package com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.impl; import static com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.StringUtils.isBlank; import static com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.StringUtils.isNotEmpty; import static; import java.util.*; import javax.inject.Inject; import com.tyndalehouse.step.core.exceptions.StepInternalException; import com.tyndalehouse.step.core.models.InterlinearMode; import com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.helpers.VersionResolver; import com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.JSwordUtils; import com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.StringUtils; import; import; import; import org.crosswire.jsword.versification.BibleBook; import org.crosswire.jsword.versification.DivisionName; import org.crosswire.jsword.versification.Versification; import org.crosswire.jsword.versification.system.Versifications; import com.tyndalehouse.step.core.models.BookName; import com.tyndalehouse.step.core.models.LookupOption; import com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.JSwordMetadataService; import com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.JSwordVersificationService; /** * Provides metadata for JSword modules * * @author chrisburrell */ public class JSwordMetadataServiceImpl implements JSwordMetadataService { private static final String BOOK_CHAPTER_FORMAT = "%s %d"; private final JSwordVersificationService versificationService; private final VersionResolver versionResolver; /** * Sets up the service for providing metadata information * * @param versificationService the versification service */ @Inject public JSwordMetadataServiceImpl(final JSwordVersificationService versificationService, final VersionResolver versionResolver) { this.versificationService = versificationService; this.versionResolver = versionResolver; } @Override public String getFirstChapterReference(final String version) { final Book bookFromVersion = versificationService.getBookFromVersion(version); if(bookFromVersion instanceof AbstractPassageBook) { final Iterator<BibleBook> bookIterator = ((AbstractPassageBook) bookFromVersion).getBibleBooks().iterator(); BibleBook bibleBook =; if(BibleBook.INTRO_BIBLE.equals(bibleBook) || BibleBook.INTRO_OT.equals(bibleBook) || BibleBook.INTRO_NT.equals(bibleBook)) { bibleBook =; if(BibleBook.INTRO_OT.equals(bibleBook) || BibleBook.INTRO_NT.equals(bibleBook)) { bibleBook =; } } return String.format("%s.%d", bibleBook.getOSIS(), 1); } throw new StepInternalException("Unable to ascertain first chapter of book."); } @Override public Set<LookupOption> getFeatures(final String version, List<String> extraVersions) { // obtain the book final Book book = this.versificationService.getBookFromVersion(version); final Set<LookupOption> options = new HashSet<LookupOption>(LookupOption.values().length * 2); if (book == null) { return options; } // some options are always there for Bibles: addBibleCategoryOptions(book, options); addRedLetterOptions(book, options); addStrongNumberOptions(book, options); addMorphologyOptions(book, options); addNotesOptions(book, options); addHebrewOptions(book, options); addAncientOptions(version, extraVersions, options); addMasterAncientOptions(book, options); addAllMatchingLookupOptions(book, options); addHiddenOptions(options); return options; } private void addMasterAncientOptions(final Book currentVersion, final Set<LookupOption> options) { if (JSwordUtils.isAncientGreekBook(currentVersion) || JSwordUtils.isAncientHebrewBook(currentVersion)) { options.add(LookupOption.TRANSLITERATE_ORIGINAL); } } private void addHiddenOptions(final Set<LookupOption> options) { options.add(LookupOption.HIDE_XGEN); options.add(LookupOption.CHAPTER_BOOK_VERSE_NUMBER); options.add(LookupOption.HEADINGS_ONLY); options.add(LookupOption.HIDE_COMPARE_HEADERS); } /** * Adds options that apply regardless of the conditions * * @param currentVersion the current primary version * @param extraVersions the secondary versions that affect feature resolution * @param options the set of options */ private void addAncientOptions(final String currentVersion, final List<String> extraVersions, final Set<LookupOption> options) { final List<String> allVersions = new ArrayList<String>(extraVersions); allVersions.add(currentVersion); boolean hasGreekVersion, hasHebrewVersion = hasGreekVersion = false; for (String version : allVersions) { Book book = this.versificationService.getBookFromVersion(version); if (JSwordUtils.isAncientGreekBook(book)) { hasGreekVersion = true; } if (JSwordUtils.isAncientHebrewBook(book)) { hasHebrewVersion = true; } } //hebrew/greek options for interlinears if (hasGreekVersion) { options.add(LookupOption.GREEK_ACCENTS); } if (hasHebrewVersion) { options.add(LookupOption.HEBREW_ACCENTS); options.add(LookupOption.HEBREW_VOWELS); } } /** * For Hebrew books, we hard code availability of seg divisions for OHB and WLC * * @param book the Book in question * @param options the available options */ private void addHebrewOptions(final Book book, final Set<LookupOption> options) { if ("OSMHB".equals(book.getInitials()) || "OHB".equals(book.getInitials()) || "OSHB".equals(book.getInitials()) || "WLC".equals(book.getInitials())) { options.add(LookupOption.DIVIDE_HEBREW); } } /** * Add all options when the options match by their XsltParameter Name * * @param book the book * @param options the options to be added to */ private void addAllMatchingLookupOptions(final Book book, final Set<LookupOption> options) { // cycle through each option for (final LookupOption lo : LookupOption.values()) { final FeatureType ft = FeatureType.fromString(lo.getXsltParameterName()); if (ft != null && isNotEmpty( && book.getBookMetaData().hasFeature(ft)) { options.add(lo); } } } /** * Adds options for notes * * @param book the book * @param options the options to be added to */ private void addNotesOptions(final Book book, final Set<LookupOption> options) { if (book.getBookMetaData().hasFeature(FeatureType.FOOTNOTES) || book.getBookMetaData().hasFeature(FeatureType.SCRIPTURE_REFERENCES)) { options.add(LookupOption.NOTES); } } /** * Adds options for morphology * * @param book the book * @param options the options to be added to */ private void addMorphologyOptions(final Book book, final Set<LookupOption> options) { if (book.hasFeature(FeatureType.MORPHOLOGY)) { options.add(LookupOption.COLOUR_CODE); } } /** * Adds options for strong numbers * * @param book the book * @param options the options to be added to */ private void addStrongNumberOptions(final Book book, final Set<LookupOption> options) { if (book.getBookMetaData().hasFeature(FeatureType.STRONGS_NUMBERS)) { options.add(LookupOption.ENGLISH_VOCAB); options.add(LookupOption.GREEK_VOCAB); options.add(LookupOption.TRANSLITERATION); options.add(LookupOption.INTERLINEAR); } } /** * Adds options for red letter Bible * * @param book the book * @param options the options to be added to */ private void addRedLetterOptions(final Book book, final Set<LookupOption> options) { if (book.getBookMetaData().hasFeature(FeatureType.WORDS_OF_CHRIST)) { options.add(LookupOption.RED_LETTER); } } /** * Adds options if module is a Bible * * @param book the book * @param options the options to be added to */ private void addBibleCategoryOptions(final Book book, final Set<LookupOption> options) { if (BIBLE.equals(book.getBookCategory())) { options.add(LookupOption.VERSE_NUMBERS); options.add(LookupOption.VERSE_NEW_LINE); } } @Override public List<BookName> getBibleBookNames(final String bookStart, final String version, final String bookScope) { return this.getBibleBookNames(bookStart, version, bookScope, false); } @Override public List<BookName> getBibleBookNames(final String bookStart, final String version, boolean autoLookupSingleBooks) { return this.getBibleBookNames(bookStart, version, null, autoLookupSingleBooks); } /** * returns a list of matching names or references in a particular book * * @param bookStart the name of the matching key to look across book names * @param version the name of the version, defaults to ESV if not found * @param bookScope a scope that reduces the search * @param autoLookupSingleBooks true to indicate a single book should resolve to chapters * @return a list of matching bible book names */ private List<BookName> getBibleBookNames(final String bookStart, final String version, final String bookScope, boolean autoLookupSingleBooks) { final String lookup = isBlank(bookStart) ? "" : bookStart; final Versification versification = this.versificationService.getVersificationForVersion(version); final List<BookName> books = getBooks(lookup, versification, bookScope, autoLookupSingleBooks); if (books.isEmpty()) { return getBooks(lookup, Versifications.instance().getVersification(Versifications.DEFAULT_V11N), bookScope, autoLookupSingleBooks); } return books; } /** * Looks through a versification for a particular type of book * * @param bookStart the string to match * @param versification the versification we are interested in * @param bookScope the actual book required, usually to get chapters * @param autoLookupSingleBooks autoLookupSingleBooks true to indicate that for a single book, we should lookup * the chapters inside * @return the list of matching names */ private List<BookName> getBooks(final String bookStart, final Versification versification, final String bookScope, final boolean autoLookupSingleBooks) { final String searchPattern = bookStart.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()).trim(); final List<BookName> matchingNames = new ArrayList<BookName>(); final Iterator<BibleBook> bookIterator = versification.getBookIterator(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(bookScope)) { final List<BookName> optionsInBook = getChapters(versification, versification.getBook(bookScope)); return optionsInBook; } BibleBook b = null; while (bookIterator.hasNext()) { final BibleBook book =; if (versification.getLongName(book).toLowerCase().startsWith(searchPattern) || versification.getPreferredName(book).toLowerCase().startsWith(searchPattern) || versification.getShortName(book).toLowerCase().startsWith(searchPattern)) { b = book; addBookName(matchingNames, book, versification); } } if (autoLookupSingleBooks && matchingNames.size() == 1) { final List<BookName> optionsInBook = getChapters(versification, b); if (!optionsInBook.isEmpty()) { return optionsInBook; } } return matchingNames; } /** * Adds all Bible books except for INTROs to NT, OT and Bible. * * @param matchingNames the list of current names * @param bookName the book that we are examining * @param versification the versification attached to the book. */ private void addBookName(final List<BookName> matchingNames, final BibleBook bookName, final Versification versification) { if (BibleBook.INTRO_BIBLE.equals(bookName) || BibleBook.INTRO_NT.equals(bookName) || BibleBook.INTRO_OT.equals(bookName)) { return; } matchingNames.add(new BookName(versification.getShortName(bookName), versification .getLongName(bookName), DivisionName.BIBLE.contains(bookName) ? BookName.Section.BIBLE_BOOK : BookName.Section.APOCRYPHA, versification.getLastChapter(bookName) != 1, bookName.getOSIS())); } /** * Returns the list of chapters * * @param versification the versification * @param book the book * @return a list of books */ private List<BookName> getChapters(final Versification versification, final BibleBook book) { final int lastChapter = versification.getLastChapter(book); final List<BookName> chapters = new ArrayList<BookName>(); //we add the whole book + all the chapters BookName.Section section = DivisionName.BIBLE.contains(book) ? BookName.Section.BIBLE_BOOK : BookName.Section.APOCRYPHA; chapters.add(new BookName(versification.getShortName(book), versification .getLongName(book), section, versification.getLastChapter(book) != 1, book, false, book.getOSIS())); for (int ii = 1; ii <= lastChapter; ii++) { // final char f = Character.toUpperCase(searchSoFar.charAt(0)); // make sure first letter is CAPS, followed by the rest of the word and the chapter number final String chapNumber = String .format(BOOK_CHAPTER_FORMAT, versification.getShortName(book), ii); final String longChapNumber = String.format(BOOK_CHAPTER_FORMAT, versification.getLongName(book), ii); chapters.add(new BookName(chapNumber, longChapNumber, BookName.Section.PASSAGE, false, book, true, JSwordUtils.getChapterOsis(book, ii))); } return chapters; } @Override public boolean hasVocab(final String version) { return supportsStrongs(this.versificationService.getBookFromVersion(version)); } @Override public boolean supportsStrongs(Book book) { return book.hasFeature(FeatureType.STRONGS_NUMBERS); } @Override public String[] getLanguages(final String... versions) { String[] languages = new String[versions.length]; for (int i = 0; i < versions.length; i++) { final String version = versions[i]; Book b = this.versificationService.getBookFromVersion(version); languages[i] = b.getLanguage().getCode(); } return languages; } @Override public InterlinearMode getBestInterlinearMode(String version, List<String> extraVersions, final InterlinearMode interlinearMode) { if (extraVersions == null || extraVersions.size() == 0) { return InterlinearMode.NONE; } //we've at least got several versions here, so, we prefer the option given to defaults if (interlinearMode == InterlinearMode.INTERLEAVED || interlinearMode == InterlinearMode.COLUMN) { return interlinearMode; } //so we've either asked for nothing, or asked for something that we need to check is appropriate Book main = this.versificationService.getBookFromVersion(version); String firstLanguage = main.getLanguage().getCode(); boolean supportsStrongs = this.supportsStrongs(main); boolean sameLanguageAndBible = main.getBookCategory() == BIBLE; for (String extraVersion : extraVersions) { Book b = this.versificationService.getBookFromVersion(extraVersion); if (supportsStrongs && !this.supportsStrongs(b)) { supportsStrongs = false; } if (!firstLanguage.equalsIgnoreCase(b.getLanguage().getCode()) || b.getBookCategory() != BIBLE) { sameLanguageAndBible = false; } //small optimization if (!supportsStrongs && !sameLanguageAndBible) { break; } } //if compare options were given and are available, we return these. if (interlinearMode == InterlinearMode.INTERLEAVED_COMPARE || interlinearMode == InterlinearMode.COLUMN_COMPARE) { return getSameOrDowngradedInterlinearMode(interlinearMode, sameLanguageAndBible); } if (interlinearMode == InterlinearMode.INTERLINEAR && supportsStrongs && allVersionsSameTagging(version, extraVersions)) { return InterlinearMode.INTERLINEAR; } return InterlinearMode.INTERLEAVED; } /** * We check that all versions have the same Greek/Hebrew tagging. For example, Septuagint tagged texts should * not be mapped to the Hebrew texts * @param version the version * @param extraVersions the extra versions * @return true if all versions are of the same kind */ private boolean allVersionsSameTagging(final String version, final List<String> extraVersions) { final boolean isSeptuagint = this.versionResolver.isSeptuagintTagging(version); for(String v : extraVersions) { if(isSeptuagint != this.versionResolver.isSeptuagintTagging(v)) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public boolean supportsFeature(final String version, LookupOption... options) { Book b = this.versificationService.getBookFromVersion(version); for(LookupOption lo : options) { FeatureType ft = lo.getFeature(); if(ft != null) { if(!b.getBookMetaData().hasFeature(ft)) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * if all versions are of the same language, then we return the interlinear mode. * Otherwise we return INTERLEAVED if INTERLEAVED_COMPARE was given, and COLUMN if COLUMN_COMPARED was given * * @param interlinearMode the original interlinear mode * @param sameLanguage true to indicate all versions are of the same language * @return the final interlinear mode to be used going forward. */ private InterlinearMode getSameOrDowngradedInterlinearMode(final InterlinearMode interlinearMode, final boolean sameLanguage) { if (sameLanguage) { return interlinearMode; } else if (interlinearMode == InterlinearMode.INTERLEAVED_COMPARE) { return InterlinearMode.INTERLEAVED; } else { return InterlinearMode.COLUMN; } } }