/** * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 FoundationDB, LLC * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package com.foundationdb.server.service.metrics; import com.foundationdb.server.error.AkibanInternalException; import com.foundationdb.server.service.Service; import com.foundationdb.server.service.config.ConfigurationService; import com.foundationdb.server.store.FDBHolder; import com.foundationdb.Database; import com.foundationdb.KeyValue; import com.foundationdb.Range; import com.foundationdb.Transaction; import com.foundationdb.async.Function; import com.foundationdb.async.Future; import com.foundationdb.subspace.Subspace; import com.foundationdb.tuple.ByteArrayUtil; import com.foundationdb.tuple.Tuple2; import com.google.inject.Inject; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; /** Metrics service implemented using system keyspace and compatible * with fdbserver's own metrics. */ public class FDBMetricsService implements MetricsService, Service { public static final boolean BINARY_STRINGS = true; public static final String METRIC_KEY = "TDMetric"; public static final String METRIC_CONF_KEY = "TDMetricConf"; public static final String METRIC_CONF_CHANGES_KEY = "TDMetricConfChanges"; public static final String BOOLEAN_TYPE = "Bool"; public static final String LONG_TYPE = "Int64"; public static final String DEFAULT_ID = "0"; public static final String ENABLED_OPTION = "Enabled"; public static final byte[] ENABLED_FALSE = { (byte)0 }; public static final byte[] ENABLED_TRUE = { (byte)1 }; public static final int NLEVELS = 25; public static final int LEVEL_VALUE_MAX_SIZE = 50000; public static final double METRIC_LEVEL_DIVISOR = Math.log(4); public static final String SQL_LAYER_RUNNING_NAME = "SQLLayerRunning"; public static final String CONFIG_CLUSTER_FILE = "fdbsql.fdb.metrics.cluster_file"; public static final String CONFIG_PREFIX = "fdbsql.fdb.metrics.prefix"; public static final String CONFIG_FLUSH_INTERVAL = "fdbsql.fdb.metrics.flush_interval"; private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FDBMetricsService.class); private final ConfigurationService configService; private final FDBHolder fdbService; private final ConcurrentHashMap<String,BaseMetricImpl<?>> metrics = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final List<KeyValue> pendingWrites = new ArrayList<>(); private final Random random = new Random(); // Effectively final, since set by start and so before service is // available to any client thread. private Database ownDatabase; private Subspace dataSubspace, confSubspace, confChangesSubspace; private long timebase; private String address; private long flushInterval; protected Thread backgroundThread; protected volatile boolean running, anyEnabled, confChanged, metricsConfChanged, metricsDataChanged, backgroundIdle; private volatile Map<List<String>,byte[]> conf; private BooleanMetric sqlLayerRunningMetric; @Inject public FDBMetricsService(ConfigurationService configService, FDBHolder fdbService) { this.configService = configService; this.fdbService = fdbService; } static class MetricLevel<T> { final Deque<MetricLevelValues> values = new ArrayDeque<>(); T lastValue; long lastTime; } static class MetricLevelValues { final long start; byte[] bytes; MetricLevelValues(long start, byte[] bytes) { this.start = start; this.bytes = bytes; } void append(byte[] moreBytes) { byte[] newBytes = new byte[bytes.length + moreBytes.length]; System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, newBytes, 0, bytes.length); System.arraycopy(moreBytes, 0, newBytes, bytes.length, moreBytes.length); bytes = newBytes; } boolean isFull() { return (bytes.length >= LEVEL_VALUE_MAX_SIZE); } } abstract class BaseMetricImpl<T> implements FDBMetric<T> { private final String name; protected volatile boolean enabled, confChanged, valueChanged; protected long changeTime; protected final List<MetricLevel<T>> levels = new ArrayList<>(NLEVELS); protected BaseMetricImpl(String name) { this.name = name; for (int i = 0; i < NLEVELS; i++) { levels.add(new MetricLevel<T>()); } } @Override public String getName() { return name; } @Override public boolean isEnabled() { return enabled; } @Override public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { FDBMetricsService.this.setEnabled(this, enabled, true); } @Override public Future<List<FDBMetric.Value<T>>> readAllValues(Transaction tr) { return FDBMetricsService.this.readAllValues(tr, this); } protected abstract String getType(); protected abstract byte[] encodeValue(); protected abstract byte[] encodeValue(MetricLevel<T> onto); protected abstract List<FDBMetric.Value<T>> decodeValues(byte[] bytes); @Override public String toString() { return getType() + " " + name + " = " + getObject(); } } class BooleanMetricImpl extends BaseMetricImpl<Boolean> implements BooleanMetric { private final AtomicBoolean bvalue = new AtomicBoolean(); public BooleanMetricImpl(String name) { super(name); } @Override public boolean get() { return bvalue.get(); } @Override public void set(boolean value) { if (!enabled) { bvalue.set(value); } else { synchronized (this) { boolean ovalue = bvalue.get(); if (value != ovalue) { if (bvalue.compareAndSet(ovalue, value)) { metricChanged(this); } } } } } @Override public Boolean getObject() { return get(); } @Override public void setObject(Boolean value) { set(value); } @Override public boolean toggle() { if (!enabled) { while (true) { boolean value = bvalue.get(); boolean newValue = !value; if (bvalue.compareAndSet(value, newValue)) { return newValue; } } } else { synchronized (this) { boolean value = !get(); set(value); return value; } } } @Override protected String getType() { return BOOLEAN_TYPE; } @Override protected byte[] encodeValue() { return Tuple2.from(combine(changeTime, get())).pack(); } @Override protected byte[] encodeValue(MetricLevel<Boolean> onto) { return Tuple2.from(combine(changeTime, get()) - combine(onto.lastTime, onto.lastValue)) .pack(); } @Override protected List<FDBMetric.Value<Boolean>> decodeValues(byte[] bytes) { Tuple2 tuple = Tuple2.fromBytes(bytes); int nvalues = tuple.size(); List<FDBMetric.Value<Boolean>> result = new ArrayList<>(nvalues); long tvalue = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nvalues; i++) { tvalue += tuple.getLong(i); long time = tvalue >>> 1; boolean value = ((tvalue & 1) != 0); result.add(new FDBMetric.Value<Boolean>(time, value)); } return result; } // A timestamp and boolean value are stored in a single long // with the time shifted over to make room for the bit. private long combine(long time, boolean value) { return (time * 2) + (value ? 1 : 0); } } class LongMetricImpl extends BaseMetricImpl<Long> implements LongMetric { private final AtomicLong lvalue = new AtomicLong(); public LongMetricImpl(String name) { super(name); } @Override public long get() { return lvalue.get(); } @Override public void set(long value) { if (!enabled) { lvalue.set(value); } else { synchronized (this) { long ovalue = lvalue.get(); if (value != ovalue) { if (lvalue.compareAndSet(ovalue, value)) { metricChanged(this); } } } } } @Override public Long getObject() { return get(); } @Override public void setObject(Long value) { set(value); } @Override public long increment() { if (!enabled) { return lvalue.incrementAndGet(); } else { synchronized (this) { long value = get() + 1; set(value); return value; } } } @Override public long increment(long amount) { if (!enabled) { return lvalue.addAndGet(amount); } else { synchronized (this) { long value = get() + amount; set(value); return value; } } } @Override protected String getType() { return LONG_TYPE; } @Override protected byte[] encodeValue() { // A timestamp and long value are stored as successive integers. return Tuple2.from(changeTime, get()).pack(); } @Override protected byte[] encodeValue(MetricLevel<Long> onto) { return Tuple2.from(changeTime - onto.lastTime, get() - onto.lastValue) .pack(); } @Override protected List<FDBMetric.Value<Long>> decodeValues(byte[] bytes) { Tuple2 tuple = Tuple2.fromBytes(bytes); int nvalues = tuple.size() / 2; List<FDBMetric.Value<Long>> result = new ArrayList<>(nvalues); long time = 0, value = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nvalues; i++) { time += tuple.getLong(i * 2); value += tuple.getLong(i * 2 + 1); result.add(new FDBMetric.Value<Long>(time, value)); } return result; } } /* MetricCollection */ @Override public BooleanMetric addBooleanMetric(String name) { BooleanMetricImpl metric = new BooleanMetricImpl(name); addMetric(metric); return metric; } @Override public LongMetric addLongMetric(String name) { LongMetricImpl metric = new LongMetricImpl(name); addMetric(metric); return metric; } @Override public <T> void removeMetric(BaseMetric<T> metric) { metrics.remove(metric.getName(), metric); } /* Service */ @Override public void start() { String clusterFile = configService.getProperty(CONFIG_CLUSTER_FILE); if (clusterFile.length() == 0) { ownDatabase = null; } else { ownDatabase = fdbService.getFDB().open(clusterFile); } byte[] prefix; try { prefix = configService.getProperty(CONFIG_PREFIX).getBytes("ISO-8859-1"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { throw new AkibanInternalException("Error encoding prefix", ex); } dataSubspace = new Subspace(tupleFrom(METRIC_KEY), prefix); confSubspace = new Subspace(tupleFrom(METRIC_CONF_KEY), prefix); confChangesSubspace = new Subspace(tupleFrom(METRIC_CONF_CHANGES_KEY), prefix); // NOTE: Java does not expose a nanosecond wallclock timer, like POSIX // CLOCK_REALTIME, only one like CLOCK_MONOTONIC. (Among other things, 64 bits is // only 292 years.) There is a tradeoff between using synchronized clocks in a // multi-node environment and using clocks that NTP doesn't change so that // small-scale deltas are always accurate. fdbserver metrics choose the former. timebase = System.currentTimeMillis() * 1000000 - System.nanoTime(); // TODO: Consider recomputing this periodically. See also ServerSchemaTablesServiceImpl. address = ""; try { address = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(); } catch (IOException ex) { // Ignore } address = address + ":" + configService.getProperty("fdbsql.postgres.port"); flushInterval = Long.parseLong(configService.getProperty(CONFIG_FLUSH_INTERVAL)); backgroundThread = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { backgroundThread(); } }; loadConf(); running = true; backgroundThread.start(); sqlLayerRunningMetric = addBooleanMetric(SQL_LAYER_RUNNING_NAME); sqlLayerRunningMetric.set(true); } @Override public void stop() { // Getting this stored back reliably is problematic because there is no // systematic notion of orderly shutdown. sqlLayerRunningMetric.set(false); running = false; notifyBackground(); try { backgroundThread.join(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { backgroundThread.interrupt(); } if (ownDatabase != null) { ownDatabase.dispose(); } metrics.clear(); pendingWrites.clear(); conf.clear(); ownDatabase = null; dataSubspace = confSubspace = confChangesSubspace = null; timebase = flushInterval = 0; address = null; running = anyEnabled = confChanged = metricsConfChanged = metricsDataChanged = backgroundIdle = false; } @Override public void crash() { stop(); } /* For testing */ public void reset() { metrics.clear(); loadConf(); } public void completeBackgroundWork() { do { notifyBackground(); try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } } while (!backgroundIdle || confChanged || metricsConfChanged || metricsDataChanged); } public void deleteBooleanMetric(Transaction tr, String name) { tr.clear(Range.startsWith(dataSubspace.pack(tupleFrom(BOOLEAN_TYPE, name)))); tr.clear(Range.startsWith(confSubspace.pack(tupleFrom(BOOLEAN_TYPE, name)))); } public void deleteLongMetric(Transaction tr, String name) { tr.clear(Range.startsWith(dataSubspace.pack(tupleFrom(LONG_TYPE, name)))); tr.clear(Range.startsWith(confSubspace.pack(tupleFrom(LONG_TYPE, name)))); } /* Internal */ protected Database getDatabase() { if (ownDatabase != null) return ownDatabase; else return fdbService.getDatabase(); } protected void addMetric(BaseMetricImpl<?> metric) { if (metrics.putIfAbsent(metric.getName(), metric) != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("There is already a metric named " + metric.getName()); } updateEnabled(metric); // Get initial enabled state from conf. } protected <T> void metricChanged(BaseMetricImpl<T> metric) { long lastTime = metric.changeTime; // NOTE: changeTime is only accurate for metrics that are enabled, and // to guarantee that it always corresponds to the value, updates to // enabled metrics are synchronized. metric.changeTime = timebase + System.nanoTime(); metric.valueChanged = true; metricsDataChanged = true; int level; if ((lastTime == 0) || (metric.changeTime <= lastTime)) { level = 0; } else { // Longer duration -> higher level. double r = random.nextDouble(); if (r == 0) { level = NLEVELS-1; } else { level = Math.min(NLEVELS-1, (int)(Math.log((metric.changeTime - lastTime) / r) / METRIC_LEVEL_DIVISOR)); } } MetricLevel<T> metricLevel = metric.levels.get(level); MetricLevelValues values = metricLevel.values.peekLast(); if ((values == null) || values.isFull()) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("New level {} entry at {} for {}", new Object[] { level, metric.changeTime, metric }); } values = new MetricLevelValues(metric.changeTime, metric.encodeValue()); metricLevel.values.addLast(values); } else { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Adding to level {} entry at {} for {}", new Object[] { level, metric.changeTime, metric }); } values.append(metric.encodeValue(metricLevel)); } metricLevel.lastValue = metric.getObject(); metricLevel.lastTime = metric.changeTime; } protected void notifyBackground() { if (Thread.currentThread() != backgroundThread) { synchronized (backgroundThread) { backgroundThread.notifyAll(); } } } protected void backgroundThread() { try { while (running) { if (!confChanged && !metricsConfChanged) { try { synchronized (backgroundThread) { backgroundIdle = true; if (anyEnabled) backgroundThread.wait(flushInterval); else backgroundThread.wait(); backgroundIdle = false; } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { break; } } if (confChanged) { logger.debug("Metrics configuration has changed and needs to be loaded."); confChanged = false; updateConf(); } if (metricsConfChanged || metricsDataChanged) { logger.debug("Metrics have changed and need to be saved."); metricsConfChanged = metricsDataChanged = false; writeMetrics(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Error in metrics background thread", ex); } } protected void updateConf() { loadConf(); for (BaseMetricImpl<?> metric : metrics.values()) { if (metric.confChanged) continue; // Pending from this side. updateEnabled(metric); } } // Load configuration settings from storage. // We can't tell which are SQL layer metrics, so we get them all. protected void loadConf() { conf = getDatabase() .run(new Function<Transaction,Map<List<String>,byte[]>>() { @Override public Map<List<String>,byte[]> apply(Transaction tr) { return readConf(tr); } }); logger.debug("Loaded {}: {}", METRIC_CONF_KEY, conf); } protected Map<List<String>,byte[]> readConf(Transaction tr) { tr.options().setAccessSystemKeys(); byte[] confKey = confSubspace.getKey(); List<KeyValue> kvs = tr.getRange(Range.startsWith(confKey)).asList().get(); Map<List<String>,byte[]> result = new HashMap<>(); for (KeyValue kv : kvs) { byte[] tupleBytes = new byte[kv.getKey().length - confKey.length]; System.arraycopy(kv.getKey(), confKey.length, tupleBytes, 0, tupleBytes.length); // TODO: It's a shame that there isn't a fromBytes with index offets. Tuple2 tuple = Tuple2.fromBytes(tupleBytes); List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(tuple.size()); for (int i = 0; i < tuple.size(); i++) { if (BINARY_STRINGS) { try { list.add(new String(tuple.getBytes(i), "UTF-8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { throw new AkibanInternalException("Error decoding binary string", ex); } } else { list.add(tuple.getString(i)); } } result.put(list, kv.getValue()); } // Initiate a watch (from this same transaction) for changes to the key // used to signal configuration changes. tr.watch(confChangesSubspace.getKey()).onReady(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { confChanged = true; notifyBackground(); } }); return result; } protected static Tuple2 tupleFrom(Object... keys) { if (BINARY_STRINGS) { try { for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { if (keys[i] instanceof String) { keys[i] = ((String)keys[i]).getBytes("UTF-8"); } } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { throw new AkibanInternalException("Error encoding binary string", ex); } } return Tuple2.from(keys); } protected void updateEnabled(BaseMetricImpl<?> metric) { List<String> keys = Arrays.asList(metric.getType(), metric.getName(), address, DEFAULT_ID, ENABLED_OPTION); byte[] enabled = conf.get(keys); if (enabled == null) { metric.confChanged = true; // Write conf key for brand new metric. // Check wildcard enabling. keys.set(2, ""); enabled = conf.get(keys); if (enabled != null) { setEnabled(metric, enabled[0] != 0, false); } metricsConfChanged = true; notifyBackground(); } else { setEnabled(metric, enabled[0] != 0, false); } } // Change a metric's enabled flag, either from configuration storage of at // user's request. protected void setEnabled(BaseMetricImpl<?> metric, boolean enabled, boolean explicit) { if (metric.enabled == enabled) return; boolean notifyBackground = false; synchronized (metric) { metric.enabled = enabled; if (enabled) { // As though just changed to current value. metricChanged(metric); } if (explicit) { metric.confChanged = true; } } if (enabled && !anyEnabled) { anyEnabled = true; notifyBackground = true; // So goes to sleep instead of indefinite wait. } if (explicit) { metricsConfChanged = true; notifyBackground = true; } if (notifyBackground) { notifyBackground(); } } protected void writeMetrics() { boolean anyConfChanges = false; for (BaseMetricImpl<?> metric : metrics.values()) { if (!metric.confChanged && !metric.valueChanged) continue; synchronized (metric) { if (metric.confChanged) { anyConfChanges = true; pendingWrites.add(new KeyValue(confSubspace.pack(tupleFrom(metric.getType(), metric.getName(), address, DEFAULT_ID, ENABLED_OPTION)), metric.enabled ? ENABLED_TRUE : ENABLED_FALSE)); metric.confChanged = false; } if (metric.valueChanged) { pendingWrites.add(new KeyValue(dataSubspace.pack(tupleFrom(metric.getType(), metric.getName(), address, DEFAULT_ID)), metric.encodeValue())); metric.valueChanged = false; } for (int level = 0; level < NLEVELS; level++) { MetricLevel<?> metricLevel = metric.levels.get(level); while (true) { MetricLevelValues values = metricLevel.values.pollFirst(); if (values == null) break; pendingWrites.add(new KeyValue(dataSubspace.pack(tupleFrom(metric.getType(), metric.getName(), address, DEFAULT_ID, level, values.start)), values.bytes)); // Continue to fill (will overwrite key with longer value). if (metricLevel.values.isEmpty() && !values.isFull()) { metricLevel.values.addLast(values); break; } } } } } if (anyConfChanges) { // Signal a change in configuration. We will respond to this change, // too, but that seemd harmless and difficult to avoid in a general // way. byte[] bytes = new byte[16]; random.nextBytes(bytes); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Writing {}: {}", METRIC_CONF_CHANGES_KEY, ByteArrayUtil.printable(bytes)); } pendingWrites.add(new KeyValue(confChangesSubspace.getKey(), bytes)); } if (!pendingWrites.isEmpty()) { getDatabase() .run(new Function<Transaction,Void>() { @Override public Void apply(Transaction tr) { tr.options().setAccessSystemKeys(); for (KeyValue kv : pendingWrites) { tr.set(kv.getKey(), kv.getValue()); } return null; } }); pendingWrites.clear(); } } protected <T> Future<List<FDBMetric.Value<T>>> readAllValues(Transaction tr, final BaseMetricImpl<T> metric) { tr.options().setAccessSystemKeys(); return tr.getRange(dataSubspace.pack(tupleFrom(metric.getType(), metric.getName(), address, DEFAULT_ID, 0)), dataSubspace.pack(tupleFrom(metric.getType(), metric.getName(), address, DEFAULT_ID, NLEVELS))) .asList() .map(new Function<List<KeyValue>,List<FDBMetric.Value<T>>> () { @Override public List<FDBMetric.Value<T>> apply(List<KeyValue> kvs) { List<FDBMetric.Value<T>> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (KeyValue kv : kvs) { result.addAll(metric.decodeValues(kv.getValue())); } // Merge all levels. Collections.sort(result, new Comparator<FDBMetric.Value<T>> () { @Override public int compare(FDBMetric.Value<T> v1, FDBMetric.Value<T> v2) { if (v1.time < v2.time) return -1; else if (v1.time > v2.time) return +1; else return 0; } }); return result; } }); } }