package dk.kaspergsm.stormdeploy.commands; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import org.jclouds.compute.ComputeService; import org.jclouds.compute.ComputeServiceContext; import org.jclouds.compute.RunScriptOnNodesException; import org.jclouds.compute.domain.NodeMetadata; import org.jclouds.compute.domain.NodeMetadata.Status; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import dk.kaspergsm.stormdeploy.LaunchNodeThread; import dk.kaspergsm.stormdeploy.Tools; import dk.kaspergsm.stormdeploy.configurations.NodeConfiguration; import dk.kaspergsm.stormdeploy.configurations.Storm; import dk.kaspergsm.stormdeploy.userprovided.Configuration; import dk.kaspergsm.stormdeploy.userprovided.Credential; /** * Called to deploy a new cluster * * @author Kasper Grud Skat Madsen */ public class Deploy { private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Deploy.class); /** * Call to deploy a cluster */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void deploy(String clustername, Credential credentials, Configuration config, ComputeServiceContext computeContext) { /** * Check no cluster with clustername is currently deployed */ for (NodeMetadata n : (Set<NodeMetadata>) computeContext.getComputeService().listNodes()) { if (n.getStatus() != Status.TERMINATED && n.getGroup() != null && n.getGroup().toLowerCase().equals(clustername.toLowerCase())) { // Currently running cluster with same name was detected log.error("Cluster with name " + clustername + " is already deployed"); return; } } /** * Start instances */"Deploying cluster: " + clustername); HashMap<Integer, NodeMetadata> newNodes = startNodesNow(config, computeContext.getComputeService(), clustername); /** * Attach */ try {"Attaching to cluster"); Storm.writeStormAttachConfigFiles( getNewInstancesPublicIp(config, "ZK", newNodes), getNewInstancesPublicIp(config, "WORKER", newNodes), Tools.getInstanceIp(getNimbusNode(config, newNodes)), (getUINode(config, newNodes) == null) ? "" : Tools.getInstanceIp(getUINode(config, newNodes)), clustername, config.getStormVersion()); } catch (IOException ex) { log.error("Problem attaching to cluster", ex); } /** * Configure all nodes */ try {"Configuring instance(s)"); Tools.executeOnNodes( NodeConfiguration.getCommands( clustername, credentials, config, getNewInstancesPrivateIp(config, "ZK", newNodes), getNewInstancesPrivateIp(config, "DRPC", newNodes), Tools.getInstanceIp(getNimbusNode(config, newNodes)), Tools.getInstanceIp(getUINode(config, newNodes))), true, clustername, computeContext.getComputeService(), config.getImageUsername(), config.getSSHKeyName()); } catch (RunScriptOnNodesException ex) { log.error("Problem configuring instance(s)", ex); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { log.error("Problem configuring instance(s)", ex); } catch (ExecutionException ex) { log.error("Problem configuring instance(s)", ex); } catch (TimeoutException ex) { log.error("Problem configuring instance(s)", ex); } /** * Print final info */"User: " + config.getImageUsername());"Started:"); for (NodeMetadata n : newNodes.values())"\t" + Tools.getInstanceIp(n) + "\t" + n.getUserMetadata().get("daemons").toString());"Storm UI: http://" + Tools.getInstanceIp(getUINode(config, newNodes)) + ":8080");"Ganglia UI: http://" + Tools.getInstanceIp(getUINode(config, newNodes)) + "/ganglia");"Please allow a few minutes for the services to initialize..."); /** * Close application now */ System.exit(0); } private static NodeMetadata getNimbusNode(Configuration config, Map<Integer, NodeMetadata> nodes) { for (NodeMetadata n : nodes.values()) { if (n.getUserMetadata().containsKey("daemons") && n.getUserMetadata().get("daemons").contains("MASTER")) return n; } return null; } private static NodeMetadata getUINode(Configuration config, Map<Integer, NodeMetadata> nodes) { for (NodeMetadata n : nodes.values()) { if (n.getUserMetadata().containsKey("daemons") && n.getUserMetadata().get("daemons").contains("UI")) return n; } return null; } private static List<String> getNewInstancesPublicIp(Configuration config, String daemon, Map<Integer, NodeMetadata> nodes) { List<Integer> nodeIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(nodes.keySet()); Collections.sort(nodeIds); ArrayList<String> newNodes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int nodeid : nodeIds) { NodeMetadata n = nodes.get(nodeid); if (n.getUserMetadata().containsKey("daemons") && n.getUserMetadata().get("daemons").contains(daemon)) newNodes.add(Tools.getInstanceIp(n)); } return newNodes; } private static List<String> getNewInstancesPrivateIp(Configuration config, String daemon, Map<Integer, NodeMetadata> nodes) { List<Integer> nodeIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(nodes.keySet()); Collections.sort(nodeIds); ArrayList<String> newNodes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int nodeid : nodeIds) { NodeMetadata n = nodes.get(nodeid); if (n.getUserMetadata().containsKey("daemons") && n.getUserMetadata().get("daemons").contains(daemon)) newNodes.add(n.getPrivateAddresses().iterator().next()); } return newNodes; } private static HashMap<Integer, NodeMetadata> startNodesNow(Configuration config, ComputeService compute, String clustername) { // To maintain worker threads List<LaunchNodeThread> workerThreads = new ArrayList<LaunchNodeThread>(); /** * Loop each unique set of daemons */ for (Entry<ArrayList<String>, ArrayList<Integer>> daemonsToNodeIds : config.getDaemonsToNodeIds().entrySet()) { // Create instanceType -> List[nodeIds] Map<String, ArrayList<Integer>> instanceTypeToNodeIdsToStart = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>>(); for (Integer nodeId : daemonsToNodeIds.getValue()) { String curInstanceType = config.getNodeIdToInstanceType().get(nodeId); if (!instanceTypeToNodeIdsToStart.containsKey(curInstanceType)) instanceTypeToNodeIdsToStart.put(curInstanceType, new ArrayList<Integer>()); instanceTypeToNodeIdsToStart.get(curInstanceType).add(nodeId); } // Iterate all different types of instanceTypes for the nodes to start for (String instanceType : instanceTypeToNodeIdsToStart.keySet()) { // If any of the daemons are ZK, launch one node at a time and write zkid if (daemonsToNodeIds.getKey().contains("ZK")) { // Loop each nodeid to start for (int nodeIdToStartWithZK : instanceTypeToNodeIdsToStart.get(instanceType)) {"Starting 1 instance of type " + instanceType + " with daemons " + daemonsToNodeIds.getKey().toString()); workerThreads.add(new LaunchNodeThread( compute, config, instanceType, clustername, new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(nodeIdToStartWithZK)), daemonsToNodeIds.getKey(), config.getNodeIdToZkId().get(nodeIdToStartWithZK))); } } else {"Starting " + instanceTypeToNodeIdsToStart.get(instanceType).size() + " instance(s) of type " + instanceType + " with daemons " + daemonsToNodeIds.getKey().toString()); workerThreads.add(new LaunchNodeThread( compute, config, instanceType, clustername, instanceTypeToNodeIdsToStart.get(instanceType), daemonsToNodeIds.getKey(), null)); } } } // Wait until nodes have started boolean allOK = false; while (!allOK) { allOK = true; for (LaunchNodeThread l : workerThreads) { if (l.getNewNodes() == null) allOK = false; } try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} } // Collect information about started nodes HashMap<Integer, NodeMetadata> ret = new HashMap<Integer, NodeMetadata>(); for (LaunchNodeThread l : workerThreads) { int i = 0; for (NodeMetadata n : l.getNewNodes()) ret.put(l.getNodeIds().get(i++), n); } return ret; } }