package; import com.pugh.sockso.Utils; import java.util.Arrays; public class Files { public static final String DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE = "text/plain"; /** * Valid mime types of accepted media */ private static final String[] mimeTypes = { "audio/mpg", "audio/mpeg", "application/ogg", "audio/x-ms-wma", "audio/flac" }; /** * Valid file extentions */ private static final String[] fileExtensions = { "mp3", "wma", "ogg", "asf", "flac", "m4a" }; /** * returns the mime type for the file an the given path. if the file type * is not known then text/plain is returned (just needs extension really). * * @param path file system path of file * * @return String mime type * */ public static String getMimeType( String path ) { final String ext = Utils.getExt( path ); final String[] mimes = { "css", "text/css", "js", "text/javascript", "png", "image/png", "gif", "image/gif", "ico", "image/x-icon", "swf", "application/x-shockwave-flash", "jpg", "image/jpeg", "mp3", "audio/mpeg", "ogg", "application/ogg", "wma", "audio/x-ms-wma", "asf", "audio/x-ms-asf", "flac", "audio/flac", "xspf", "application/xspf+xml", "pls", "audio/x-scpls", "m3u", "audio/mpegurl", "xml", "text/xml", "m4a", "audio/mp4", "mp4", "audio/mp4", "aac", "audio/aac" }; for (int i = 0; i < mimes.length; i += 2) { if ( mimes[i].equals( ext ) ) { return mimes[i + 1]; } } return DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE; } /** * checks if we support this mime type. returns true if we do, * false otherwise * * @param mimeType the content type to check * * @return true if ok, false otherwise * */ public static boolean isValidMimeType( final String mimeType ) { return Arrays.asList( mimeTypes ).contains( mimeType ); } /** * Checks if the given file extension is valid * * @param ext * * @return * */ public static boolean isValidFileExtension( final String ext ) { return Arrays.asList( fileExtensions ).contains( ext.toLowerCase() ); } }