package hudson.plugins.tfs; import com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.common.StandardUsernamePasswordCredentials; import; import; import; import hudson.Extension; import hudson.FilePath; import hudson.Launcher; import hudson.Util; import hudson.model.AbstractBuild; import hudson.model.AbstractProject; import hudson.model.BuildListener; import hudson.model.Computer; import hudson.model.Node; import hudson.model.ParametersAction; import hudson.model.Run; import hudson.model.TaskListener; import hudson.plugins.tfs.actions.CheckoutAction; import hudson.plugins.tfs.actions.RemoveWorkspaceAction; import hudson.plugins.tfs.browsers.TeamFoundationServerRepositoryBrowser; import hudson.plugins.tfs.browsers.TeamSystemWebAccessBrowser; import hudson.plugins.tfs.model.ChangeSet; import hudson.plugins.tfs.model.CredentialsConfigurer; import hudson.plugins.tfs.model.CredentialsConfigurerDescriptor; import hudson.plugins.tfs.model.ManualCredentialsConfigurer; import hudson.plugins.tfs.model.Project; import hudson.plugins.tfs.model.Server; import hudson.plugins.tfs.model.WorkspaceConfiguration; import hudson.plugins.tfs.util.BuildVariableResolver; import hudson.plugins.tfs.util.BuildWorkspaceConfigurationRetriever; import hudson.plugins.tfs.util.BuildWorkspaceConfigurationRetriever.BuildWorkspaceConfiguration; import hudson.scm.ChangeLogParser; import hudson.scm.PollingResult; import hudson.scm.PollingResult.Change; import hudson.scm.RepositoryBrowser; import hudson.scm.RepositoryBrowsers; import hudson.scm.SCM; import hudson.scm.SCMDescriptor; import hudson.scm.SCMRevisionState; import hudson.util.ComboBoxModel; import hudson.util.FormValidation; import hudson.util.LogTaskListener; import hudson.util.Scrambler; import hudson.util.Secret; import hudson.util.VariableResolver; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.kohsuke.stapler.DataBoundConstructor; import org.kohsuke.stapler.DataBoundSetter; import org.kohsuke.stapler.QueryParameter; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest; import javax.annotation.CheckForNull; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static hudson.Util.fixEmpty; /** * SCM for Microsoft Team Foundation Server. * * @author Erik Ramfelt */ public class TeamFoundationServerScm extends SCM { public static final String WORKSPACE_ENV_STR = "TFS_WORKSPACE"; public static final String WORKFOLDER_ENV_STR = "TFS_WORKFOLDER"; public static final String PROJECTPATH_ENV_STR = "TFS_PROJECTPATH"; public static final String SERVERURL_ENV_STR = "TFS_SERVERURL"; public static final String USERNAME_ENV_STR = "TFS_USERNAME"; public static final String WORKSPACE_CHANGESET_ENV_STR = "TFS_CHANGESET"; private static final String VERSION_SPEC = "VERSION_SPEC"; private final String serverUrl; private final String projectPath; private Collection<String> cloakedPaths; private String localPath; private final String workspaceName; private @Deprecated String userPassword; private Secret password; private String userName; private CredentialsConfigurer credentialsConfigurer; private boolean useUpdate; private TeamFoundationServerRepositoryBrowser repositoryBrowser; private transient String normalizedWorkspaceName; private transient String workspaceChangesetVersion; private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TeamFoundationServerScm.class.getName()); /** * Constructor used for unit tests. * * @param serverUrl the URL to the team project collection * @param projectPath the path in TFVC to download from * @param workspaceName the name (or expression) to use when mapping the workspace */ TeamFoundationServerScm(String serverUrl, String projectPath, String workspaceName) { this(serverUrl, projectPath, workspaceName, null, null); } /** * Constructor used during serialization (and a few tests). * * WARNING: do NOT add parameters to this constructor when adding fields for new settings. * Instead, add a setter annotated with {@link DataBoundSetter} in the "Bean properties" section. * See {@link #setLocalPath(String)} for an example. * * @param serverUrl the URL to the team project collection * @param projectPath the path in TFVC to download from * @param workspaceName the name (or expression) to use when mapping the workspace * @param userName the name of the user account to use to talk to TFS/Team Services * @param password the password or personal access token to use to talk to TFS/Team Services */ @DataBoundConstructor public TeamFoundationServerScm(String serverUrl, String projectPath, String workspaceName, String userName, Secret password) { this.serverUrl = serverUrl; this.projectPath = projectPath; this.workspaceName = (Util.fixEmptyAndTrim(workspaceName) == null ? "Hudson-${JOB_NAME}-${NODE_NAME}" : workspaceName); this.userName = userName; this.password = password; } @SuppressWarnings("unused" /* Migrate legacy data */) private Object readResolve() { if (password == null && userPassword != null) { password = Secret.fromString(Scrambler.descramble(userPassword)); userPassword = null; } if (userName != null && password != null) { credentialsConfigurer = new ManualCredentialsConfigurer(userName, password); } return this; } // Bean properties needed for job configuration public String getServerUrl() { return serverUrl; } public String getWorkspaceName() { return workspaceName; } public String getProjectPath() { return projectPath; } public String getLocalPath() { return (Util.fixEmptyAndTrim(localPath) == null ? "." : localPath); } @DataBoundSetter public void setLocalPath(final String localPath) { this.localPath = localPath; } public boolean isUseUpdate() { return useUpdate; } @DataBoundSetter public void setUseUpdate(final boolean useUpdate) { this.useUpdate = useUpdate; } public String getUserPassword() { return Secret.toString(password); } public Secret getPassword() { return password; } public String getUserName() { return userName; } public CredentialsConfigurer getCredentialsConfigurer() { if (credentialsConfigurer == null) { credentialsConfigurer = new ManualCredentialsConfigurer(userName, password); } return credentialsConfigurer; } @DataBoundSetter public void setCredentialsConfigurer(final CredentialsConfigurer credentialsConfigurer) { this.credentialsConfigurer = credentialsConfigurer; } public String getCloakedPaths() { return serializeCloakedPathCollectionToString(this.cloakedPaths); } @DataBoundSetter public void setCloakedPaths(final String cloakedPaths) { this.cloakedPaths = splitCloakedPaths(cloakedPaths); } // Bean properties END static String serializeCloakedPathCollectionToString(final Collection<String> cloakedPaths) { return cloakedPaths == null ? StringUtils.EMPTY : StringUtils.join(cloakedPaths, "\n"); } String getWorkspaceName(AbstractBuild<?,?> build, Computer computer) { normalizedWorkspaceName = workspaceName; if (build != null) { normalizedWorkspaceName = substituteBuildParameter(build, normalizedWorkspaceName); normalizedWorkspaceName = Util.replaceMacro(normalizedWorkspaceName, new BuildVariableResolver(build.getProject(), computer)); } normalizedWorkspaceName = normalizedWorkspaceName.replaceAll("[\"/:<>\\|\\*\\?]+", "_"); normalizedWorkspaceName = normalizedWorkspaceName.replaceAll("[\\.\\s]+$", "_"); return normalizedWorkspaceName; } public String getServerUrl(Run<?,?> run) { return substituteBuildParameter(run, serverUrl); } String getProjectPath(Run<?,?> run) { return Util.replaceMacro(substituteBuildParameter(run, projectPath), new BuildVariableResolver(run.getParent())); } Collection<String> getCloakedPaths(final Run<?, ?> run) { final List<String> paths = new ArrayList<String>(); if (cloakedPaths != null) { final BuildVariableResolver resolver = new BuildVariableResolver(run.getParent()); for (final String cloakedPath : cloakedPaths) { final String path = substituteBuildParameter(run, cloakedPath); final String enhancedPath = Util.replaceMacro(path, resolver); paths.add(enhancedPath); } } return paths; } private String substituteBuildParameter(Run<?,?> run, String text) { if (run instanceof AbstractBuild<?, ?>){ AbstractBuild<?,?> build = (AbstractBuild<?, ?>) run; if (build.getAction(ParametersAction.class) != null) { return build.getAction(ParametersAction.class).substitute(build, text); } } return text; } static Collection<String> splitCloakedPaths(final String cloakedPaths) { final List<String> cloakedPathsList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (cloakedPaths != null && cloakedPaths.length() > 0) { final StringBuilder cloakedPath = new StringBuilder(cloakedPaths.length()); for (final char character : cloakedPaths.toCharArray()) { switch (character) { case '\n': if (cloakedPath.length() > 0) { cloakedPathsList.add(cloakedPath.toString().trim()); cloakedPath.setLength(0); } break; default: cloakedPath.append(character); break; } } if (cloakedPath.length() > 0) { cloakedPathsList.add(cloakedPath.toString().trim()); } } return cloakedPathsList; } @Override public boolean checkout(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Launcher launcher, FilePath workspaceFilePath, BuildListener listener, File changelogFile) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Server server = createServer(launcher, listener, build); try { WorkspaceConfiguration workspaceConfiguration = new WorkspaceConfiguration(server.getUrl(), getWorkspaceName(build, Computer.currentComputer()), getProjectPath(build), getCloakedPaths(build), getLocalPath()); final AbstractBuild<?, ?> previousBuild = build.getPreviousBuild(); // Check if the configuration has changed if (previousBuild != null) { BuildWorkspaceConfiguration nodeConfiguration = new BuildWorkspaceConfigurationRetriever().getLatestForNode(build.getBuiltOn(), previousBuild); if ((nodeConfiguration != null) && nodeConfiguration.workspaceExists() && (! workspaceConfiguration.equals(nodeConfiguration))) { listener.getLogger().println("Deleting workspace as the configuration has changed since a build was performed on this computer."); new RemoveWorkspaceAction(workspaceConfiguration.getWorkspaceName()).remove(server); nodeConfiguration.setWorkspaceWasRemoved();; } } build.addAction(workspaceConfiguration); VariableResolver<String> buildVariableResolver = build.getBuildVariableResolver(); String singleVersionSpec = buildVariableResolver.resolve(VERSION_SPEC); final String projectPath = workspaceConfiguration.getProjectPath(); final Project project = server.getProject(projectPath); final int changeSet = recordWorkspaceChangesetVersion(build, listener, project, projectPath, singleVersionSpec); CheckoutAction action = new CheckoutAction(workspaceConfiguration.getWorkspaceName(), workspaceConfiguration.getProjectPath(), workspaceConfiguration.getCloakedPaths(), workspaceConfiguration.getWorkfolder(), isUseUpdate()); List<ChangeSet> list; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(singleVersionSpec)) { list = action.checkoutBySingleVersionSpec(server, workspaceFilePath, singleVersionSpec); } else { final VersionSpec previousBuildVersionSpec = determineVersionSpecFromBuild(previousBuild, 1, changeSet); final ChangesetVersionSpec currentBuildVersionSpec = new ChangesetVersionSpec(changeSet); list = action.checkout(server, workspaceFilePath, previousBuildVersionSpec, currentBuildVersionSpec); } ChangeSetWriter writer = new ChangeSetWriter(); writer.write(list, changelogFile); } finally { server.close(); } return true; } static VersionSpec determineVersionSpecFromBuild(final AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, final int offset, final int maximumChangeSetNumber) { final VersionSpec result; if (build != null) { final TFSRevisionState revisionState = build.getAction(TFSRevisionState.class); if (revisionState != null) { final int changeSetNumber = revisionState.changesetVersion + offset; if (changeSetNumber <= maximumChangeSetNumber) { result = new ChangesetVersionSpec(changeSetNumber); } else { result = null; } } else { result = null; } } else { result = null; } return result; } int recordWorkspaceChangesetVersion(final AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, final BuildListener listener, final Project project, final String projectPath, final String singleVersionSpec) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final VersionSpec workspaceVersion; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(singleVersionSpec)) { workspaceVersion = VersionSpec.parseSingleVersionFromSpec(singleVersionSpec, null); } else { workspaceVersion = new DateVersionSpec(build.getTimestamp()); } int buildChangeset; setWorkspaceChangesetVersion(null); buildChangeset = project.getRemoteChangesetVersion(workspaceVersion); setWorkspaceChangesetVersion(Integer.toString(buildChangeset, 10)); // by adding this action, we prevent calcRevisionsFromBuild() from being called build.addAction(new TFSRevisionState(buildChangeset, projectPath)); return buildChangeset; } void setWorkspaceChangesetVersion(String workspaceChangesetVersion) { this.workspaceChangesetVersion = workspaceChangesetVersion; } @Override public boolean pollChanges(AbstractProject hudsonProject, Launcher launcher, FilePath workspace, TaskListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Run<?,?> lastRun = hudsonProject.getLastBuild(); if (lastRun == null) { return true; } else { Server server = createServer(launcher, listener, lastRun); try { return (server.getProject(getProjectPath(lastRun)).getDetailedHistoryWithoutCloakedPaths( lastRun.getTimestamp(), Calendar.getInstance(), getCloakedPaths(lastRun) ).size() > 0); } finally { server.close(); } } } @Override public boolean processWorkspaceBeforeDeletion(AbstractProject<?, ?> project, FilePath workspace, Node node) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Run<?,?> lastRun = project.getLastBuild(); if ((lastRun == null) || !(lastRun instanceof AbstractBuild<?, ?>)) { return true; } // Due to an error in Hudson core (pre 1.321), null was sent in for all invocations of this method // Therefore we try to work around the problem, and see if its only built on one node or not. if (node == null) { while (lastRun != null) { AbstractBuild<?,?> build = (AbstractBuild<?, ?>) lastRun; Node buildNode = build.getBuiltOn(); if (node == null) { node = buildNode; } else { if (!buildNode.getNodeName().equals(node.getNodeName())) { logger.warning("Could not wipe out workspace as there is no way of telling what Node the request is for. Please upgrade Hudson to a newer version."); return false; } } lastRun = lastRun.getPreviousBuild(); } if (node == null) { return true; } lastRun = project.getLastBuild(); } BuildWorkspaceConfiguration configuration = new BuildWorkspaceConfigurationRetriever().getLatestForNode(node, lastRun); if ((configuration != null) && configuration.workspaceExists()) { LogTaskListener listener = new LogTaskListener(logger, Level.INFO); Launcher launcher = node.createLauncher(listener); Server server = createServer(launcher, listener, lastRun); try { if (new RemoveWorkspaceAction(configuration.getWorkspaceName()).remove(server)) { configuration.setWorkspaceWasRemoved();; } } finally { server.close(); } } return true; } protected Server createServer(final Launcher launcher, final TaskListener taskListener, Run<?,?> run) throws IOException { final CredentialsConfigurer credentialsConfigurer = getCredentialsConfigurer(); final String collectionUri = getServerUrl(run); final StandardUsernamePasswordCredentials credentials = credentialsConfigurer.getCredentials(collectionUri); return Server.create(launcher, taskListener, collectionUri, credentials, null, null); } @Override public boolean requiresWorkspaceForPolling() { return false; } @Override public boolean supportsPolling() { return true; } @Override public ChangeLogParser createChangeLogParser() { return new ChangeSetReader(); } @Override public FilePath getModuleRoot(FilePath workspace) { return workspace.child(getLocalPath()); } @Override public TeamFoundationServerRepositoryBrowser getBrowser() { return repositoryBrowser; } /** * * @return a new TeamSystemWebAccessBrowser even if no repository browser (value in UI is Auto) is * configured since its the only implementation that exists anyway */ @Override public @CheckForNull RepositoryBrowser<?> guessBrowser() { return new TeamSystemWebAccessBrowser(serverUrl); } // Convenience method for tests. public void setRepositoryBrowser(final TeamFoundationServerRepositoryBrowser repositoryBrowser) { this.repositoryBrowser = repositoryBrowser; } @Override public void buildEnvVars(AbstractBuild<?,?> build, Map<String, String> env) { super.buildEnvVars(build, env); if (normalizedWorkspaceName != null) { env.put(WORKSPACE_ENV_STR, normalizedWorkspaceName); } if (env.containsKey("WORKSPACE")) { env.put(WORKFOLDER_ENV_STR, env.get("WORKSPACE") + File.separator + getLocalPath()); } if (projectPath != null) { env.put(PROJECTPATH_ENV_STR, projectPath); } if (serverUrl != null) { env.put(SERVERURL_ENV_STR, serverUrl); } if (userName != null) { env.put(USERNAME_ENV_STR, userName); } if (workspaceChangesetVersion != null && workspaceChangesetVersion.length() > 0) { env.put(WORKSPACE_CHANGESET_ENV_STR, workspaceChangesetVersion); } } @Override public DescriptorImpl getDescriptor() { return (DescriptorImpl)super.getDescriptor(); } @Extension public static class DescriptorImpl extends SCMDescriptor<TeamFoundationServerScm> { public static final Pattern WORKSPACE_NAME_REGEX = Pattern.compile("[^\"/:<>\\|\\*\\?]+[^\\s\\.\"/:<>\\|\\*\\?]$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); public static final Pattern PROJECT_PATH_REGEX = Pattern.compile("^\\$\\/.*", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); public static final Pattern CLOAKED_PATHS_REGEX = Pattern.compile("\\s*\\$[^\\n;]+(\\s*[\\n]\\s*\\$[^\\n;]+){0,}\\s*", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); private transient String tfExecutable; public DescriptorImpl() { super(TeamFoundationServerScm.class, TeamFoundationServerRepositoryBrowser.class); load(); } @Override public SCM newInstance(StaplerRequest req, JSONObject formData) throws FormException { TeamFoundationServerScm scm = (TeamFoundationServerScm) super.newInstance(req, formData); scm.repositoryBrowser = RepositoryBrowsers.createInstance(TeamFoundationServerRepositoryBrowser.class,req,formData,"browser"); // TODO: is there a more polymorphic way of doing this? if (scm.credentialsConfigurer instanceof ManualCredentialsConfigurer) { // ManualCredentialsConfigurer has its fields "transient"; transfer the values here // for backward-compatibility final ManualCredentialsConfigurer manualCredentialsConfigurer = (ManualCredentialsConfigurer) scm.credentialsConfigurer; scm.userName = manualCredentialsConfigurer.getUserName(); scm.password = manualCredentialsConfigurer.getPassword(); } return scm; } private FormValidation doRegexCheck(final Pattern[] regexArray, final String noMatchText, final String nullText, String value) { value = fixEmpty(value); if (value == null) { if (nullText == null) { return FormValidation.ok(); } else { return FormValidation.error(nullText); } } for (Pattern regex : regexArray) { if (regex.matcher(value).matches()) { return FormValidation.ok(); } } return FormValidation.error(noMatchText); } public ComboBoxModel doFillServerUrlItems() { final TeamPluginGlobalConfig pluginGlobalConfig = TeamPluginGlobalConfig.get(); final List<TeamCollectionConfiguration> collectionConfigurations = pluginGlobalConfig.getCollectionConfigurations(); final ComboBoxModel result = new ComboBoxModel(collectionConfigurations.size()); for (final TeamCollectionConfiguration collectionConfiguration : collectionConfigurations) { result.add(collectionConfiguration.getCollectionUrl()); } return result; } public FormValidation doProjectPathCheck(@QueryParameter final String value) { return doRegexCheck(new Pattern[]{PROJECT_PATH_REGEX}, "Project path must begin with '$/'.", "Project path is mandatory.", value ); } public FormValidation doWorkspaceNameCheck(@QueryParameter final String value) { return doRegexCheck(new Pattern[]{WORKSPACE_NAME_REGEX}, "Workspace name cannot end with a space or period, and cannot contain any of the following characters: \"/:<>|*?", "Workspace name is mandatory", value); } public FormValidation doCloakedPathsCheck(@QueryParameter final String value) { return doRegexCheck(new Pattern[]{CLOAKED_PATHS_REGEX}, "Each cloaked path must begin with '$/'. Multiple paths must be separated by blank lines.", null, value ); } public List<CredentialsConfigurerDescriptor> getCredentialsConfigurerDescriptors() { return CredentialsConfigurer.all(); } @Override public boolean configure(StaplerRequest req, JSONObject formData) throws FormException { save(); return true; } @Override public String getDisplayName() { return "Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC)"; } } @Override public SCMRevisionState calcRevisionsFromBuild(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Launcher launcher, TaskListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { /* * This method does nothing, since the work has already been done in * the checkout() method, as per the documentation: * """ * As an optimization, SCM implementation can choose to compute SCMRevisionState * and add it as an action during check out, in which case this method will not called. * """ */ return null; } @Override protected PollingResult compareRemoteRevisionWith( AbstractProject<?, ?> project, Launcher launcher, FilePath workspace, TaskListener listener, SCMRevisionState baseline) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final Launcher localLauncher = launcher != null ? launcher : new Launcher.LocalLauncher(listener); if (!(baseline instanceof TFSRevisionState)) { // This plugin was just upgraded, we don't yet have a new-style baseline, // so we perform an old-school poll boolean shouldBuild = pollChanges(project, localLauncher, workspace, listener); return shouldBuild ? PollingResult.BUILD_NOW : PollingResult.NO_CHANGES; } final TFSRevisionState tfsBaseline = (TFSRevisionState) baseline; if (!projectPath.equalsIgnoreCase(tfsBaseline.projectPath)) { // There's no PollingResult.INCOMPARABLE, so we use the next closest thing return PollingResult.BUILD_NOW; } Run<?, ?> build = project.getLastBuild(); final Server server = createServer(localLauncher, listener, build); final Project tfsProject = server.getProject(projectPath); try { final ChangeSet latest = tfsProject.getLatestUncloakedChangeset(tfsBaseline.changesetVersion, cloakedPaths); final TFSRevisionState tfsRemote = (latest != null) ? new TFSRevisionState(latest.getVersion(), projectPath) : tfsBaseline; // TODO: we could return INSIGNIFICANT if all the changesets // contain the string "***NO_CI***" at the end of their comment final Change change = tfsBaseline.changesetVersion == tfsRemote.changesetVersion ? Change.NONE : Change.SIGNIFICANT; return new PollingResult(tfsBaseline, tfsRemote, change); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(listener.fatalError(e.getMessage())); return PollingResult.NO_CHANGES; } finally { server.close(); } } }