package com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.impl; import; import com.tyndalehouse.step.core.exceptions.StepInternalException; import com.tyndalehouse.step.core.exceptions.TranslatedException; import com.tyndalehouse.step.core.models.BibleInstaller; import com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.helpers.VersionResolver; import com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.JSwordModuleService; import com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.JSwordVersificationService; import com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.JSwordUtils; import com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.ValidateUtils; import org.crosswire.common.progress.JobManager; import org.crosswire.common.progress.Progress; import org.crosswire.common.progress.WorkEvent; import org.crosswire.common.progress.WorkListener; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.crosswire.jsword.index.IndexManager; import org.crosswire.jsword.index.IndexManagerFactory; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Named; import javax.inject.Singleton; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import static com.tyndalehouse.step.core.exceptions.UserExceptionType.SERVICE_VALIDATION_ERROR; import static com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.ValidateUtils.notBlank; import static java.lang.String.format; /** * Service to manipulate modules * * @author chrisburrell */ @Singleton public class JSwordModuleServiceImpl implements JSwordModuleService { private static final int INDEX_WAITING = 1000; private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JSwordModuleServiceImpl.class); private static final String CURRENT_BIBLE_INDEX_JOB = "Creating index. Processing %s"; // BE CAREFUL about using these installers. private final List<Installer> bookInstallers; private final List<Installer> offlineInstallers; private final JSwordVersificationService versificationService; private final VersionResolver versionResolver; private boolean offline = false; /** * @param installers a list of installers to use to download books * @param offlineInstallers the set of installers to use offline, rather than online */ @Inject public JSwordModuleServiceImpl(@Named("onlineInstallers") final List<Installer> installers, @Named("offlineInstallers") final List<Installer> offlineInstallers, final JSwordVersificationService versificationService, final VersionResolver versionResolver) { this.bookInstallers = installers; this.offlineInstallers = offlineInstallers; this.versificationService = versificationService; this.versionResolver = versionResolver; // add a handler to be notified of all job progresses JobManager.addWorkListener(new WorkListener() { @Override public void workStateChanged(final WorkEvent ev) { // Never fired - mailed jsword-devel list. so unfortunately need to use below } @Override public void workProgressed(final WorkEvent ev) { // ignore for now... final Progress job = ev.getJob(); LOGGER.trace("Work [{}] at [{}] / [{}]", new Object[]{job.getJobName(), job.getTotalWork(), job.getTotalWork()}); } }); } // CHECKSTYLE:OFF @Override public List<Installer> getInstallers() { return this.offline ? this.offlineInstallers : this.bookInstallers; } // CHECKSTYLE:ON @Override public void setOffline(final boolean offline) { this.offline = offline; } @Override public boolean isInstalled(final String... modules) { for (final String moduleInitials : modules) { if (this.versificationService.getBookSilently(moduleInitials) == null) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public boolean isIndexed(final String version) { final IndexManager indexManager = IndexManagerFactory.getIndexManager(); return indexManager.isIndexed(this.versificationService.getBookFromVersion(version)); } @Override public void index(final String initials) { final IndexManager indexManager = IndexManagerFactory.getIndexManager(); final Book book = this.versificationService.getBookFromVersion(initials); if (!indexManager.isIndexed(book)) { indexManager.scheduleIndexCreation(book); } } @Override public void reIndex(final String initials) { final Book book = this.versificationService.getBookFromVersion(initials); try { IndexManagerFactory.getIndexManager().deleteIndex(book); } catch (final Exception e) {"Error deleting index. Attempting to rebuild index all the same"); LOGGER.trace("Error deleting index. Attempting to rebuild index all the same", e); } IndexManagerFactory.getIndexManager().scheduleIndexCreation(book); } @Override public void installBook(final int installerIndex, final String initials) { if (installerIndex == -1) { installBook(initials); return; } final List<Installer> installers = getInstallers(); final List<Installer> reducedInstallers = new ArrayList<Installer>(); reducedInstallers.add(installers.get(installerIndex)); installFromInstallers(initials, reducedInstallers); } @Override public void installBook(final String initials) { installFromInstallers(initials, getInstallers()); } private void installFromInstallers(final String initials, List<Installer> installers) { LOGGER.debug("Installing module [{}]", initials); notBlank(initials, "No version was found", SERVICE_VALIDATION_ERROR); // check if already installed? if (!isInstalled(initials)) { LOGGER.debug("Book was not already installed, so kicking off installation process for [{}]", initials); for (final Installer i : installers) { //long initials String longInitials = this.versionResolver.getLongName(initials); final Book bookToBeInstalled = i.getBook(longInitials); if (bookToBeInstalled != null) { // then we can kick off installation and return try { i.install(bookToBeInstalled); return; } catch (final InstallException e) { // we log error here, LOGGER.error( "An error occurred error, and we unable to use this installer for module" + initials, e ); // but go round the loop to see if more options are available continue; } } } // if we get here, then we were unable to install the book // since we couldn't find it. LOGGER.error("Unable to install: [{}]", initials); throw new TranslatedException("book_not_found", initials); } // if we get here then we had already installed the book - how come we're asking for this again? LOGGER.warn("A request to install an already installed book was made for initials " + initials); } @Override public double getProgressOnInstallation(final String version) { notBlank(version, "The book name provided was blank", SERVICE_VALIDATION_ERROR); if (isInstalled(version)) { return 1; } // not yet installed (or at least wasn't on the lines above, so check job list String longVersionName = this.versionResolver.getLongName(version); final Iterator<Progress> iterator = JobManager.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final Progress p =; final String expectedJobName = format(Progress.INSTALL_BOOK, longVersionName); if (expectedJobName.equals(p.getJobID())) { if (p.isFinished()) { return 1; } return (double) p.getWorkDone() / p.getTotalWork(); } } // the job may have completed by now, while we did the search, so do a final check if (isInstalled(version)) { return 1; } throw new StepInternalException( "An unknown error has occurred: the job has disappeared of the job list, " + "but the module is not installed" ); } @Override public double getProgressOnIndexing(final String bookName) { notBlank(bookName, "The book name to be indexed was blank", SERVICE_VALIDATION_ERROR); if (isIndexed(bookName)) { return 1; } // not yet installed (or at least wasn't on the lines above, so check job list String longVersionName = this.versionResolver.getLongName(bookName); final Iterator<Progress> iterator = JobManager.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final Progress p =; final String expectedJobName = format(CURRENT_BIBLE_INDEX_JOB, longVersionName); if (expectedJobName.equals(p.getJobName())) { if (p.isFinished()) { return 1; } return (double) p.getWork() / p.getTotalWork(); } } // the job may have completed by now, while we did the search, so do a final check if (isIndexed(bookName)) { return 1; } throw new StepInternalException( "An unknown error has occurred: the job has disappeared of the job list, " + "but the module is not installed" ); } @Override public void reloadInstallers() { boolean errors = false; LOGGER.trace("About to reload installers"); final List<Installer> installers = getInstallers(); for (final Installer i : installers) { try { LOGGER.trace("Reloading installer [{}]", i.getInstallerDefinition()); i.reloadBookList(); } catch (final InstallException e) { errors = true; LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } if (errors) { throw new StepInternalException( "Errors occurred while trying to retrieve the latest installer information"); } } @Override public List<Book> getInstalledModules(final boolean allVersions, final String language, final BookCategory... bibleCategory) { if (!allVersions) { ValidateUtils.notNull(language, "Locale was not passed by requester", SERVICE_VALIDATION_ERROR); } // TODO : TOTOTOTOTOTOTOTO final String tempLang; if ("eng".equals(language)) { tempLang = "en"; } else { tempLang = language; } if (bibleCategory == null || bibleCategory.length == 0) { return new ArrayList<Book>(); } // quickly transform the categories to a set for fast comparison final Set<BookCategory> categories = new HashSet<BookCategory>(); for (int ii = 0; ii < bibleCategory.length; ii++) { categories.add(bibleCategory[ii]); } // we set up a filter to retrieve just certain types of books final BookFilter bf = new BookFilter() { @Override @SuppressWarnings("PMD.JUnit4TestShouldUseTestAnnotation") public boolean test(final Book b) { return categories.contains(b.getBookCategory()) && (allVersions || isAcceptableVersions(b, tempLang)); } }; return Books.installed().getBooks(bf); } /** * @param locale the language we are interested in * @param book the book we are testing * @return true if we are to accept the book */ private boolean isAcceptableVersions(final Book book, final String locale) { return JSwordUtils.isAncientBook(book) || locale.equals(book.getLanguage().getCode()); } @Override public List<Book> getInstalledModules(final BookCategory... bibleCategory) { return getInstalledModules(true, null, bibleCategory); } @Override public List<Book> getAllModules(int installerIndex, final BookCategory... bibleCategory) { final List<Book> books = new ArrayList<Book>(); List<Installer> installers = getInstallers(); if (installerIndex != -1) { //use a single installer Installer installer = installers.get(installerIndex); installers = new ArrayList<Installer>(); installers.add(installer); } for (final Installer installer : installers) { try { installer.reloadBookList(); final List<Book> installerBooks = installer.getBooks(); // iterate through books, doing a linear search for each category, because the list is only 1 // - 4 items bigs, likely 2 for (final Book b : installerBooks) { for (final BookCategory cat : bibleCategory) { if (cat.equals(b.getBookCategory())) { books.add(b); break; } } } } catch (final InstallException e) { // log an error LOGGER.error("Unable to update installer", e); } } return books; } @Override public void removeModule(final String initials) { final Book book = this.versificationService.getBookFromVersion(initials); if (book != null) { Book deadBook = Books.installed().getBook(book.getInitials()); try { IndexManagerFactory.getIndexManager().deleteIndex(deadBook); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn("Deleting search index failed: " + initials, e); } try { deadBook.getDriver().delete(deadBook); } catch (final Exception e) { // book wasn't found probably LOGGER.warn("Deleting book failed: " + initials, e); } } } @Override public void waitForIndexes(final String... versions) { for (final String s : versions) { while (!this.isIndexed(s)) { try { Thread.sleep(INDEX_WAITING); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { LOGGER.warn("Interrupted exception", e); } } } } @Override public BibleInstaller addDirectoryInstaller(final String directoryPath) { final DirectoryListingInstaller installer = new DirectoryListingInstaller(directoryPath, directoryPath); this.bookInstallers.add(installer); return new BibleInstaller(this.bookInstallers.size() - 1, installer.getInstallerName(), false); } }