package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters; import; import; import; import; /** * Comment for InnerJoinTest * <p/> * Author By: zhuoxue.yll Created Date: 2012-3-13 上午09:42:46 */ @RunWith(EclipseParameterized.class) public class InnerJoinTest extends BaseMatrixTestCase { String[] columnParam = { "host_id", "host_name", "hostgroup_id", "hostgroup_name" }; @Parameters(name = "{index}:table0={0},table1={1},table2={2},table3={3},table4={4}") public static List<String[]> prepareDate() { return Arrays.asList(ExecuteTableName.hostinfoHostgoupStudentModuleinfoModulehostTable(dbType)); } public InnerJoinTest(String monitor_host_infoTableName, String monitor_hostgroup_infoTableName, String studentTableName, String monitor_module_infoTableName, String monitor_module_hostTableName) throws Exception{ BaseTestCase.host_info = monitor_host_infoTableName; BaseTestCase.hostgroup = monitor_hostgroup_infoTableName; BaseTestCase.studentTableName = studentTableName; BaseTestCase.module_info = monitor_module_infoTableName; BaseTestCase.module_host = monitor_module_hostTableName; initData(); } public void initData() throws Exception { con = getConnection(); andorCon = us.getConnection(); hostinfoPrepare(0, 3); hostgroupPrepare(0, 2); module_infoPrepare(0, 2); module_hostPrepare(0, 10); studentPrepare(0, 1); } @After public void destory() throws Exception { psConRcRsClose(rc, rs); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test public void innerJoinTest() throws Exception { String sql = "select " + host_info + ".host_id," + host_info + ".host_name," + host_info + ".hostgroup_id," + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_name from " + host_info + " inner join " + hostgroup + " " + "on " + host_info + ".hostgroup_id=" + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_id"; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Test public void InnerJoinWithMutilValueTest() throws Exception { // bdb数据库join根据desc排序抛出空指针异常,暂时忽略 if (host_info.contains("mysql")) { String sql = "replace into " + host_info + "(host_id,hostgroup_id) values(?,?)"; List<Object> param = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (long i = 3; i < 8; i++) { param.clear(); param.add(i); param.add(0l); andorUpdateData(sql, param); mysqlUpdateData(sql, param); } sql = "select * from " + hostgroup + " inner join " + host_info + " " + "on " + host_info + ".hostgroup_id=" + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_id"; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } } @Test public void InnerJoinWithAndTest() throws Exception { String sql = "select " + host_info + ".host_id," + "" + host_info + ".host_name," + host_info + ".hostgroup_id," + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_name " + "from " + hostgroup + " inner join " + host_info + " " + "on " + host_info + ".hostgroup_id=" + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_id where " + host_info + ".host_name='hostname0'"; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Test public void InnerJoinWithWhereNumFiledTest() throws Exception { String sql = "select " + host_info + ".host_id," + "" + host_info + ".host_name," + host_info + ".hostgroup_id," + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_name " + "from " + hostgroup + " inner join " + host_info + " " + "on " + host_info + ".hostgroup_id=" + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_id where " + host_info + ".host_id=0"; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); sql = "select " + host_info + ".host_id," + "" + host_info + ".host_name," + host_info + ".hostgroup_id," + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_name " + "from " + hostgroup + " inner join " + host_info + " " + "on " + host_info + ".hostgroup_id=" + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_id where " + host_info + ".host_id>0"; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Test public void InnerJoinWithWhereStringFieldTest() throws Exception { String sql = "select " + host_info + ".host_id," + "" + host_info + ".host_name," + host_info + ".hostgroup_id," + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_name " + "from " + hostgroup + " inner join " + host_info + " " + "on " + host_info + ".hostgroup_id=" + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_id where " + host_info + ".host_name='hostname0'"; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Test public void InnerJoinWithWhereAndTest() throws Exception { String sql = "select " + host_info + ".host_id," + "" + host_info + ".host_name," + host_info + ".hostgroup_id," + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_name " + "from " + hostgroup + " inner join " + host_info + " " + "on " + host_info + ".hostgroup_id=" + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_id where " + host_info + ".host_name='hostname0' and " + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_name='hostgroupname0'"; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Test public void InnerJoinWithWhereOrTest() throws Exception { // bdb数据库join根据desc排序抛出空指针异常,暂时忽略 if (host_info.contains("mysql")) { String sql = "select " + host_info + ".host_id," + "" + host_info + ".host_name," + host_info + ".hostgroup_id," + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_name " + "from " + hostgroup + " inner join " + host_info + " " + "on " + host_info + ".hostgroup_id=" + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_id where " + host_info + ".host_name='hostname0' or " + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_name='hostgroupname1'"; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test public void InnerJoinWithWhereLimitTest() throws Exception { // 暂时先去掉对host_info_oneGroup_oneAtom_threeIndex这个表类型的验证,应该是因为没有异步复制导致的 if (host_info != "host_info_oneGroup_oneAtom_threeIndex") { String sql = "select " + host_info + ".host_id," + "" + host_info + ".host_name," + host_info + ".hostgroup_id," + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_name " + "from " + hostgroup + " inner join " + host_info + " " + "on " + host_info + ".hostgroup_id=" + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_id where " + host_info + ".host_name='hostname0' limit 1"; selectConutAssert(sql, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } } @Test public void InnerJoinThreeTableTest() throws Exception { String sql = "replace into " + host_info + "(host_id,hostgroup_id) values(?,?)"; List<Object> param = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (long i = 3; i < 8; i++) { param.clear(); param.add(i); param.add(0l); andorUpdateData(sql, param); mysqlUpdateData(sql, param); // rc.close(); } sql = "SELECT * FROM " + host_info + " inner JOIN " + hostgroup + " ON " + host_info + ".hostgroup_id=" + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_id " + "inner JOIN " + studentTableName + " ON " + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_id=" + studentTableName + ".id"; String[] columnParam = { "host_id", "host_name", "hostgroup_id", "hostgroup_name", "name" }; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } /** * 3个表的join后面带where条件 收藏夹主要流程模拟测试 查询指定用户所收藏的商品信息 或者指定商品收藏用户信息 */ @Test public void InnerJoinThreeTableWithWhere() throws Exception { String sql = "SELECT * from " + host_info + " INNER JOIN " + module_host + " ON " + host_info + ".host_id=" + module_host + ".host_id INNER JOIN " + module_info + " ON " + module_info + ".module_id=" + module_host + ".module_id where " + module_info + ".module_name='module1'"; String[] columnParam = { "host_id", "host_name", "module_id", "id", "module_name" }; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } /** * 3个表的join后面带where条件后面有or情况 * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void InnerJoinThreeTableWithWhereWithOr() throws Exception { String sql = "SELECT * from " + host_info + " INNER JOIN " + module_host + " ON " + host_info + ".host_id=" + module_host + ".host_id INNER JOIN " + module_info + " ON " + module_info + ".module_id=" + module_host + ".module_id where " + module_info + ".module_name='module1' or " + module_info + ".module_name='module0'"; String[] columnParam = { "host_id", "host_name", "module_id", "id", "module_name" }; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } /** * 3个表的join后面带where条件后面有and情况 * * @throws Exception */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test public void InnerJoinThreeTableWithWhereWithAnd() throws Exception { String sql = "SELECT * from " + host_info + " INNER JOIN " + module_host + " ON " + host_info + ".host_id=" + module_host + ".host_id INNER JOIN " + module_info + " ON " + module_info + ".module_id=" + module_host + ".module_id where " + module_info + ".module_name='module1' and " + host_info + ".host_name='hostname1'"; String[] columnParam = { "host_id", "host_name", "module_id", "id", "module_name" }; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Test public void InnerJoinThreeTableMutilDateTest() throws Exception { String sql = "replace into " + host_info + "(host_id,hostgroup_id) values(?,?)"; List<Object> param = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (long i = 3; i < 8; i++) { param.clear(); param.add(i); param.add(0l); andorUpdateData(sql, param); mysqlUpdateData(sql, param); } sql = "SELECT * FROM " + host_info + " inner JOIN " + hostgroup + " ON " + host_info + ".hostgroup_id=" + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_id " + "inner JOIN " + studentTableName + " ON " + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_id=" + studentTableName + ".id"; String[] columnParam = { "host_id", "host_name", "module_id", "id", "hostgroup_name" }; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Test public void InnerJoinWithAliasTest() throws Exception { String sql = "select a.host_id,a.host_name,a.hostgroup_id,b.hostgroup_name from " + host_info + " a inner join " + hostgroup + " b " + "on a.hostgroup_id=b.hostgroup_id"; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Test public void InnerJoinWithAliasAsTest() throws Exception { String sql = "select a.host_id,a.host_name,a.hostgroup_id,b.hostgroup_name from " + host_info + " as a inner join " + hostgroup + " as b " + "on a.hostgroup_id=b.hostgroup_id"; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Test public void InnerJoinWithOrderByTest() throws Exception { String sql = "select a.host_id,a.host_name,a.hostgroup_id,b.hostgroup_name from " + host_info + " as a inner join " + hostgroup + " as b " + "on a.hostgroup_id=b.hostgroup_id order by a.host_id"; String[] columnParam = { "host_id", "host_name", "hostgroup_name" }; selectOrderAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Test public void InnerJoinWithOrderByascTest() throws Exception { String sql = "select a.host_id,a.host_name,a.hostgroup_id,b.hostgroup_name from " + host_info + " as a inner join " + hostgroup + " as b " + "on a.hostgroup_id=b.hostgroup_id order by a.host_id asc"; String[] columnParam = { "host_id", "host_name", "hostgroup_name" }; selectOrderAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Test() public void InnerJoinWithOrderBydescTest() throws Exception { // bdb数据库join根据desc排序抛出空指针异常,暂时忽略 if (host_info.contains("mysql")) { String sql = "select a.host_id,a.host_name,a.hostgroup_id,b.hostgroup_name from " + host_info + " as a inner join " + hostgroup + " as b " + "on a.hostgroup_id=b.hostgroup_id order by a.host_id desc"; String[] columnParam = { "host_id", "host_name", "hostgroup_name" }; selectOrderAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } } @Test() public void InnerJoinWithSubQueryTest() throws Exception { String sql = "select t1.sum1,t2.count2 from (select sum(host_id) as sum1,station_id from " + host_info + " group by station_id) t1 " + "join (select count(hostgroup_id) as count2,station_id from " + hostgroup + " group by station_id) t2 on t1.station_id=t2.station_id"; String[] columnParam = { "sum1", "count2" }; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Test public void InnerJoinWithAvgTest() throws Exception { String sql = "select t1.avg,t2.avg,avg(t1.station_id) from (select avg(host_id) as avg,station_id from " + host_info + " group by station_id) t1 " + "join (select avg(hostgroup_id) as avg,station_id from " + hostgroup + " group by station_id) t2 on t1.station_id=t2.station_id"; String[] columnParam = { "t1.avg", "t2.avg", "avg(t1.station_id)" }; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } }