package acm.program; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import junit.framework.Assert; import; import; import; import; import; import acm.program.Filter; public class TestableGraphicsProgram extends GraphicsProgram { /** * getGObject returns an arbitrary shape that meets the specified parameters. * That arbitrary shape is the first one that appears in the DrawableIterator * for the canvas. * * @param shape the shape of the object. null for any shape. * @param filter a Filter object that specifies which GObject to return * * @return an arbitrary shape that fits the parameters passed, or null * if no such element exists. */ public GObject getGObject(GraphicFilter filter) { Iterator iter = iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { GObject gobj = (GObject); if(filter.test(gobj)) return gobj; } return null; } public <T extends GObject> T getGObject(Class<T> type, GraphicFilter filter) { return (T)getGObject(filter.and(GraphicFilter.type(type))); } public GObject getExactlyOneGObject(GraphicFilter filter) { IllegalStateException ise; GObject[] gobjs = getAllGObjects(filter); if(gobjs.length == 0) { ise = new IllegalStateException("No GObjects matching filter found."); StackTraceElement[] stack = ise.getStackTrace(); for(StackTraceElement ste : stack) { if(ste.getClassName().startsWith("org.junit.") || ste.getClassName().startsWith("junit.")) {; } } throw ise; } else if(gobjs.length > 1) { ise = new IllegalStateException("Multiple GObjects matching filter found."); StackTraceElement[] stack = ise.getStackTrace(); for(StackTraceElement ste : stack) { if(ste.getClassName().startsWith("org.junit.") || ste.getClassName().startsWith("junit.")) {; } } throw ise; } return gobjs[0]; } public <T extends GObject> T getExactlyOneGObject(Class<T> type, GraphicFilter filter) { return (T)getExactlyOneGObject(filter.and(GraphicFilter.type(type))); } /** * getAllGObjects returns all GObjects on the canvas that meets the specified parameters. * * @param shape the shape of the object. null for any shape. * @param filter a Filter object that specifies which GObjects to return * * @return an array of all of the GObjects that match the filter criteria */ public GObject[] getAllGObjects(GraphicFilter filter) { ArrayList<GObject> matches = new ArrayList<GObject>(); Iterator iter = iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { GObject gobj = (GObject); if(filter.test(gobj)) matches.add(gobj); } GObject[] gobjs = new GObject[matches.size()]; int i = 0; for(GObject gobj : matches) { gobjs[i] = gobj; i++; } return gobjs; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T extends GObject> T[] getAllGObjects(Class<T> type, GraphicFilter filter) { GObject[] gobjs = getAllGObjects(filter.and(GraphicFilter.type(type))); T[] tobjs = (T[]) Array.newInstance(type, gobjs.length); for (int i = 0; i < gobjs.length; i++) { tobjs[i] = (T) gobjs[i]; } return tobjs; } /** * hasGObject determines existence of a graphic object that matches the * specified filter * * @param shape the shape of the object. null for any shape. * @param filter a Filter object that specifies which GObjects to search for * * @return true if it has the 2D object specified, false if not. */ public boolean hasGObject(GraphicFilter filter) { return getGObject(filter) != null; } /** * assert version of hasGObject that has a specific hint to the user. * * @param hint error message that should be displayed for a failed assertion * @param filters array of filters to use describing the object to be found */ public void assertHasGObject(String hint, GraphicFilter filter) { if(!hasGObject(filter)); } /** * inverse of assertHasGObject, this method will fail if an object specified * by the filters is found, succeed otherwise. Prints a custom message in * the event of failure. * * @param hint error message that should be displayed for a failed assertion * @param filters array of filters to use describing the object to be found * */ public void assertNoGObject(String hint, GraphicFilter filter) { if(hasGObject(filter)); } public final void mouseClicked(double x, double y) { eventListener.mouseClicked(new MouseEvent(this.getContentPane(), MouseEvent.BUTTON1, System.currentTimeMillis(), MouseEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK, (int) x, (int)y, 1, false)); } public final void mousePressed(double x, double y) { eventListener.mousePressed(new MouseEvent(this.getContentPane(), MouseEvent.BUTTON1, System.currentTimeMillis(), MouseEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK, (int) x, (int)y, 1, false)); } public final void mouseDragged(double x, double y) { eventListener.mouseDragged(new MouseEvent(this.getContentPane(), MouseEvent.BUTTON1, System.currentTimeMillis(), MouseEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK, (int) x, (int)y, 1, false)); } public final void mouseReleased(double x, double y) { eventListener.mouseReleased(new MouseEvent(this.getContentPane(), MouseEvent.BUTTON1, System.currentTimeMillis(), MouseEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK, (int) x, (int)y, 1, false)); } public final void mouseMoved(double x, double y) { eventListener.mouseMoved(new MouseEvent(this.getContentPane(), MouseEvent.BUTTON1, System.currentTimeMillis(), MouseEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK, (int) x, (int)y, 1, false)); } public final void mouseEntered() { eventListener.mouseEntered(new MouseEvent(this.getContentPane(), MouseEvent.MOUSE_ENTERED, System.currentTimeMillis(), MouseEvent.BUTTON1, 1, 1, 1, false)); } public final void mouseExited() { eventListener.mouseExited(new MouseEvent(this.getContentPane(), MouseEvent.MOUSE_EXITED, System.currentTimeMillis(), MouseEvent.BUTTON1, 1, 1, 1, false)); } public final void mouseEntered(double x, double y) { eventListener.mouseEntered(new MouseEvent(this.getContentPane(), MouseEvent.MOUSE_ENTERED, System.currentTimeMillis(), MouseEvent.BUTTON1, (int) x, (int) y, 1, false)); } public final void mouseExited(double x, double y) { eventListener.mouseExited(new MouseEvent(this.getContentPane(), MouseEvent.MOUSE_EXITED, System.currentTimeMillis(), MouseEvent.BUTTON1, (int) x, (int) y, 1, false)); } public static abstract class GraphicFilter extends Filter { public final GraphicFilter and(final GraphicFilter otherFilter) { final GraphicFilter self = this; GraphicFilter f = new GraphicFilter(){ public boolean test(GObject gobj) { return self.test(gobj) && otherFilter.test(gobj); } }; f.description = "(" + this.description + " AND " + otherFilter.description + ")"; return f; } public final GraphicFilter or(final GraphicFilter otherFilter) { final GraphicFilter self = this; GraphicFilter f = new GraphicFilter(){ public boolean test(GObject gobj) { return self.test(gobj) || otherFilter.test(gobj); } }; f.description = "(" + this.description + " OR " + otherFilter.description + ")"; return f; } public static final GraphicFilter not(final GraphicFilter otherFilter) { GraphicFilter f = new GraphicFilter(){ public boolean test(GObject gobj) { return !otherFilter.test(gobj); } }; f.description = " NOT " + otherFilter.description; return f; } public static final GraphicFilter contains(final GPoint point) { GraphicFilter f = new GraphicFilter() { public boolean test(GObject gobj) { return (gobj.contains(point)); } }; f.description = "contains ("+ point.getX() + ", " + point.getY() + ")"; return f; } public static final GraphicFilter contains(double x, double y) { return contains(new GPoint(x, y)); } public static final GraphicFilter near(final GPoint point) { GraphicFilter f = new GraphicFilter(){ public boolean test(GObject gobj) { double distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(point.getX() - gobj.getX(), 2) + Math.pow(point.getX() - gobj.getX(), 2)); return distance < 50; } }; f.description = "near (" + point.getX() + ", " + point.getY() + ")"; return f; } public static final GraphicFilter near(double x, double y) { return near(new GPoint(x,y)); } public static final GraphicFilter near(final GPoint point, final double distance) { GraphicFilter f = new GraphicFilter(){ public boolean test(GObject gobj) { double d = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(point.getX() - gobj.getX(), 2) + Math.pow(point.getX() - gobj.getX(), 2)); return d < distance; } }; f.description = "within " + distance + " pixels of (" + point.getX() + ", " + point.getY() + ")"; return f; } public static final GraphicFilter near(double x, double y, double distance) { return near(new GPoint(x, y), distance); } public static final GraphicFilter lineStartingAt(final GPoint point) { GraphicFilter f = new GraphicFilter(){ public boolean test(GObject gobj) { if(!(gobj instanceof GLine)) return false; return ((GLine)gobj).getStartPoint().equals(point); } }; f.description = "line starting at (" + point.getX() + ", " + point.getY() + ")"; return f; } public static final GraphicFilter lineStartingAt(double x, double y) { return lineStartingAt(new GPoint(x, y)); } public static final GraphicFilter lineEndingAt(final GPoint point) { GraphicFilter f = new GraphicFilter(){ public boolean test(GObject gobj) { if(!(gobj instanceof GLine)) return false; return ((GLine)gobj).getEndPoint().equals(point); } }; f.description = "line ending at (" + point.getX() + ", " + point.getY() + ")"; return f; } public static final GraphicFilter lineEndingAt(double x, double y) { return lineEndingAt(new GPoint(x, y)); } public static final GraphicFilter locatedAt(final GPoint point) { GraphicFilter f = new GraphicFilter(){ public boolean test(GObject gobj) { if(gobj.getLocation().equals(point)) return true; return false; } }; f.description = "located at (" + point.getX() + ", " + point.getY() + ")"; return f; } public static final GraphicFilter locatedAt(double x, double y) { return locatedAt(new GPoint(x, y)); } public static final GraphicFilter withText(final String text) { GraphicFilter f = new GraphicFilter(){ public boolean test(GObject gobj) { return gobj instanceof GLabel ? ((GLabel)gobj).getLabel().equals(text) : false; } }; f.description = "with text: \"" + text + "\""; return f; } public static final GraphicFilter width(final int width) { GraphicFilter f = new GraphicFilter(){ public boolean test( GObject gobj ) { if(gobj.getWidth() == width) return true; return false; } }; f.description = "width: " + width; return f; } public static final GraphicFilter height(final int height) { GraphicFilter f = new GraphicFilter(){ public boolean test( GObject gobj ) { if(gobj.getHeight() == height) return true; return false; } }; f.description = "height: " + height; return f; } public static final GraphicFilter color(final Color color) { GraphicFilter f = new GraphicFilter(){ public boolean test( GObject gobj ) { if(gobj.getColor().equals(color)) return true; return false; } }; f.description = "color: " + color; return f; } public static final GraphicFilter type(final Class c) { GraphicFilter f = new GraphicFilter(){ public boolean test(GObject gobj) { return c.isAssignableFrom(gobj.getClass()); } }; f.description = "class: " + c.getSimpleName(); return f; } public static final GraphicFilter filled = new GraphicFilter() { { this.setDescription("filled"); } public boolean test(GObject gobj) { return GFillable.class.isAssignableFrom(gobj.getClass()) && ((GFillable)gobj).isFilled(); } }; public static final GraphicFilter not_filled = new GraphicFilter() { { this.setDescription("not filled"); } public boolean test(GObject gobj) { return (GFillable.class.isAssignableFrom(gobj.getClass()) && !((GFillable)gobj).isFilled()); } }; public static final GraphicFilter visible = new GraphicFilter() { { this.setDescription("visible"); } public boolean test(GObject gobj) { return gobj.isVisible(); } }; public static final GraphicFilter not_visible = new GraphicFilter() { { this.setDescription("not visible"); } public boolean test(GObject gobj) { return !gobj.isVisible(); } }; public static final GraphicFilter any = new GraphicFilter() { { this.setDescription("any"); } public boolean test(GObject gobj) { return true; } }; public abstract boolean test(GObject gobj); } }