package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * 用于做没法走索引的条件过滤 * * @author mengshi.sunmengshi 2013-12-3 上午11:01:53 * @since 5.0.0 */ public class ValueFilterCursor extends SchematicCursor implements IValueFilterCursor { protected IFilter filter; Pattern pattern; String tarCache; protected ExecutionContext executionContext; public ValueFilterCursor(ISchematicCursor cursor, IFilter filter, ExecutionContext executionContext){ super(cursor, cursor == null ? null : null, cursor == null ? null : cursor.getOrderBy()); // 将filter中的函数用规则引擎里的,带实际 this.filter = filter; this.executionContext = executionContext; } DuplicateKVPair allow(IFilter f, DuplicateKVPair dkv) throws TddlException { if (f == null) { return dkv; } // 链表头,第一个allow的DKV放在这里,如果所有都不allow,那么这里为空 DuplicateKVPair rootAllowDKV = null; // 链表尾,用于append新元素 DuplicateKVPair rootAllowDKVTail = null; // 遍历用dkv DuplicateKVPair currentDKV = dkv; if (allowOneDKV(f, currentDKV)) { rootAllowDKV = currentDKV; rootAllowDKVTail = currentDKV; } while ((currentDKV = != null) { if (allowOneDKV(f, currentDKV)) { if (rootAllowDKV == null) { // 如果这是第一个满足要求的DKV.设置tail和root rootAllowDKV = currentDKV; rootAllowDKVTail = currentDKV; } else {// 前面已经有满足要求的DVK了,设置tail.next并更新tail = currentDKV; rootAllowDKVTail = currentDKV; } } } if (rootAllowDKVTail != null && != null) {// 最后一个元素,可能有next,但next不满足要求 = null; } return rootAllowDKV; } @Override public IRowSet next() throws TddlException { IRowSet kv = null; while ((kv = parentCursorNext()) != null) { if (allow(filter, kv)) { return kv; } } return null; } private boolean allowOneDKV(IFilter f, DuplicateKVPair dkv) throws TddlException { // 遍历链表,如果有notallow,就丢掉他。 boolean ok = allow(f, dkv.currentKey); return ok; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") boolean allow(IFilter f, IRowSet iRowSet) throws TddlException { if (f == null) { return true; } if (f instanceof IBooleanFilter) { IBooleanFilter bf = (IBooleanFilter) f; Object column_value = null; Object col = bf.getColumn(); if (col instanceof ISelectable) { try { if (col instanceof IFunction && ((IFunction) col).getFunctionType().equals(FunctionType.Scalar)) { column_value = processFunction(iRowSet, col); } else { // TODO shenxun : 这是否应该用cursorMeta? column_value = ExecUtils.getValueByIColumn(iRowSet, (ISelectable) col); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new TddlException(e); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("" + "暂时不支持左值为非IExpression"); } // if (column_value instanceof Utf8) { // column_value = column_value.toString(); // } Object v = null; List values = bf.getValues(); if (bf.getValue() instanceof IColumn) { IColumn c = (IColumn) bf.getValue(); if (c instanceof ISelectable) { try { if (c instanceof IFunction) { { v = processFunction(iRowSet, c); } } else { v = ExecUtils.getValueByIColumn(iRowSet, (IColumn) col); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new TddlException(e); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("" + "暂时不支持左值为非IExpression"); } } else { v = bf.getValue(); } // if (v instanceof Utf8) { // v = v.toString(); // } // shenxun bug fix : 这里未考虑参数为null的情况 if (v == null && values == null) { if ((bf.getOperation() == OPERATION.EQ || bf.getOperation() == OPERATION.IS_NULL)) { if (column_value == null) { return true; } } else if (bf.getOperation() == OPERATION.NOT_EQ || bf.getOperation() == OPERATION.IS_NOT_NULL) { if (column_value != null) { return true; } } // 其他情况,比如> < >= <= .... return false; } if (column_value == null) { // shenxun:前面已经判断过,v不为空了,走到这里的话就是v不为空,但当前列为空,那么应该返回false; return false; } if (v instanceof IFunction) { try { if (((IFunction) v).getFunctionType().equals(FunctionType.Aggregate)) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid use of group function"); } ((ExtraFunction) ((IFunction) v).getExtraFunction()).serverMap(iRowSet); v = processFunction(iRowSet, v); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TddlException(e); } } OPERATION op = bf.getOperation(); if (op == OPERATION.LIKE) { return processLike(column_value, v); } if (op == OPERATION.IN) { return processIn(column_value, bf.getValues()); } int n = ((Comparable) v).compareTo(column_value); if (n == 0) { if (op == OPERATION.EQ || op == OPERATION.GT_EQ || op == OPERATION.LT_EQ) { return true; } } else if (n < 0) { if (op == OPERATION.GT || op == OPERATION.GT_EQ || op == OPERATION.NOT_EQ) { return true; } } else { if (op == OPERATION.LT || op == OPERATION.LT_EQ || op == OPERATION.NOT_EQ) { return true; } } } else if (f instanceof ILogicalFilter) { ILogicalFilter lf = (ILogicalFilter) f; if (f.getOperation().equals(OPERATION.AND)) { for (IFilter f1 : lf.getSubFilter()) { if (!allow(f1, iRowSet)) { return false; } } } else if (f.getOperation().equals(OPERATION.OR)) {// shenxun : // 增加一个or条件全部匹配的逻辑 for (IFilter f1 : lf.getSubFilter()) { if (allow(f1, iRowSet)) { return true; } } return false; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("should not be here "); } return true; } return false; } private Object processFunction(IRowSet iRowSet, Object c) throws TddlException { Object v = null; // 在Filter里面是不能出现聚合函数的 if (((IFunction) c).getFunctionType().equals(FunctionType.Aggregate)) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid use of group function"); ((ExtraFunction) ((IFunction) c).getExtraFunction()).serverMap(iRowSet); v = ((IFunction) c).getExtraFunction().getResult(); return v; } private boolean processIn(Object column_value, List<Object> values) { if (values.contains(column_value)) return true; return false; } @Override public boolean skipTo(CloneableRecord key) throws TddlException { if (super.skipTo(key)) { IRowSet kv = parentCursorCurrent(); if (kv != null && allow(filter, kv)) { return true; } } return false; } protected boolean processLike(Object column_value, Object v) { if (!(v == null || v instanceof String)) {// TODO shenxun // 丢异常才对,但老实现丢异常会出现无法关闭cursor的问题。所以返回false. return false; } String colValString = ""; if (column_value != null) { colValString = String.valueOf(column_value); } String tar = (String) v; if (tarCache == null || !tarCache.equals(tar)) { if (pattern != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("should not be here"); } tarCache = tar; // trim and remove %% tar = TStringUtil.trim(tar); tar = TStringUtil.replace(tar, "\\_", "[uANDOR]"); tar = TStringUtil.replace(tar, "\\%", "[pANDOR]"); tar = TStringUtil.replace(tar, "%", ".*"); tar = TStringUtil.replace(tar, "_", "."); tar = TStringUtil.replace(tar, "[uANDOR]", "\\_"); tar = TStringUtil.replace(tar, "[pANDOR]", "\\%"); // case insensitive tar = "(?i)" + tar; tar = "^" + tar; tar = tar + "$"; pattern = Pattern.compile(tar); } Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(colValString); return matcher.find(); } @Override public boolean skipTo(KVPair key) throws TddlException { return skipTo(key.getKey()); } @Override public IRowSet first() throws TddlException { IRowSet kv = parentCursorFirst(); if (kv != null) { do { if (kv != null && allow(filter, kv)) { return kv; } } while ((kv = parentCursorNext()) != null); } return null; } // @Override // public KVPair get(KVPair key) throws Exception { // return get(key.getKey()); // } // // @Override // public KVPair get(CloneableRecord key) throws Exception { // KVPair kv = super.get(key); // return kv!=null && allow(filter, kv.getKey(), kv.getValue())?kv:null; // } @Override public IRowSet last() throws TddlException { IRowSet kv = parentCursorLast(); do { if (kv != null && allow(filter, kv)) { return kv; } } while ((kv = parentCursorPrev()) != null); return null; } @Override public IRowSet prev() throws TddlException { IRowSet kv = parentCursorPrev(); do { if (kv != null && allow(filter, kv)) { return kv; } } while ((kv = parentCursorPrev()) != null); return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private Map<String, Object> getRecordMap(CloneableRecord key, CloneableRecord value) { int size = 0; if (value != null) { size += value.getColumnList().size(); } if (key != null) { size += key.getColumnList().size(); } Map<String, Object> eachRow = new HashMap<String, Object>(size); if (value != null) { eachRow.putAll(value.getMap()); } if (key != null) { eachRow.putAll(key.getMap()); } return eachRow; } @Override public Map<CloneableRecord, DuplicateKVPair> mgetWithDuplicate(List<CloneableRecord> keys, boolean prefixMatch, boolean keyFilterOrValueFilter) throws TddlException { Map<CloneableRecord, DuplicateKVPair> map = super.mgetWithDuplicate(keys, prefixMatch, keyFilterOrValueFilter); if (map == null) { return null; } Map<CloneableRecord, DuplicateKVPair> retMap = new HashMap<CloneableRecord, DuplicateKVPair>(map.size()); Iterator<Entry<CloneableRecord, DuplicateKVPair>> iterator = map.entrySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Entry<CloneableRecord, DuplicateKVPair> entry =; DuplicateKVPair dkv = entry.getValue(); dkv = allow(filter, dkv); if (dkv != null) { retMap.put(entry.getKey(), dkv); } } return retMap; } @Override public String toStringWithInden(int inden) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String subQueryTab = GeneralUtil.getTab(inden); sb.append(subQueryTab).append("【Value Filter Cursor : ").append("\n"); sb.append(subQueryTab).append(filter).append("\n"); ExecUtils.printOrderBy(orderBys, inden, sb); sb.append(super.toStringWithInden(inden)); return sb.toString(); } @Override public String toString() { return toStringWithInden(0); } }