package dk.kaspergsm.stormdeploy.userprovided; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import dk.kaspergsm.stormdeploy.Tools; /** * Class used to store all information for configuration.yaml, specific to cluster to deploy * * @author Kasper Grud Skat Madsen */ public class Configuration { private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Configuration.class); HashMap<Integer, String> _nodeIdToInstanceTypeID = null; private String _imageID = null, _locationID = null; private List<String> _conf; private Set<String> _allConfigurationSettings = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList( "storm-version", "zk-version", "image","image-username", "region", "subnet", "security-group", "memory-monitor", "remote-exec-preconfig", "remote-exec-postconfig", "ssh-key-name", "install-dir", "zk-data-dir", "zk-retain-snapshots", "zk-purge-interval")); public static Configuration fromYamlFile(File f, String clustername) { return new Configuration(Tools.readYamlConf(f), clustername); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Configuration(HashMap<String, Object> conf, String clustername) { _conf = (ArrayList<String>) conf.get(clustername); } /** * Returns true if no problems with configuration. * Otherwise error message and false */ public boolean sanityCheck() { if (_conf == null) { log.error("Clustername not found in configuration.yaml"); return false; } return true; } /** * Get exec (pre config) */ public List<String> getRemoteExecPreConfig() { ArrayList<String> execPreConfig = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < _conf.size(); i++) { String key = _conf.get(i).substring(0, _conf.get(i).indexOf(" ")); if (key.equals("remote-exec-preconfig")) { for (String command : _conf.get(i).substring(_conf.get(i).indexOf("{") + 1, _conf.get(i).indexOf("}")).split(",")) execPreConfig.add(command.trim()); } } return execPreConfig; } /** * Get exec (post config) */ public List<String> getRemoteExecPostConfig() { ArrayList<String> execPostConfig = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < _conf.size(); i++) { String key = _conf.get(i).substring(0, _conf.get(i).indexOf(" ")); if (key.equals("remote-exec-postconfig")) { for (String command : _conf.get(i).substring(_conf.get(i).indexOf("{") + 1, _conf.get(i).indexOf("}")).split(",")) execPostConfig.add(command.trim()); } } return execPostConfig; } /** * Get user for logging on the image after boot */ public String getImageUsername() { String imageUsername = getRawConfigValue("image-username"); // If no username is specifed, assume "ubuntu" if (imageUsername == null) return "ubuntu"; return imageUsername; } /** * Get Subnet if specified */ public String getSubnet() { return getRawConfigValue("subnet"); } /** * Get Security Group if specified */ public String getSecurityGroup() { return getRawConfigValue("security-group"); } /** * Get region */ public String getDeploymentLocation() { if (_locationID != null) { return _locationID; } return getRawConfigValue("region"); } /** * Get whether memory monitor should be executed or not * Default = false */ public boolean executeMemoryMonitor() { String memoryMonitor = getRawConfigValue("memory-monitor"); if (memoryMonitor != null && memoryMonitor.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("true")) return true; return false; } /** * Get image */ public String getDeploymentImage() { if (_imageID != null) { return _imageID; } return getRawConfigValue("image"); } /** * Get remote zk-location, based on requested version */ public String getZKLocation() { String version = getRawConfigValue("zk-version"); if (version.equals("3.4.5")) { return ""; } else if (version.equals("3.4.6")) { return ""; } else if (version.equals("3.4.8")) { return ""; } else {"Zookeeper version not currently supported!"); } return null; } /** * Get remote location of Storm, based on requested version */ public String getStormRemoteLocation() { String version = getRawConfigValue("storm-version"); if (version.equals("0.8.2")) { return ""; } else if (version.equals("")) { return ""; } else if (version.equals("0.9.2")) { return ""; } else if (version.equals("0.9.3")) { return ""; } else if (version.equals("0.9.4")) { return ""; } else if (version.equals("0.9.5")) { return ""; } else if (version.equals("0.10.0")) { return ""; } else if (version.equals("1.0.1")) { return ""; } else {"Storm version " + version + " not currently supported!"); } return null; } public String getStormVersion(){ return getRawConfigValue("storm-version"); } /** * Get the ssh key pair name */ public String getSSHKeyName() { String sshKeyName = getRawConfigValue("ssh-key-name"); // If no sshKeyName is specifed, assume "id_rsa" if (sshKeyName == null) return "id_rsa"; return sshKeyName; } /** * Get install directory */ public String getInstallDir() { String installDir = getRawConfigValue("install-dir"); // If no install-dir is specified, assume home directory if (installDir == null) { installDir = "/home/" + getImageUsername() + "/"; } if (!installDir.endsWith(File.separator)) { installDir += File.separator; } return installDir; } /** * Get zookeeper data directory */ public String getZkDataDir() { String zkDataDir = getRawConfigValue("zk-data-dir"); // If no install-dir is specified, assume home directory if (zkDataDir == null) { zkDataDir = "/tmp/zktmp"; } return zkDataDir; } /** * Get number of zookeeper snapshots to retain, if configured. */ public String getZkRetainSnapshots() { return getRawConfigValue("zk-retain-snapshots"); } /** * Get zookeeper snapshot purge interval, if configured. */ public String getZkPurgeInterval() { return getRawConfigValue("zk-purge-interval"); } private String getRawConfigValue(String k) { for (int i = 0; i < _conf.size(); i++) { String key = _conf.get(i).substring(0, _conf.get(i).indexOf(" ")); if (k.equals(key)) return _conf.get(i).substring(_conf.get(i).indexOf(" ")).replaceAll("\"", "").toLowerCase().trim(); } return null; } /** * Get map{node id, instanceType} */ public Map<Integer, String> getNodeIdToInstanceType() { if (_nodeIdToInstanceTypeID != null) { return _nodeIdToInstanceTypeID; } // Create nodeid to instancetype HashMap<Integer, String> nodeIdToInstanceTypeID = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); for (int nodeId = 0; nodeId < _conf.size(); nodeId++) { if (_allConfigurationSettings.contains(_conf.get(nodeId).substring(0, _conf.get(nodeId).indexOf(" ")))) continue; String instance = _conf.get(nodeId).substring(0, _conf.get(nodeId).indexOf(" ")); nodeIdToInstanceTypeID.put(nodeId, instance); } return nodeIdToInstanceTypeID; } /** * Get map{node id, zkid} */ public Map<Integer, Integer> getNodeIdToZkId() { int zkid = 1; HashMap<Integer, Integer> nodeIdToZkId = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); for (int nodeId = 0; nodeId < _conf.size(); nodeId++) { if (_allConfigurationSettings.contains(_conf.get(nodeId).substring(0, _conf.get(nodeId).indexOf(" ")))) continue; String daeamons = _conf.get(nodeId).substring(_conf.get(nodeId).indexOf("{") + 1, _conf.get(nodeId).indexOf("}")); if (daeamons.contains("ZK")) nodeIdToZkId.put(nodeId, zkid++); } return nodeIdToZkId; } /** * Get map{arr[daemons], arr[node ids]} */ public Map<ArrayList<String>, ArrayList<Integer>> getDaemonsToNodeIds() { Map<String, ArrayList<Integer>> deamonsToNodeIds = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>>(); for (int i = 0; i < _conf.size(); i++) { if (_allConfigurationSettings.contains(_conf.get(i).substring(0, _conf.get(i).indexOf(" ")))) continue; String deamons = _conf.get(i).substring(_conf.get(i).indexOf("{") + 1, _conf.get(i).indexOf("}")); if (!deamonsToNodeIds.containsKey(deamons)) deamonsToNodeIds.put(deamons, new ArrayList<Integer>()); deamonsToNodeIds.get(deamons).add(i); } // Convert to arr[daemons], arr[node ids] HashMap<ArrayList<String>, ArrayList<Integer>> ret = new HashMap<ArrayList<String>, ArrayList<Integer>>(); for (Entry<String, ArrayList<Integer>> e : deamonsToNodeIds.entrySet()) { ArrayList<String> daemons = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String daemon : e.getKey().split(",")) daemons.add(daemon.trim()); ret.put(daemons, e.getValue()); } return ret; } }