package org.skfiy.typhon.spi.society; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.inject.Inject; import org.skfiy.typhon.AbstractComponent; import org.skfiy.typhon.Typhons; import org.skfiy.typhon.domain.Bag; import org.skfiy.typhon.domain.FightGroup; import org.skfiy.typhon.domain.Incident; import org.skfiy.typhon.domain.Mail; import org.skfiy.typhon.domain.Normal; import org.skfiy.typhon.domain.Player; import org.skfiy.typhon.domain.item.HeroItem; import org.skfiy.typhon.packet.Packet; import org.skfiy.typhon.packet.PacketError; import org.skfiy.typhon.packet.SingleValue; import org.skfiy.typhon.packet.SocietyBossHp; import org.skfiy.typhon.packet.SocietyBossPacket; import org.skfiy.typhon.repository.IncidentRepository; import org.skfiy.typhon.session.Session; import org.skfiy.typhon.session.SessionManager; import org.skfiy.typhon.session.SessionUtils; import org.skfiy.typhon.spi.IncidentConstants; import org.skfiy.typhon.spi.RoleProvider; import org.skfiy.typhon.spi.Vip; import org.skfiy.typhon.spi.pvp.PvpProvider; import; import org.skfiy.typhon.util.ComponentUtils; import; import; public class SocietyBossProvider extends AbstractComponent { private final Map<String, SocietyBosses> allocationBossWish = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<Integer, SocietyMonster> allocationMonsters = new HashMap<>(); private final List<Commoditied> addwishCounts = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<WishCost> wishCosts = new ArrayList<>(); private int rewardVigor; private double monsterFactor; // 公会Boss出现的CD private int bossCDTime; // 攻打公会boss消耗体力 private int pveBossVigor; // 攻打BossCD时间分钟 private int pvebossCDTime; // 充值CD消耗钻石 private int resetBossCD; @Inject private SocietyProvider societyProvider; @Inject private RoleProvider roleProvider; @Inject private PvpProvider pvpProvider; @Inject private SessionManager sessionManager; @Inject private IncidentRepository incidentRepository; @Override protected void doInit() { JSONArray array; array = JSONArray.parseArray(ComponentUtils.readDataFile("society_monster.json")); SocietyMonster societyMonster = null; for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) { societyMonster = array.getObject(i, SocietyMonster.class); allocationMonsters.put(societyMonster.getLevel(), societyMonster); } array = JSONArray.parseArray(ComponentUtils.readDataFile("society_boss.json")); SocietyBosses societyBosses = null; for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) { societyBosses = array.getObject(i, SocietyBosses.class); allocationBossWish.put(societyBosses.getId(), societyBosses); } monsterFactor = Typhons.getDouble("typhon.spi.society.monsterFactor"); rewardVigor = Typhons.getInteger("typhon.spi.society.vigor"); bossCDTime = Typhons.getInteger("typhon.spi.society.bossTime"); addwishCounts.addAll(JSONArray.parseArray( ComponentUtils.readDataFile("addwishCounts.json"), Commoditied.class)); wishCosts.addAll(JSONArray.parseArray(ComponentUtils.readDataFile("wish_cost.json"), WishCost.class)); pveBossVigor = Typhons.getInteger("typhon.spi.PveBossVigor"); pvebossCDTime = Typhons.getInteger("typhon.spi.BossCDTime"); resetBossCD = Typhons.getInteger("typhon.spi.ResetBossCD"); } @Override protected void doReload() {} @Override protected void doDestroy() { } public synchronized void societyBossWish(SingleValue packet) { Player player = SessionUtils.getPlayer(); Normal normal = player.getNormal(); Society society = societyProvider.findBySid(normal.getSocietyId()); // 公会是否为null if (society == null) { PacketError error = PacketError.createResult(packet, PacketError.Condition.level_limit); error.setText("Society is null"); player.getSession().write(error); return; } // Object转换成List List<String> playerWish = (List<String>) packet.getVal(); // 以召唤的Boss及血量 List<List<SocietyBossHp>> bosses = society.getSocietyBosses(); // 许愿boss Map<String, Integer> wishBosses = society.getSocietyWishCounts(); Bag bag = player.getHeroBag(); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < playerWish.size(); i++) { // 已经召唤的Boss if (findBoss(playerWish.get(i), bosses) != null) { PacketError error = PacketError.createResult(packet, PacketError.Condition.level_limit); error.setText("The boss has been called"); player.getSession().write(error); return; } // 许愿Boss是否玩家拥有 for (int j = 0; j < bag.getNodes().size(); j++) { if (bag.getNodes().get(j).getItem().getId() .equals(allocationBossWish.get(playerWish.get(i)).getId())) { count++; continue; } } } if (count != 2) { PacketError error = PacketError.createResult(packet, PacketError.Condition.level_limit); error.setText("The User not have heroes"); player.getSession().write(error); return; } // 许愿扣取金币 WishCost wishCost = null; if (normal.getSocietyWishs() >= wishCosts.size()) { wishCost = wishCosts.get(wishCosts.size() - 1); } else { wishCost = wishCosts.get(normal.getSocietyWishs()); } if (wishCost.getCostType().equals("D")) { JSONObject object = new JSONObject(); object.put("place", "SocietyWishCost"); SessionUtils.decrementDiamond(wishCost.getCost(), object.toString()); } else { SessionUtils.decrementCopper(wishCost.getCost()); } for (int i = 0; i < playerWish.size(); i++) { int level = 0; SocietyBosses societyBosses = allocationBossWish.get(playerWish.get(i)); String wishId = societyBosses.getId(); if (wishBosses.containsKey(playerWish.get(i))) { wishBosses.put(wishId, wishBosses.get(playerWish.get(i)) + 1); } else { wishBosses.put(wishId, 1); } if (wishBosses.get(playerWish.get(i)) >= societyBosses.getEnergy()) { List<SocietyBossHp> monsterHp = new ArrayList<>(); // BossHP计算 for (Member member : society.getMembers()) { level += member.getLevel(); } level = level / society.getMembers().size(); int hp = allocationMonsters.get(level).getHp() * society.getMembers().size() * 3; // 增加Boss monsterHp.add(new SocietyBossHp(hp, "boss", wishId, 0)); // 增加小兵 if (societyBosses.getDogfaces() != null) { for (int j = 0; j < societyBosses.getDogfaces().length; j++) { // FIXME hp=? 小怪 monsterHp.add(new SocietyBossHp((int) (hp * monsterFactor), "dogface", societyBosses.getDogfaces()[j], 0)); } } bosses.add(monsterHp); wishBosses.remove(wishId); } } normal.setSocietyWishs(normal.getSocietyWishs() + 1); // 许愿通告 society.getMessages().add( new Message(System.currentTimeMillis(), player.getRole().getName(), playerWish .get(0), playerWish.get(1))); normal.setVigor(normal.getVigor() + rewardVigor); SingleValue result = new SingleValue(); Packet.assignResult(packet, result); result.setVal(societyMassage(society)); player.getSession().write(result); } public void pveBosses(SocietyBossPacket packet) { Player player = SessionUtils.getPlayer(); Normal normal = player.getNormal(); String bossId = packet.getBossId(); Society society = societyProvider.findBySid(normal.getSocietyId()); if (society == null) { PacketError error = PacketError.createResult(packet, PacketError.Condition.item_not_found); error.setText("The User not have heroes"); player.getSession().write(error); return; } if (normal.getSocietyPveBossCD() != 0 && normal.getSocietyPveBossCD() > System.currentTimeMillis()) { PacketError error = PacketError.createResult(packet, PacketError.Condition.time_over); error.setText("The PveBossCDTime is not over"); player.getSession().write(error); return; } if (society.getBossTime() > System.currentTimeMillis()) { PacketError error = PacketError.createResult(packet, PacketError.Condition.time_over); error.setText("BossCD"); player.getSession().write(error); return; } List<List<SocietyBossHp>> societyBosses = society.getSocietyBosses(); List<SocietyBossHp> societyBossHp = findBoss(bossId, societyBosses); if (societyBossHp == null) { PacketError error = PacketError.createResult(packet, PacketError.Condition.no_exist); error.setText("Boss does not exist"); player.getSession().write(error); return; } List<SocietyBossHp> atkHp = packet.getSocietyBossHp(); SocietyBossHp atkSocietyBossHp = null; int count = 0; int atkSum = 0; // FIXME Synchronized(society) synchronized (society) { for (int i = 0; i < atkHp.size(); i++) { atkSocietyBossHp = atkHp.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < societyBossHp.size(); j++) { SocietyBossHp remainSocietyBossHp = societyBossHp.get(j); if (atkSocietyBossHp.getId().equals(remainSocietyBossHp.getId())) { societyBossHp.get(j).setAtk( societyBossHp.get(j).getAtk() + atkSocietyBossHp.getAtk()); atkSum += atkSocietyBossHp.getAtk(); if (remainSocietyBossHp.getHp() <= remainSocietyBossHp.getAtk()) { count++; } break; } } } } List<SocietyBossHp> bossBool = findBoss(bossId, societyBosses); if (bossBool != null) { societyBossRanking(society, packet.getFidx(), atkSum, player); } // 判断boss是不是没血量 if (count == atkHp.size() && bossBool != null) { societyBosses.remove(societyBossHp); society.setBossTime(System.currentTimeMillis() + (bossCDTime * 60 * 1000)); sendEmail(bossId, society); society.getHurtRanking().clear(); } int counts = normal.getDailyTask().getTaskSocietyBoss(); if (counts >= 0) { normal.getDailyTask().setTaskSocietyBoss(counts + 1); } normal.setSocietyPveBossCD(System.currentTimeMillis() + (pvebossCDTime * 60 * 1000)); normal.setVigor(normal.getVigor() - pveBossVigor); SingleValue result = new SingleValue(); Packet.assignResult(packet, result); result.setVal(societyMassage(society)); player.getSession().write(result); } // 获取公会Boss Wish Message 信息 public void gettingWishInformation(SingleValue packet) { Player player = SessionUtils.getPlayer(); Normal normal = player.getNormal(); Society society = societyProvider.findBySid(normal.getSocietyId()); if (society == null) { PacketError error = PacketError.createResult(packet, PacketError.Condition.conflict); error.setText("The User not have heroes"); player.getSession().write(error); return; } if (!society.isAddWishCount()) { for (Commoditied com : addwishCounts) { society.getSocietyWishCounts().put(com.getId(), com.getCount()); } society.setAddWishCount(true); } SingleValue result = new SingleValue(); Packet.assignResult(packet, result); result.setVal(societyMassage(society)); player.getSession().write(result); } private Object societyMassage(Society society) { JSONObject object = new JSONObject(); object.put("wish", society.getSocietyWishCounts()); object.put("boss", society.getSocietyBosses()); object.put("message", society.getMessages()); object.put("startTime", society.getBossTime()); return object; } private void societyBossRanking(Society society, int fidx, int hurt, Player player) { synchronized (society) { int uid = player.getRole().getRid(); List<MemberInformation> hurtRanking = society.getHurtRanking(); boolean updateHero = false; MemberInformation oldMemberInformation = null; MemberInformation memberInformation = null; if (hurtRanking.isEmpty()) { memberInformation = returnMemberInformation(fidx, player, uid); memberInformation.setSocietyHurt(hurt); hurtRanking.add(memberInformation); } else { int index = hurtRanking.size(); for (int i = index - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (hurtRanking.get(i).getUid() == uid) { int oldHurt = hurtRanking.get(i).getSocietyHurt(); if (oldHurt > hurt) { updateHero = true; oldMemberInformation = hurtRanking.get(i); } hurt += oldHurt; hurtRanking.remove(i); break; } } boolean added = false; for (int i = 0; i < hurtRanking.size(); i++) { memberInformation = hurtRanking.get(i); if (hurt > memberInformation.getSocietyHurt()) { if (!updateHero) { oldMemberInformation = returnMemberInformation(fidx, player, uid); } oldMemberInformation.setSocietyHurt(hurt); hurtRanking.add(i, oldMemberInformation); added = true; break; } } if (!added) { if (!updateHero) { oldMemberInformation = returnMemberInformation(fidx, player, uid); } oldMemberInformation.setSocietyHurt(hurt); hurtRanking.add(oldMemberInformation); } } } } private void removeSpilthRanking(List<MemberInformation> hurtRanking, int rid) { MemberInformation member; for (int i = 0; i < hurtRanking.size(); i++) { member = hurtRanking.get(i); if (member.getUid() == rid) { hurtRanking.remove(i); break; } } } // 获取排行榜数据 public void gettingRanking(SingleValue packet) { Player player = SessionUtils.getPlayer(); Normal normal = player.getNormal(); Society society = societyProvider.findBySid(normal.getSocietyId()); if (society == null) { PacketError error = PacketError.createResult(packet, PacketError.Condition.conflict); error.setText("The User not have heroes"); player.getSession().write(error); return; } SingleValue result = new SingleValue(); Packet.assignResult(packet, result); result.setVal(society.getHurtRanking()); player.getSession().write(result); } public void resetBossCDTime(SingleValue packet) { Player player = SessionUtils.getPlayer(); Normal normal = player.getNormal(); JSONObject object = new JSONObject(); object.put("place", "ResetBossCDTime"); SessionUtils.decrementDiamond(resetBossCD, object.toString()); normal.setSocietyPveBossCD(0); player.getSession().write(Packet.createResult(packet)); } private List<Object> teamInformation(int fidx, Normal normal) { FightGroup fightGroup = normal.getFightGroup(fidx); List<Object> objects = new ArrayList<>(); for (HeroItem heroItem : fightGroup.getHeroItems()) { objects.add(pvpProvider.newHeroJSONObject(heroItem)); } return objects; } private MemberInformation returnMemberInformation(int fidx, Player player, int uid) { MemberInformation member = new MemberInformation(); Normal normal = player.getNormal(); member.setAvatar(normal.getAvatar()); member.setAvatarBorder(normal.getAvatarBorder()); member.setName(player.getRole().getName()); member.setLevel(normal.getLevel()); member.setUid(uid); member.setHeroes(teamInformation(fidx, normal)); member.setPowerGuessSum(roleProvider.findHeroFighting(uid)); return member; } // 奖励发邮件 private void sendEmail(String bossid, Society society) { String[] str = allocationBossWish.get(bossid).getRewards(); Mail mail; String id = null; for (int i = 0; i < society.getMembers().size(); i++) { int uid = society.getMembers().get(i).getRid(); int number = -1; for (int j = 0; j < society.getHurtRanking().size(); j++) { if (uid == society.getHurtRanking().get(j).getUid()) { if (j < 3) { id = str[j]; } else if (j < 10) { id = str[3]; } else if (j < 20) { id = str[4]; } else { id = str[5]; } number = j; break; } if (j == society.getHurtRanking().size() - 1) { id = str[6]; } } mail = new Mail(); mail.setTitle("公会boss奖励"); if (number != -1) { mail.setContent(String.format("怨灵BOSS已击杀,你总伤害排行%1d名,获得", number + 1)); } else { mail.setContent(String.format("怨灵BOSS已击杀,获得公会基础奖励")); } mail.setAppendix(id); mail.setCount(1); mail.setType(Mail.SOCIETY_REWARD_TYPE); mail.setCreationTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); roleProvider.sendMail(uid, mail); } } private List<SocietyBossHp> findBoss(String id, List<List<SocietyBossHp>> societyBosses) { for (int i = 0; i < societyBosses.size(); i++) { List<SocietyBossHp> beBosses = societyBosses.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < beBosses.size(); j++) { if (beBosses.get(j).getId().equals(id) && beBosses.get(j).getType().equals("boss")) { return beBosses; } } } return null; } }