package dk.kaspergsm.stormdeploy.configurations; import static org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.domain.Statements.exec; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import dk.kaspergsm.stormdeploy.userprovided.ConfigurationFactory; import org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.domain.Statement; import dk.kaspergsm.stormdeploy.Tools; /** * Contains all methods to configure Storm on nodes * * @author Kasper Grud Skat Madsen */ public class Storm { public static List<Statement> download(String stormRemoteLocation, String installDir) { return, stormRemoteLocation, true, true, "storm"); } /** * Write storm/conf/storm.yaml (basic settings only) */ public static List<Statement> configure(String hostname, String installDir, List<String> zkNodesHostname, List<String> drpcHostname, String userName, String stormVersion) { List<Statement> st = new ArrayList<Statement>(); st.add(exec("cd " + installDir + "storm/conf/")); st.add(exec("touch storm.yaml")); // Add if (stormVersion != null && stormVersion.startsWith("1")) { st.add(exec("echo nimbus.seeds: [\"" + hostname + "\"] >> storm.yaml")); } else { st.add(exec("echo \"" + hostname + "\" >> storm.yaml")); } // Add storm.zookeeper.servers st.add(exec("echo storm.zookeeper.servers: >> storm.yaml")); for (int i = 1; i <= zkNodesHostname.size(); i++) st.add(exec("echo - \"" + zkNodesHostname.get(i-1) + "\" >> storm.yaml")); // Add drpc.servers if (drpcHostname.size() > 0) { st.add(exec("echo drpc.servers: >> storm.yaml")); for (int i = 1; i <= drpcHostname.size(); i++) st.add(exec("echo - \"" + drpcHostname.get(i-1) + "\" >> storm.yaml")); } // Add supervisor metadata st.add(exec("echo supervisor.scheduler.meta: >> storm.yaml")); st.add(exec("instancetype=$(cat " + installDir + ".instance-type)")); st.add(exec("echo \" instancetype: \\\"$instancetype\\\"\" >> storm.yaml")); // Change owner of storm directory st.add(exec("chown -R " + userName + ":" + userName + " " + installDir + "storm")); // Add storm to execution PATH st.add(exec("echo \"export PATH=\\\"" + installDir + "storm/bin:\\$PATH\\\"\" >> ~/.bashrc")); return st; } /** * Uses Monitor to restart daemon, if it stops */ public static List<Statement> startNimbusDaemonSupervision(String username, String stormVersion) { String installDir = ConfigurationFactory.getConfig().getInstallDir(); List<Statement> st = new ArrayList<Statement>(); st.add(goToInstallDir()); st.add(exec("su -c 'case $(head -n 1 " + installDir + "daemons) in *MASTER*) java -cp \"" + installDir + "sda/storm-deploy-alternative.jar\" dk.kaspergsm.stormdeploy.image.ProcessMonitor "+ getStormPackageForVersion(stormVersion) +".storm.daemon.nimbus " + installDir + "storm/bin/storm nimbus ;; esac &' - " + username)); return st; } /** * Uses Monitor to restart daemon, if it stops */ public static List<Statement> startSupervisorDaemonSupervision(String username, String stormVersion) { String installDir = ConfigurationFactory.getConfig().getInstallDir(); List<Statement> st = new ArrayList<Statement>(); st.add(goToInstallDir()); st.add(exec("su -c 'case $(head -n 1 " + installDir + "daemons) in *WORKER*) java -cp \"" + installDir + "sda/storm-deploy-alternative.jar\" dk.kaspergsm.stormdeploy.image.ProcessMonitor "+ getStormPackageForVersion(stormVersion) +".storm.daemon.supervisor " + installDir + "storm/bin/storm supervisor ;; esac &' - " + username)); return st; } /** * Uses Monitor to restart daemon, if it stops */ public static List<Statement> startUIDaemonSupervision(String username, String stormVersion) { String installDir = ConfigurationFactory.getConfig().getInstallDir(); List<Statement> st = new ArrayList<Statement>(); st.add(goToInstallDir()); st.add(exec("su -c 'case $(head -n 1 " + installDir + "daemons) in *UI*) java -cp \"" + installDir + "sda/storm-deploy-alternative.jar\" dk.kaspergsm.stormdeploy.image.ProcessMonitor "+ getStormPackageForVersion(stormVersion) +".storm.ui.core " + installDir + "storm/bin/storm ui ;; esac &' - " + username)); return st; } /** * Uses Monitor to restart daemon, if it stops */ public static List<Statement> startDRPCDaemonSupervision(String username, String stormVersion) { String installDir = ConfigurationFactory.getConfig().getInstallDir(); List<Statement> st = new ArrayList<Statement>(); st.add(goToInstallDir()); st.add(exec("su -c 'case $(head -n 1 " + installDir + "daemons) in *DRPC*) java -cp \"" + installDir + "sda/storm-deploy-alternative.jar\" dk.kaspergsm.stormdeploy.image.ProcessMonitor "+ getStormPackageForVersion(stormVersion) +".storm.daemon.drpc " + installDir + "storm/bin/storm drpc ;; esac &' - " + username)); return st; } /** * Uses Monitor to restart daemon, if it stops */ public static List<Statement> startLogViewerDaemonSupervision(String username, String stormVersion) { String installDir = ConfigurationFactory.getConfig().getInstallDir(); List<Statement> st = new ArrayList<Statement>(); st.add(goToInstallDir()); st.add(exec("su -c 'case $(head -n 1 " + installDir + "daemons) in *LOGVIEWER*) java -cp \"" + installDir + "sda/storm-deploy-alternative.jar\" dk.kaspergsm.stormdeploy.image.ProcessMonitor "+ getStormPackageForVersion(stormVersion) +".storm.daemon.logviewer " + installDir + "storm/bin/storm logviewer ;; esac &' - " + username)); return st; } /** * Used to write config files to $HOME/.storm/ * these are needed for the storm script to know where to submit topologies etc. */ public static void writeStormAttachConfigFiles(List<String> zookeeperNodesHostname, List<String> supervisorNodesHostname, String nimbusHost, String uiHost, String clustername, String stormVersion) throws IOException { String userHome = Tools.getHomeDir(); new File(userHome + ".storm").mkdirs(); // Write $HOME/.storm/storm.yaml FileWriter stormYaml = new FileWriter(userHome + ".storm/storm.yaml", false); stormYaml.append("storm.zookeeper.servers:\n"); for (String zookeeperNode : zookeeperNodesHostname) { stormYaml.append(" - \""); stormYaml.append(zookeeperNode); stormYaml.append("\"\n"); } // Add if (stormVersion != null && stormVersion.startsWith("1")) { stormYaml.append("nimbus.seeds: [\""); stormYaml.append(nimbusHost); stormYaml.append("\"]\n"); } else { stormYaml.append(" \""); stormYaml.append(nimbusHost); stormYaml.append("\"\n"); } stormYaml.append(" \""); stormYaml.append(uiHost); stormYaml.append("\"\n"); stormYaml.append("cluster: \""); stormYaml.append(clustername); stormYaml.append("\"\n"); stormYaml.flush(); stormYaml.close(); // Write $HOME/.storm/supervisor.yaml FileWriter supervisorYaml = new FileWriter(userHome + ".storm/supervisor.yaml", false); supervisorYaml.append("storm.supervisor.servers:\n"); for (String supervisorNode : supervisorNodesHostname) { supervisorYaml.append(" - \""); supervisorYaml.append(supervisorNode); supervisorYaml.append("\"\n"); } supervisorYaml.flush(); supervisorYaml.close(); } private static Statement goToInstallDir(){ return exec("cd " + ConfigurationFactory.getConfig().getInstallDir()); } private static String getStormPackageForVersion(String stormVersion){ if (stormVersion != null && stormVersion.startsWith("1")) { return "org.apache"; } else { return "backtype"; } } }