package technology.tabula; import java.awt.geom.Line2D; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Formatter; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class Ruling extends Line2D.Float { private static int PERPENDICULAR_PIXEL_EXPAND_AMOUNT = 2; private static int COLINEAR_OR_PARALLEL_PIXEL_EXPAND_AMOUNT = 1; private enum SOType { VERTICAL, HRIGHT, HLEFT }; public Ruling(float top, float left, float width, float height) { this(new Point2D.Float(left, top), new Point2D.Float(left+width, top+height)); } public Ruling(Point2D p1, Point2D p2) { super(p1, p2); this.normalize(); } /** * Normalize almost horizontal or almost vertical lines */ public void normalize() { double angle = this.getAngle(); if (Utils.within(angle, 0, 1) || Utils.within(angle, 180, 1)) { // almost horizontal this.setLine(this.x1, this.y1, this.x2, this.y1); } else if (Utils.within(angle, 90, 1) || Utils.within(angle, 270, 1)) { // almost vertical this.setLine(this.x1, this.y1, this.x1, this.y2); } // else { // System.out.println("oblique: " + this + " ("+ this.getAngle() + ")"); // } } public boolean vertical() { return this.length() > 0 && Utils.feq(this.x1, this.x2); //diff < ORIENTATION_CHECK_THRESHOLD; } public boolean horizontal() { return this.length() > 0 && Utils.feq(this.y1, this.y2); //diff < ORIENTATION_CHECK_THRESHOLD; } public boolean oblique() { return !(this.vertical() || this.horizontal()); } // attributes that make sense only for non-oblique lines // these are used to have a single collapse method (in page, currently) public float getPosition() { if (this.oblique()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } return this.vertical() ? this.getLeft() : this.getTop(); } public void setPosition(float v) { if (this.oblique()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } if (this.vertical()) { this.setLeft(v); this.setRight(v); } else { this.setTop(v); this.setBottom(v); } } public float getStart() { if (this.oblique()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } return this.vertical() ? this.getTop() : this.getLeft(); } public void setStart(float v) { if (this.oblique()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } if (this.vertical()) { this.setTop(v); } else { this.setLeft(v); } } public float getEnd() { if (this.oblique()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } return this.vertical() ? this.getBottom() : this.getRight(); } public void setEnd(float v) { if (this.oblique()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } if (this.vertical()) { this.setBottom(v); } else { this.setRight(v); } } private void setStartEnd(float start, float end) { if (this.oblique()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } if (this.vertical()) { this.setTop(start); this.setBottom(end); } else { this.setLeft(start); this.setRight(end); } } // ----- public boolean perpendicularTo(Ruling other) { return this.vertical() == other.horizontal(); } public boolean colinear(Point2D point) { return point.getX() >= this.x1 && point.getX() <= this.x2 && point.getY() >= this.y1 && point.getY() <= this.y2; } // if the lines we're comparing are colinear or parallel, we expand them by a only 1 pixel, // because the expansions are additive // (e.g. two vertical lines, at x = 100, with one having y2 of 98 and the other having y1 of 102 would // erroneously be said to nearlyIntersect if they were each expanded by 2 (since they'd both terminate at 100). // By default the COLINEAR_OR_PARALLEL_PIXEL_EXPAND_AMOUNT is only 1 so the total expansion is 2. // A total expansion amount of 2 is empirically verified to work sometimes. It's not a magic number from any // source other than a little bit of experience.) public boolean nearlyIntersects(Ruling another) { return this.nearlyIntersects(another, COLINEAR_OR_PARALLEL_PIXEL_EXPAND_AMOUNT); } public boolean nearlyIntersects(Ruling another, int colinearOrParallelExpandAmount) { if (this.intersectsLine(another)) { return true; } boolean rv = false; if (this.perpendicularTo(another)) { rv = this.expand(PERPENDICULAR_PIXEL_EXPAND_AMOUNT).intersectsLine(another); } else { rv = this.expand(colinearOrParallelExpandAmount) .intersectsLine(another.expand(colinearOrParallelExpandAmount)); } return rv; } public double length() { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this.x1 - this.x2, 2) + Math.pow(this.y1 - this.y2, 2)); } public Ruling intersect(Rectangle2D clip) { Line2D.Float clipee = (Line2D.Float) this.clone(); boolean clipped = new CohenSutherlandClipping(clip).clip(clipee); if (clipped) { return new Ruling(clipee.getP1(), clipee.getP2()); } else { return this; } } public Ruling expand(float amount) { Ruling r = (Ruling) this.clone(); r.setStart(this.getStart() - amount); r.setEnd(this.getEnd() + amount); return r; } public Point2D intersectionPoint(Ruling other) { Ruling this_l = this.expand(PERPENDICULAR_PIXEL_EXPAND_AMOUNT); Ruling other_l = other.expand(PERPENDICULAR_PIXEL_EXPAND_AMOUNT); Ruling horizontal, vertical; if (!this_l.intersectsLine(other_l)) { return null; } if (this_l.horizontal() && other_l.vertical()) { horizontal = this_l; vertical = other_l; } else if (this_l.vertical() && other_l.horizontal()) { vertical = this_l; horizontal = other_l; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("lines must be orthogonal, vertical and horizontal"); } return new Point2D.Float(vertical.getLeft(), horizontal.getTop()); } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (this == other) return true; if (!(other instanceof Ruling)) return false; Ruling o = (Ruling) other; return this.getP1().equals(o.getP1()) && this.getP2().equals(o.getP2()); } @Override public int hashCode() { return super.hashCode(); } public float getTop() { return this.y1; } public void setTop(float v) { setLine(this.getLeft(), v, this.getRight(), this.getBottom()); } public float getLeft() { return this.x1; } public void setLeft(float v) { setLine(v, this.getTop(), this.getRight(), this.getBottom()); } public float getBottom() { return this.y2; } public void setBottom(float v) { setLine(this.getLeft(), this.getTop(), this.getRight(), v); } public float getRight() { return this.x2; } public void setRight(float v) { setLine(this.getLeft(), this.getTop(), v, this.getBottom()); } public float getWidth() { return this.getRight() - this.getLeft(); } public float getHeight() { return this.getBottom() - this.getTop(); } public double getAngle() { double angle = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(this.getP2().getY() - this.getP1().getY(), this.getP2().getX() - this.getP1().getX())); if (angle < 0) { angle += 360; } return angle; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Formatter formatter = new Formatter(sb); String rv = formatter.format("%s[x1=%f y1=%f x2=%f y2=%f]", this.getClass().toString(), this.x1, this.y1, this.x2, this.y2).toString(); formatter.close(); return rv; } public static List<Ruling> cropRulingsToArea(List<Ruling> rulings, Rectangle2D area) { ArrayList<Ruling> rv = new ArrayList<Ruling>(); for (Ruling r : rulings) { if (r.intersects(area)) { rv.add(r.intersect(area)); } } return rv; } // log(n) implementation of find_intersections // based on public static Map<Point2D, Ruling[]> findIntersections(List<Ruling> horizontals, List<Ruling> verticals) { class SortObject { protected SOType type; protected float position; protected Ruling ruling; public SortObject(SOType type, float position, Ruling ruling) { this.type = type; this.position = position; this.ruling = ruling; } } List<SortObject> sos = new ArrayList<SortObject>(); TreeMap<Ruling, Boolean> tree = new TreeMap<Ruling, Boolean>(new Comparator<Ruling>() { @Override public int compare(Ruling o1, Ruling o2) { return, o2.getTop()); }}); TreeMap<Point2D, Ruling[]> rv = new TreeMap<Point2D, Ruling[]>(new Comparator<Point2D>() { @Override public int compare(Point2D o1, Point2D o2) { if (o1.getY() > o2.getY()) return 1; if (o1.getY() < o2.getY()) return -1; if (o1.getX() > o2.getX()) return 1; if (o1.getX() < o2.getX()) return -1; return 0; } }); for (Ruling h : horizontals) { sos.add(new SortObject(SOType.HLEFT, h.getLeft() - PERPENDICULAR_PIXEL_EXPAND_AMOUNT, h)); sos.add(new SortObject(SOType.HRIGHT, h.getRight() + PERPENDICULAR_PIXEL_EXPAND_AMOUNT, h)); } for (Ruling v : verticals) { sos.add(new SortObject(SOType.VERTICAL, v.getLeft(), v)); } Collections.sort(sos, new Comparator<SortObject>() { @Override public int compare(SortObject a, SortObject b) { int rv; if (Utils.feq(a.position, b.position)) { if (a.type == SOType.VERTICAL && b.type == SOType.HLEFT) { rv = 1; } else if (a.type == SOType.VERTICAL && b.type == SOType.HRIGHT) { rv = -1; } else if (a.type == SOType.HLEFT && b.type == SOType.VERTICAL) { rv = -1; } else if (a.type == SOType.HRIGHT && b.type == SOType.VERTICAL) { rv = 1; } else { rv =, b.position); } } else { return, b.position); } return rv; } }); for (SortObject so : sos) { switch(so.type) { case VERTICAL: for (Map.Entry<Ruling, Boolean> h : tree.entrySet()) { Point2D i = h.getKey().intersectionPoint(so.ruling); if (i == null) { continue; } rv.put(i, new Ruling[] { h.getKey().expand(PERPENDICULAR_PIXEL_EXPAND_AMOUNT), so.ruling.expand(PERPENDICULAR_PIXEL_EXPAND_AMOUNT) }); } break; case HRIGHT: tree.remove(so.ruling); break; case HLEFT: tree.put(so.ruling, true); break; } } return rv; } public static List<Ruling> collapseOrientedRulings(List<Ruling> lines) { return collapseOrientedRulings(lines, COLINEAR_OR_PARALLEL_PIXEL_EXPAND_AMOUNT); } public static List<Ruling> collapseOrientedRulings(List<Ruling> lines, int expandAmount) { ArrayList<Ruling> rv = new ArrayList<Ruling>(); Collections.sort(lines, new Comparator<Ruling>() { @Override public int compare(Ruling a, Ruling b) { final float diff = a.getPosition() - b.getPosition(); return == 0 ? a.getStart() - b.getStart() : diff, 0f); } }); for (Ruling next_line : lines) { Ruling last = rv.isEmpty() ? null : rv.get(rv.size() - 1); // if current line colinear with next, and are "close enough": expand current line if (last != null && Utils.feq(next_line.getPosition(), last.getPosition()) && last.nearlyIntersects(next_line, expandAmount)) { final float lastStart = last.getStart(); final float lastEnd = last.getEnd(); final boolean lastFlipped = lastStart > lastEnd; final boolean nextFlipped = next_line.getStart() > next_line.getEnd(); boolean differentDirections = nextFlipped != lastFlipped; float nextS = differentDirections ? next_line.getEnd() : next_line.getStart(); float nextE = differentDirections ? next_line.getStart() : next_line.getEnd(); final float newStart = lastFlipped ? Math.max(nextS, lastStart) : Math.min(nextS, lastStart); final float newEnd = lastFlipped ? Math.min(nextE, lastEnd) : Math.max(nextE, lastEnd); last.setStartEnd(newStart, newEnd); assert !last.oblique(); } else if (next_line.length() == 0) { continue; } else { rv.add(next_line); } } return rv; } }