package dk.kaspergsm.stormdeploy.configurations; import static org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.domain.Statements.exec; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import org.jclouds.scriptbuilder.domain.Statement; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import dk.kaspergsm.stormdeploy.configurations.SystemTools.PACKAGE_MANAGER; /** * All logic to configure s3cmd on nodes * * @author Kasper Grud Skat Madsen */ public class S3CMD { private static Random r = new Random(); private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(S3CMD.class); private S3CMD() { } public static List<Statement> install(PACKAGE_MANAGER pm) { List<Statement> st = new ArrayList<Statement>(); if (pm == PACKAGE_MANAGER.APT) { st.add(exec("wget -O- -q | apt-key add -")); st.add(exec("wget -O/etc/apt/sources.list.d/s3tools.list")); st.add(exec("apt-get update && apt-get install s3cmd")); return st; } else { log.error("PACKAGE MANAGER not supported: " + pm.toString()); } return st; } /** * Returns commands to configure credentials * * Unfortunately there is no way to automatically create the .s3cfg file. * The approach taken here, is to write a default version. */ public static List<Statement> configure(String identity, String credential) { List<Statement> st = new ArrayList<Statement>(); st.add(exec("cd ~")); st.add(exec("rm .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("touch .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "[default]" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "access_key = " + identity + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "bucket_location = US" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "cloudfront_host =" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "cloudfront_resource = /2010-07-15/distribution" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "default_mime_type = binary/octet-stream" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "delete_removed = False" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "dry_run = False" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "encoding = UTF-8" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "encrypt = False" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "follow_symlinks = False" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "force = False" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "get_continue = False" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "gpg_command = /usr/bin/gpg" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "gpg_decrypt = %(gpg_command)s -d --verbose --no-use-agent --batch --yes --passphrase-fd %(passphrase_fd)s -o %(output_file)s %(input_file)s" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "gpg_encrypt = %(gpg_command)s -c --verbose --no-use-agent --batch --yes --passphrase-fd %(passphrase_fd)s -o %(output_file)s %(input_file)s" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "gpg_passphrase = " + r.nextInt(99999) + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "guess_mime_type = True" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "host_base =" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "host_bucket = %(bucket)" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "human_readable_sizes = False" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "list_md5 = False" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "log_target_prefix = " + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "preserve_attrs = True" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "progress_meter = True" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "proxy_host = " + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "proxy_port = 0" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "recursive = False" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "recv_chunk = 4096" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "reduced_redundancy = False" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "secret_key = " + credential + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "send_chunk = 4096" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "simpledb_host =" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "skip_existing = False" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "socket_timeout = 10" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "urlencoding_mode = normal" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "use_https = True" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); st.add(exec("echo \"" + "verbosity = WARNING" + "\" >> .s3cfg")); return st; } }