package technology.tabula; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.TreeMap; import technology.tabula.extractors.ExtractionAlgorithm; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class Table extends Rectangle { class CellPosition implements Comparable<CellPosition> { int row, col; CellPosition(int row, int col) { this.row = row; this.col = col; } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (this == other) return true; if (!(other instanceof CellPosition)) return false; return other != null && this.row == ((CellPosition) other).row && this.col == ((CellPosition) other).col; } @Override public int hashCode() { return this.row * 100000 + this.col; } @Override public int compareTo(CellPosition other) { int rv = 0; if(this.row < other.row) { rv = -1; } else if (this.row > other.row) { rv = 1; } else if (this.col > other.col) { rv = 1; } else if (this.col < other.col) { rv = -1; } return rv; } } class CellContainer extends TreeMap<CellPosition, RectangularTextContainer> { public int maxRow = 0, maxCol = 0; public RectangularTextContainer get(int row, int col) { return this.get(new CellPosition(row, col)); } public List<RectangularTextContainer> getRow(int row) { return new ArrayList<RectangularTextContainer>(this.subMap(new CellPosition(row, 0), new CellPosition(row, maxRow+1)).values()); } @Override public RectangularTextContainer put(CellPosition cp, RectangularTextContainer value) { this.maxRow = Math.max(maxRow, cp.row); this.maxCol = Math.max(maxCol, cp.col); if (this.containsKey(cp)) { // adding on an existing CellPosition, concatenate content and resize value.merge(this.get(cp)); } super.put(cp, value); return value; } @Override public RectangularTextContainer get(Object key) { return this.containsKey(key) ? super.get(key) : TextChunk.EMPTY; } public boolean containsKey(int row, int col) { return this.containsKey(new CellPosition(row, col)); } } public static final Table EMPTY = new Table(); CellContainer cellContainer = new CellContainer(); Page page; ExtractionAlgorithm extractionAlgorithm; List<List<RectangularTextContainer>> rows = null; public Table() { super(); } public Table(Page page, ExtractionAlgorithm extractionAlgorithm) { this(); = page; this.extractionAlgorithm = extractionAlgorithm; } public void add(RectangularTextContainer tc, int i, int j) { this.merge(tc); this.cellContainer.put(new CellPosition(i, j), tc); this.rows = null; // clear the memoized rows } public List<List<RectangularTextContainer>> getRows() { if (this.rows != null) { return this.rows; } this.rows = new ArrayList<List<RectangularTextContainer>>(); for (int i = 0; i <= this.cellContainer.maxRow; i++) { List<RectangularTextContainer> lastRow = new ArrayList<RectangularTextContainer>(); this.rows.add(lastRow); for (int j = 0; j <= this.cellContainer.maxCol; j++) { lastRow.add(this.cellContainer.containsKey(i, j) ? this.cellContainer.get(i, j) : TextChunk.EMPTY); } } return this.rows; } public RectangularTextContainer getCell(int i, int j) { return this.cellContainer.get(i, j); } public List<List<RectangularTextContainer>> getCols() { return Utils.transpose(this.getRows()); } public void setExtractionAlgorithm(ExtractionAlgorithm extractionAlgorithm) { this.extractionAlgorithm = extractionAlgorithm; } public ExtractionAlgorithm getExtractionAlgorithm() { return extractionAlgorithm; } public List<RectangularTextContainer> getCells() { return (List<RectangularTextContainer>) new ArrayList<RectangularTextContainer>(this.cellContainer.values()); } }