/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.server.op.traversal; import com.codahale.metrics.Timer; import com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Cache; import com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Caffeine; import io.netty.channel.ChannelHandlerContext; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.StopWatch; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.MessageSerializer; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.Tokens; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.message.RequestMessage; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.message.ResponseMessage; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.message.ResponseStatusCode; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.jsr223.JavaTranslator; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.Bytecode; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.Traversal; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.TraversalSideEffects; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.TraversalSource; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.util.BytecodeHelper; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.server.Context; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.server.GraphManager; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.server.GremlinServer; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.server.OpProcessor; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.server.Settings; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.server.handler.Frame; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.server.handler.StateKey; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.server.op.AbstractOpProcessor; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.server.op.OpProcessorException; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.server.util.MetricManager; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.server.util.SideEffectIterator; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.server.util.TraverserIterator; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.io.graphson.GraphSONMapper; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.io.graphson.GraphSONVersion; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.util.function.ThrowingConsumer; import org.apache.tinkerpop.shaded.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.script.SimpleBindings; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import static com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry.name; /** * Simple {@link OpProcessor} implementation that iterates remotely submitted serialized {@link Traversal} objects. * * @author Stephen Mallette (http://stephen.genoprime.com) */ public class TraversalOpProcessor extends AbstractOpProcessor { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TraversalOpProcessor.class); private static final ObjectMapper mapper = GraphSONMapper.build().version(GraphSONVersion.V2_0).create().createMapper(); public static final String OP_PROCESSOR_NAME = "traversal"; public static final Timer traversalOpTimer = MetricManager.INSTANCE.getTimer(name(GremlinServer.class, "op", "traversal")); public static final Settings.ProcessorSettings DEFAULT_SETTINGS = new Settings.ProcessorSettings(); /** * Configuration setting for how long a cached side-effect will be available before it is evicted from the cache. */ public static final String CONFIG_CACHE_EXPIRATION_TIME = "cacheExpirationTime"; /** * Default timeout for a cached side-effect is ten minutes. */ public static final long DEFAULT_CACHE_EXPIRATION_TIME = 600000; /** * Configuration setting for the maximum number of entries the cache will have. */ public static final String CONFIG_CACHE_MAX_SIZE = "cacheMaxSize"; /** * Default size of the max size of the cache. */ public static final long DEFAULT_CACHE_MAX_SIZE = 1000; static { DEFAULT_SETTINGS.className = TraversalOpProcessor.class.getCanonicalName(); DEFAULT_SETTINGS.config = new HashMap<String, Object>() {{ put(CONFIG_CACHE_EXPIRATION_TIME, DEFAULT_CACHE_EXPIRATION_TIME); put(CONFIG_CACHE_MAX_SIZE, DEFAULT_CACHE_MAX_SIZE); }}; } protected static Cache<UUID, TraversalSideEffects> cache = null; public TraversalOpProcessor() { super(false); } @Override public String getName() { return OP_PROCESSOR_NAME; } @Override public void close() throws Exception { // do nothing = no resources to release } @Override public void init(final Settings settings) { final Settings.ProcessorSettings processorSettings = settings.processors.stream() .filter(p -> p.className.equals(TraversalOpProcessor.class.getCanonicalName())) .findAny().orElse(TraversalOpProcessor.DEFAULT_SETTINGS); final long maxSize = Long.parseLong(processorSettings.config.get(TraversalOpProcessor.CONFIG_CACHE_MAX_SIZE).toString()); final long expirationTime = Long.parseLong(processorSettings.config.get(TraversalOpProcessor.CONFIG_CACHE_EXPIRATION_TIME).toString()); cache = Caffeine.newBuilder() .expireAfterWrite(expirationTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .maximumSize(maxSize) .build(); logger.info("Initialized cache for {} with size {} and expiration time of {} ms", TraversalOpProcessor.class.getSimpleName(), maxSize, expirationTime); } @Override public ThrowingConsumer<Context> select(final Context ctx) throws OpProcessorException { final RequestMessage message = ctx.getRequestMessage(); logger.debug("Selecting processor for RequestMessage {}", message); final ThrowingConsumer<Context> op; switch (message.getOp()) { case Tokens.OPS_BYTECODE: validateTraversalSourceAlias(ctx, message, validateTraversalRequest(message)); op = this::iterateBytecodeTraversal; break; case Tokens.OPS_GATHER: final Optional<String> sideEffectForGather = message.optionalArgs(Tokens.ARGS_SIDE_EFFECT); if (!sideEffectForGather.isPresent()) { final String msg = String.format("A message with an [%s] op code requires a [%s] argument.", Tokens.OPS_GATHER, Tokens.ARGS_SIDE_EFFECT); throw new OpProcessorException(msg, ResponseMessage.build(message).code(ResponseStatusCode.REQUEST_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST_ARGUMENTS).statusMessage(msg).create()); } final Optional<String> sideEffectKey = message.optionalArgs(Tokens.ARGS_SIDE_EFFECT_KEY); if (!sideEffectKey.isPresent()) { final String msg = String.format("A message with an [%s] op code requires a [%s] argument.", Tokens.OPS_GATHER, Tokens.ARGS_SIDE_EFFECT_KEY); throw new OpProcessorException(msg, ResponseMessage.build(message).code(ResponseStatusCode.REQUEST_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST_ARGUMENTS).statusMessage(msg).create()); } validateTraversalSourceAlias(ctx, message, validatedAliases(message).get()); op = this::gatherSideEffect; break; case Tokens.OPS_KEYS: final Optional<String> sideEffectForKeys = message.optionalArgs(Tokens.ARGS_SIDE_EFFECT); if (!sideEffectForKeys.isPresent()) { final String msg = String.format("A message with an [%s] op code requires a [%s] argument.", Tokens.OPS_GATHER, Tokens.ARGS_SIDE_EFFECT); throw new OpProcessorException(msg, ResponseMessage.build(message).code(ResponseStatusCode.REQUEST_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST_ARGUMENTS).statusMessage(msg).create()); } op = context -> { final RequestMessage msg = context.getRequestMessage(); final Optional<UUID> sideEffect = msg.optionalArgs(Tokens.ARGS_SIDE_EFFECT); final TraversalSideEffects sideEffects = cache.getIfPresent(sideEffect.get()); if (null == sideEffects) logger.warn("Request for side-effect keys on {} returned no side-effects in the cache", sideEffect.get()); handleIterator(context, null == sideEffects ? Collections.emptyIterator() : sideEffects.keys().iterator()); }; break; case Tokens.OPS_CLOSE: final Optional<String> sideEffectForClose = message.optionalArgs(Tokens.ARGS_SIDE_EFFECT); if (!sideEffectForClose.isPresent()) { final String msg = String.format("A message with an [%s] op code requires a [%s] argument.", Tokens.OPS_CLOSE, Tokens.ARGS_SIDE_EFFECT); throw new OpProcessorException(msg, ResponseMessage.build(message).code(ResponseStatusCode.REQUEST_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST_ARGUMENTS).statusMessage(msg).create()); } op = context -> { final RequestMessage msg = context.getRequestMessage(); logger.debug("Close request {} for in thread {}", msg.getRequestId(), Thread.currentThread().getName()); final Optional<UUID> sideEffect = msg.optionalArgs(Tokens.ARGS_SIDE_EFFECT); cache.invalidate(sideEffect.get()); final String successMessage = String.format("Successfully cleared side effect cache for [%s].", Tokens.ARGS_SIDE_EFFECT); ctx.getChannelHandlerContext().writeAndFlush(ResponseMessage.build(message).code(ResponseStatusCode.NO_CONTENT).statusMessage(successMessage).create()); }; break; case Tokens.OPS_INVALID: final String msgInvalid = String.format("Message could not be parsed. Check the format of the request. [%s]", message); throw new OpProcessorException(msgInvalid, ResponseMessage.build(message).code(ResponseStatusCode.REQUEST_ERROR_MALFORMED_REQUEST).statusMessage(msgInvalid).create()); default: final String msgDefault = String.format("Message with op code [%s] is not recognized.", message.getOp()); throw new OpProcessorException(msgDefault, ResponseMessage.build(message).code(ResponseStatusCode.REQUEST_ERROR_MALFORMED_REQUEST).statusMessage(msgDefault).create()); } return op; } private static void validateTraversalSourceAlias(final Context ctx, final RequestMessage message, final Map<String, String> aliases) throws OpProcessorException { final String traversalSourceBindingForAlias = aliases.values().iterator().next(); if (!ctx.getGraphManager().getTraversalSourceNames().contains(traversalSourceBindingForAlias)) { final String msg = String.format("The traversal source [%s] for alias [%s] is not configured on the server.", traversalSourceBindingForAlias, Tokens.VAL_TRAVERSAL_SOURCE_ALIAS); throw new OpProcessorException(msg, ResponseMessage.build(message).code(ResponseStatusCode.REQUEST_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST_ARGUMENTS).statusMessage(msg).create()); } } private static Map<String, String> validateTraversalRequest(final RequestMessage message) throws OpProcessorException { if (!message.optionalArgs(Tokens.ARGS_GREMLIN).isPresent()) { final String msg = String.format("A message with [%s] op code requires a [%s] argument.", Tokens.OPS_BYTECODE, Tokens.ARGS_GREMLIN); throw new OpProcessorException(msg, ResponseMessage.build(message).code(ResponseStatusCode.REQUEST_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST_ARGUMENTS).statusMessage(msg).create()); } return validatedAliases(message).get(); } private static Optional<Map<String, String>> validatedAliases(final RequestMessage message) throws OpProcessorException { final Optional<Map<String, String>> aliases = message.optionalArgs(Tokens.ARGS_ALIASES); if (!aliases.isPresent()) { final String msg = String.format("A message with [%s] op code requires a [%s] argument.", Tokens.OPS_BYTECODE, Tokens.ARGS_ALIASES); throw new OpProcessorException(msg, ResponseMessage.build(message).code(ResponseStatusCode.REQUEST_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST_ARGUMENTS).statusMessage(msg).create()); } if (aliases.get().size() != 1 || !aliases.get().containsKey(Tokens.VAL_TRAVERSAL_SOURCE_ALIAS)) { final String msg = String.format("A message with [%s] op code requires the [%s] argument to be a Map containing one alias assignment named '%s'.", Tokens.OPS_BYTECODE, Tokens.ARGS_ALIASES, Tokens.VAL_TRAVERSAL_SOURCE_ALIAS); throw new OpProcessorException(msg, ResponseMessage.build(message).code(ResponseStatusCode.REQUEST_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST_ARGUMENTS).statusMessage(msg).create()); } return aliases; } private void gatherSideEffect(final Context context) throws OpProcessorException { final RequestMessage msg = context.getRequestMessage(); logger.debug("Side-effect request {} for in thread {}", msg.getRequestId(), Thread.currentThread().getName()); // earlier validation in selection of this op method should free us to cast this without worry final Optional<UUID> sideEffect = msg.optionalArgs(Tokens.ARGS_SIDE_EFFECT); final Optional<String> sideEffectKey = msg.optionalArgs(Tokens.ARGS_SIDE_EFFECT_KEY); final Map<String, String> aliases = (Map<String, String>) msg.optionalArgs(Tokens.ARGS_ALIASES).get(); final GraphManager graphManager = context.getGraphManager(); final String traversalSourceName = aliases.entrySet().iterator().next().getValue(); final TraversalSource g = graphManager.getTraversalSource(traversalSourceName); final Timer.Context timerContext = traversalOpTimer.time(); try { final ChannelHandlerContext ctx = context.getChannelHandlerContext(); final Graph graph = g.getGraph(); context.getGremlinExecutor().getExecutorService().submit(() -> { try { beforeProcessing(graph, context); try { final TraversalSideEffects sideEffects = cache.getIfPresent(sideEffect.get()); if (null == sideEffects) { final String errorMessage = String.format("Could not find side-effects for %s.", sideEffect.get()); logger.warn(errorMessage); ctx.writeAndFlush(ResponseMessage.build(msg).code(ResponseStatusCode.SERVER_ERROR).statusMessage(errorMessage).create()); onError(graph, context); return; } if (!sideEffects.exists(sideEffectKey.get())) { final String errorMessage = String.format("Could not find side-effect key for %s in %s.", sideEffectKey.get(), sideEffect.get()); logger.warn(errorMessage); ctx.writeAndFlush(ResponseMessage.build(msg).code(ResponseStatusCode.SERVER_ERROR).statusMessage(errorMessage).create()); onError(graph, context); return; } handleIterator(context, new SideEffectIterator(sideEffects.get(sideEffectKey.get()), sideEffectKey.get())); } catch (TimeoutException ex) { final String errorMessage = String.format("Response iteration exceeded the configured threshold for request [%s] - %s", msg.getRequestId(), ex.getMessage()); logger.warn(errorMessage); ctx.writeAndFlush(ResponseMessage.build(msg).code(ResponseStatusCode.SERVER_ERROR_TIMEOUT) .statusMessage(errorMessage) .statusAttributeException(ex).create()); onError(graph, context); return; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn(String.format("Exception processing a side-effect on iteration for request [%s].", msg.getRequestId()), ex); ctx.writeAndFlush(ResponseMessage.build(msg).code(ResponseStatusCode.SERVER_ERROR) .statusMessage(ex.getMessage()) .statusAttributeException(ex).create()); onError(graph, context); return; } onSideEffectSuccess(graph, context); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn(String.format("Exception processing a side-effect on request [%s].", msg.getRequestId()), ex); ctx.writeAndFlush(ResponseMessage.build(msg).code(ResponseStatusCode.SERVER_ERROR) .statusMessage(ex.getMessage()) .statusAttributeException(ex).create()); onError(graph, context); } finally { timerContext.stop(); } }); } catch (Exception ex) { timerContext.stop(); throw new OpProcessorException("Could not iterate the side-effect instance", ResponseMessage.build(msg).code(ResponseStatusCode.SERVER_ERROR) .statusMessage(ex.getMessage()) .statusAttributeException(ex).create()); } } private void iterateBytecodeTraversal(final Context context) throws Exception { final RequestMessage msg = context.getRequestMessage(); logger.debug("Traversal request {} for in thread {}", msg.getRequestId(), Thread.currentThread().getName()); // right now the TraversalOpProcessor can take a direct GraphSON representation of Bytecode or directly take // deserialized Bytecode object. final Object bytecodeObj = msg.getArgs().get(Tokens.ARGS_GREMLIN); final Bytecode bytecode = bytecodeObj instanceof Bytecode ? (Bytecode) bytecodeObj : mapper.readValue(bytecodeObj.toString(), Bytecode.class); // earlier validation in selection of this op method should free us to cast this without worry final Map<String, String> aliases = (Map<String, String>) msg.optionalArgs(Tokens.ARGS_ALIASES).get(); final GraphManager graphManager = context.getGraphManager(); final String traversalSourceName = aliases.entrySet().iterator().next().getValue(); final TraversalSource g = graphManager.getTraversalSource(traversalSourceName); final Traversal.Admin<?, ?> traversal; try { final Optional<String> lambdaLanguage = BytecodeHelper.getLambdaLanguage(bytecode); if (!lambdaLanguage.isPresent()) traversal = JavaTranslator.of(g).translate(bytecode); else { final SimpleBindings b = new SimpleBindings(); b.put(Tokens.VAL_TRAVERSAL_SOURCE_ALIAS, g); traversal = context.getGremlinExecutor().eval(bytecode, b, lambdaLanguage.get()); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Could not deserialize the Traversal instance", context); throw new OpProcessorException("Could not deserialize the Traversal instance", ResponseMessage.build(msg).code(ResponseStatusCode.SERVER_ERROR_SERIALIZATION) .statusMessage(ex.getMessage()) .statusAttributeException(ex).create()); } final Timer.Context timerContext = traversalOpTimer.time(); try { final ChannelHandlerContext ctx = context.getChannelHandlerContext(); final Graph graph = g.getGraph(); context.getGremlinExecutor().getExecutorService().submit(() -> { try { beforeProcessing(graph, context); try { // compile the traversal - without it getEndStep() has nothing in it traversal.applyStrategies(); handleIterator(context, new TraverserIterator(traversal), graph); } catch (TimeoutException ex) { final String errorMessage = String.format("Response iteration exceeded the configured threshold for request [%s] - %s", msg.getRequestId(), ex.getMessage()); logger.warn(errorMessage); ctx.writeAndFlush(ResponseMessage.build(msg).code(ResponseStatusCode.SERVER_ERROR_TIMEOUT) .statusMessage(errorMessage) .statusAttributeException(ex).create()); onError(graph, context); return; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn(String.format("Exception processing a Traversal on iteration for request [%s].", msg.getRequestId()), ex); ctx.writeAndFlush(ResponseMessage.build(msg).code(ResponseStatusCode.SERVER_ERROR) .statusMessage(ex.getMessage()) .statusAttributeException(ex).create()); onError(graph, context); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn(String.format("Exception processing a Traversal on request [%s].", msg.getRequestId()), ex); ctx.writeAndFlush(ResponseMessage.build(msg).code(ResponseStatusCode.SERVER_ERROR) .statusMessage(ex.getMessage()) .statusAttributeException(ex).create()); onError(graph, context); } finally { timerContext.stop(); } }); } catch (Exception ex) { timerContext.stop(); throw new OpProcessorException("Could not iterate the Traversal instance", ResponseMessage.build(msg).code(ResponseStatusCode.SERVER_ERROR) .statusMessage(ex.getMessage()) .statusAttributeException(ex).create()); } } @Override protected void iterateComplete(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final RequestMessage msg, final Iterator itty) { if (itty instanceof TraverserIterator) { final Traversal.Admin traversal = ((TraverserIterator) itty).getTraversal(); if (!traversal.getSideEffects().isEmpty()) { cache.put(msg.getRequestId(), traversal.getSideEffects()); } } } protected void beforeProcessing(final Graph graph, final Context ctx) { if (graph.features().graph().supportsTransactions() && graph.tx().isOpen()) graph.tx().rollback(); } protected void onError(final Graph graph, final Context ctx) { if (graph.features().graph().supportsTransactions() && graph.tx().isOpen()) graph.tx().rollback(); } protected void onTraversalSuccess(final Graph graph, final Context ctx) { if (graph.features().graph().supportsTransactions() && graph.tx().isOpen()) graph.tx().commit(); } protected void onSideEffectSuccess(final Graph graph, final Context ctx) { // there was no "writing" here, just side-effect retrieval, so if a transaction was opened then // just close with rollback if (graph.features().graph().supportsTransactions() && graph.tx().isOpen()) graph.tx().rollback(); } @Override protected Map<String, Object> generateMetaData(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final RequestMessage msg, final ResponseStatusCode code, final Iterator itty) { Map<String, Object> metaData = Collections.emptyMap(); if (itty instanceof SideEffectIterator) { final SideEffectIterator traversalIterator = (SideEffectIterator) itty; final String key = traversalIterator.getSideEffectKey(); if (key != null) { metaData = new HashMap<>(); metaData.put(Tokens.ARGS_SIDE_EFFECT_KEY, key); metaData.put(Tokens.ARGS_AGGREGATE_TO, traversalIterator.getSideEffectAggregator()); } } return metaData; } protected void handleIterator(final Context context, final Iterator itty, final Graph graph) throws TimeoutException, InterruptedException { final ChannelHandlerContext ctx = context.getChannelHandlerContext(); final RequestMessage msg = context.getRequestMessage(); final Settings settings = context.getSettings(); final MessageSerializer serializer = ctx.channel().attr(StateKey.SERIALIZER).get(); final boolean useBinary = ctx.channel().attr(StateKey.USE_BINARY).get(); boolean warnOnce = false; // we have an empty iterator - happens on stuff like: g.V().iterate() if (!itty.hasNext()) { // as there is nothing left to iterate if we are transaction managed then we should execute a // commit here before we send back a NO_CONTENT which implies success onTraversalSuccess(graph, context); ctx.writeAndFlush(ResponseMessage.build(msg) .code(ResponseStatusCode.NO_CONTENT) .create()); return; } // timer for the total serialization time final StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch(); stopWatch.start(); // the batch size can be overridden by the request final int resultIterationBatchSize = (Integer) msg.optionalArgs(Tokens.ARGS_BATCH_SIZE) .orElse(settings.resultIterationBatchSize); List<Object> aggregate = new ArrayList<>(resultIterationBatchSize); // use an external control to manage the loop as opposed to just checking hasNext() in the while. this // prevent situations where auto transactions create a new transaction after calls to commit() withing // the loop on calls to hasNext(). boolean hasMore = itty.hasNext(); while (hasMore) { if (Thread.interrupted()) throw new InterruptedException(); // check if an implementation needs to force flush the aggregated results before the iteration batch // size is reached. final boolean forceFlush = isForceFlushed(ctx, msg, itty); // have to check the aggregate size because it is possible that the channel is not writeable (below) // so iterating next() if the message is not written and flushed would bump the aggregate size beyond // the expected resultIterationBatchSize. Total serialization time for the response remains in // effect so if the client is "slow" it may simply timeout. // // there is a need to check hasNext() on the iterator because if the channel is not writeable the // previous pass through the while loop will have next()'d the iterator and if it is "done" then a // NoSuchElementException will raise its head. also need a check to ensure that this iteration doesn't // require a forced flush which can be forced by sub-classes. // // this could be placed inside the isWriteable() portion of the if-then below but it seems better to // allow iteration to continue into a batch if that is possible rather than just doing nothing at all // while waiting for the client to catch up if (aggregate.size() < resultIterationBatchSize && itty.hasNext() && !forceFlush) aggregate.add(itty.next()); // send back a page of results if batch size is met or if it's the end of the results being iterated. // also check writeability of the channel to prevent OOME for slow clients. if (ctx.channel().isWritable()) { if (forceFlush || aggregate.size() == resultIterationBatchSize || !itty.hasNext()) { final ResponseStatusCode code = itty.hasNext() ? ResponseStatusCode.PARTIAL_CONTENT : ResponseStatusCode.SUCCESS; // serialize here because in sessionless requests the serialization must occur in the same // thread as the eval. as eval occurs in the GremlinExecutor there's no way to get back to the // thread that processed the eval of the script so, we have to push serialization down into that Frame frame = null; try { frame = makeFrame(ctx, msg, serializer, useBinary, aggregate, code, generateMetaData(ctx, msg, code, itty)); } catch (Exception ex) { // a frame may use a Bytebuf which is a countable release - if it does not get written // downstream it needs to be released here if (frame != null) frame.tryRelease(); // exception is handled in makeFrame() - serialization error gets written back to driver // at that point onError(graph, context); break; } try { // only need to reset the aggregation list if there's more stuff to write if (itty.hasNext()) aggregate = new ArrayList<>(resultIterationBatchSize); else { // iteration and serialization are both complete which means this finished successfully. note that // errors internal to script eval or timeout will rollback given GremlinServer's global configurations. // local errors will get rolledback below because the exceptions aren't thrown in those cases to be // caught by the GremlinExecutor for global rollback logic. this only needs to be committed if // there are no more items to iterate and serialization is complete onTraversalSuccess(graph, context); // exit the result iteration loop as there are no more results left. using this external control // because of the above commit. some graphs may open a new transaction on the call to // hasNext() hasMore = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { // a frame may use a Bytebuf which is a countable release - if it does not get written // downstream it needs to be released here if (frame != null) frame.tryRelease(); throw ex; } if (!itty.hasNext()) iterateComplete(ctx, msg, itty); // the flush is called after the commit has potentially occurred. in this way, if a commit was // required then it will be 100% complete before the client receives it. the "frame" at this point // should have completely detached objects from the transaction (i.e. serialization has occurred) // so a new one should not be opened on the flush down the netty pipeline ctx.writeAndFlush(frame); } } else { // don't keep triggering this warning over and over again for the same request if (!warnOnce) { logger.warn("Pausing response writing as writeBufferHighWaterMark exceeded on {} - writing will continue once client has caught up", msg); warnOnce = true; } // since the client is lagging we can hold here for a period of time for the client to catch up. // this isn't blocking the IO thread - just a worker. TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(10); } stopWatch.split(); if (settings.serializedResponseTimeout > 0 && stopWatch.getSplitTime() > settings.serializedResponseTimeout) { final String timeoutMsg = String.format("Serialization of the entire response exceeded the 'serializeResponseTimeout' setting %s", warnOnce ? "[Gremlin Server paused writes to client as messages were not being consumed quickly enough]" : ""); throw new TimeoutException(timeoutMsg.trim()); } stopWatch.unsplit(); } stopWatch.stop(); } }