package acm.program; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Container; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JTextField; import abbot.finder.BasicFinder; import abbot.finder.ComponentNotFoundException; import abbot.finder.Matcher; import abbot.finder.MultipleComponentsFoundException; import; import; import acm.gui.DoubleField; import acm.gui.IntField; import acm.program.TestableGraphicsProgram.GraphicFilter; import junit.framework.Assert; public class TestableProgram extends Program { public Component getGUIObject(GUIFilter filter) { Component c = null; BasicFinder finder = new BasicFinder(); try { return finder.find(filter2matcher(filter)); } catch ( ComponentNotFoundException e ) { return null; } catch ( MultipleComponentsFoundException e ) { return e.getComponents()[0]; } } public <T extends Component> T getGUIObject(Class<T> type, GUIFilter filter) { return (T)getGUIObject(filter.and(GUIFilter.type(type))); } public Component getExactlyOneGUIObject(GUIFilter filter) { IllegalStateException ise; Component[] comps = getAllGUIObjects(filter); if(comps.length == 0) { ise = new IllegalStateException("No Components matching filter found."); StackTraceElement[] stack = ise.getStackTrace(); for(StackTraceElement ste : stack) { if(ste.getClassName().startsWith("org.junit.") || ste.getClassName().startsWith("junit.")) {; } } throw ise; } else if(comps.length > 1) { ise = new IllegalStateException("Multiple Components matching filter found."); StackTraceElement[] stack = ise.getStackTrace(); for(StackTraceElement ste : stack) { if(ste.getClassName().startsWith("org.junit.") || ste.getClassName().startsWith("junit.")) {; } } throw ise; } return comps[0]; } public <T extends Component> T getExactlyOneGUIObject(Class<T> type, GUIFilter filter) { return (T)getExactlyOneGUIObject(filter.and(GUIFilter.type(type))); } public Component[] getAllGUIObjects(GUIFilter filter) { Component c = null; BasicFinder finder = new BasicFinder(); try { c = finder.find(filter2matcher(filter)); Component[] comps = {c}; return comps; } catch ( ComponentNotFoundException e ) { return null; } catch ( MultipleComponentsFoundException e ) { Component[] comps = e.getComponents(); return comps; } } public <T extends Component> T[] getAllGUIObjects(Class<T> type, GUIFilter filter) { Component[] comps = getAllGUIObjects(filter.and(GUIFilter.type(type))); T[] tobjs = (T[]) Array.newInstance(type, comps.length); for (int i = 0; i < comps.length; i++) { tobjs[i] = (T) comps[i]; } return tobjs; } public boolean hasGUIObject(GUIFilter filter) { return getGUIObject(filter) != null; } public void assertHasGUIObject(String hint, GUIFilter filter) { if(!hasGUIObject(filter)); } public void assertNoGUIObject(String hint, GUIFilter filter) { if(hasGUIObject(filter)); } private Matcher filter2matcher(final GUIFilter filter) { return new Matcher() { public boolean matches( Component comp ) { return filter.test(comp); } }; } public static abstract class GUIFilter extends Filter { public final GUIFilter and(final GUIFilter otherFilter) { final GUIFilter self = this; GUIFilter gf = new GUIFilter(){ public boolean test(Component comp) { return self.test(comp) && otherFilter.test(comp); } }; gf.description = "(" + this.description + " AND " + otherFilter.description + ")"; return gf; } public final GUIFilter or(final GUIFilter otherFilter) { final GUIFilter self = this; GUIFilter gf = new GUIFilter(){ public boolean test(Component comp) { return self.test(comp) || otherFilter.test(comp); } }; gf.description = "(" + this.description + " OR " + otherFilter.description + ")"; return gf; } public static final GUIFilter not(final GUIFilter otherFilter) { GUIFilter gf = new GUIFilter(){ public boolean test(Component comp) { return !otherFilter.test(comp); } }; gf.description = " NOT " + otherFilter.description; return gf; } public static final GUIFilter withText(final String text) { GUIFilter gf = new GUIFilter() { public boolean test( Component c ) { Method m = null; try { m = c.getClass().getMethod("getText"); return ((String)m.invoke(c)).equals(text); } catch ( SecurityException e ) { return false; } catch ( NoSuchMethodException e ) { return false; } catch ( IllegalArgumentException e ) { return false; } catch ( IllegalAccessException e ) { return false; } catch ( InvocationTargetException e ) { return false; } } }; gf.description = "with text: \"" + text + "\""; return gf; } public static final GUIFilter type(final Class c) { GUIFilter gf = new GUIFilter() { public boolean test(Component comp) { return c.isAssignableFrom(comp.getClass()); } }; gf.description = "class: " + c.getSimpleName(); return gf; } public static final GUIFilter withName(final String name) { GUIFilter gf = new GUIFilter() { public boolean test( Component c ) { if(c.getName() == null) return false; else return c.getName().equals(name); } }; gf.description = "named " + name; return gf; } public static final GUIFilter withValue(final String value) { GUIFilter gf = new GUIFilter() { public boolean test( Component c ) { if(JTextField.class.isAssignableFrom(c.getClass())) return ((JTextField)c).getText().equals(value); return false; } }; gf.description = "with value: " + value; return gf; } public static final GUIFilter hasFocus = new GUIFilter() { { this.setDescription("has focus"); } public boolean test( Component c ) { return c.isFocusOwner(); } }; public static final GUIFilter doesNotHaveFocus = new GUIFilter() { { this.setDescription("does not have focus"); } public boolean test( Component c ) { return !c.isFocusOwner(); } }; public static final GUIFilter enabled = new GUIFilter() { {this.setDescription("enabled"); } public boolean test(Component c) { return c.isEnabled(); } }; public static final GUIFilter not_enabled = new GUIFilter() { { this.setDescription("not enabled"); } public boolean test(Component c) { return !c.isEnabled(); } }; public abstract boolean test(Component c); } }