/* * Copyright 2014 The Skfiy Open Association. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package war.bs; import org.skfiy.typhon.dobj.BSaSkill; import org.skfiy.typhon.spi.war.AttackEntry; import org.skfiy.typhon.spi.war.BSaScript; import org.skfiy.typhon.spi.war.BSaWapper; import org.skfiy.typhon.spi.war.BufferSkill; import org.skfiy.typhon.spi.war.Direction; import org.skfiy.typhon.spi.war.FightObject; import org.skfiy.typhon.spi.war.FightObjectBufferSkill; import org.skfiy.typhon.spi.war.MultiAttackResult; import org.skfiy.typhon.spi.war.WarInfo; import org.skfiy.typhon.spi.war.WarProvider; /** * 曹操, ha06. * * @author Kevin Zou <kevinz@skfiy.org> */ public class B_s006 extends BSaScript { @Override protected Object doExecute(BSaWapper bsaWapper) { BSaSkill bsaSkill = bsaWapper.getBsaSkill(); int atk = getAtk(bsaWapper, bsaWapper.getAobj()); WarProvider warProvider = getWarProvider(); FightObject aobj = bsaWapper.getAobj(); MultiAttackResult mar = new MultiAttackResult(); AttackEntry ae; double p1; double f; double f1; double r; double g1; double j = bsaSkill.getFactor() * bsaWapper.getFactor(); for (FightObject goal : bsaWapper.getDefenderEntity().findFightGoals(bsaSkill.getNumOfTargets())) { p1 = warProvider.getTerrainFactor(aobj.getRace(), bsaWapper.getWarInfo().getTerrain()); f = warProvider.getFuryFactor(aobj.getFury()); f1 = warProvider.getFuryFactor(goal.getFury()); r = warProvider.getCritMagn(aobj.getCritRate(), goal.getDecritRate(), aobj.getCritMagn()); g1 = 0; ae = warProvider.attack0(atk, getDef(bsaWapper, goal), p1, f, f1, r, j, g1); ae.setLab(goal.getLab()); int hp = (int) ae.getVal(); goal.decrementHp(hp); mar.addTarget(ae); } for (FightObject fobj : bsaWapper.getAttackerEntity().getFightObjects()) { if (!fobj.isDead()) { MyBufferSkill bufferSkill = new MyBufferSkill(bsaWapper.getWarInfo(), bsaWapper.getAttackerEntity().getDire(), fobj); bufferSkill.onBefore(); } } return mar; } private class MyBufferSkill extends FightObjectBufferSkill { public MyBufferSkill(WarInfo warInfo, Direction dire, FightObject fobj) { super(warInfo, dire, fobj); } @Override protected int getTotalRound() { return 2; } @Override protected Object begin() { fobj.setCritRate(fobj.getCritRate() + 0.25); return null; } @Override protected Object end() { fobj.setCritRate(fobj.getCritRate() - 0.25); return null; } @Override public BufferSkill.Type getType() { return BufferSkill.Type.BUFF; } } }