/** * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 FoundationDB, LLC * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package com.foundationdb.server.test.it.dxl; import com.foundationdb.ais.model.AkibanInformationSchema; import com.foundationdb.ais.model.Group; import com.foundationdb.ais.model.Table; import com.foundationdb.ais.model.TableName; import com.foundationdb.ais.model.aisb2.AISBBasedBuilder; import com.foundationdb.ais.model.aisb2.NewAISBuilder; import com.foundationdb.qp.row.Row; import com.foundationdb.server.error.InvalidOperationException; import com.foundationdb.server.error.NoSuchRowException; import com.foundationdb.server.test.it.ITBase; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.*; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public final class CBasicIT extends ITBase { @Test public void dropTable() throws InvalidOperationException { createTable("testSchema", "customer", "id int not null primary key"); ddl().dropTable(session(), tableName("testSchema", "customer")); AkibanInformationSchema ais = ddl().getAIS(session()); assertNull("expected no table", ais.getTable("testSchema", "customer")); ddl().dropTable(session(), tableName("testSchema", "customer")); // should be no-op; testing it doesn't fail } @Test public void dropGroup() throws InvalidOperationException { createTable("test", "t", "id int not null primary key"); final TableName groupName = ddl().getAIS(session()).getTable("test", "t").getGroup().getName(); ddl().dropGroup(session(), groupName); AkibanInformationSchema ais = ddl().getAIS(session()); assertNull("expected no table", ais.getTable("test", "t")); assertNull("expected no group", ais.getGroup(groupName)); ddl().dropGroup(session(), groupName); } /* * Found from an actual case in the MTR test suite. Caused by recycled RowDefIDs and undeleted table statuses. * Really testing that table statuses get deleted, but about as direct as we can get from this level. */ @Test public void dropThenCreateRowDefIDRecycled() throws InvalidOperationException { NewAISBuilder builder = AISBBasedBuilder.create("test", ddl().getTypesTranslator()); builder.table("t1").autoIncInt("id", 1).pk("id").colString("name", 255); ddl().createTable(session(), builder.ais().getTable("test", "t1")); final int tidV1 = tableId("test", "t1"); writeRow(tidV1, 1, "hello world"); expectRowCount(tidV1, 1); ddl().dropTable(session(), tableName(tidV1)); // Easiest exception trigger was to toggle auto_inc column, failed when trying to update it final int tidV2 = createTable("test", "t2", "id int not null primary key, tag char(1), value decimal(10,2)"); writeRow(tidV2, "1", "a", "49.95"); expectRowCount(tidV2, 1); ddl().dropTable(session(), tableName(tidV2)); } @Test public void updateNoChangeToHKey() throws InvalidOperationException { final int tableId = createTable("testSchema", "customer", "id int not null primary key, name varchar(32)"); expectRowCount(tableId, 0); writeRow(tableId, 0, "hello world"); expectRowCount(tableId, 1); expectRows(tableId, row(tableId, 0, "hello world") ); updateRow(row(tableId, 0, "hello world"), row(tableId, 0, "goodbye cruel world")); expectRowCount(tableId, 1); expectRows(tableId, row(tableId, 0, "goodbye cruel world") ); } @Test public void updateOldOnlyById() throws InvalidOperationException { final int tableId = createTable("testSchema", "customer", "id int not null primary key, name varchar(32)"); expectRowCount(tableId, 0); writeRow(tableId, 0, "hello world"); expectRowCount(tableId, 1); expectRows(tableId, row(tableId, 0, "hello world") ); updateRow(row(tableId, 0, "hello world"), row(tableId, 1, "goodbye cruel world")); expectRowCount(tableId, 1); expectRows(tableId, row(tableId, 1, "goodbye cruel world") ); } @Test(expected=NoRowsUpdatedException.class) public void updateOldNotById() throws InvalidOperationException { final int tableId; try { tableId = createTable("testSchema", "customer", "id int not null primary key, name varchar(32)"); expectRowCount(tableId, 0); writeRow(tableId, 0, "hello world"); expectRowCount(tableId, 1); expectRows(tableId, row(tableId, 0, "hello world") ); } catch (InvalidOperationException e) { throw unexpectedException(e); } Row badRow = row(tableId, 1, "goodbye cruel world"); try { Row old = row(tableId, null, "hello world"); updateRow(old, badRow); } catch (NoSuchRowException e) { expectRows(tableId, row(tableId, 0, "hello world")); throw new NoRowsUpdatedException(); } } /** * We currently can't differentiate between null and unspecified, so not specifying a field is the same as * setting it null. Thus, by providing a truncated definition for both old and new rows, we're essentially * nulling some of the row as well as shortening it. * @throws InvalidOperationException if there's a failure */ @Test public void updateRowPartially() throws InvalidOperationException { final int tableId = createTable("testSchema", "customer", "id int not null primary key, name varchar(32)"); expectRowCount(tableId, 0); writeRow(tableId, 0, "hello world"); expectRowCount(tableId, 1); expectRows(tableId, row(tableId, 0, "hello world") ); updateRow(row(tableId, 0, null), row(tableId, 1, null)); expectRowCount(tableId, 1); expectRows(tableId, row(tableId, 1, null) ); } @Test public void updateChangesHKey() throws InvalidOperationException { final int tableId = createTable("testSchema", "customer", "id int not null primary key, name varchar(32)"); expectRowCount(tableId, 0); writeRow(tableId, 0, "hello world"); expectRowCount(tableId, 1); expectRows(tableId, row(tableId, 0, "hello world") ); updateRow(row(tableId, 0, "hello world"), row(tableId, 1, "goodbye cruel world")); expectRowCount(tableId, 1); expectRows(tableId, row(tableId, 1, "goodbye cruel world") ); } @Test public void deleteRows() throws InvalidOperationException { final int tableId = createTable("testSchema", "customer", "id int not null primary key, name varchar(32)"); expectRowCount(tableId, 0); writeRow(tableId, 0, "doomed row"); expectRowCount(tableId, 1); writeRow(tableId, 1, "also doomed"); expectRowCount(tableId, 2); expectRows(tableId, row(tableId, 0, "doomed row"), row(tableId, 1, "also doomed")); deleteRow(tableId, 0, "doomed row"); expectRowCount(tableId, 1); expectRows(tableId, row(tableId, 1, "also doomed")); deleteRow(tableId, 1, "also doomed"); expectRowCount(tableId, 0); expectRows(tableId); } @Test(expected=NoSuchRowException.class) public void deleteRowNotById() throws InvalidOperationException { final int tableId; try{ tableId = createTable("theschema", "c", "id int not null primary key, name varchar(32)"); expectRowCount(tableId, 0); writeRow(tableId, 0, "the customer's name"); expectRowCount(tableId, 1); expectRows(tableId, row(tableId, 0, "the customer's name")); } catch (InvalidOperationException e) { throw unexpectedException(e); } try { Row deleteAttempt = row(tableId, null, "the customer's name"); deleteRow(deleteAttempt); } catch (NoSuchRowException e) { expectRows(tableId, row(tableId, 0, "the customer's name")); throw e; } } @Test(expected=NoSuchRowException.class) public void deleteMissingRow() throws InvalidOperationException { final int tableId; try{ tableId = createTable("theschema", "c", "id int not null primary key, name varchar(32)"); } catch (InvalidOperationException e) { throw unexpectedException(e); } try { deleteRow(tableId, 0, "this row doesn't exist"); } catch (NoSuchRowException e) { expectRows(tableId); throw e; } } @Test public void schemaIdIncrements() throws Exception { int firstGen = ddl().getGenerationAsInt(session()); createTable("sch", "c1", "id int not null primary key"); int secondGen = ddl().getGenerationAsInt(session()); assertTrue(String.format("failed %d > %d", secondGen, firstGen), secondGen > firstGen); } @Test public void truncate() throws InvalidOperationException { final int tableId = createTable("testSchema", "customer", "id int not null primary key, name varchar(32)"); expectRowCount(tableId, 0); writeRow(tableId, 0, "hello world"); expectRowCount(tableId, 1); dml().truncateTable(session(), tableId); expectRowCount(tableId, 0); } /** * bug1002359: Grouped tables, different schemas, same table name, same column name */ @Test public void groupedTablesWithSameNameAndColumnNames() { createTable("s1", "t1", "id int not null primary key"); createTable("s2", "t1", "some_id int not null primary key, id int, grouping foreign key(id) references s1.t1(id)"); createTable("s3", "t1", "some_id int not null primary key, id int, grouping foreign key(id) references s2.t1(some_id)"); AkibanInformationSchema ais = ddl().getAIS(session()); Group group = ais.getGroup(new TableName("s1", "t1")); assertNotNull("Found group", group); List<TableName> tablesInGroup = new ArrayList<>(); for(Table table : ais.getTables().values()) { if(table.getGroup() == group) { tablesInGroup.add(table.getName()); } } assertEquals("Tables in group", "[s1.t1, s2.t1, s3.t1]", tablesInGroup.toString()); } private static class NoRowsUpdatedException extends RuntimeException { } }