package technology.tabula; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPage; @SuppressWarnings("serial") // TODO: this class should probably be called "PageArea" or something like that public class Page extends Rectangle { private Integer rotation; private int pageNumber; private List<TextElement> texts; private List<Ruling> rulings, cleanRulings = null, verticalRulingLines = null, horizontalRulingLines = null; private float minCharWidth; private float minCharHeight; private RectangleSpatialIndex<TextElement> spatial_index; private PDPage pdPage; public Page(float top, float left, float width, float height, int rotation, int page_number, PDPage pdPage) { super(top, left, width, height); this.rotation = rotation; this.pageNumber = page_number; this.pdPage = pdPage; } public Page(float top, float left, float width, float height, int rotation, int page_number, PDPage pdPage, List<TextElement> characters, List<Ruling> rulings) { this(top, left, width, height, rotation, page_number, pdPage); this.texts = characters; this.rulings = rulings; } public Page(float top, float left, float width, float height, int rotation, int page_number, PDPage pdPage, List<TextElement> characters, List<Ruling> rulings, float minCharWidth, float minCharHeight, RectangleSpatialIndex<TextElement> index) { this(top, left, width, height, rotation, page_number, pdPage, characters, rulings); this.minCharHeight = minCharHeight; this.minCharWidth = minCharWidth; this.spatial_index = index; } public Page getArea(Rectangle area) { List<TextElement> t = getText(area); float min_char_width = 7; float min_char_height = 7; if(t.size() > 0){ min_char_width = Collections.min(t, new Comparator<TextElement>() { @Override public int compare(TextElement te1, TextElement te2) { return, te2.width); }}).width; min_char_height = Collections.min(t, new Comparator<TextElement>() { @Override public int compare(TextElement te1, TextElement te2) { return, te2.height); }}).height; } Page rv = new Page( (float) area.getTop(), (float) area.getLeft(), (float) area.getWidth(), (float) area.getHeight(), rotation, pageNumber, pdPage, t, Ruling.cropRulingsToArea(getRulings(), area), min_char_width, min_char_height, spatial_index); rv.addRuling(new Ruling( new Point2D.Double(rv.getLeft(), rv.getTop()), new Point2D.Double(rv.getRight(), rv.getTop()))); rv.addRuling(new Ruling( new Point2D.Double(rv.getRight(), rv.getTop()), new Point2D.Double(rv.getRight(), rv.getBottom()))); rv.addRuling(new Ruling( new Point2D.Double(rv.getRight(), rv.getBottom()), new Point2D.Double(rv.getLeft(), rv.getBottom()))); rv.addRuling(new Ruling( new Point2D.Double(rv.getLeft(), rv.getBottom()), new Point2D.Double(rv.getLeft(), rv.getTop()))); return rv; } public Page getArea(float top, float left, float bottom, float right) { Rectangle area = new Rectangle(top, left, right - left, bottom - top); return this.getArea(area); } public List<TextElement> getText() { return texts; } public List<TextElement> getText(Rectangle area) { return this.spatial_index.contains(area); } public List<TextElement> getText(float top, float left, float bottom, float right) { return this.getText(new Rectangle(top, left, right - left, bottom - top)); } public Integer getRotation() { return rotation; } public int getPageNumber() { return pageNumber; } public List<TextElement> getTexts() { return texts; } /** * Returns the minimum bounding box that contains all the TextElements on this Page */ public Rectangle getTextBounds() { List<TextElement> texts = this.getText(); if (!texts.isEmpty()) { return Utils.bounds(texts); } else { return new Rectangle(); } } public List<Ruling> getRulings() { if (this.cleanRulings != null) { return this.cleanRulings; } if (this.rulings == null || this.rulings.isEmpty()) { this.verticalRulingLines = new ArrayList<Ruling>(); this.horizontalRulingLines = new ArrayList<Ruling>(); return new ArrayList<Ruling>(); } Utils.snapPoints(this.rulings, this.minCharWidth, this.minCharHeight); List<Ruling> vrs = new ArrayList<Ruling>(); for (Ruling vr: this.rulings) { if (vr.vertical()) { vrs.add(vr); } } this.verticalRulingLines = Ruling.collapseOrientedRulings(vrs); List<Ruling> hrs = new ArrayList<Ruling>(); for (Ruling hr: this.rulings) { if (hr.horizontal()) { hrs.add(hr); } } this.horizontalRulingLines = Ruling.collapseOrientedRulings(hrs); this.cleanRulings = new ArrayList<Ruling>(this.verticalRulingLines); this.cleanRulings.addAll(this.horizontalRulingLines); return this.cleanRulings; } public List<Ruling> getVerticalRulings() { if (this.verticalRulingLines != null) { return this.verticalRulingLines; } this.getRulings(); return this.verticalRulingLines; } public List<Ruling> getHorizontalRulings() { if (this.horizontalRulingLines != null) { return this.horizontalRulingLines; } this.getRulings(); return this.horizontalRulingLines; } public void addRuling(Ruling r) { if (r.oblique()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't add an oblique ruling"); } this.rulings.add(r); // clear caches this.verticalRulingLines = null; this.horizontalRulingLines = null; this.cleanRulings = null; } public List<Ruling> getUnprocessedRulings() { return this.rulings; } public float getMinCharWidth() { return minCharWidth; } public float getMinCharHeight() { return minCharHeight; } public PDPage getPDPage() { return pdPage; } public RectangleSpatialIndex<TextElement> getSpatialIndex() { return this.spatial_index; } public boolean hasText() { return this.texts.size() > 0; } }