package; import com.tyndalehouse.step.core.exceptions.TranslatedException; import com.tyndalehouse.step.core.models.StringAndCount; import com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.impl.IndividualSearch; import com.tyndalehouse.step.core.service.jsword.JSwordVersificationService; import com.tyndalehouse.step.core.utils.StringUtils; import; import; import org.crosswire.jsword.passage.Key; import org.crosswire.jsword.passage.NoSuchKeyException; import org.crosswire.jsword.versification.BibleBook; import org.crosswire.jsword.versification.Versification; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; /** * An abstract class that helps build queries for the nave lucene index. */ public class AbstractSubjectSearchServiceImpl { private static final String NAVE_EXPANDED_REFS = "expandedReferences:"; private final JSwordVersificationService jSwordVersificationService; /** * @param jSwordVersificationService versification service */ public AbstractSubjectSearchServiceImpl(final JSwordVersificationService jSwordVersificationService) { this.jSwordVersificationService = jSwordVersificationService; } /** * For searching against an index, it is not often the case that we want to expand the whole reference. This method * gives us the shortest viable prefix useful for searching. * <pre> * For whole books, we can search for Matt. * For chapters, we can search for Matt.1. * For everything else, we expand the reference to its full OSIS Id * </pre> * * @param versions the master version * @param mainRange the key we want to restrict by, in the form +[a-z] * @return the shortest viable prefix in the form expandedReferences:Matt.11.1 expandedReferences:Mat.12.2 */ StringAndCount getInputReferenceForNaveSearch(final String[] versions, final String mainRange) { final StringAndCount restrictionByInput = getLuceneInputReferenceRestriction(versions[0], mainRange); return new StringAndCount(getLuceneScopeFragment(versions) + " " + restrictionByInput.getValue(), restrictionByInput.getCount()); } /** * This is part 1 of 2 that gives us a retriction on a book reference, as input by the user. * @param version the master version * @param mainRange the main range input by the user * @return the shortest viable prefix */ StringAndCount getLuceneInputReferenceRestriction(String version, String mainRange) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(mainRange)) { return new StringAndCount("", 0); } //strip out any + and square brackets Matcher matcher = IndividualSearch.MAIN_RANGE.matcher(mainRange); final boolean hasReference = matcher.find(); String key; if (!hasReference || matcher.groupCount() < 2) { //assume un-wrapped reference key = mainRange; } else { key =; } final Book master = this.jSwordVersificationService.getBookFromVersion(version); final Key k; try { k = master.getKey(key); } catch (NoSuchKeyException e) { throw new TranslatedException(e, "invalid_reference_in_book", key, version); } //now work out what we're looking at String keyOsisID = k.getOsisID(); boolean hasSpaces = keyOsisID.indexOf(' ') != -1; int firstDot = keyOsisID.indexOf('.'); boolean hasDots = firstDot != -1; if (!hasSpaces && !hasDots) { //no spaces and no ., so has to be a whole book return wrapRefForLucene(keyOsisID, true); } if (hasSpaces) { //then we're looking at a list of things, so, let's make one last attempt, in case we're looking at whole books... String osisRef = k.getOsisRef(); if(osisRef.indexOf('.') == -1) { //then we're looking at a series of books of some kind..., either joint (Gen-Exod) or disjointed //(Gen Lev Mar) return getBooksFromRefs(this.jSwordVersificationService.getVersificationForVersion(version), osisRef); } return prefixWithNaveRefTerm(keyOsisID); } //so no spaces, but does have dots //then we're looking at a single chapter - has to be. Because OSIS IDs for ranges gets expanded. // Or at a single verse int numDots = StringUtils.countMatches(keyOsisID, "."); if (numDots > 1) { //then definitely a verse, so return the exact osis id with no * return wrapRefForLucene(keyOsisID, false); } //only 1 dot, so we're either looking at a chapter (Matt.1, or a verse Obad.1) //otherwise, either looking at a chapter or a short book String bookName = keyOsisID.substring(0, firstDot); BibleBook bibleBook = BibleBook.fromExactOSIS(bookName); if (bibleBook.isShortBook()) { //then we're definitely looking at a verse return wrapRefForLucene(keyOsisID, false); } //long book, so chapter ref return wrapRefForLucene(keyOsisID, true); } private StringAndCount getBooksFromRefs(final Versification v11n, final String osisRef) { final StringBuilder lucenePrefix = new StringBuilder(32); lucenePrefix.append("+("); final String[] ranges = StringUtils.split(osisRef); int count = 0; for(String r : ranges) { if(r.indexOf('-') != -1) { final String[] bookStartEnd = StringUtils.split(r, "-"); final BibleBook start = BibleBook.fromExactOSIS(bookStartEnd[0]); final BibleBook end = BibleBook.fromExactOSIS(bookStartEnd[1]); count++; appendLuceneBookPrefix(lucenePrefix, bookStartEnd[0]); BibleBook b = start; while((b = v11n.getNextBook(b)) != null && !b.equals(end)) { count++; appendLuceneBookPrefix(lucenePrefix, b.getOSIS()); } appendLuceneBookPrefix(lucenePrefix, bookStartEnd[1]); count++; } else { count++; //single book appendLuceneBookPrefix(lucenePrefix, r); } } lucenePrefix.append(")"); return new StringAndCount(lucenePrefix.toString(), count); } private void appendLuceneBookPrefix(StringBuilder lucenePrefix, String r) { lucenePrefix.append(NAVE_EXPANDED_REFS); lucenePrefix.append(r); lucenePrefix.append(".* "); } /** * Wraps around making this argument mandatory and prefixing the correct field * * @param keyOsisID the fragment to be wrapped * @return the fragment in the form +(arg*) */ private StringAndCount wrapRefForLucene(String keyOsisID, boolean prefix) { return new StringAndCount(new StringBuilder().append("+(") .append(NAVE_EXPANDED_REFS).append(keyOsisID) .append(prefix ? ".*" : "") .append(")").toString(), 1); } /** * Splits the string and prefixes the nave expanded refs field * * @param keyOsisID the key to transform, in the form Matt.11.1 Matt.12.2 * @return the prefix in the form expandedReferences:Matt.11.1 expandedReferences:Mat.12.2 */ private StringAndCount prefixWithNaveRefTerm(String keyOsisID) { final String[] parts = StringUtils.split(keyOsisID); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(2 * keyOsisID.length()); int count = 0; sb.append("+("); for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { count++; String p = parts[i]; sb.append(NAVE_EXPANDED_REFS); sb.append(p); if (i + 1 < parts.length) { sb.append(' '); } } sb.append(")"); return new StringAndCount(sb.toString(), count); } /** * A lucene fragment which will limit the return results based on the total scope of all books * @param originalVersions the original versions * @return the fragment to limit the query */ String getLuceneScopeFragment(final String[] originalVersions) { final Set<BibleBook> bookScopeForVersions = this.getBookListForVersions(originalVersions); //this is a gross assumption that the 66 books are canonical, but it's probably worth it for the effort //spared in the query. if(bookScopeForVersions.size() >= 66) { //don't restrict, there's no point return ""; } final StringBuilder fragment = new StringBuilder(bookScopeForVersions.size() * 5); fragment.append("+("); for (Iterator<BibleBook> iterator = bookScopeForVersions.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { BibleBook b =; fragment.append(NAVE_EXPANDED_REFS); fragment.append(b.getOSIS()); fragment.append(".*"); if(iterator.hasNext()) { fragment.append(' '); } } fragment.append(") "); return fragment.toString(); } /** * @param originalVersions versions of interest * @return A set of books from a list of version */ protected Set<BibleBook> getBookListForVersions(final String[] originalVersions) { final Set<BibleBook> bibleBooks = new HashSet<BibleBook>(); for(final String version : originalVersions) { bibleBooks.addAll(((AbstractPassageBook) this.jSwordVersificationService.getBookFromVersion(version)).getBibleBooks()); } return bibleBooks; } }