package hudson.plugins.tfs.browsers; import hudson.Extension; import hudson.Util; import hudson.model.AbstractProject; import hudson.model.Descriptor; import hudson.plugins.tfs.TeamFoundationServerScm; import hudson.plugins.tfs.model.ChangeSet; import hudson.plugins.tfs.util.QueryString; import hudson.scm.EditType; import hudson.scm.RepositoryBrowser; import hudson.scm.SCM; import; import; import; import; import org.kohsuke.stapler.DataBoundConstructor; public class TeamSystemWebAccessBrowser extends TeamFoundationServerRepositoryBrowser { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final String url; @DataBoundConstructor public TeamSystemWebAccessBrowser(String urlExample) { this.url = Util.fixEmpty(urlExample); } public String getUrl() { return url; } private String getServerConfiguration(ChangeSet changeset) { AbstractProject<?, ?> project = changeset.getParent().build.getProject(); SCM scm = project.getScm(); if (scm instanceof TeamFoundationServerScm) { return ((TeamFoundationServerScm) scm).getServerUrl(changeset.getParent().build); } else { final DescriptorImpl descriptor = (DescriptorImpl) getDescriptor(); final String displayName = descriptor.getDisplayName(); throw new IllegalStateException("'" + displayName + "' repository browser can only be used with the 'Team Foundation Server' SCM"); } } private String getBaseUrlString(ChangeSet changeSet) throws MalformedURLException { String baseUrl = url; if (baseUrl == null) { baseUrl = getServerConfiguration(changeSet); } baseUrl = normalizeToEndWithSlash(new URL(baseUrl)).toString(); return baseUrl; } /** * Gets the link to a specific change set. */ @Override public URL getChangeSetLink(final ChangeSet changeSet) throws IOException { final String baseUrlString = getBaseUrlString(changeSet); final URL baseUrl = new URL(baseUrlString); final QueryString qs = new QueryString(); qs.put("id", changeSet.getVersion()); final URL changeSetUrl = new URL(baseUrl, "_versionControl/changeset?" + qs.toString()); return changeSetUrl; } URL createChangeSetItemLink(final ChangeSet.Item item, final String action) throws IOException { final ChangeSet changeSet = item.getParent(); final URL changeSetUrl = getChangeSetLink(changeSet); final QueryString qs = new QueryString(); qs.put("path", item.getPath()); qs.put("version", changeSet.getVersion()); qs.put("_a", action); return new URL(changeSetUrl, "#" + qs.toString()); } /** * Gets the link for a specific file in a change set. */ public URL getFileLink(final ChangeSet.Item item) throws IOException { return createChangeSetItemLink(item, "contents"); } /** * Gets the link to compare a specific file in a change set. */ public URL getDiffLink(final ChangeSet.Item item) throws IOException { if (item.getEditType() != EditType.EDIT) { return null; } return createChangeSetItemLink(item, "compare"); } @Extension public static final class DescriptorImpl extends Descriptor<RepositoryBrowser<?>> { public DescriptorImpl() { super(TeamSystemWebAccessBrowser.class); } @Override public String getDisplayName() { return "Microsoft Team Foundation Server/Visual Studio Team Services"; } } }