/*==========================================================================*\ | $Id: Messages.java,v 1.1 2010/05/11 15:52:46 aallowat Exp $ |*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*| | Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Virginia Tech | | This file is part of Web-CAT. | | Web-CAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify | it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published | by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or | (at your option) any later version. | | Web-CAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | GNU General Public License for more details. | | You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License | along with Web-CAT; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. \*==========================================================================*/ package org.webcat.oda.designer.i18n; import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Manages the internationalizable message strings in the Web-CAT report * designer plug-in. * * @author Tony Allevato (Virginia Tech Computer Science) * @version $Id: Messages.java,v 1.1 2010/05/11 15:52:46 aallowat Exp $ */ public class Messages extends NLS { //~ Static/instance variables ............................................. public static String ADD_AUTHOR_FIXER_AFFILIATION; public static String ADD_AUTHOR_FIXER_EMAIL; public static String ADD_AUTHOR_FIXER_NAME; public static String ADD_AUTHOR_FIXER_PHONE; public static String ADD_AUTHOR_FIXER_URL; public static String APP_BEHAV_LANGUAGE; public static String APP_BEHAV_LANGUAGE_TOOLTIP; public static String APP_BEHAV_PREFERRED_RENDERER; public static String APP_BEHAV_PREFERRED_RENDERER_TOOLTIP; public static String APP_BEHAV_SECTION_DESCRIPTION; public static String APP_BEHAV_SECTION_TITLE; public static String AUTHORS_ADD; public static String AUTHORS_AFFILIATION; public static String AUTHORS_EMAIL; public static String AUTHORS_ENTER_NAME_PROMPT; public static String AUTHORS_NAME; public static String AUTHORS_PHONE; public static String AUTHORS_REMOVE; public static String AUTHORS_SECTION_0; public static String AUTHORS_SECTION_1; public static String AUTHORS_SECTION_2; public static String AUTHORS_SECTION_3; public static String AUTHORS_SECTION_4; public static String AUTHORS_SECTION_5; public static String AUTHORS_SECTION_DESCRIPTION; public static String AUTHORS_SECTION_ERROR_AUTHOR_NO_NAME; public static String AUTHORS_SECTION_ERROR_NO_AUTHORS; public static String AUTHORS_SECTION_NO_NAME_PROVIDED; public static String AUTHORS_SECTION_TITLE; public static String AUTHORS_URL; public static String CONTENTASSIST_CONNECTION_ERROR; public static String CONTENTASSIST_JOB_NAME; public static String CONTENTASSIST_PROGRESS_DESCRIPTION; public static String COPYRIGHT_COPYRIGHT; public static String COPYRIGHT_GO; public static String COPYRIGHT_LICENSE; public static String COPYRIGHT_LICENSE_URL; public static String COPYRIGHT_SECTION_DESCRIPTION; public static String COPYRIGHT_SECTION_TITLE; public static String DATASET_DEFAULT_TITLE; public static String DATASET_DEFINE_QUERY_BUTTON; public static String DATASET_DEFINE_QUERY_LABEL; public static String DATASET_ENTITY_LABEL; public static String DATASET_ENTITY_COMBO_LABEL; public static String DATASET_COLUMN_MAPPING_LABEL; public static String DATASET_NEW_COLUMN_PROMPT; public static String DATASET_COLUMN_NAME_HEADER; public static String DATASET_EXPRESSION_HEADER; public static String DATASET_TYPE_HEADER; public static String DATASET_COLUMN_MOVE_UP; public static String DATASET_COLUMN_MOVE_DOWN; public static String DATASET_COLUMN_REMOVE; public static String DATASET_COLUMN_DUPLICATE; public static String DATASET_UPDATE_ASSIST_INFO; public static String DATASET_COLUMN_NAME_IN_USE; public static String DATASET_EXPRESSION_INVALID; public static String DATATYPE_DISPLAYNAME_BOOLEAN; public static String DATATYPE_DISPLAYNAME_DECIMAL; public static String DATATYPE_DISPLAYNAME_FLOAT; public static String DATATYPE_DISPLAYNAME_INTEGER; public static String DATATYPE_DISPLAYNAME_STRING; public static String DATATYPE_DISPLAYNAME_TIMESTAMP; public static String DESIGNER_PREFS_PROBLEM_MESSAGE; public static String DESIGNER_PREFS_SHOW_ALL_PROBLEMS; public static String DESIGNER_PREFS_SHOW_ERRORS_ONLY; public static String DESIGNER_PREFS_SHOW_NO_PROBLEMS; public static String EXPR_BUILDER_CURRENT_KEY_PATH; public static String EXPR_BUILDER_LAMBDA; public static String EXPR_BUILDER_LAMBDA_TOOLTIP; public static String EXPR_BUILDER_LIST; public static String EXPR_BUILDER_LIST_TOOLTIP; public static String EXPR_BUILDER_MAP; public static String EXPR_BUILDER_MAP_TOOLTIP; public static String EXPR_BUILDER_MATH; public static String EXPR_BUILDER_MATH_TOOLTIP; public static String EXPR_BUILDER_OGNL_TEMPLATES; public static String EXPR_BUILDER_SELECT_ALL; public static String EXPR_BUILDER_SELECT_ALL_TOOLTIP; public static String EXPR_BUILDER_SELECT_FIRST; public static String EXPR_BUILDER_SELECT_FIRST_TOOLTIP; public static String EXPR_BUILDER_SELECT_LAST; public static String EXPR_BUILDER_SELECT_LAST_TOOLTIP; public static String GENERAL_INFO_DESCRIPTION; public static String GENERAL_INFO_ERROR_EMPTY_DESCRIPTION; public static String GENERAL_INFO_ERROR_EMPTY_TITLE; public static String GENERAL_INFO_KEYWORDS; public static String GENERAL_INFO_SECTION_DESCRIPTION; public static String GENERAL_INFO_SECTION_TITLE; public static String GENERAL_INFO_TITLE; public static String LICENSE_FIXER_GO; public static String LICENSE_FIXER_INSTRUCTION; public static String LICENSE_FIXER_LICENSE; public static String LICENSE_FIXER_LICENSE_URL; public static String OVERVIEW_PAGE_STORING_PROGRESS; public static String OVERVIEW_PAGE_TITLE; public static String PREFS_MAIN_LABEL; public static String PREFS_SERVER_URL_LABEL; public static String PREFS_USERNAME_LABEL; public static String PREFS_PASSWORD_LABEL; public static String PREFS_LIMITS_LABEL; public static String PREFS_MAX_RECORDS_LABEL; public static String PREFS_TIMEOUT_LABEL; public static String EXPR_BUILDER_TITLE; public static String EXPR_BUILDER_PROMPT; public static String PREVIEW_JOB_BAD_RESPONSE; public static String PREVIEW_JOB_OBTAINING_DATA; public static String QUERY_BUILDER_DESCRIPTION; public static String QUERY_BUILDER_INSTRUCTION; public static String QUERY_BUILDER_TITLE; public static String QUERY_CLAUSE_AND; public static String QUERY_CLAUSE_THE_KEY_PATH; public static String QUERY_CLAUSE_THE_VALUE; public static String QUERY_COMPARISON_BETWEEN; public static String QUERY_COMPARISON_LIKE; public static String QUERY_COMPARISON_NOT_BETWEEN; public static String QUERY_COMPARISON_NOT_LIKE; public static String QUERY_COMPARISON_NOT_ONE_OF; public static String QUERY_COMPARISON_ONE_OF; public static String REPORT_PROBLEM_DIALOG_MESSAGE; public static String REPORT_PROBLEM_DIALOG_TITLE; public static String REPORT_PROBLEMS_IN_THE_FUTURE; public static String REPORT_PROBLEMS_INSTRUCTION; public static String REPORT_PROBLEMS_SHOW_ALL_PROBLEMS; public static String REPORT_PROBLEMS_SHOW_ERRORS_ONLY; public static String REPORT_PROBLEMS_SHOW_NO_PROBLEMS; public static String REPOSITORY_CHANGE_HISTORY; public static String REPOSITORY_ID; public static String REPOSITORY_ROOT_ID; public static String REPOSITORY_SECTION_DESCRIPTION; public static String REPOSITORY_SECTION_NOT_YET_UPLOADED; public static String REPOSITORY_SECTION_TITLE; public static String REPOSITORY_UPLOAD_DATE; public static String REPOSITORY_VERSION; public static String RESETPREVIEWCACHE_CONFIRMATION; public static String RESETPREVIEWCACHE_MSGBOX_NAME; public static String ACTIVATOR_SERVER_URL_NOT_SET; public static String RESULT_CACHE_DESCRIPTION; public static String TEXT_FIXER_ENTER_AUTHOR_NAME; public static String TEXT_FIXER_ENTER_COPYRIGHT; public static String TEXT_FIXER_ENTER_DATASET_DESCRIPTION; public static String TEXT_FIXER_ENTER_DESCRIPTION; public static String TEXT_FIXER_ENTER_LICENSE; public static String TEXT_FIXER_ENTER_TITLE; // ---------------------------------------------------------- private static final String BUNDLE_NAME = "org.webcat.oda.designer.i18n.messages"; //$NON-NLS-1$ // ---------------------------------------------------------- /** * Initializes the message table by loading the strings into the static * fields declared above. */ static { NLS.initializeMessages(BUNDLE_NAME, Messages.class); } }