package hudson.plugins.tfs; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import hudson.FilePath; import hudson.Functions; import hudson.Launcher; import hudson.ProxyConfiguration; import hudson.console.AnnotatedLargeText; import hudson.model.AbstractBuild; import hudson.model.BuildListener; import hudson.model.Cause; import hudson.model.Computer; import hudson.model.Project; import hudson.model.Queue; import hudson.model.Result; import hudson.model.TaskListener; import hudson.model.labels.LabelAtom; import hudson.plugins.tfs.model.MockableVersionControlClient; import hudson.plugins.tfs.model.Server; import hudson.plugins.tfs.util.DateUtil; import hudson.plugins.tfs.util.XmlHelper; import hudson.remoting.VirtualChannel; import hudson.scm.ChangeLogSet; import hudson.scm.PollingResult; import hudson.scm.SCM; import hudson.slaves.DumbSlave; import hudson.slaves.SlaveComputer; import hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger; import hudson.util.Scrambler; import hudson.util.Secret; import jenkins.model.Jenkins; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category; import org.jvnet.hudson.test.JenkinsRecipe; import org.jvnet.hudson.test.JenkinsRule; import org.jvnet.hudson.test.TestBuilder; import; import org.littleshoot.proxy.HttpProxyServer; import org.littleshoot.proxy.impl.DefaultHttpProxyServer; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Future; /** * Tests that exercise real-world functionality, using temporary Jenkins instances. * These are so-called functional (L3) tests. * Tests may connect to a TFS server identified by the tfs_server_name property. */ @Category(IntegrationTests.class) public class FunctionalTest { /** * A special version of {@link JenkinsRule} that assumes {@link EndToEndTfs} decorates a test, * giving access to the {@link hudson.plugins.tfs.EndToEndTfs.RunnerImpl} and all the cool * stuff it has. */ public class TfsJenkinsRule extends JenkinsRule{ /** * * */ private void purgeSlaves() { List<Computer> disconnectingComputers = new ArrayList<Computer>(); List<VirtualChannel> closingChannels = new ArrayList<VirtualChannel>(); for (Computer computer: jenkins.getComputers()) { if (!(computer instanceof SlaveComputer)) { continue; } // disconnect slaves. // retrieve the channel before disconnecting. // even a computer gets offline, channel delays to close. if (!computer.isOffline()) { VirtualChannel ch = computer.getChannel(); computer.disconnect(null); disconnectingComputers.add(computer); closingChannels.add(ch); } } try { // Wait for all computers disconnected and all channels closed. for (Computer computer: disconnectingComputers) { computer.waitUntilOffline(); } for (VirtualChannel ch: closingChannels) { ch.join(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void after() throws Exception { if (Functions.isWindows()) { purgeSlaves(); } super.after(); } public EndToEndTfs.RunnerImpl getTfsRunner() { EndToEndTfs.RunnerImpl result = null; for (final JenkinsRecipe.Runner recipe : recipes) { if (recipe instanceof EndToEndTfs.RunnerImpl) { result = (EndToEndTfs.RunnerImpl) recipe; break; } } return result; } } @Rule public TfsJenkinsRule j = new TfsJenkinsRule(); /** * Runs the project's {@link SCMTrigger} to poll for changes, which may schedule a build. * * If it does schedule a build, we'll wait for that build to complete and return it; * otherwise we return {@code null}. * * This assumes Jenkins (or the project/job) was configured with a quietPeriod, to give us * time to retrieve the item from the queue (especially when execution is paused in the debugger) * so we can wait on it. * * @param project The {@link Project} for which to poll and build. * @return The {@link AbstractBuild} that resulted from the build, if applicable; otherwise {@code null}. */ public static AbstractBuild runScmPollTrigger(final Project project) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { final SCMTrigger scmTrigger = (SCMTrigger) project.getTrigger(SCMTrigger.class); // This is a roundabout way of calling SCMTrigger#run(), // because if we set SCMTrigger#synchronousPolling to true // Trigger#checkTriggers() unconditionally runs the trigger, // even if we set its schedule (spec) to an empty string // (which normally disables the schedule). // Having synchronous polling (& building!) in our tests // is more important than skipping the usual method call chain. // final SCMTrigger.Runner runner = Runner();; final AbstractBuild build = waitForQueuedBuild(project); return build; } public static AbstractBuild runUserTrigger(final Project project) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { final Cause.UserIdCause cause = new Cause.UserIdCause(); project.scheduleBuild(cause); final AbstractBuild build = waitForQueuedBuild(project); return build; } static AbstractBuild waitForQueuedBuild(final Project project) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { final Jenkins jenkins = (Jenkins) project.getParent(); final Queue queue = jenkins.getQueue(); final Queue.Item[] items = queue.getItems(); final boolean buildQueued = items.length == 1; final AbstractBuild build; if (buildQueued) { final Queue.WaitingItem queuedItem = (Queue.WaitingItem) items[0]; // now that we have the queued item, we can "shorten the quiet period to zero" final GregorianCalendar due = new GregorianCalendar(); due.add(Calendar.SECOND, -1); queuedItem.timestamp = due; // force re-evaluation of the queue, which should notice the item shouldn't wait anymore queue.maintain(); queue.scheduleMaintenance(); final Future<? extends AbstractBuild> future = (Future) queuedItem.getFuture(); build = future.get(); } else { build = null; } return build; } @LocalData @EndToEndTfs(CreateLabel.class) @Test public void createLabel() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException, IOException { final Jenkins jenkins = j.jenkins; final TaskListener taskListener = j.createTaskListener(); final EndToEndTfs.RunnerImpl tfsRunner = j.getTfsRunner(); final CreateLabel innerRunner = tfsRunner.getInnerRunner(CreateLabel.class); final String generatedLabelName = innerRunner.getGeneratedLabelName(); final Server server = tfsRunner.getServer(); final MockableVersionControlClient vcc = server.getVersionControlClient(); final List<Project> projects = jenkins.getProjects(); final Project project = projects.get(0); final int latestChangesetID = vcc.getLatestChangesetID(); // setup build runUserTrigger(project); // polling should report no changes final PollingResult pollingResult = project.poll(taskListener); Assert.assertEquals(PollingResult.Change.NONE, pollingResult.change); // trigger build final AbstractBuild build = runUserTrigger(project); // verify new label created against latestChangesetId Assert.assertNotNull(build); assertBuildSuccess(build); final ChangeLogSet changeSet = build.getChangeSet(); Assert.assertEquals(0, changeSet.getItems().length); final TFSRevisionState revisionState = build.getAction(TFSRevisionState.class); Assert.assertEquals(latestChangesetID, revisionState.changesetVersion); final String owner = VersionControlConstants.AUTHENTICATED_USER; final ChangesetVersionSpec spec = new ChangesetVersionSpec(latestChangesetID); final VersionControlLabel[] labels = vcc.queryLabels(generatedLabelName, null, owner, false, null, spec); Assert.assertEquals(1, labels.length); final VersionControlLabel label = labels[0]; Assert.assertFalse(StringUtils.isEmpty(label.getComment())); } public void assertBuildSuccess(final AbstractBuild build) throws IOException { final Result result = build.getResult(); if (!Result.SUCCESS.equals(result)) { final AnnotatedLargeText logText = build.getLogText(); final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); logText.writeLogTo(0, baos); final String headerTemplate = "Build result: %s\n---Log Start---\n"; final String header = String.format(headerTemplate, result); final String message = header + baos.toString() + "---Log End---\n\n";; } } public static class CreateLabel extends CurrentChangesetInjector { private final String generatedLabelName; public CreateLabel(){ final Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); final String iso8601DateString = DateUtil.toString(now); generatedLabelName = "CreateLabel_" + iso8601DateString.replace(':', '-'); } public String getGeneratedLabelName() { return generatedLabelName; } @Override public void decorateHome(final JenkinsRule jenkinsRule, final File home) throws Exception { super.decorateHome(jenkinsRule, home); final EndToEndTfs.RunnerImpl parent = getParent(); final String jobFolder = parent.getJobFolder(); final String configXmlPath = jobFolder + "config.xml"; final File configXmlFile = new File(home, configXmlPath); final String labelNameXPath = "/project/publishers/hudson.plugins.tfs.TFSLabeler/labelName"; XmlHelper.pokeValue(configXmlFile, labelNameXPath, generatedLabelName); } } @LocalData @EndToEndTfs(CurrentChangesetInjector.class) @Test public void agent() throws Exception { final Jenkins jenkins = j.jenkins; final List<Project> projects = jenkins.getProjects(); final Project project = projects.get(0); final EndToEndTfs.RunnerImpl tfsRunner = j.getTfsRunner(); checkInEmptyFile(tfsRunner); final LabelAtom label = new LabelAtom("agent"); final DumbSlave agent = j.createOnlineSlave(label); project.getBuildersList().add(new TestBuilder() { @Override public boolean perform(final AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, final Launcher launcher, final BuildListener listener) throws InterruptedException, IOException { final FilePath workspace = build.getWorkspace(); final FilePath child = workspace.child("TODO.txt"); final boolean result = child.exists(); return result; } }); final AbstractBuild firstBuild = runScmPollTrigger(project); Assert.assertNotNull(firstBuild); assertBuildSuccess(firstBuild); final FilePath workspace = firstBuild.getWorkspace(); final FilePath workspaceParent = workspace.getParent(); final FilePath assumedRootPath = workspaceParent.getParent(); final FilePath agentRootPath = agent.getRootPath(); Assert.assertEquals(agentRootPath, assumedRootPath); assertEmptyFileIsInWorkspace(workspace); } @LocalData @EndToEndTfs(EndToEndTfs.StubRunner.class) @Test public void newJob() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, IOException { final Jenkins jenkins = j.jenkins; final TaskListener taskListener = j.createTaskListener(); final EndToEndTfs.RunnerImpl tfsRunner = j.getTfsRunner(); final Server server = tfsRunner.getServer(); final MockableVersionControlClient vcc = server.getVersionControlClient(); final List<Project> projects = jenkins.getProjects(); final Project project = projects.get(0); int latestChangesetID; // first poll should queue a build because we were never built latestChangesetID = vcc.getLatestChangesetID(); final AbstractBuild firstBuild = runScmPollTrigger(project); Assert.assertNotNull(firstBuild); assertBuildSuccess(firstBuild); final ChangeLogSet firstChangeSet = firstBuild.getChangeSet(); Assert.assertEquals(true, firstChangeSet.isEmptySet()); final TFSRevisionState firstRevisionState = firstBuild.getAction(TFSRevisionState.class); Assert.assertEquals(latestChangesetID, firstRevisionState.changesetVersion); final List<Cause> firstCauses = firstBuild.getCauses(); Assert.assertEquals(1, firstCauses.size()); final Cause firstCause = firstCauses.get(0); Assert.assertTrue(firstCause instanceof SCMTrigger.SCMTriggerCause); // second poll should report no changes since last build final PollingResult secondPoll = project.poll(taskListener); Assert.assertEquals(PollingResult.Change.NONE, secondPoll.change); // make a change in source control final int changeSet = checkInEmptyFile(tfsRunner); Assert.assertTrue(changeSet >= 0); // third poll should trigger a build latestChangesetID = vcc.getLatestChangesetID(); final AbstractBuild secondBuild = runScmPollTrigger(project); Assert.assertNotNull(secondBuild); assertBuildSuccess(secondBuild); final ChangeLogSet secondChangeSet = secondBuild.getChangeSet(); Assert.assertEquals(1, secondChangeSet.getItems().length); final TFSRevisionState secondRevisionState = secondBuild.getAction(TFSRevisionState.class); Assert.assertEquals(latestChangesetID, secondRevisionState.changesetVersion); final List<Cause> secondCauses = secondBuild.getCauses(); Assert.assertEquals(1, secondCauses.size()); final Cause secondCause = secondCauses.get(0); Assert.assertTrue(secondCause instanceof SCMTrigger.SCMTriggerCause); final FilePath jenkinsWorkspace = secondBuild.getWorkspace(); assertEmptyFileIsInWorkspace(jenkinsWorkspace); // force a build via a manual trigger final AbstractBuild thirdBuild = runUserTrigger(project); Assert.assertNotNull(thirdBuild); assertBuildSuccess(thirdBuild); final ChangeLogSet thirdChangeSet = thirdBuild.getChangeSet(); Assert.assertEquals(0, thirdChangeSet.getItems().length); final TFSRevisionState thirdRevisionState = thirdBuild.getAction(TFSRevisionState.class); Assert.assertEquals(latestChangesetID, thirdRevisionState.changesetVersion); final List<Cause> thirdCauses = thirdBuild.getCauses(); Assert.assertEquals(1, thirdCauses.size()); final Cause thirdCause = thirdCauses.get(0); Assert.assertTrue(thirdCause instanceof Cause.UserIdCause); final FilePath thirdBuildWorkspace = thirdBuild.getWorkspace(); assertEmptyFileIsInWorkspace(thirdBuildWorkspace); // finally, delete the project, which should first remove the workspace final TeamFoundationServerScm scm = (TeamFoundationServerScm) project.getScm(); final Computer computer = Computer.currentComputer(); final String workspaceName = scm.getWorkspaceName(thirdBuild, computer); Assert.assertTrue(jenkinsWorkspace.exists()); final String hostName = LocalHost.getShortName(); final Workspace[] workspacesBeforeDeletion = vcc.queryWorkspaces(workspaceName, VersionControlConstants.AUTHENTICATED_USER, hostName, WorkspacePermissions.NONE_OR_NOT_SUPPORTED); Assert.assertEquals(1, workspacesBeforeDeletion.length); project.delete(); Assert.assertFalse(jenkinsWorkspace.exists()); final Workspace[] workspacesAfterDeletion = vcc.queryWorkspaces(workspaceName, VersionControlConstants.AUTHENTICATED_USER, hostName, WorkspacePermissions.NONE_OR_NOT_SUPPORTED); Assert.assertEquals(0, workspacesAfterDeletion.length); } public void assertEmptyFileIsInWorkspace(final FilePath workspace) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final FilePath[] workspaceFiles = workspace.list("*.*", "$tf"); Assert.assertEquals(1, workspaceFiles.length); final FilePath workspaceFile = workspaceFiles[0]; Assert.assertEquals("TODO.txt", workspaceFile.getName()); } public static int checkInEmptyFile(final EndToEndTfs.RunnerImpl tfsRunner) throws IOException { return checkInFile(tfsRunner, "Add a file.", null); } public static int checkInFile(final EndToEndTfs.RunnerImpl tfsRunner, final String changeMessage, final String fileContents) throws IOException { final Workspace workspace = tfsRunner.getWorkspace(); final File todoFile = new File(tfsRunner.getLocalBaseFolderFile(), "TODO.txt"); final boolean alreadyExisted = todoFile.isFile(); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(todoFile, fileContents, "UTF-8"); final String[] paths = {todoFile.getAbsolutePath()}; if (alreadyExisted) { workspace.pendEdit( paths, RecursionType.NONE, LockLevel.UNCHANGED, null, GetOptions.NONE, PendChangesOptions.NONE); } else { workspace.pendAdd( paths, false, null, LockLevel.UNCHANGED, GetOptions.NONE, PendChangesOptions.NONE); } return tfsRunner.checkIn(tfsRunner.getTestCaseName() + " " + changeMessage); } @LocalData @EndToEndTfs(CloakedPaths.class) @Test public void cloakedPaths() throws Exception { final Jenkins jenkins = j.jenkins; final TaskListener taskListener = j.createTaskListener(); final EndToEndTfs.RunnerImpl tfsRunner = j.getTfsRunner(); final Server server = tfsRunner.getServer(); final String testCaseName = tfsRunner.getTestCaseName(); final Workspace workspace = tfsRunner.getWorkspace(); final List<Project> projects = jenkins.getProjects(); final Project jenkinsProject = projects.get(0); final TeamFoundationServerScm tfsScm = (TeamFoundationServerScm) jenkinsProject.getScm(); Assert.assertNotEquals(StringUtils.EMPTY, tfsScm.getCloakedPaths()); int latestChangesetID; // arrange: create structure final File root = tfsRunner.getLocalBaseFolderFile(); final String[] paths = { createWorkspaceFile(root, "root.txt"), createWorkspaceFile(root, "A/A.txt"), createWorkspaceFile(root, "A/1/A1.txt"), createWorkspaceFile(root, "A/2/A2.txt"), createWorkspaceFile(root, "B/B.txt"), createWorkspaceFile(root, "C/C.txt"), }; workspace.pendAdd( paths, false, null, LockLevel.UNCHANGED, GetOptions.NONE, PendChangesOptions.NONE); final int structureChangeSet = tfsRunner.checkIn(testCaseName + " Create structure."); Assert.assertTrue(structureChangeSet >= 0); // act: poll trigger final AbstractBuild firstBuild = runScmPollTrigger(jenkinsProject); // assert Assert.assertNotNull("First poll should queue a build", firstBuild); assertBuildSuccess(firstBuild); assertCloakedPathsWorkspaceContents(firstBuild.getWorkspace()); // arrange: make a change in a non-cloaked path (fully uncloaked) final File aOne = new File(root, "A/1/A1.txt"); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(aOne, "Now with content!", "UTF-8"); workspace.pendEdit( new String[]{aOne.getAbsolutePath()}, RecursionType.NONE, LockLevel.UNCHANGED, null, GetOptions.NONE, PendChangesOptions.NONE); latestChangesetID = tfsRunner.checkIn(testCaseName + " Add content to A1.txt"); // act: poll trigger final AbstractBuild secondBuild = runScmPollTrigger(jenkinsProject); // assert Assert.assertNotNull("Second poll should queue a build", secondBuild); assertCloakedPathsWorkspaceContents(secondBuild.getWorkspace()); // arrange: make a changeset that has an item in a cloaked path final File aTwo = new File(root, "A/2/A2.txt"); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(aOne, "Now with content!", "UTF-8"); workspace.pendEdit( new String[]{aTwo.getAbsolutePath()}, RecursionType.NONE, LockLevel.UNCHANGED, null, GetOptions.NONE, PendChangesOptions.NONE); latestChangesetID = tfsRunner.checkIn(testCaseName + " Add content to A2.txt"); // act: poll (no need to poll trigger) final PollingResult thirdPoll = jenkinsProject.poll(taskListener); // assert Assert.assertEquals("Third poll should NOT find any significant changes", PollingResult.Change.NONE, thirdPoll.change); // arrange: create a changeset that has changes in both cloaked and uncloaked paths final File a = new File(root, "A/A.txt"); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(a, "Now with content!", "UTF-8"); final File b = new File(root, "B/B.txt"); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(b, "Now with content!", "UTF-8"); workspace.pendEdit( new String[]{ a.getAbsolutePath(), b.getAbsolutePath(), }, RecursionType.NONE, LockLevel.UNCHANGED, null, GetOptions.NONE, PendChangesOptions.NONE); latestChangesetID = tfsRunner.checkIn(testCaseName + " Add content to A.txt and B.txt"); // act: poll trigger final AbstractBuild thirdBuild = runScmPollTrigger(jenkinsProject); // assert Assert.assertNotNull("Fourth poll should queue a build", thirdBuild); assertCloakedPathsWorkspaceContents(thirdBuild.getWorkspace()); } /** workspace should only contain: root.txt A/A.txt A/1/A1.txt C/C.txt */ private static void assertCloakedPathsWorkspaceContents(final FilePath workspace) throws Exception { final FilePath[] workspaceFiles = workspace.list("**", "$tf"); final HashSet<String> expectedFileNames = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("root.txt", "A.txt", "A1.txt", "C.txt")); for (final FilePath workspaceFile : workspaceFiles) { final String actualFileName = workspaceFile.getName(); if (expectedFileNames.contains(actualFileName)) { expectedFileNames.remove(actualFileName); } else { final String message = "Did not expect to find " + actualFileName + " in the workspace.";; } } Assert.assertEquals("All expected files should have been found in the workspace", 0, expectedFileNames.size()); } static String createWorkspaceFile(final File root, final String relFilePath) throws IOException { final File file = new File(root, relFilePath); final File folder = file.getParentFile(); //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored folder.mkdirs(); //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored file.createNewFile(); return file.getAbsolutePath(); } public static class CloakedPaths extends CurrentChangesetInjector { @Override public void decorateHome(final JenkinsRule jenkinsRule, final File home) throws Exception { super.decorateHome(jenkinsRule, home); final EndToEndTfs.RunnerImpl parent = getParent(); final String jobFolder = parent.getJobFolder(); final String configXmlPath = jobFolder + "config.xml"; final File configXmlFile = new File(home, configXmlPath); final String projectPath = parent.getPathInTfvc(); XmlHelper.pokeValue(configXmlFile, "/project/scm/cloakedPaths/string[1]", projectPath + "/A/2"); XmlHelper.pokeValue(configXmlFile, "/project/scm/cloakedPaths/string[2]", projectPath + "/B"); } } /** * If there's no SCMRevisionState present, we revert to old-school polling, * using the timestamp of the last build to see if there have been any changes in TFVC, * at the project's path, since the specified time. * * Even though the @EndToEndTfs annotation caused some commits, * the OldPollingFallback runner poked the current time (after said commits) * in the build.xml, which should cause polling to not find any changes. */ @LocalData @EndToEndTfs(OldPollingFallback.class) @Ignore @Test public void oldPollingFallback() throws IOException { final Jenkins jenkins = j.jenkins; final List<Project> projects = jenkins.getProjects(); final Project project = projects.get(0); final TaskListener taskListener = j.createTaskListener(); final PollingResult actual = project.poll(taskListener); Assert.assertEquals(PollingResult.NO_CHANGES, actual); } /** * Injects the current time in milliseconds into the <code>/build/timestamp</code> element * of the last <code>build.xml</code>. */ public static class OldPollingFallback extends EndToEndTfs.StubRunner { @Override public void decorateHome(final JenkinsRule jenkinsRule, final File home) throws Exception { super.decorateHome(jenkinsRule, home); // Add a small pause to make sure we record the timestamp one second later // than the last check-in, otherwise we have the polling occurring on the same // second as the check-in and finding an SCM change where there should be none. Thread.sleep(1000 /* ms */); final EndToEndTfs.RunnerImpl parent = getParent(); final String jobFolder = parent.getJobFolder(); final String lastBuildXmlPath = jobFolder + "builds/2015-07-15_20-37-42/build.xml"; final File lastBuildXmlFile = new File(home, lastBuildXmlPath); final long rightNowMilliseconds = System.currentTimeMillis(); final String value = String.valueOf(rightNowMilliseconds); XmlHelper.pokeValue(lastBuildXmlFile, "/build/timestamp", value); } } /** * As of version 3.2.0, passwords are no longer encoded but encrypted. * Such a job should have its encoded password upgraded to encrypted * and still be able to poll and build. */ @LocalData @EndToEndTfs(UpgradeEncodedPassword.class) @Test public void upgradeEncodedPassword() throws IOException, XPathExpressionException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException, SAXException, ParserConfigurationException { final Jenkins jenkins = j.jenkins; final TaskListener taskListener = j.createTaskListener(); final EndToEndTfs.RunnerImpl tfsRunner = j.getTfsRunner(); final EndToEndTfs.StubRunner stubRunner = tfsRunner.getInnerRunner(EndToEndTfs.StubRunner.class); final String encryptedPassword = stubRunner.getEncryptedPassword(); final List<Project> projects = jenkins.getProjects(); final Project project = projects.get(0); final TeamFoundationServerScm scm = (TeamFoundationServerScm) project.getScm(); final Secret passwordSecret = scm.getPassword(); Assert.assertEquals(encryptedPassword, passwordSecret.getEncryptedValue()); PollingResult actualPollingResult; // setup build runUserTrigger(project); actualPollingResult = project.poll(taskListener); Assert.assertEquals(PollingResult.Change.NONE, actualPollingResult.change);* force the project to be written to disk, which should encrypt the password */); actualPollingResult = project.poll(taskListener); Assert.assertEquals(PollingResult.Change.NONE, actualPollingResult.change); final File home = j.jenkins.getRootDir(); final String configXmlPath = "jobs/upgradeEncodedPassword/config.xml"; final File configXmlFile = new File(home, configXmlPath); final String userPassword = XmlHelper.peekValue(configXmlFile, "/project/scm/userPassword"); Assert.assertEquals("Encoded password should no longer be there", null, userPassword); final String password = XmlHelper.peekValue(configXmlFile, "/project/scm/password"); Assert.assertEquals("Encrypted password should be there", encryptedPassword, password); // TODO: Check in & record changeset, poll & assert SIGNIFICANT // TODO: build & assert new last build recorded changeset from above // TODO: poll & assert NONE } public static class UpgradeEncodedPassword extends CurrentChangesetInjector { @Override public void decorateHome(final JenkinsRule jenkinsRule, final File home) throws Exception { super.decorateHome(jenkinsRule, home); final EndToEndTfs.RunnerImpl parent = getParent(); final String jobFolder = parent.getJobFolder(); final IntegrationTestHelper helper = getHelper(); final String userPassword = helper.getUserPassword(); final String scrambledPassword = Scrambler.scramble(userPassword); final String configXmlPath = jobFolder + "config.xml"; final File configXmlFile = new File(home, configXmlPath); XmlHelper.pokeValue(configXmlFile, "/project/scm/userPassword", scrambledPassword); } } /** * Verifies that we can still poll and GET from a server when going through a proxy server. */ @LocalData @EndToEndTfs(UseWebProxyServer.class) @Test public void useWebProxyServer() throws Exception { final Jenkins jenkins = j.jenkins; // double-check proxy configuration was loaded and is available final ProxyConfiguration proxyConfiguration = jenkins.proxy; Assert.assertNotNull(proxyConfiguration); final String proxyServerSetting = hudson.Util.fixEmpty(; Assert.assertNotNull(proxyServerSetting); final TaskListener taskListener = j.createTaskListener(); final EndToEndTfs.RunnerImpl tfsRunner = j.getTfsRunner(); final UseWebProxyServer innerRunner = tfsRunner.getInnerRunner(UseWebProxyServer.class); final List<Project> projects = jenkins.getProjects(); final Project project = projects.get(0); final HttpProxyServer proxyServer = innerRunner.getServer(); final LoggingFiltersSourceAdapter adapter = innerRunner.getAdapter(); final int previousChangeSet; try { Assert.assertFalse(adapter.proxyWasUsed()); // setup build runUserTrigger(project); // first poll should report no changes since last build final PollingResult firstPoll = project.poll(taskListener); Assert.assertEquals(PollingResult.Change.NONE, firstPoll.change); Assert.assertTrue(adapter.proxyWasUsed()); adapter.reset(); // make a change in source control previousChangeSet = checkInEmptyFile(tfsRunner); Assert.assertTrue(previousChangeSet >= 0); Assert.assertFalse(adapter.proxyWasUsed()); // second poll should queue a build final AbstractBuild firstBuild = runScmPollTrigger(project); Assert.assertNotNull(firstBuild); assertBuildSuccess(firstBuild); Assert.assertTrue(adapter.proxyWasUsed()); } finally { proxyServer.stop(); } // make a change in source control final String fileContents = "1. Pick up vegetables.\nPrevious changeset:" + previousChangeSet; final int changeSet = checkInFile(tfsRunner, "Now with content.", fileContents); Assert.assertTrue(changeSet >= 0); adapter.reset(); // third poll should claim "no changes" due to being unable to reach the proxy server final InterceptingTaskListener itl = new InterceptingTaskListener(taskListener); // TODO: this takes over 70 seconds to execute, because there's a retry with backoff // We might be able to inject an interception that turns off the retry for this operation final PollingResult thirdPoll = project.poll(itl); Assert.assertEquals("Error during polling => NO_CHANGES", PollingResult.NO_CHANGES, thirdPoll); final List<String> fatalErrors = itl.getFatalErrors(); Assert.assertEquals(1, fatalErrors.size()); Assert.assertFalse(adapter.proxyWasUsed()); } public static class UseWebProxyServer extends CurrentChangesetInjector { private final LoggingFiltersSourceAdapter adapter; private final HttpProxyServer server; public UseWebProxyServer() { adapter = new LoggingFiltersSourceAdapter(); server = DefaultHttpProxyServer .bootstrap() .withPort(0 /* "...let the system pick up an ephemeral port in a bind operation." */) .withFiltersSource(adapter) .start(); } @Override public void decorateHome(final JenkinsRule jenkinsRule, final File home) throws Exception { super.decorateHome(jenkinsRule, home); final InetSocketAddress proxyAddress = server.getListenAddress(); final File proxyXmlFile = new File(home, "proxy.xml"); XmlHelper.pokeValue(proxyXmlFile, "/proxy/name", proxyAddress.getHostName()); XmlHelper.pokeValue(proxyXmlFile, "/proxy/port", Integer.toString(proxyAddress.getPort(), 10)); } public HttpProxyServer getServer() { return server; } public LoggingFiltersSourceAdapter getAdapter() { return adapter; } } /** * Injects some values into the last <code>build.xml</code> to pretend we're up-to-date with TFS. */ public static class CurrentChangesetInjector extends EndToEndTfs.StubRunner { @Override public void decorateHome(final JenkinsRule jenkinsRule, final File home) throws Exception { super.decorateHome(jenkinsRule, home); final EndToEndTfs.RunnerImpl parent = getParent(); final String jobFolder = parent.getJobFolder(); final String lastBuildXmlPath = jobFolder + "builds/2015-07-15_20-37-42/build.xml"; final File lastBuildXmlFile = new File(home, lastBuildXmlPath); final String projectPath = parent.getPathInTfvc(); final String serverUrl = getHelper().getServerUrl(); final Server server = parent.getServer(); final MockableVersionControlClient vcc = server.getVersionControlClient(); final int latestChangesetID = vcc.getLatestChangesetID(); final String changesetVersion = String.valueOf(latestChangesetID); XmlHelper.pokeValue(lastBuildXmlFile, "/build/actions/hudson.plugins.tfs.model.WorkspaceConfiguration/projectPath", projectPath); XmlHelper.pokeValue(lastBuildXmlFile, "/build/actions/hudson.plugins.tfs.model.WorkspaceConfiguration/serverUrl", serverUrl); XmlHelper.pokeValue(lastBuildXmlFile, "/build/actions/hudson.plugins.tfs.TFSRevisionState/changesetVersion", changesetVersion); XmlHelper.pokeValue(lastBuildXmlFile, "/build/actions/hudson.plugins.tfs.TFSRevisionState/projectPath", projectPath); } } }