package technology.tabula.extractors; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import technology.tabula.Cell; import technology.tabula.Page; import technology.tabula.Rectangle; import technology.tabula.Ruling; import technology.tabula.Table; import technology.tabula.TableWithRulingLines; import technology.tabula.TextElement; import technology.tabula.Utils; import technology.tabula.writers.CSVWriter; /** * @author manuel * */ public class SpreadsheetExtractionAlgorithm implements ExtractionAlgorithm { private static final float MAGIC_HEURISTIC_NUMBER = 0.65f; private static final Comparator<Point2D> POINT_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<Point2D>() { @Override public int compare(Point2D arg0, Point2D arg1) { int rv = 0; float arg0X = Utils.round(arg0.getX(), 2); float arg0Y = Utils.round(arg0.getY(), 2); float arg1X = Utils.round(arg1.getX(), 2); float arg1Y = Utils.round(arg1.getY(), 2); if (arg0Y > arg1Y) { rv = 1; } else if (arg0Y < arg1Y) { rv = -1; } else if (arg0X > arg1X) { rv = 1; } else if (arg0X < arg1X) { rv = -1; } return rv; } }; private static final Comparator<Point2D> X_FIRST_POINT_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<Point2D>() { @Override public int compare(Point2D arg0, Point2D arg1) { int rv = 0; float arg0X = Utils.round(arg0.getX(), 2); float arg0Y = Utils.round(arg0.getY(), 2); float arg1X = Utils.round(arg1.getX(), 2); float arg1Y = Utils.round(arg1.getY(), 2); if (arg0X > arg1X) { rv = 1; } else if (arg0X < arg1X) { rv = -1; } else if (arg0Y > arg1Y) { rv = 1; } else if (arg0Y < arg1Y) { rv = -1; } return rv; } }; @Override public List<? extends Table> extract(Page page) { return extract(page, page.getRulings()); } /** * Extract a list of Table from page using rulings as separators */ public List<? extends Table> extract(Page page, List<Ruling> rulings) { // split rulings into horizontal and vertical List<Ruling> horizontalR = new ArrayList<Ruling>(), verticalR = new ArrayList<Ruling>(); for (Ruling r: rulings) { if (r.horizontal()) { horizontalR.add(r); } else if (r.vertical()) { verticalR.add(r); } } horizontalR = Ruling.collapseOrientedRulings(horizontalR); verticalR = Ruling.collapseOrientedRulings(verticalR); List<Cell> cells = findCells(horizontalR, verticalR); List<Rectangle> spreadsheetAreas = findSpreadsheetsFromCells(cells); List<TableWithRulingLines> spreadsheets = new ArrayList<TableWithRulingLines>(); for (Rectangle area: spreadsheetAreas) { List<Cell> overlappingCells = new ArrayList<Cell>(); for (Cell c: cells) { if (c.intersects(area)) { c.setTextElements(TextElement.mergeWords(page.getText(c))); overlappingCells.add(c); } } List<Ruling> horizontalOverlappingRulings = new ArrayList<Ruling>(); for (Ruling hr: horizontalR) { if (area.intersectsLine(hr)) { horizontalOverlappingRulings.add(hr); } } List<Ruling> verticalOverlappingRulings = new ArrayList<Ruling>(); for (Ruling vr: verticalR) { if (area.intersectsLine(vr)) { verticalOverlappingRulings.add(vr); } } TableWithRulingLines t = new TableWithRulingLines(area, page, overlappingCells, horizontalOverlappingRulings, verticalOverlappingRulings); t.setExtractionAlgorithm(this); spreadsheets.add(t); } Utils.sort(spreadsheets); return spreadsheets; } public boolean isTabular(Page page) { // if there's no text at all on the page, it's not a table // (we won't be able to do anything with it though) if(page.getText().isEmpty()){ return false; } // get minimal region of page that contains every character (in effect, // removes white "margins") Page minimalRegion = page.getArea(Utils.bounds(page.getText())); List<? extends Table> tables = new SpreadsheetExtractionAlgorithm().extract(minimalRegion); if (tables.size() == 0) { return false; } Table table = tables.get(0); int rowsDefinedByLines = table.getRows().size(); int colsDefinedByLines = table.getCols().size(); tables = new BasicExtractionAlgorithm().extract(minimalRegion); if (tables.size() == 0) { // TODO WHAT DO WE DO HERE? } table = tables.get(0); int rowsDefinedWithoutLines = table.getRows().size(); int colsDefinedWithoutLines = table.getCols().size(); float ratio = (((float) colsDefinedByLines / colsDefinedWithoutLines) + ((float) rowsDefinedByLines / rowsDefinedWithoutLines)) / 2.0f; return ratio > MAGIC_HEURISTIC_NUMBER && ratio < (1/MAGIC_HEURISTIC_NUMBER); } public static List<Cell> findCells(List<Ruling> horizontalRulingLines, List<Ruling> verticalRulingLines) { List<Cell> cellsFound = new ArrayList<Cell>(); Map<Point2D, Ruling[]> intersectionPoints = Ruling.findIntersections(horizontalRulingLines, verticalRulingLines); List<Point2D> intersectionPointsList = new ArrayList<Point2D>(intersectionPoints.keySet()); Collections.sort(intersectionPointsList, POINT_COMPARATOR); boolean doBreak = false; for (int i = 0; i < intersectionPointsList.size(); i++) { Point2D topLeft = intersectionPointsList.get(i); Ruling[] hv = intersectionPoints.get(topLeft); doBreak = false; // CrossingPointsDirectlyBelow( topLeft ); List<Point2D> xPoints = new ArrayList<Point2D>(); // CrossingPointsDirectlyToTheRight( topLeft ); List<Point2D> yPoints = new ArrayList<Point2D>(); for (Point2D p: intersectionPointsList.subList(i, intersectionPointsList.size())) { if (p.getX() == topLeft.getX() && p.getY() > topLeft.getY()) { xPoints.add(p); } if (p.getY() == topLeft.getY() && p.getX() > topLeft.getX()) { yPoints.add(p); } } outer: for (Point2D xPoint: xPoints) { if (doBreak) { break; } // is there a vertical edge b/w topLeft and xPoint? if (!hv[1].equals(intersectionPoints.get(xPoint)[1])) { continue; } for (Point2D yPoint: yPoints) { // is there an horizontal edge b/w topLeft and yPoint ? if (!hv[0].equals(intersectionPoints.get(yPoint)[0])) { continue; } Point2D btmRight = new Point2D.Float((float) yPoint.getX(), (float) xPoint.getY()); if (intersectionPoints.containsKey(btmRight) && intersectionPoints.get(btmRight)[0].equals(intersectionPoints.get(xPoint)[0]) && intersectionPoints.get(btmRight)[1].equals(intersectionPoints.get(yPoint)[1])) { cellsFound.add(new Cell(topLeft, btmRight)); doBreak = true; break outer; } } } } // TODO create cells for vertical ruling lines with aligned endpoints at the top/bottom of a grid // that aren't connected with an horizontal ruler? // see: return cellsFound; } public static List<Rectangle> findSpreadsheetsFromCells(List<? extends Rectangle> cells) { // via: List<Rectangle> rectangles = new ArrayList<Rectangle>(); Set<Point2D> pointSet = new HashSet<Point2D>(); Map<Point2D, Point2D> edgesH = new HashMap<Point2D, Point2D>(); Map<Point2D, Point2D> edgesV = new HashMap<Point2D, Point2D>(); int i = 0; cells = new ArrayList<Rectangle>(new HashSet<Rectangle>(cells)); Collections.sort(cells); for (Rectangle cell: cells) { for(Point2D pt: cell.getPoints()) { if (pointSet.contains(pt)) { // shared vertex, remove it pointSet.remove(pt); } else { pointSet.add(pt); } } } // X first sort List<Point2D> pointsSortX = new ArrayList<Point2D>(pointSet); Collections.sort(pointsSortX, X_FIRST_POINT_COMPARATOR); // Y first sort List<Point2D> pointsSortY = new ArrayList<Point2D>(pointSet); Collections.sort(pointsSortY, POINT_COMPARATOR); while (i < pointSet.size()) { float currY = (float) pointsSortY.get(i).getY(); while (i < pointSet.size() && Utils.feq(pointsSortY.get(i).getY(), currY)) { edgesH.put(pointsSortY.get(i), pointsSortY.get(i+1)); edgesH.put(pointsSortY.get(i+1), pointsSortY.get(i)); i += 2; } } i = 0; while (i < pointSet.size()) { float currX = (float) pointsSortX.get(i).getX(); while (i < pointSet.size() && Utils.feq(pointsSortX.get(i).getX(), currX)) { edgesV.put(pointsSortX.get(i), pointsSortX.get(i+1)); edgesV.put(pointsSortX.get(i+1), pointsSortX.get(i)); i += 2; } } // Get all the polygons List<List<PolygonVertex>> polygons = new ArrayList<List<PolygonVertex>>(); Point2D nextVertex; while (!edgesH.isEmpty()) { ArrayList<PolygonVertex> polygon = new ArrayList<PolygonVertex>(); Point2D first = edgesH.keySet().iterator().next(); polygon.add(new PolygonVertex(first, Direction.HORIZONTAL)); edgesH.remove(first); while (true) { PolygonVertex curr = polygon.get(polygon.size() - 1); PolygonVertex lastAddedVertex; if (curr.direction == Direction.HORIZONTAL) { nextVertex = edgesV.get(curr.point); edgesV.remove(curr.point); lastAddedVertex = new PolygonVertex(nextVertex, Direction.VERTICAL); polygon.add(lastAddedVertex); } else { nextVertex = edgesH.get(curr.point); edgesH.remove(curr.point); lastAddedVertex = new PolygonVertex(nextVertex, Direction.HORIZONTAL); polygon.add(lastAddedVertex); } if (lastAddedVertex.equals(polygon.get(0))) { // closed polygon polygon.remove(polygon.size() - 1); break; } } for (PolygonVertex vertex: polygon) { edgesH.remove(vertex.point); edgesV.remove(vertex.point); } polygons.add(polygon); } // calculate grid-aligned minimum area rectangles for each found polygon for(List<PolygonVertex> poly: polygons) { float top = java.lang.Float.MAX_VALUE; float left = java.lang.Float.MAX_VALUE; float bottom = java.lang.Float.MIN_VALUE; float right = java.lang.Float.MIN_VALUE; for (PolygonVertex pt: poly) { top = (float) Math.min(top, pt.point.getY()); left = (float) Math.min(left, pt.point.getX()); bottom = (float) Math.max(bottom, pt.point.getY()); right = (float) Math.max(right, pt.point.getX()); } rectangles.add(new Rectangle(top, left, right - left, bottom - top)); } return rectangles; } @Override public String toString() { return "lattice"; } private enum Direction { HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL } static class PolygonVertex { Point2D point; Direction direction; public PolygonVertex(Point2D point, Direction direction) { this.direction = direction; this.point = point; } public boolean equals(Object other) { if (this == other) return true; if (!(other instanceof PolygonVertex)) return false; return this.point.equals(((PolygonVertex) other).point); } public int hashCode() { return this.point.hashCode(); } public String toString() { return String.format("%s[point=%s,direction=%s]", this.getClass().getName(), this.point.toString(), this.direction.toString()); } } }