler, DrawingInfo drawingInfo) { // draw operand lines, the pentagon and the first operand drawOperandLines(drawHandler, drawingInfo); PointDouble[] rectangle = new PointDouble[] { new PointDouble(drawingInfo.getHorizontalStart(this), drawingInfo.getVerticalStart(this)), new PointDouble(drawingInfo.getHorizontalEnd(this), drawingInfo.getVerticalStart(this)), new PointDouble(drawingInfo.getHorizontalEnd(this), drawingInfo.getVerticalEnd(this)), new PointDouble(drawingInfo.getHorizontalStart(this), drawingInfo.getVerticalEnd(this)), null }; rectangle[4] = rectangle[0]; drawHandler.drawLines(rectangle); Collection<Line1D> slopeNotPermittedAreas = new ArrayList<Line1D>(coveredLifelines.length); for (Lifeline ll : coveredLifelines) { if (ll.getLifelineLeftPartWidth(startTick) > 0) { double llCenter = drawingInfo.getHDrawingInfo(ll).getHorizontalCenter(); slopeNotPermittedAreas.add(new Line1D(llCenter - ll.getLifelineLeftPartWidth(startTick), llCenter + ll.getLifelineRightPartWidth(startTick))); } } PointDouble headerSize = PentagonDrawingHelper.draw(drawHandler, operatorLines, drawingInfo.getWidth(this), rectangle[0], slopeNotPermittedAreas); // add interruptions for all affected lifelines double endOfHeadX = drawingInfo.getHorizontalStart(this) + headerSize.x; for (Lifeline ll : coveredLifelines) { if (drawingInfo.getHDrawingInfo(ll).getHorizontalCenter() - ll.getLifelineLeftPartWidth(startTick) <= endOfHeadX) { drawingInfo.getDrawingInfo(ll).addInterruptedArea(new Line1D(rectangle[0].y, rectangle[0].y + headerSize.y)); } else { // we traverse the lifelines from left to right, therfore after the first ll which is not covered we can stop break; } } // draw operand and add the interrupted area if (operands.size() > 0 && operands.getFirst().constraint != null) { Operand firstOperand = operands.getFirst(); Operand.InteractionConstraint firstIntConst = firstOperand.constraint; double constraintTopY = drawingInfo.getVerticalStart(this) + headerSize.y + HEADER_CONSTRAINT_PADDING; double constraintBottomY = drawingInfo.getVerticalEnd(startTick); double textHeight = TextSplitter.getSplitStringHeight(firstIntConst.textLines, drawingInfo.getHDrawingInfo(firstIntConst.affectedLifeline).getSymmetricWidth(startTick), drawHandler); textHeight += CONSTRAINT_Y_PADDING * 2; constraintTopY += (constraintBottomY - constraintTopY - textHeight) / 2; TextSplitter.drawText(drawHandler, firstIntConst.textLines, drawingInfo.getHDrawingInfo(firstIntConst.affectedLifeline).getSymmetricHorizontalStart(startTick), constraintTopY, drawingInfo.getHDrawingInfo(firstIntConst.affectedLifeline).getSymmetricWidth(startTick), textHeight, AlignHorizontal.CENTER, AlignVertical.CENTER); drawingInfo.getDrawingInfo(firstIntConst.affectedLifeline).addInterruptedArea( new Line1D(constraintTopY, constraintTopY + textHeight)); } } private void drawOperandLines(DrawHandler drawHandler, DrawingInfo drawingInfo) { Iterator<Operand> operandIter = operands.iterator(); if (operandIter.hasNext()) {; // skip first operand } drawHandler.setLineType(LineType.DASHED); while (operandIter.hasNext()) { Operand op =; drawHandler.drawLine(drawingInfo.getHorizontalStart(this), drawingInfo.getVerticalStart(op.startTick) - drawingInfo.getTickVerticalPadding() / 2.0, drawingInfo.getHorizontalEnd(this), drawingInfo.getVerticalStart(op.startTick) - drawingInfo.getTickVerticalPadding() / 2.0); } drawHandler.setLineType(LineType.SOLID); } @Override public double getOverallMinWidth(DrawHandler drawHandler, double lifelineHorizontalPadding) { // we only need to calculate the minimum width of the pentagon and the first operand, // other operands are handled as LifelineOccurrence. Add the width of the execution specification of the last // lifeline as buffere because in rare cases the slope could "jump" over it (to avoid that the slope is in the ExecSpec) // add the border padding so nested combined fragments look nice double minWidth = PentagonDrawingHelper.getMinimumWidth(drawHandler, operatorLines); if (operands.size() > 0 && operands.getFirst().constraint != null) { double constraintMinWidth = operands.getFirst().constraint.getMinWidth(drawHandler) * coveredLifelines.length + (coveredLifelines.length - 1) * lifelineHorizontalPadding; minWidth = Math.max(minWidth, constraintMinWidth); } return minWidth + getLastLifeline().getLifelineLeftPartWidth(startTick) + getLastLifeline().getLifelineRightPartWidth(startTick); } @Override public Map<Integer, Double> getEveryAdditionalYHeight(DrawHandler drawHandler, HorizontalDrawingInfo hInfo, double defaultTickHeight) { Map<Integer, Double> ret = new HashMap<Integer, Double>(); // we only need to calculate the pentagon + the first operand/InteractionConstrain because // the separating lines are too thin to make a difference and the other operands are // handled as LifelineOccurrence double headerHeight = PentagonDrawingHelper.getHeight(drawHandler, operatorLines, hInfo.getWidth(this)); headerHeight -= COMBINED_FRAGMENT_VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING; // head draws into the padding if (operands.size() > 0 && operands.getFirst().constraint != null) { headerHeight += HEADER_CONSTRAINT_PADDING; headerHeight += TextSplitter.getSplitStringHeight(operands.getFirst().constraint.textLines, hInfo.getHDrawingInfo(operands.getFirst().constraint.affectedLifeline).getSymmetricWidth(startTick), drawHandler); headerHeight += CONSTRAINT_Y_PADDING * 2; } if (headerHeight > defaultTickHeight) { ret.put(startTick, headerHeight - defaultTickHeight); } return ret; } @Override public ContainerPadding getPaddingInformation() { return new ContainerPadding(this, COMBINED_FRAGMENT_HORIZONTAL_BORDER_PADDING, COMBINED_FRAGMENT_HORIZONTAL_BORDER_PADDING, COMBINED_FRAGMENT_VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING, COMBINED_FRAGMENT_VERTICAL_BORDER_PADDING); } private class Operand { private final int startTick; private final int endTick; private final InteractionConstraint constraint; public Operand(int startTick, int endTick) { super(); this.startTick = startTick; this.endTick = endTick; constraint = null; } /** * * @param startTick * @param endTick * @param text * @param constraintLifeline * @throws SequenceDiagramCheckedException if the lifeline already contains an occurrence at the startTick or * if the lifeline is not created on start and the startTick is prior in time to the create tick */ public Operand(int startTick, int endTick, String text, Lifeline constraintLifeline) throws SequenceDiagramCheckedException { super(); this.startTick = startTick; this.endTick = endTick; constraint = new InteractionConstraint(text, constraintLifeline); } public boolean isFirstOperand() { return operands.getFirst() == this; } public boolean isLastOperand() { return operands.getLast() == this; } /** * Represents an interaction constraint of an operand of a combined fragment. * The drawing and calculation of the height for the interaction constraint * of the first operand is handled by the combined fragment because the * positioning of it is tightly coupled with the operator drawing. * */ private class InteractionConstraint implements LifelineOccurrence { private final String[] textLines; private final Lifeline affectedLifeline; /** * @param constraintText the constraint without the square brackets * @param affectedLifeline the lifeline on which the constraint should be placed * @throws SequenceDiagramCheckedException if the lifeline already contains an occurrence at the {@link Operand#startTick} or * if the lifeline is not created on start and the {@link Operand#startTick} is prior in time to the create tick */ public InteractionConstraint(String constraintText, Lifeline affectedLifeline) throws SequenceDiagramCheckedException { super(); textLines = ('[' + constraintText + ']').split("\n"); this.affectedLifeline = affectedLifeline; affectedLifeline.addLifelineOccurrenceAtTick(this, startTick); } @Override public Line1D draw(DrawHandler drawHandler, PointDouble topLeft, PointDouble size) { if (isFirstOperand()) { // first operand is handled by the combined fragment return null; } else { double textHeight = TextSplitter.getSplitStringHeight(textLines, size.x, drawHandler); Line1D interruptedArea = new Line1D(topLeft.y + (size.y - textHeight) / 2 - CONSTRAINT_Y_PADDING, topLeft.y + (size.y - textHeight) / 2 + textHeight + CONSTRAINT_Y_PADDING); TextSplitter.drawText(drawHandler, textLines, topLeft.x, interruptedArea.getLow() + CONSTRAINT_Y_PADDING, size.x, textHeight, AlignHorizontal.CENTER, AlignVertical.CENTER); return interruptedArea; } } @Override public double getMinWidth(DrawHandler drawHandler) { return TextSplitter.getTextMinWidth(textLines, drawHandler); } @Override public double getAdditionalYHeight(DrawHandler drawHandler, PointDouble size) { if (isFirstOperand()) { // first operand is handled by the combined fragment return -1; } else { return TextSplitter.getSplitStringHeight(textLines, size.x, drawHandler) + CONSTRAINT_Y_PADDING * 2 - size.y; } } } } }