package com.baselet.diagram.draw; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Set; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.baselet.control.StringStyle; import com.baselet.control.enums.AlignHorizontal; import com.baselet.control.enums.AlignVertical; import com.baselet.control.enums.FormatLabels; import com.baselet.diagram.draw.helper.Style; import com.baselet.util.LRUCache; /** * Based on the old TextSplitter, but offers additional features. * e.g. splitting a whole line into the parts * calculate the height * calculate minimum width of an text so it can be fully drawn * * If not stated otherwise all Strings supplied to the TextSplitter are interpreted and * the found markup is used to format the String (see {@link StringStyle}). * <br> * <i>Hint: The old TextSplitter can be found in the git history</i> * <pre>e.g. hash: 1320ae5858446795bccda8d2bb12d18664278886</pre> */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public class TextSplitter { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TextSplitter.class); // since the 2nd and 3rd cache use the value of the 1st as a partial key, the size shouldn't be too different // especially for the 2nd, the 3rd is bigger because there will be many different width value because of resize operations private static final int WORD_CACHE_SIZE = 180; private static final int MIN_WIDTH_CACHE_SIZE = 190; private static final int WORDWRAP_CACHE_SIZE = 400; private static final String SPLIT_CHARS = " \t"; // 3 Caches are used // String line -> WordRegion[] words // WordRegion[] words + Style style + FormatLabels -> Double minWidth // WordRegion[] words + Style style + FormatLabels + Double width -> String[] wrappedLines + double height private static LinkedHashMap<String, WordRegion[]> wordCache = new LRUCache<String, WordRegion[]>(WORD_CACHE_SIZE); private static LinkedHashMap<MinWidthCacheKey, Double> minWidthCache = new LRUCache<MinWidthCacheKey, Double>(MIN_WIDTH_CACHE_SIZE); private static LinkedHashMap<WordwrapCacheKey, WordwrapCacheValue> wordwrapCache = new LRUCache<WordwrapCacheKey, WordwrapCacheValue>(WORDWRAP_CACHE_SIZE); /** * * @param drawer * @param textLines each element is a line, must fit into width,height Rectangle * @param topLeftX * @param topLeftY * @param width * @param height * @param hAlignment * @param vAlignment */ public static void drawText(DrawHandler drawer, String[] textLines, double topLeftX, double topLeftY, double width, double height, AlignHorizontal hAlignment, AlignVertical vAlignment) { double textHeight = getSplitStringHeight(textLines, width, drawer); if (textHeight > height) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The text needs more height then specified in the parameter"); } switch (vAlignment) { case TOP: break; case CENTER: topLeftY += (height - textHeight) / 2.0; break; case BOTTOM: topLeftY += height - textHeight; break; default: log.error("Encountered unhandled enumeration value '" + vAlignment + "'."); break; } topLeftY += drawer.textHeightMax(); switch (hAlignment) { case LEFT: break; case CENTER: topLeftX += width / 2.0; break; case RIGHT: topLeftX += width; break; default: log.error("Encountered unhandled enumeration value '" + hAlignment + "'."); break; } for (String l : textLines) { for (StringStyle wl : splitStringAlgorithm(l, width, drawer)) { drawer.print(wl, topLeftX, topLeftY, hAlignment); topLeftY += drawer.textHeightMaxWithSpace(); } } } /** * checks if the whole string would fit into the width * @param text * @param width * @param drawer * @return true if the whole string would fit into the width */ public static boolean checkifStringFitsNoWordwrap(String text, double width, DrawHandler drawer) { StringStyle analyzedText = StringStyle.analyzeFormatLabels(StringStyle.replaceNotEscaped(text)); WordRegion[] words = getCachedWords(analyzedText.getStringWithoutMarkup()); // only check cache because we don't need the words if (words == null) { return drawer.textWidth(analyzedText.getStringWithoutMarkup()) + endBuffer(drawer) + 0.01 < width; } else { WordwrapCacheValue wwValue = getCachedWordwrap(words, width, drawer.getStyleClone(), analyzedText.getFormat()); if (wwValue == null) { return drawer.textWidth(analyzedText.getStringWithoutMarkup()) + endBuffer(drawer) + 0.01 < width; } else { return wwValue.getWrappedLines().length < 2; // if only 1 line was generated then it fits } } } /** * checks if the minimum width exceeds the given width * @param text * @param width * @param drawer * @return true if the minimum width does not exceed the given width */ public static boolean checkifStringFitsWithWordwrap(String text, double width, DrawHandler drawer) { return getTextMinWidth(text, drawer) < width; // generate the words and min width (or take them from cache) } /** * Splits the text so it can be drawn with the given width and then the height is calculated. * @param text a single line (no \r \n) * @param width * @param drawer * @return the split text, each line as an element * * @see #splitStringAndHeightAlgorithm(String, double, DrawHandler) */ public static double getSplitStringHeight(String text, double width, DrawHandler drawer) { return splitStringAndHeightAlgorithm(text, width, drawer).getHeight(); } /** * Splits each line so it can be drawn with the given width and then the height is calculated. * It only call getSplitStringHeight(String, double, DrawHanlder) for each string and adds up the height * @param textLines each element is a single line (no \r \n) * @param width * @param drawer * @return the split text, each line as an element * * @see #splitStringAndHeightAlgorithm(String, double, DrawHandler) */ public static double getSplitStringHeight(String[] textLines, double width, DrawHandler drawer) { double height = 0; for (String l : textLines) { height += getSplitStringHeight(l, width, drawer); } return height; } /** * * @param text a single line (no \r \n) * @param width in which the text should be fitted, need to be > the width of the 'n' character * @param drawer * @return the wrapped lines */ public static StringStyle[] splitStringAlgorithm(String text, double width, DrawHandler drawer) { return splitStringAndHeightAlgorithm(text, width, drawer).getWrappedLines(); } /** * * @param text1 a single line (no \r \n) * @param maxWidth in which the text should be fitted, need to be > the width of the 'n' character * @param drawer * @param runtimeException if true then a runtime exception is thrown if a single word is to big for the given width * @return */ private static WordwrapCacheValue splitStringAndHeightAlgorithm(String text, double maxWidth, DrawHandler drawer) { StringStyle analyzedText = StringStyle.analyzeFormatLabels(StringStyle.replaceNotEscaped(text)); String finalText = analyzedText.getStringWithoutMarkup(); WordRegion[] words = splitIntoWords(finalText); WordwrapCacheKey key = new WordwrapCacheKey(words, maxWidth, drawer.getStyleClone(), analyzedText.getFormat()); WordwrapCacheValue cachedWordwrap = getCachedWordwrap(key); if (cachedWordwrap != null) { log.trace("got value from cache " + cachedWordwrap); return cachedWordwrap; } else { maxWidth -= endBuffer(drawer); // subtract a buffer to make sure no character is hidden at the end List<StringStyle> wrappedText = new LinkedList<StringStyle>(); List<WordRegion> wordsList = new ArrayList<TextSplitter.WordRegion>(Arrays.asList(words)); for (ListIterator<WordRegion> iter = wordsList.listIterator(); iter.hasNext();) { WordRegion currentRegion =; String currentWord = finalText.substring(currentRegion.getBegin(), currentRegion.getEnd()); log.trace("current word: " + currentWord); // Case1: current word is too long for available width space if (!wordFits(maxWidth, drawer, currentWord)) { // remove character by character from the word until it fits the line int endIndex = currentRegion.getEnd(); String partialWord = finalText.substring(currentRegion.getBegin(), endIndex); while (endIndex > 0 && !wordFits(maxWidth, drawer, partialWord)) { partialWord = finalText.substring(currentRegion.getBegin(), --endIndex); } // if there is space for at least one character (ie: beginIdx != endIdx), add the portion of the current word which fits to the wrappedText and handle the rest of the word in the next iteration if (currentRegion.getBegin() != endIndex) { wrappedText.add(new StringStyle(analyzedText.getFormat(), partialWord)); iter.set(new WordRegion(endIndex, currentRegion.getEnd())); // overwrite this Wordregion with the new partial wordregion and handle it again iter.previous(); } } // Case2: word fits the line but possibly more words would fit the line, therefore merge current WordRegion with next region until it's too long or there is no next region else { String mergedWord = currentWord; while (iter.hasNext() && wordFits(maxWidth, drawer, mergedWord)) { mergedWord = finalText.substring(currentRegion.getBegin(),; } // Case2.1: all remaining words are merged and it still fits the width, therefore add the mergedWord if (wordFits(maxWidth, drawer, mergedWord)) { wrappedText.add(new StringStyle(analyzedText.getFormat(), mergedWord)); } // Case2.2: the merged word grew too long, therefore add the merged word without the last merge and handle the remaining words in the next iteration of the main loop else { iter.previous(); // afterwards iter is between the fitting WordRegion and the one which makes the mergedWord too long WordRegion lastFittingRegion = iter.previous(); // gives the fitting WordRegion but also moves the iter before the region String substring = finalText.substring(currentRegion.getBegin(), lastFittingRegion.getEnd()); wrappedText.add(new StringStyle(analyzedText.getFormat(), substring));; // call next() to move the iter back between the fitting WordRegion and the one which makes the mergedWord too long } } } double height = wrappedText.size() * drawer.textHeightMaxWithSpace(); WordwrapCacheValue wordwrapValue = new WordwrapCacheValue(wrappedText.toArray(new StringStyle[0]), height); setCachedWordwrap(key, wordwrapValue); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("split result: " + Arrays.toString(wordwrapValue.getWrappedLines())); } return wordwrapValue; } } private static boolean wordFits(double maxWidth, DrawHandler drawer, String word) { double width = drawer.textWidth(word); log.trace("checking if \"" + word + "\" with width " + width + " fits available space of " + maxWidth); return width <= maxWidth; } /** * * @param text a single line (no \r \n) * @param drawer * @return the minimum width, which is needed to draw the text. This is based on the biggest word. */ public static double getTextMinWidth(String text, DrawHandler drawer) { StringStyle analyzedText = StringStyle.analyzeFormatLabels(StringStyle.replaceNotEscaped(text)); MinWidthCacheKey key = new MinWidthCacheKey(splitIntoWords(analyzedText.getStringWithoutMarkup()), drawer.getStyleClone(), analyzedText.getFormat()); if (getCachedMinWidth(key) != null) { return getCachedMinWidth(key); } else { double minWidth = 0; if (analyzedText.getStringWithoutMarkup().trim().length() > 0) { for (WordRegion wr : key.getWords()) { minWidth = Math.max(minWidth, drawer.textWidth( analyzedText.getStringWithoutMarkup().substring(wr.getBegin(), wr.getEnd()))); } } // add the Buffer and small number, so the text can be drawn with the returned width (see splitStringAlgorithm) minWidth += endBuffer(drawer) + 0.01; setCachedMinWidth(key, minWidth); return minWidth; } } /** * Returns the minimum width which is needed to draw the given lines * @param textLines each element must be a single line (no \r \n) * @param drawer * @return the minimum width which is needed to draw the given lines */ public static double getTextMinWidth(String[] textLines, DrawHandler drawer) { double minWidth = 0; for (String line : textLines) { minWidth = Math.max(minWidth, getTextMinWidth(line, drawer)); } return minWidth; } /** * * @param text * @return all the words which are separated by whitespaces (first word contains all leading whitespaces) */ private static WordRegion[] splitIntoWords(String text) { WordRegion[] words = getCachedWords(text); if (words == null) { words = new WordRegion[0]; if (text.trim().length() > 0) { int wordStart = 0; int current = 0; // add the leading white spaces to the first word to keep indentation while (isWhitespace(text.charAt(current))) { current++; } current++; boolean inWord = true; for (; current < text.length(); current++) { if (inWord) { if (isWhitespace(text.charAt(current))) { words = Arrays.copyOf(words, words.length + 1); words[words.length - 1] = new WordRegion(wordStart, current); inWord = false; } } else { if (!isWhitespace(text.charAt(current))) { wordStart = current; inWord = true; } } } // if the last word isn't followed by a whitespace it won't get added in the loop if (inWord) { words = Arrays.copyOf(words, words.length + 1); words[words.length - 1] = new WordRegion(wordStart, current); } } setCachedWords(text, words); } return words; } private static boolean isWhitespace(char c) { for (int i = 0; i < SPLIT_CHARS.length(); i++) { if (SPLIT_CHARS.charAt(i) == c) { return true; } } return false; } private static double endBuffer(DrawHandler drawer) { // used to subtract a buffer to make sure no character is hidden at the end (borrowed from TextSplitter) return drawer.textWidth("n"); } // cache functions, so that the implementation (structure) of the cache can be changed // all functions will return null if no element was found private static WordRegion[] getCachedWords(String lineKey) { return wordCache.get(lineKey); } private static void setCachedWords(String lineKey, WordRegion[] words) { wordCache.put(lineKey, words); } private static Double getCachedMinWidth(MinWidthCacheKey key) { return minWidthCache.get(key); } private static void setCachedMinWidth(MinWidthCacheKey key, Double value) { minWidthCache.put(key, value); } private static WordwrapCacheValue getCachedWordwrap(WordwrapCacheKey key) { return wordwrapCache.get(key); } private static WordwrapCacheValue getCachedWordwrap(WordRegion[] words, double width, Style style, Set<FormatLabels> format) { return getCachedWordwrap(new WordwrapCacheKey(words, width, style, format)); } private static void setCachedWordwrap(WordwrapCacheKey key, WordwrapCacheValue value) { wordwrapCache.put(key, value); } /** * Contains the start and end of a word, can be directly used with substring */ private static class WordRegion { private final int begin; private final int end; // last character at end - 1. Thus the length is end-begin. public WordRegion(int begin, int end) { super(); this.begin = begin; this.end = end; } public int getBegin() { return begin; } public int getEnd() { return end; } @Override public String toString() { return "WordRegion [begin=" + begin + ", end=" + end + "]"; } } private static class MinWidthCacheKey { private final WordRegion[] words; private final Style style; // must be part of key, because text width also depends on styling like fontsize private final Set<FormatLabels> format; public MinWidthCacheKey(WordRegion[] words, Style style, Set<FormatLabels> format) { super(); this.words = words; = style; this.format = format; } public WordRegion[] getWords() { return words; } public Style getStyle() { return style; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + (format == null ? 0 : format.hashCode()); result = prime * result + (style == null ? 0 : style.hashCode()); result = prime * result + Arrays.hashCode(words); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } MinWidthCacheKey other = (MinWidthCacheKey) obj; if (format == null) { if (other.format != null) { return false; } } else if (!format.equals(other.format)) { return false; } if (style == null) { if ( != null) { return false; } } else if (!style.equals( { return false; } if (!Arrays.equals(words, other.words)) { return false; } return true; } } private static class WordwrapCacheKey { private final WordRegion[] words; private final double width; private final Style style; // must be part of key, because text width also depends on styling like fontsize private final Set<FormatLabels> format; public WordwrapCacheKey(WordRegion[] words, double width, Style style, Set<FormatLabels> format) { super(); this.words = words; this.width = width; = style; this.format = format; } public WordRegion[] getWords() { return words; } public double getWidth() { return width; } public Style getStyle() { return style; } public Set<FormatLabels> getFormat() { return format; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + (format == null ? 0 : format.hashCode()); result = prime * result + (style == null ? 0 : style.hashCode()); long temp; temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(width); result = prime * result + (int) (temp ^ temp >>> 32); result = prime * result + Arrays.hashCode(words); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } WordwrapCacheKey other = (WordwrapCacheKey) obj; if (format == null) { if (other.format != null) { return false; } } else if (!format.equals(other.format)) { return false; } if (style == null) { if ( != null) { return false; } } else if (!style.equals( { return false; } if (Double.doubleToLongBits(width) != Double.doubleToLongBits(other.width)) { return false; } if (!Arrays.equals(words, other.words)) { return false; } return true; } } private static class WordwrapCacheValue { // Style is included although the format is already included in the key, because nearly every time the line are retrieved the style is needed private final StringStyle[] wrappedLines; private final double height; public WordwrapCacheValue(StringStyle[] wrappedLines, double height) { super(); this.wrappedLines = wrappedLines; this.height = height; } public WordwrapCacheValue(String[] wrappedLines, Set<FormatLabels> format, double height) { super(); this.wrappedLines = new StringStyle[wrappedLines.length]; for (int i = 0; i < wrappedLines.length; i++) { this.wrappedLines[i] = new StringStyle(format, wrappedLines[i]); } this.height = height; } public StringStyle[] getWrappedLines() { return wrappedLines; } public double getHeight() { return height; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; long temp; temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(height); result = prime * result + (int) (temp ^ temp >>> 32); result = prime * result + Arrays.hashCode(wrappedLines); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } WordwrapCacheValue other = (WordwrapCacheValue) obj; if (Double.doubleToLongBits(height) != Double.doubleToLongBits(other.height)) { return false; } if (!Arrays.equals(wrappedLines, other.wrappedLines)) { return false; } return true; } } }