/** * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 FoundationDB, LLC * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package com.foundationdb.server.test.it.dxl; import com.foundationdb.ais.model.Table; import com.foundationdb.ais.model.TableName; import com.foundationdb.qp.row.Row; import com.foundationdb.server.api.dml.scan.NewRow; import com.foundationdb.server.error.DuplicateTableNameException; import com.foundationdb.server.error.NoSuchTableException; import com.foundationdb.server.error.ProtectedTableDDLException; import com.foundationdb.server.test.it.ITBase; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; public class RenameTableIT extends ITBase { private static final String SCHEMA = "test"; private static final String C_NAME = "c"; private static final String A_NAME = "a"; private static final String O_NAME = "o"; private static final String I_NAME = "i"; private void createCTable() { createTable(SCHEMA, C_NAME, "id int not null, primary key(id)"); } private void createATable() { createTable(SCHEMA, A_NAME, "id int not null, cid int, primary key(id)", akibanFK("cid", C_NAME, "id")); } private void createOTable() { createTable(SCHEMA, O_NAME, "id int not null, cid int, primary key(id)", akibanFK("cid", C_NAME, "id")); } private void createITable() { createTable(SCHEMA, I_NAME, "id int not null, oid int, primary key(id)", akibanFK("oid", O_NAME, "id")); } private int writeCRows() { int cid = tableId(SCHEMA, C_NAME); return writeRows(row(cid, 1L), row(cid, 2L), // no As, Os row(cid, 3L), // no Os row(cid, 5L)).size(); } private int writeARows() { int aid = tableId(SCHEMA, A_NAME); return writeRows(row(aid, 1L, 1L), row(aid, 2L, 3L), row(aid, 3L, 4L), // orphan row(aid, 5L, 5L)).size(); } private int writeORows() { int oid = tableId(SCHEMA, O_NAME); return writeRows(row(oid, 1L, 1L), row(oid, 2L, 1L), // no Is row(oid, 3L, 2L), row(oid, 4L, 2L), row(oid, 5L, 4L), // orphan row(oid, 6L, 4L), // orphan row(oid, 9L, 5L)).size(); } private int writeIRows() { int iid = tableId(SCHEMA, I_NAME); return writeRows(row(iid, 1L, 1L), row(iid, 2L, 1L), row(iid, 3L, 3L), row(iid, 4L, 3L), row(iid, 5L, 4L), row(iid, 6L, 5L), row(iid, 7L, 6L), row(iid, 8L, 6L), row(iid, 9L, 7L), // orphan row(iid, 10L, 7L), // orphan row(iid, 11L, 9L)).size(); } private void expectTablesInSchema(String schemaName, String... tableNames) { Set<String> actualInSchema = new TreeSet<>(); for(Table table : ddl().getAIS(session()).getTables().values()) { if(table.getName().getSchemaName().equals(schemaName)) { actualInSchema.add(table.getName().getTableName()); } } Set<String> expectedInSchema = new TreeSet<>(); expectedInSchema.addAll(Arrays.asList(tableNames)); assertEquals("Tables in schema " + schemaName, expectedInSchema, actualInSchema); } private void expectStatusAndScanCount(String schemaName, String tableName, long rowCount) { int id = tableId(schemaName, tableName); expectRowCount(id, rowCount); List<Row> rows = scanAll(id); assertEquals("Scan rows: " + rows, rowCount, rows.size()); } @Test(expected= NoSuchTableException.class) public void nonExistingTable() { ddl().renameTable(session(), tableName("a", "b"), tableName("b", "c")); } @Test public void duplicateInSameSchema() { final String NEW_NAME = "new_name"; createCTable(); int rowCount = writeCRows(); createTable(SCHEMA, NEW_NAME, "id int not null primary key"); try { ddl().renameTable(session(), tableName(SCHEMA, C_NAME), tableName(SCHEMA, NEW_NAME)); Assert.fail("Expected DuplicateTableNameException"); } catch(DuplicateTableNameException e) { } expectTablesInSchema(SCHEMA, C_NAME, NEW_NAME); expectStatusAndScanCount(SCHEMA, C_NAME, rowCount); expectStatusAndScanCount(SCHEMA, NEW_NAME, 0); } @Test public void duplicateInDifferentSchema() { final String NEW_SCHEMA = "new_schema"; final String NEW_NAME = "new_name"; createCTable(); int rowCount = writeCRows(); createTable(NEW_SCHEMA, NEW_NAME, "id int not null primary key"); try { ddl().renameTable(session(), tableName(SCHEMA, C_NAME), tableName(NEW_SCHEMA, NEW_NAME)); Assert.fail("Expected DuplicateTableNameException"); } catch(DuplicateTableNameException e) { } expectTablesInSchema(SCHEMA, C_NAME); expectTablesInSchema(NEW_SCHEMA, NEW_NAME); expectStatusAndScanCount(SCHEMA, C_NAME, rowCount); expectStatusAndScanCount(NEW_SCHEMA, NEW_NAME, 0); } @Test public void toSystemSchema() { createCTable(); int rowCount = writeCRows(); try { ddl().renameTable(session(), tableName(SCHEMA, C_NAME), tableName(TableName.INFORMATION_SCHEMA, C_NAME)); Assert.fail("Expected ProtectedTableDDLException"); } catch(ProtectedTableDDLException e) { } expectTablesInSchema(SCHEMA, C_NAME); expectStatusAndScanCount(SCHEMA, C_NAME, rowCount); } @Test public void singleTableJustName() { final String NEW_NAME = "ahh"; createCTable(); int rowCount = writeCRows(); ddl().renameTable(session(), tableName(SCHEMA, C_NAME), tableName(SCHEMA, NEW_NAME)); expectTablesInSchema(SCHEMA, NEW_NAME); expectStatusAndScanCount(SCHEMA, NEW_NAME, rowCount); } @Test public void singleTableNameAndSchema() { final String NEW_SCHEMA = "box"; final String NEW_NAME = "cob"; createCTable(); int rowCount = writeCRows(); ddl().renameTable(session(), tableName(SCHEMA, C_NAME), tableName(NEW_SCHEMA, NEW_NAME)); expectTablesInSchema(SCHEMA); expectTablesInSchema(NEW_SCHEMA, NEW_NAME); expectStatusAndScanCount(NEW_SCHEMA, NEW_NAME, rowCount); } @Test public void leafTableJustName() { final String NEW_NAME = "DIP"; createCTable(); createATable(); int cCount = writeCRows(); int aCount = writeARows(); ddl().renameTable(session(), tableName(SCHEMA, A_NAME), tableName(SCHEMA, NEW_NAME)); expectTablesInSchema(SCHEMA, C_NAME, NEW_NAME); expectStatusAndScanCount(SCHEMA, C_NAME, cCount); expectStatusAndScanCount(SCHEMA, NEW_NAME, aCount); } @Test public void leafTableNameAndSchema() { final String NEW_SCHEMA = "eep"; final String NEW_NAME = "fee"; createCTable(); createATable(); int cCount = writeCRows(); int aCount = writeARows(); ddl().renameTable(session(), tableName(SCHEMA, A_NAME), tableName(NEW_SCHEMA, NEW_NAME)); expectTablesInSchema(SCHEMA, C_NAME); expectTablesInSchema(NEW_SCHEMA, NEW_NAME); expectStatusAndScanCount(SCHEMA, C_NAME, cCount); expectStatusAndScanCount(NEW_SCHEMA, NEW_NAME, aCount); } @Test public void middleTableJustName() { final String NEW_NAME = "goo"; createCTable(); createOTable(); createITable(); int cCount = writeCRows(); int oCount = writeORows(); int iCount = writeIRows(); ddl().renameTable(session(), tableName(SCHEMA, O_NAME), tableName(SCHEMA, NEW_NAME)); expectTablesInSchema(SCHEMA, C_NAME, NEW_NAME, I_NAME); expectStatusAndScanCount(SCHEMA, C_NAME, cCount); expectStatusAndScanCount(SCHEMA, NEW_NAME, oCount); expectStatusAndScanCount(SCHEMA, I_NAME, iCount); } @Test public void middleTableNameAndSchema() { final String NEW_SCHEMA = "hat"; final String NEW_NAME = "ice"; createCTable(); createOTable(); createITable(); int cCount = writeCRows(); int oCount = writeORows(); int iCount = writeIRows(); ddl().renameTable(session(), tableName(SCHEMA, O_NAME), tableName(NEW_SCHEMA, NEW_NAME)); expectTablesInSchema(SCHEMA, C_NAME, I_NAME); expectTablesInSchema(NEW_SCHEMA, NEW_NAME); expectStatusAndScanCount(SCHEMA, C_NAME, cCount); expectStatusAndScanCount(NEW_SCHEMA, NEW_NAME, oCount); expectStatusAndScanCount(SCHEMA, I_NAME, iCount); } @Test public void renameAllSchemasAndTablesParentDownWithRestartsBetween() throws Exception { final TableName NEW_NAMES[] = { tableName("j","k"), tableName("l","m"), tableName("n","o"), tableName("p","q") }; TableName curNames[] = { tableName(SCHEMA, C_NAME), tableName(SCHEMA, A_NAME), tableName(SCHEMA, O_NAME), tableName(SCHEMA, I_NAME) }; createCTable(); createATable(); createOTable(); createITable(); final int COUNTS[] = { writeCRows(), writeARows(), writeORows(), writeIRows() }; for(int i = 0; i < NEW_NAMES.length; ++i) { ddl().renameTable(session(), curNames[i], NEW_NAMES[i]); curNames[i] = NEW_NAMES[i]; safeRestartTestServices(); for(int j = 0; j < curNames.length; ++j) { TableName tn = curNames[j]; expectStatusAndScanCount(tn.getSchemaName(), tn.getTableName(), COUNTS[j]); } } } /** * bug999467, simulate many repeated alters */ @Test public void renameSameTablesMultipleTimes() { final int LOOPS = 3; final String COL_DEFS = "c1 INT"; final TableName NAME1 = tableName("test", "t1"); final TableName NAME2 = tableName("test", "sql#foo-1"); final TableName NAME3 = tableName("test", "sql#foo_1"); int initialTid = createTable(NAME1, COL_DEFS); writeRows( row(initialTid, 1), row(initialTid, 2), row(initialTid, 3) ); for(int i = 1; i <= LOOPS; ++i) { // Create new table, copy old table from a pk scan int tid2 = createTable(NAME2, COL_DEFS); List<Row> pkRows = scanAllIndex(getTable(tableId(NAME1)).getPrimaryKeyIncludingInternal().getIndex()); assertEquals("Row scanned from original on loop "+i, 3, pkRows.size()); for(Row row : pkRows) { writeRow(tid2, row.value(0).getInt64()); } // Rename both ddl().renameTable(session(), NAME1, NAME3); ddl().renameTable(session(), NAME2, NAME1); ddl().dropTable(session(), NAME3); // Confirm List<Row> newTableRows = scanAll(tableId(NAME1)); assertEquals("Rows scanned after renames and drop on loop "+i, 3, newTableRows.size()); } } }