package; import com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.StringUtils; import org.crosswire.jsword.passage.NoSuchKeyException; import org.crosswire.jsword.passage.Passage; import org.crosswire.jsword.passage.PassageKeyFactory; import org.crosswire.jsword.versification.BibleBook; import org.crosswire.jsword.versification.system.Versifications; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import; import; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; /** * @author chrisburrell */ public class OsisConversionUtils { private static final String ERROR = "<!-- ERROR -->"; private static final org.slf4j.Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OsisConversionUtils.class); private static Queue<Object> title = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); private static boolean inChapter = false; private static boolean inVerse = false; private static int currentPsalm = -1; private static int currentChapter; private static String acrosticTitle; private static String acrosticLetter; private static boolean inRealChapter = false; private static String currentBook; private static String currentChapterId; private static String currentVerseId; private OsisConversionUtils() { //no implementation } public static String toTitleCase(String title) { return StringUtils.toTitleCase(title, true); } public static String convertBookToOsis(final String bookAbbreviation) { switch (bookAbbreviation) { case "GEN": return BibleBook.GEN.getOSIS(); case "EXO": return BibleBook.EXOD.getOSIS(); case "LEV": return BibleBook.LEV.getOSIS(); case "NUM": return BibleBook.NUM.getOSIS(); case "DEU": return BibleBook.DEUT.getOSIS(); case "JOS": return BibleBook.JOSH.getOSIS(); case "JDG": return BibleBook.JUDG.getOSIS(); case "RUT": return BibleBook.RUTH.getOSIS(); case "1SA": return BibleBook.SAM1.getOSIS(); case "2SA": return BibleBook.SAM2.getOSIS(); case "1KI": return BibleBook.KGS1.getOSIS(); case "2KI": return BibleBook.KGS2.getOSIS(); case "1CH": return BibleBook.CHR1.getOSIS(); case "2CH": return BibleBook.CHR2.getOSIS(); case "EZR": return BibleBook.EZRA.getOSIS(); case "NEH": return BibleBook.NEH.getOSIS(); case "EST": return BibleBook.ESTH.getOSIS(); case "JOB": return BibleBook.JOB.getOSIS(); case "PSA": return BibleBook.PS.getOSIS(); case "PRO": return BibleBook.PROV.getOSIS(); case "ECC": return BibleBook.ECCL.getOSIS(); case "SNG": return BibleBook.SONG.getOSIS(); case "ISA": return BibleBook.ISA.getOSIS(); case "JER": return BibleBook.JER.getOSIS(); case "LAM": return BibleBook.LAM.getOSIS(); case "EZK": return BibleBook.EZEK.getOSIS(); case "DAN": return BibleBook.DAN.getOSIS(); case "HOS": return BibleBook.HOS.getOSIS(); case "JOL": return BibleBook.JOEL.getOSIS(); case "AMO": return BibleBook.AMOS.getOSIS(); case "OBA": return BibleBook.OBAD.getOSIS(); case "JON": return BibleBook.JONAH.getOSIS(); case "MIC": return BibleBook.MIC.getOSIS(); case "NAM": return BibleBook.NAH.getOSIS(); case "HAB": return BibleBook.HAB.getOSIS(); case "ZEP": return BibleBook.ZEPH.getOSIS(); case "HAG": return BibleBook.HAG.getOSIS(); case "ZEC": return BibleBook.ZECH.getOSIS(); case "MAL": return BibleBook.MAL.getOSIS(); case "MAT": return BibleBook.MATT.getOSIS(); case "MRK": return BibleBook.MARK.getOSIS(); case "LUK": return BibleBook.LUKE.getOSIS(); case "JHN": return BibleBook.JOHN.getOSIS(); case "ACT": return BibleBook.ACTS.getOSIS(); case "ROM": return BibleBook.ROM.getOSIS(); case "1CO": return BibleBook.COR1.getOSIS(); case "2CO": return BibleBook.COR2.getOSIS(); case "GAL": return BibleBook.GAL.getOSIS(); case "EPH": return BibleBook.EPH.getOSIS(); case "PHP": return BibleBook.PHIL.getOSIS(); case "COL": return BibleBook.COL.getOSIS(); case "1TH": return BibleBook.THESS1.getOSIS(); case "2TH": return BibleBook.THESS2.getOSIS(); case "1TI": return BibleBook.TIM1.getOSIS(); case "2TI": return BibleBook.TIM2.getOSIS(); case "TIT": return BibleBook.TITUS.getOSIS(); case "PHM": return BibleBook.PHLM.getOSIS(); case "HEB": return BibleBook.HEB.getOSIS(); case "JAS": return BibleBook.JAS.getOSIS(); case "1PE": return BibleBook.PET1.getOSIS(); case "2PE": return BibleBook.PET2.getOSIS(); case "1JN": return BibleBook.JOHN1.getOSIS(); case "2JN": return BibleBook.JOHN2.getOSIS(); case "3JN": return BibleBook.JOHN3.getOSIS(); case "JUD": return BibleBook.JUDE.getOSIS(); case "REV": return BibleBook.REV.getOSIS(); } throw new ConversionException("Unable to convert book: " + bookAbbreviation); } public static String openUSXChapter(final String chapterID) { markChapterStart(Integer.parseInt(chapterID)); //USX chapters only contain numbers, so append book name and return currentChapterId = convertBookToOsis(currentBook) + "." + chapterID; return currentChapterId; } public static String closeUSXChapter() { markChapterEnd(); return currentChapterId; } public static String convertChapterToOsis(final String chapterID) { //assuming all chapters are roughly the same, remove the first part return stripIdAndConvertBook(chapterID); } public static String openUSXVerse(final String verseNumber) { if(verseNumber.indexOf('-') != -1) { //we have a range final String[] split = StringUtils.split(verseNumber, "-"); if(split.length != 2) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to parse range of verses"); } int start = Integer.parseInt(split[0]); int end = Integer.parseInt(split[1]); StringBuilder ref = new StringBuilder(); for(int ii = start; ii <= end; ii++) { ref.append(currentBook); ref.append('.'); ref.append(currentChapter); ref.append('.'); ref.append(ii); if(ii != end) { ref.append('_'); } } currentVerseId = ref.toString(); } else { currentVerseId = String.format("%s.%d.%s", currentBook, currentChapter, verseNumber); } inVerse = true; return currentVerseId; } public static String closeUSXVerse() { inVerse = false; return currentVerseId; } public static boolean isInVerse() { return inVerse; } public static String convertVerseToOsis(final String s) { return stripIdAndConvertBook(s); } public static String convertNoteScopeToOsis(final String s) { if (s == null || s.length() == 0) { return s; } int hasRef = s.indexOf("-"); if (hasRef != -1) { //convert each part and form a ref String left = s.substring(0, hasRef); String right = s.substring(hasRef + 1); return getOsisFromBiblicaSingleRef(left) + '-' + getOsisFromBiblicaSingleRef(right); } else { return getOsisFromBiblicaSingleRef(s); } } public static String convertNoteType(final String noteType) { switch (noteType) { case "allusion": return "allusion"; case "alternative": return "alternative"; case "background": return "background"; case "citation": return "citation"; case "crossReference": return "crossReference"; case "exegesis": return "exegesis"; case "explanation": return "explanation"; case "study": return "study"; case "translation": return "translation"; case "variant": return "variant"; case "literal": return "background"; case "general": return "background"; case "versification": return "background"; case "typeversification": return "background"; } throw new ConversionException("Unable to convert note type" + noteType); } private static String stripIdAndConvertBook(final String chapterID) { //strip the ID from the front final String biblicaChapter = chapterID.substring(chapterID.indexOf('.') + 1); return getOsisFromBiblicaSingleRef(biblicaChapter); } private static String getOsisFromBiblicaSingleRef(final String biblicaChapter) { final int startOfChapterProper = biblicaChapter.indexOf('.'); final String bookName = biblicaChapter.substring(0, startOfChapterProper); final String leftOver = biblicaChapter.substring(biblicaChapter.indexOf('.')); return convertBookToOsis(bookName) + leftOver; } public static void markBookStart(final String code) { currentBook = code; } public static void markChapterStart(int chapterNumber) { inChapter = true; currentChapter = chapterNumber; inRealChapter = true; } public static void markPsalmStart(int psalmNumber) { inChapter = true; currentPsalm = psalmNumber; } public static boolean isCurrentChapterAlignedToPsalm() { return currentChapter == currentPsalm; } public static void markChapterEnd() { inChapter = false; inRealChapter = false; currentChapter = -1; } public static boolean isInChapter() { return inChapter; } public static boolean isInRealChapter() { return inRealChapter; } public static void pushAcrosticTitle(final String title, final String letter) { acrosticTitle = title; acrosticLetter = letter; } public static String pullAcrosticTitle() { try { if (acrosticTitle != null) { return acrosticTitle; } } finally { acrosticTitle = null; } return ""; } public static String pullAcrosticTitleLetter() { try { if (acrosticLetter != null) { return acrosticLetter; } } finally { acrosticLetter = null; } return null; } public static String langRefToRef(String v11n, String langRef) { try { final Passage key = PassageKeyFactory.instance().getKey(Versifications.instance().getVersification(v11n), langRef); return key.getOsisRef(); } catch (NoSuchKeyException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); silently ignore, because there can be all sorts of things in there... return "##error##"; } } public static void pushTitle(Object o) throws ParserConfigurationException, TransformerException { DocumentBuilderFactory docFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = docBuilder.newDocument(); doc.appendChild(((Node) o).cloneNode(true)); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer transformer = tf.newTransformer(); transformer.transform(new DOMSource(doc), new StreamResult(sw)); title.add(sw.toString()); } public static String pullTitle() throws ParserConfigurationException { if (title.size() == 0) { return ""; } return (String) title.poll(); } }