package hudson.plugins.tfs.model; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import hudson.model.AbstractProject; import hudson.model.Action; import hudson.model.Cause; import hudson.model.CauseAction; import hudson.model.Item; import hudson.model.Job; import hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM; import hudson.plugins.git.GitStatus; import hudson.plugins.git.extensions.impl.IgnoreNotifyCommit; import hudson.plugins.tfs.TeamEventsEndpoint; import hudson.plugins.tfs.TeamGlobalStatusAction; import hudson.plugins.tfs.TeamHookCause; import hudson.plugins.tfs.TeamPluginGlobalConfig; import hudson.plugins.tfs.TeamPushTrigger; import hudson.plugins.tfs.model.servicehooks.Event; import hudson.plugins.tfs.util.ActionHelper; import hudson.plugins.tfs.util.UriHelper; import hudson.scm.SCM; import; import hudson.triggers.SCMTrigger; import jenkins.model.Jenkins; import jenkins.triggers.SCMTriggerItem; import net.sf.json.JSONArray; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.acegisecurity.context.SecurityContext; import org.acegisecurity.context.SecurityContextHolder; import; import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.RemoteConfig; import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.URIish; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Logger; public abstract class AbstractHookEvent { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(AbstractHookEvent.class.getName()); public interface Factory { AbstractHookEvent create(); String getSampleRequestPayload(); } /** * Actually do the work of the hook event, using the supplied * {@code mapper} to convert the event's data from the supplied {@code serviceHookEvent} * and returning the output as a {@link JSONObject}. * * @param mapper an {@link ObjectMapper} instance to use to convert the {@link Event#resource} * @param serviceHookEvent an {@link Event} that represents the request payload * and from which the {@link Event#resource} can be obtained * @param message a simple description of the event * @param detailedMessage a longer description of the event, with some details * * @return a {@link JSONObject} representing the hook event's output */ public abstract JSONObject perform(final ObjectMapper mapper, final Event serviceHookEvent, final String message, final String detailedMessage); static JSONObject fromResponseContributors(final List<GitStatus.ResponseContributor> contributors) { final JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); final JSONArray messages = new JSONArray(); for (final GitStatus.ResponseContributor contributor : contributors) { final StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); final PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(stringWriter); try { contributor.writeBody(printWriter); printWriter.flush(); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(printWriter); } final String contributorMessage = stringWriter.toString(); messages.add(contributorMessage); } result.put("messages", messages); return result; } // TODO: it would be easiest if pollOrQueueFromEvent built a JSONObject directly List<GitStatus.ResponseContributor> pollOrQueueFromEvent(final GitCodePushedEventArgs gitCodePushedEventArgs, final List<Action> actions, final boolean bypassPolling) { List<GitStatus.ResponseContributor> result = new ArrayList<GitStatus.ResponseContributor>(); final String commit = gitCodePushedEventArgs.commit; if (commit == null) { result.add(new GitStatus.MessageResponseContributor("No commits were pushed, skipping further event processing.")); return result; } final URIish uri = gitCodePushedEventArgs.getRepoURIish(); TeamGlobalStatusAction.addIfApplicable(actions); // run in high privilege to see all the projects anonymous users don't see. // this is safe because when we actually schedule a build, it's a build that can // happen at some random time anyway. SecurityContext old = ACL.impersonate(ACL.SYSTEM); try { boolean scmFound = false; final Jenkins jenkins = Jenkins.getInstance(); if (jenkins == null) { LOGGER.severe("Jenkins.getInstance() is null"); return result; } int totalRepositoryMatches = 0; for (final Item project : Jenkins.getInstance().getAllItems()) { final SCMTriggerItem scmTriggerItem = SCMTriggerItem.SCMTriggerItems.asSCMTriggerItem(project); if (scmTriggerItem == null) { continue; } for (final SCM scm : scmTriggerItem.getSCMs()) { if (!(scm instanceof GitSCM)) { continue; } final GitSCM git = (GitSCM) scm; scmFound = true; for (final RemoteConfig repository : git.getRepositories()) { boolean repositoryMatches = false; for (final URIish remoteURL : repository.getURIs()) { if (UriHelper.areSameGitRepo(uri, remoteURL)) { repositoryMatches = true; totalRepositoryMatches++; break; } } if (!repositoryMatches || git.getExtensions().get(IgnoreNotifyCommit.class)!=null) { continue; } if (!(project instanceof AbstractProject && ((AbstractProject) project).isDisabled())) { if (project instanceof Job) { // TODO: Add default parameters defined in the job final Job job = (Job) project; final int quietPeriod = scmTriggerItem.getQuietPeriod(); boolean triggered = false; if (!triggered) { final TeamPluginGlobalConfig config = TeamPluginGlobalConfig.get(); if (config.isEnableTeamPushTriggerForAllJobs()) { triggered = true; final SCMTrigger scmTrigger = TeamEventsEndpoint.findTrigger(job, SCMTrigger.class); if (scmTrigger != null && scmTrigger.isIgnorePostCommitHooks()) { // job has explicitly opted out of hooks triggered = false; } } if (triggered) { final TeamPushTrigger trigger = new TeamPushTrigger(job); trigger.execute(gitCodePushedEventArgs, actions, bypassPolling); final GitStatus.ResponseContributor response; if (bypassPolling) { response = new TeamEventsEndpoint.ScheduledResponseContributor(project); } else { response = new TeamEventsEndpoint.PollingScheduledResponseContributor(project); } result.add(response); } } if (!triggered) { final SCMTrigger scmTrigger = TeamEventsEndpoint.findTrigger(job, SCMTrigger.class); if (scmTrigger != null && !scmTrigger.isIgnorePostCommitHooks()) { // queue build without first polling final Cause cause = new TeamHookCause(commit); final CauseAction causeAction = new CauseAction(cause); final Action[] actionArray = ActionHelper.create(actions, causeAction); scmTriggerItem.scheduleBuild2(quietPeriod, actionArray); result.add(new TeamEventsEndpoint.ScheduledResponseContributor(project)); triggered = true; } } if (!triggered) { final TeamPushTrigger pushTrigger = TeamEventsEndpoint.findTrigger(job, TeamPushTrigger.class); if (pushTrigger != null) { pushTrigger.execute(gitCodePushedEventArgs, actions, bypassPolling); final GitStatus.ResponseContributor response; if (bypassPolling) { response = new TeamEventsEndpoint.ScheduledResponseContributor(project); } else { response = new TeamEventsEndpoint.PollingScheduledResponseContributor(project); } result.add(response); triggered = true; } } if (triggered) { break; } } } } } } if (!scmFound) { result.add(new GitStatus.MessageResponseContributor("No Git jobs found")); } else if (totalRepositoryMatches == 0) { final String template = "No Git jobs matched the remote URL '%s' requested by an event."; final String message = String.format(template, uri); LOGGER.warning(message); } return result; } finally { SecurityContextHolder.setContext(old); } } }