package; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.SQLWarning; import java.sql.Statement; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Statement 包装类 * * @author shenxun */ public class TStatementWrapper implements TStatement { private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TStatementWrapper.class); protected static final String UPDATE = "UPDATE"; protected static final String QUERY = "QUERY"; protected Statement targetStatement; protected final TConnectionWrapper connectionWrapper; protected final TDataSourceWrapper datasourceWrapper; /** * 经过计算后的结果集,允许使用 getResult函数调用. 一个statement只允许有一个结果集 */ protected TResultSetWrapper currentResultSet; /** * sql元信息持有 */ protected SqlMetaData sqlMetaData = null; public TStatementWrapper(Statement targetStatement, TConnectionWrapper connectionWrapper, TDataSourceWrapper tdsWrapper){ this.targetStatement = targetStatement; this.connectionWrapper = connectionWrapper; this.datasourceWrapper = tdsWrapper; } public void addBatch(String sql) throws SQLException { this.targetStatement.addBatch(sql); } public void cancel() throws SQLException { this.targetStatement.cancel(); } public void clearBatch() throws SQLException { this.targetStatement.clearBatch(); } public void clearWarnings() throws SQLException { this.targetStatement.clearWarnings(); } public void close() throws SQLException { close(true); } void close(boolean removeThis) throws SQLException { try { if (currentResultSet != null) currentResultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.warn("Close currentResultSet failed.", e); } finally { currentResultSet = null; } try { if (this.targetStatement != null) this.targetStatement.close(); } finally { this.targetStatement = null; // 端口与物理statement的引用,底下可能会有ps // cache,导致节点无法被gc if (removeThis) { // 关闭之后,移除 connectionWrapper.removeOpenedStatements(this); } } } protected void recordReadTimes() throws SQLException { TAtomDbStatusEnum status = datasourceWrapper.connectionProperties.dbStatus; if (status != TAtomDbStatusEnum.R_STATUS && status != TAtomDbStatusEnum.RW_STATUS) { throw new SQLException("db do not allow to execute read ! dbStatus is " + status); } /* * int readRestrictionTimes = * datasourceWrapper.connectionProperties.readRestrictionTimes; int * currentReadTimes = datasourceWrapper.readTimes.incrementAndGet(); if * (readRestrictionTimes != 0) { if (currentReadTimes > * readRestrictionTimes) { * datasourceWrapper.readTimesReject.incrementAndGet(); throw new * SQLException("max read times ," + currentReadTimes); } } */ if (!datasourceWrapper.readFlowControl.allow()) { throw new SQLException(datasourceWrapper.readFlowControl.reportExceed()); } } protected void recordWriteTimes() throws SQLException { TAtomDbStatusEnum status = datasourceWrapper.connectionProperties.dbStatus; if (status != TAtomDbStatusEnum.W_STATUS && status != TAtomDbStatusEnum.RW_STATUS) { throw new SQLException("db do not allow to execute write ! dbStatus is " + status); } /* * int writeRestrictionTimes = * datasourceWrapper.connectionProperties.writeRestrictionTimes; int * currentWriteTimes = datasourceWrapper.writeTimes.incrementAndGet(); * if (writeRestrictionTimes != 0) { if (currentWriteTimes > * writeRestrictionTimes) { * datasourceWrapper.writeTimesReject.incrementAndGet(); throw new * SQLException("max write times , " + currentWriteTimes); } } */ if (!datasourceWrapper.writeFlowControl.allow()) { throw new SQLException(datasourceWrapper.writeFlowControl.reportExceed()); } } // 增加并发读计数并判断阀值 protected void increaseConcurrentRead() throws SQLException { int maxConcurrentReadRestrict = datasourceWrapper.connectionProperties.maxConcurrentReadRestrict; int concurrentReadCount = datasourceWrapper.concurrentReadCount.incrementAndGet(); if (maxConcurrentReadRestrict != 0) { if (concurrentReadCount > maxConcurrentReadRestrict) { datasourceWrapper.readTimesReject.incrementAndGet(); throw new SQLException("maxConcurrentReadRestrict reached , " + maxConcurrentReadRestrict); } } } // 增加并发写计数并判断阀值 protected void increaseConcurrentWrite() throws SQLException { int maxConcurrentWriteRestrict = datasourceWrapper.connectionProperties.maxConcurrentWriteRestrict; int concurrentWriteCount = datasourceWrapper.concurrentWriteCount.incrementAndGet(); if (maxConcurrentWriteRestrict != 0) { if (concurrentWriteCount > maxConcurrentWriteRestrict) { datasourceWrapper.writeTimesReject.incrementAndGet(); throw new SQLException("maxConcurrentWriteRestrict reached , " + maxConcurrentWriteRestrict); } } } // 减少并发读计数 protected void decreaseConcurrentRead() throws SQLException { datasourceWrapper.concurrentReadCount.decrementAndGet(); } // 减少并发写计数 protected void decreaseConcurrentWrite() throws SQLException { datasourceWrapper.concurrentWriteCount.decrementAndGet(); } public boolean execute(String sql) throws SQLException { return executeInternal(sql, -1, null, null); } public boolean execute(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys) throws SQLException { return executeInternal(sql, autoGeneratedKeys, null, null); } public boolean execute(String sql, int[] columnIndexes) throws SQLException { return executeInternal(sql, -1, columnIndexes, null); } public boolean execute(String sql, String[] columnNames) throws SQLException { return executeInternal(sql, -1, null, columnNames); } private boolean executeInternal(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys, int[] columnIndexes, String[] columnNames) throws SQLException { if (SqlTypeParser.isQuerySql(sql)) { executeQuery(sql); return true; } else { executeUpdateInternal(sql, autoGeneratedKeys, columnIndexes, columnNames); return false; } } private int executeUpdateInternal(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys, int[] columnIndexes, String[] columnNames) throws SQLException { // if (sqlMetaData == null) throw new // NullPointerException("miss sql meta data."); ensureResultSetIsEmpty(); recordWriteTimes(); increaseConcurrentWrite(); long time0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); Exception e0 = null; startRpc(UPDATE); try { UnitDeployProtect.unitDeployProtect(); if (autoGeneratedKeys == -1 && columnIndexes == null && columnNames == null) { return this.targetStatement.executeUpdate(sql); } else if (autoGeneratedKeys != -1) { return this.targetStatement.executeUpdate(sql, autoGeneratedKeys); } else if (columnIndexes != null) { return this.targetStatement.executeUpdate(sql, columnIndexes); } else if (columnNames != null) { return this.targetStatement.executeUpdate(sql, columnNames); } else { return this.targetStatement.executeUpdate(sql); } } catch (SQLException e) { e0 = e; throw e; } finally { endRpc(sql, e0); decreaseConcurrentWrite(); recordSql(sql, System.currentTimeMillis() - time0, e0); } } public int[] executeBatch() throws SQLException { ensureResultSetIsEmpty(); recordWriteTimes(); increaseConcurrentWrite(); try { return this.targetStatement.executeBatch(); } finally { decreaseConcurrentWrite(); } } public ResultSet executeQuery(String sql) throws SQLException { // if (sqlMetaData == null) throw new // NullPointerException("miss sql meta data."); ensureResultSetIsEmpty(); recordReadTimes(); increaseConcurrentRead(); long time0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); Exception e0 = null; startRpc(QUERY); try { currentResultSet = new TResultSetWrapper(this, this.targetStatement.executeQuery(sql)); return currentResultSet; } catch (SQLException e) { decreaseConcurrentRead(); e0 = e; throw e; } finally { endRpc(sql, e0); recordSql(sql, System.currentTimeMillis() - time0, e0); } } protected void startRpc(String sqlType) { EagleeyeHelper.startRpc(datasourceWrapper.runTimeConf.getIp(), datasourceWrapper.runTimeConf.getPort(), datasourceWrapper.runTimeConf.getDbName(), sqlType); } protected void endRpc(String sql, Exception e) { if (sqlMetaData == null) sqlMetaData = SqlMetaDataFactory.getSqlMetaData(sql); EagleeyeHelper.endRpc(sqlMetaData, e); } protected void recordSql(String sql, long elapsedTime, Exception e) { // druid只使用druid本身带的atom日志 // 只有允许记录atom的sql以及在采样频率下才能记录 if (!Monitor.isStatAtomSql || !Monitor.isSamplingRecord()) { return; } if (!Monitor.isInclude(sql)) { return; // 不在白名单中,不输出日志,以减少日志量 } String dbname = datasourceWrapper.connectionProperties.datasourceName; String dbIp = datasourceWrapper.connectionProperties.ip; String dbPort = datasourceWrapper.connectionProperties.port; String realDbName = datasourceWrapper.connectionProperties.realDbName; if (e != null) { // TODO 暂时不使用惩罚超时机制 // if (elapsedTime > 500) { // this.datasourceWrapper.countTimeOut(); //记录超时 // } Monitor.atomSqlAdd(dbname, Monitor.buildExecuteSqlKey2(sql), Monitor.KEY3_EXECUTE_A_SQL_EXCEPTION, dbIp, dbPort, realDbName, elapsedTime, 1); } else if (elapsedTime > Monitor.sqlTimeout) { // this.datasourceWrapper.countTimeOut(); //记录超时 Monitor.atomSqlAdd(dbname, Monitor.buildExecuteSqlKey2(sql), Monitor.KEY3_EXECUTE_A_SQL_TIMEOUT, dbIp, dbPort, realDbName, elapsedTime, 1); } else { Monitor.atomSqlAdd(dbname, Monitor.buildExecuteSqlKey2(sql), Monitor.KEY3_EXECUTE_A_SQL_SUCCESS, dbIp, dbPort, realDbName, elapsedTime, 1); } } public int executeUpdate(String sql) throws SQLException { return executeUpdateInternal(sql, -1, null, null); } public int executeUpdate(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys) throws SQLException { return executeUpdateInternal(sql, autoGeneratedKeys, null, null); } public int executeUpdate(String sql, int[] columnIndexes) throws SQLException { return executeUpdateInternal(sql, -1, columnIndexes, null); } public int executeUpdate(String sql, String[] columnNames) throws SQLException { return executeUpdateInternal(sql, -1, null, columnNames); } public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException { return connectionWrapper; } public int getFetchDirection() throws SQLException { return this.targetStatement.getFetchDirection(); } public int getFetchSize() throws SQLException { return this.targetStatement.getFetchSize(); } public ResultSet getGeneratedKeys() throws SQLException { return new TResultSetWrapper(this, this.targetStatement.getGeneratedKeys()); } public int getMaxFieldSize() throws SQLException { return this.targetStatement.getMaxFieldSize(); } public int getMaxRows() throws SQLException { return this.targetStatement.getMaxRows(); } public boolean getMoreResults() throws SQLException { return this.targetStatement.getMoreResults(); } public boolean getMoreResults(int current) throws SQLException { return this.targetStatement.getMoreResults(current); } public int getQueryTimeout() throws SQLException { return this.targetStatement.getQueryTimeout(); } // FIXME public ResultSet getResultSet() throws SQLException { /* * ResultSet targetRS = this.targetStatement.getResultSet(); if * (targetRS == null) { return null; } return new * TResultSetWrapper(this, targetRS); */ return currentResultSet; } public int getResultSetConcurrency() throws SQLException { return this.targetStatement.getResultSetConcurrency(); } public int getResultSetHoldability() throws SQLException { return this.targetStatement.getResultSetHoldability(); } public int getResultSetType() throws SQLException { return this.targetStatement.getResultSetType(); } public int getUpdateCount() throws SQLException { return this.targetStatement.getUpdateCount(); } public SQLWarning getWarnings() throws SQLException { return this.targetStatement.getWarnings(); } public void setCursorName(String name) throws SQLException { this.targetStatement.setCursorName(name); } public void setEscapeProcessing(boolean enable) throws SQLException { this.targetStatement.setEscapeProcessing(enable); } public void setFetchDirection(int direction) throws SQLException { this.targetStatement.setFetchDirection(direction); } public void setFetchSize(int rows) throws SQLException { this.targetStatement.setFetchSize(rows); } public void setMaxFieldSize(int max) throws SQLException { this.targetStatement.setMaxFieldSize(max); } public void setMaxRows(int max) throws SQLException { this.targetStatement.setMaxRows(max); } public void setQueryTimeout(int seconds) throws SQLException { this.targetStatement.setQueryTimeout(seconds); } /** * 如果新建了查询,那么上一次查询的结果集应该被显示的关闭掉。这才是符合jdbc规范的 * * @throws SQLException */ protected void ensureResultSetIsEmpty() throws SQLException { if (currentResultSet != null) { try { currentResultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("exception on close last result set . can do nothing..", e); } finally { currentResultSet = null; } } } public boolean isWrapperFor(Class<?> iface) throws SQLException { return this.getClass().isAssignableFrom(iface); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T unwrap(Class<T> iface) throws SQLException { try { return (T) this; } catch (Exception e) { throw new SQLException(e); } } public boolean isClosed() throws SQLException { return this.targetStatement.isClosed(); } public void setPoolable(boolean poolable) throws SQLException { this.targetStatement.setPoolable(poolable); } public boolean isPoolable() throws SQLException { return this.targetStatement.isPoolable(); } @Override public void fillMetaData(SqlMetaData sqlMetaData) { this.sqlMetaData = sqlMetaData; } @Override public SqlMetaData getSqlMetaData() { return this.sqlMetaData; } }