package com.pugh.sockso.db; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; import joptsimple.OptionSet; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; @Singleton public class SQLiteDatabase extends JDBCDatabase { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger( SQLiteDatabase.class ); private Connection cnn; /** * connects to the database * * @param options * */ public void connect( final OptionSet options ) throws DatabaseConnectionException { try { Class.forName( "org.sqlite.JDBC" ); cnn = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:sqlite:" +getDefaultDatabasePath( ".sqlite" ) ); createStructure(); } catch ( final Exception e ) { throw new DatabaseConnectionException( e.getMessage() ); } } /** * ensures that the database structure is present * */ protected void createStructure() { String sql = ""; try { sql = " create table tracks ( " + " id integer not null primary key autoincrement, " + " artist_id integer not null, " + " album_id integer null, " + " name text not null, " + " path text not null, " + " length integer not null, " + " date_added datetime not null, " + " collection_id integer not null, " + " track_no integer null, " + " genre_id integer null, " + " unique ( artist_id, album_id, name ) " + " ) "; update( sql ); sql = " create table play_log ( " + " id integer not null primary key autoincrement, " + " track_id integer null, " + " date_played datetime not null, " + " user_id integer null, " + " scrobbled integer not null default 0 " + " ) "; update( sql ); sql = " create table playlist_tracks ( " + " id integer not null primary key autoincrement, " + " playlist_id integer null, " + " track_id integer null " + " ) "; update( sql ); sql = " create table playlists ( " + " id integer not null primary key autoincrement, " + " name text not null, " + " date_created datetime not null, " + " date_modified datetime not null, " + " user_id integer null, " + " unique ( name ) " + " ) "; update( sql ); sql = " create table collection ( " + " id integer not null primary key autoincrement, " + " path text not null, " + " unique ( path ) " + " ) "; update( sql ); sql = " create table artists ( " + " id integer not null primary key autoincrement, " + " name text not null, " + " date_added datetime not null, " + " browse_name text null, " + " unique ( name ) " + " ) "; update( sql ); sql = " create table albums ( " + " id integer not null primary key autoincrement, " + " artist_id integer not null, " + " name text not null, " + " year text null, " + " date_added datetime not null, " + " unique ( artist_id, name ) " + " ) "; update( sql ); sql = " create table genres ( " + " id integer not null primary key autoincrement, " + " name text not null, " + " unique ( name ) " + " ) "; update( sql ); sql = " create table request_log ( " + " id integer not null primary key autoincrement, " + " user_id integer null, " + " ip_address text not null, " + " date_of_request datetime not null, " + " request_url text not null, " + " user_agent text not null, " + " referer text not null, " + " cookies text not null " + " ) "; update( sql ); sql = " create table sessions ( " + " id integer not null primary key autoincrement, " + " code text not null, " + " user_id integer not null, " + " date_created datetime not null " + " ) "; update( sql ); sql = " create table users ( " + " id integer not null primary key autoincrement," + " name text not null unique, " + " pass text not null, " + " email text not null," + " date_created datetime not null, " + " is_admin integer not null default 0, " + " is_active integer not null default 1 " + " ) "; update( sql ); sql = " create table properties ( " + " id integer not null primary key autoincrement, " + " name text not null, " + " value text not null," + " unique ( name ) " + " ) "; update( sql ); sql = " create table indexer ( " + " id integer not null primary key autoincrement, " + " last_modified timestamp not null" + " ) "; update( sql ); sql = " create index ix_play_log_track_id " + " on play_log ( track_id ) "; update( sql ); setDefaultProperties(); } catch ( final SQLException e ) { log.error( e ); } } /** * returns the jdbc connection handle * * @return * */ public Connection getConnection() { return cnn; } /** * escapes a string for use in a query * * @param str * * @return * */ public String escape( final String str ) { return str.replaceAll( "'", "''" ); } /** * closes the db connection * */ public void close() { try { cnn.close(); } catch ( final Exception e ) {} } /** * returns the random function * * @return * */ public String getRandomFunction() { return "random"; } }