package; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters; import; import; import; import; /** * Comment for LocalServerInsertTest * <p/> * Author By: Created Date: 2012-2-20 下午01:40:43 */ @RunWith(EclipseParameterized.class) public class InsertTest extends BaseMatrixTestCase { @Parameters(name = "{index}:table={0}") public static List<String[]> prepareData() { return Arrays.asList(ExecuteTableName.normaltblTable(dbType)); } public InsertTest(String tableName){ BaseTestCase.normaltblTableName = tableName; } @Before public void initData() throws Exception { andorUpdateData("delete from " + normaltblTableName, null); mysqlUpdateData("delete from " + normaltblTableName, null); } @Test public void insertAllFieldTest() throws Exception { String sql = "insert into " + normaltblTableName + " values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; List<Object> param = new ArrayList<Object>(); param.add(RANDOM_ID); param.add(RANDOM_INT); param.add(gmtDay); param.add(gmt); param.add(gmt); param.add(name); param.add(fl); execute(sql, param); sql = "select * from " + normaltblTableName + " where pk=" + RANDOM_ID; String[] columnParam = { "PK", "ID", "GMT_CREATE", "NAME", "FLOATCOL", "GMT_TIMESTAMP", "GMT_DATETIME" }; selectOrderAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Test public void insertSomeFieldTest() throws Exception { String sql = "insert into " + normaltblTableName + " (pk,floatCol,gmt_timestamp)values(?,?,?)"; List<Object> param = new ArrayList<Object>(); param.add(RANDOM_ID); param.add(fl); param.add(gmt); execute(sql, param); sql = "select * from " + normaltblTableName + " where pk=" + RANDOM_ID; String[] columnParam = { "PK", "GMT_TIMESTAMP", "FLOATCOL" }; selectOrderAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Test public void insertGmtStringTest() throws Exception { DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); String gmtString = df.format(gmt); String sql = "insert into " + normaltblTableName + " (pk,gmt_create,gmt_timestamp,gmt_datetime)values(?,?,?,?)"; List<Object> param = new ArrayList<Object>(); param.add(RANDOM_ID); param.add(df.format(gmtDay)); param.add(gmtString); param.add(gmtString); execute(sql, param); sql = "select * from " + normaltblTableName + " where pk=" + RANDOM_ID; String[] columnParam = { "PK", "GMT_CREATE", "GMT_TIMESTAMP", "GMT_DATETIME" }; selectOrderAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Test public void insertWithSetTest() throws Exception { String sql = "insert into " + normaltblTableName + " set pk=? ,name=?"; List<Object> param = new ArrayList<Object>(); param.add(RANDOM_ID); param.add(name); execute(sql, param); sql = "select * from " + normaltblTableName + " where pk=" + RANDOM_ID; String[] columnParam = { "PK", "NAME" }; selectOrderAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Ignore(value = "目前insert不支持同时插入多条数据") @Test public void insertWithMutilTest() throws Exception { String sql = "insert into " + normaltblTableName + "(pk,id) values(?,?),(?,?)"; List<Object> param = new ArrayList<Object>(); param.add(RANDOM_ID); param.add(RANDOM_INT); param.add(RANDOM_ID + 1); param.add(RANDOM_INT); execute(sql, param); sql = "select * from " + normaltblTableName + " where pk=" + RANDOM_ID; String[] columnParam = { "PK", "ID" }; selectOrderAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); sql = "select * from " + normaltblTableName + " where pk=" + RANDOM_ID + 1; selectOrderAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Ignore(value = "目前不支持insert中带select的sql语句") @Test public void insertWithSelectTest() throws Exception { andorUpdateData("insert into student(id,name,school) values (?,?,?)", Arrays.asList(new Object[] { RANDOM_ID, name, school })); mysqlUpdateData("insert into student(id,name,school) values (?,?,?)", Arrays.asList(new Object[] { RANDOM_ID, name, school })); String sql = "insert into " + normaltblTableName + "(pk,name) select id,name from student where school=?"; List<Object> param = new ArrayList<Object>(); param.add(school); execute(sql, param); sql = "select * from " + normaltblTableName + " where pk=" + RANDOM_ID; String[] columnParam = { "name" }; selectOrderAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); andorUpdateData("delete from student where school=?", Arrays.asList(new Object[] { school })); mysqlUpdateData("delete from student where school=?", Arrays.asList(new Object[] { school })); } @Test public void insertPramLowerCaseTest() throws Exception { String sql = "insert into " + normaltblTableName + " (pk,floatcol,gmt_create)values(?,?,?)"; List<Object> param = new ArrayList<Object>(); param.add(RANDOM_ID); param.add(fl); param.add(gmtDay); execute(sql, param); sql = "select * from " + normaltblTableName + " where pk=" + RANDOM_ID; String[] columnParam = { "PK", "GMT_CREATE", "FLOATCOL" }; selectOrderAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Test public void insertPramUppercaseTest() throws Exception { String sql = "INSERT INTO " + normaltblTableName + " (PK,FLOATCOL,GMT_CREATE)VALUES(?,?,?)"; List<Object> param = new ArrayList<Object>(); param.add(RANDOM_ID); param.add(fl); param.add(gmtDay); execute(sql, param); sql = "select * from " + normaltblTableName + " where pk=" + RANDOM_ID; String[] columnParam = { "PK", "GMT_CREATE", "FLOATCOL" }; selectOrderAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } /** * 不带参数的sql语句测试,暂时不对mysql数据库进行测试 * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void insertWithBdbOutParamTest() throws Exception { DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); String sql = "insert into " + normaltblTableName + "(pk,gmt_create,gmt_timestamp,gmt_datetime,id) values(" + RANDOM_ID + ",'" + df.format(gmtDay) + "','" + df.format(gmt) + "','" + df.format(gmt) + "'," + RANDOM_INT + ")"; execute(sql, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); sql = "select * from " + normaltblTableName + " where pk=" + RANDOM_ID; String[] columnParam = { "PK", "GMT_CREATE", "ID", "GMT_TIMESTAMP", "GMT_DATETIME" }; selectOrderAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Test public void insertWithNullTest() throws Exception { String sql = "insert into " + normaltblTableName + "(pk,name) values(?,?)"; List<Object> param = new ArrayList<Object>(); param.add(RANDOM_ID); param.add(null); execute(sql, param); sql = "select * from " + normaltblTableName + " where pk=?"; param.clear(); param.add(RANDOM_ID); String[] columnParam = { "PK", "NAME" }; selectOrderAssert(sql, columnParam, param); } @Test public void insertWithOutKeyFieldTest() throws Exception { String sql = "insert into " + normaltblTableName + " (id,floatCol,gmt_create)values(?,?,?)"; List<Object> param = new ArrayList<Object>(); param.add(RANDOM_INT); param.add(fl); param.add(gmtDay); try { andorUpdateData(sql, param);; } catch (Exception e) { // TODO 单库多表抛出"insert not support muti tables",需要以后最终确认应该抛出怎样的异常 // throw e; // Assert.assertTrue(e.getMessage(),e.getMessage().contains("pk must not null")); // shenxun : 不一样的异常。。。暂时不用上面的异常吧。。 } } @Test public void insertWithZoreAndNegativeTest() throws Exception { long pk = -1l; int id = -1; String sql = "insert into " + normaltblTableName + " (pk,id)values(?,?)"; List<Object> param = new ArrayList<Object>(); param.add(pk); param.add(id); execute(sql, param); sql = "select * from " + normaltblTableName + " where pk=" + pk; String[] columnParam = { "PK", "ID" }; selectOrderAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); andorUpdateData("delete from " + normaltblTableName + " where pk=?", Arrays.asList(new Object[] { pk })); mysqlUpdateData("delete from " + normaltblTableName + " where pk=" + pk, null); pk = 0; id = 0; sql = "insert into " + normaltblTableName + " (pk,id)values(?,?)"; param = new ArrayList<Object>(); param.add(pk); param.add(id); execute(sql, param); sql = "select * from " + normaltblTableName + " where pk=" + pk; selectOrderAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); andorUpdateData("delete from " + normaltblTableName + " where pk=" + pk, null); mysqlUpdateData("delete from " + normaltblTableName + " where pk=" + pk, null); } @Test public void insertWithMaxMinTest() throws Exception { long pk = Long.MAX_VALUE; int id = Integer.MAX_VALUE; String sql = "insert into " + normaltblTableName + " (pk,id)values(?,?)"; List<Object> param = new ArrayList<Object>(); param.add(pk); param.add(id); execute(sql, param); sql = "select * from " + normaltblTableName + " where pk=" + pk; String[] columnParam = { "PK", "ID" }; selectOrderAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); andorUpdateData("delete from " + normaltblTableName + " where pk=?", Arrays.asList(new Object[] { pk })); mysqlUpdateData("delete from " + normaltblTableName + " where pk=" + pk, null); pk = Long.MIN_VALUE; id = Integer.MIN_VALUE; sql = "insert into " + normaltblTableName + " (pk,id)values(?,?)"; param = new ArrayList<Object>(); param.add(pk); param.add(id); execute(sql, param); sql = "select * from " + normaltblTableName + " where pk=" + pk; selectOrderAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); andorUpdateData("delete from " + normaltblTableName + " where pk=?", Arrays.asList(new Object[] { pk })); mysqlUpdateData("delete from " + normaltblTableName + " where pk=" + pk, null); } @Test public void insertWithNowTest() throws Exception { String sql = "insert into " + normaltblTableName + "(pk,gmt_timestamp,id) values(" + RANDOM_ID + ",now()," + 1 + ")"; mysqlUpdateData(sql, null); andorUpdateData(sql, null); sql = "select * from " + normaltblTableName + " where pk=" + 1; rs = mysqlQueryData(sql, null); rc = andorQueryData(sql, null); String[] columnParam = { "gmt_timestamp" }; assertOrder(rs, rc, columnParam); } @Test public void insertErrorTypeFiledTest() throws Exception { String sql = "insert into " + normaltblTableName + " (pk,gmt_create)values(?,?)"; List<Object> param = new ArrayList<Object>(); param.add(RANDOM_ID); param.add(fl); try { andorUpdateData(sql, param); if (!normaltblTableName.contains("mysql") && !normaltblTableName.contains("ob")) {; } } catch (Exception ex) { if (!normaltblTableName.contains("mysql") && !normaltblTableName.contains("ob")) { Assert.assertTrue(ex.getMessage().contains("is not supported")); } else { Assert.assertTrue(ex.getMessage().contains("is not supported")); } } } @Test public void insertNotExistFileTest() throws Exception { String sql = "insert into " + normaltblTableName + " (pk,gmts)values(?,?)"; List<Object> param = new ArrayList<Object>(); param.add(RANDOM_ID); param.add(gmt); try { andorUpdateData(sql, param);; } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.assertTrue(ex.getMessage().contains("GMTS is not existed ")); } } @Test public void insertNotMatchFieldTest() throws Exception { String sql = "insert into " + normaltblTableName + " (id,floatCol) values(?,?,?)"; List<Object> param = new ArrayList<Object>(); param.add(RANDOM_ID); param.add(fl); param.add(gmt); try { andorUpdateData(sql, param);; } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.assertTrue(ex.getMessage().contains("The size of the columns and values is not matched")); } } @Test public void insertNotMatchParameterTest() throws Exception { String sql = "insert into " + normaltblTableName + " (id,floatCol) values(?,?)"; List<Object> param = new ArrayList<Object>(); param.add(gmt); try { andorUpdateData(sql, param);; } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.assertNotNull(ex); } } }