package com.pugh.sockso; import com.pugh.sockso.cache.ObjectCacheGC; import com.pugh.sockso.db.DBExporter; import com.pugh.sockso.db.Database; import com.pugh.sockso.gui.Splash; import com.pugh.sockso.inject.SocksoModule; import; import; import; import; import com.pugh.sockso.resources.Locale; import com.pugh.sockso.resources.LocaleFactory; import com.pugh.sockso.resources.Resources; import com.pugh.sockso.web.Dispatcher; import com.pugh.sockso.web.HttpServer; import com.pugh.sockso.web.IpFinder; import com.pugh.sockso.web.Server; import com.pugh.sockso.web.SessionCleaner; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.logging.LogManager; import joptsimple.OptionParser; import joptsimple.OptionSet; public class Main { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger( Main.class ); private static volatile boolean shutdownStarted = false; private static Dispatcher dispatcher; private static Database db; private static Properties p; private static Server sv; private static CollectionManager cm; private static Manager manager; private static Resources r; private static Locale locale; private static Indexer indexer; private static SchedulerRunner sched; private static Injector injector; /** * application entry point * * @param args the command line arguments * */ public static void main( final String[] args ) throws Exception{ Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook( new Shutdown() ); initLogger( getLogPropsFile("default") ); initJavaLogger(); // // do initial setup, we're gonna need to parse the command line // arguments, and make sure we're connected to the database // final OptionParser parser = Options.getParser(); OptionSet options = null; try { options = parser.parse(args); } catch ( final Exception e ) { System.err.println( "Invalid command line switch!" ); } // check if user asked for basic things as early as we can, don't // wanna go doing anything we don't need to. if ( options == null || options.has(Options.OPT_HELP) ) { parser.printHelpOn( System.out ); exit( false ); } // print version info? if ( options.has(Options.OPT_VERSION) ) { System.out.println( "Sockso " +Sockso.VERSION ); exit( false ); } // set a user-defined data directory? if ( options.hasArgument(Options.OPT_DATADIR) ) { final File dir = new File( (String) options.valueOf(Options.OPT_DATADIR) ); Utils.setApplicationDirectory( dir ); } setupAppDirectory(); // // final setup from command line options before we try and do // something kinda useful // if ( options.hasArgument(Options.OPT_LOGTYPE) ) { PropertyConfigurator.configure( getLogPropsFile(options.valueOf(Options.OPT_LOGTYPE).toString()) ); } injector = Guice.createInjector( new SocksoModule(options) ); try { db = injector.getInstance( Database.class ); db.connect( options ); } catch ( final Exception e ) { log.error( e ); exit( 1 ); } // // now decide exactly what we're gonna be doing, hmm... // // perform a database query if ( options.has(Options.OPT_QUERY) ) { actionQuery( options ); } // default is start sockso normally else { actionDefault( options ); } } /** * performs a database query and outputs the results * * @param options * */ private static void actionQuery( final OptionSet options ) { BufferedReader in = null; try { String sql = "", line = ""; // if we were given a filename use that as input, otherwise // read from stdin in = new BufferedReader( options.hasArgument(Options.OPT_QUERY) ? new FileReader( options.valueOf(Options.OPT_QUERY).toString() ) : new InputStreamReader( ) ); // read in query, then output xml while ( (line = in.readLine()) != null ) sql += line + "\n"; final DBExporter exporter = new DBExporter( db ); System.out.print( exporter.export( sql, DBExporter.Format.XML ) ); } catch ( final IOException e ) { log.error( e ); } finally { Utils.close(in); } } /** * starts sockso normally in either GUI or Console mode * * @param options * * @throws java.sql.SQLException * */ private static void actionDefault( final OptionSet options ) throws Exception { final boolean useGui = getUseGui( options ); final String localeString = getLocale( options ); "Initializing Resources (" + locale + ")" ); r = injector.getInstance( Resources.class ); r.init( localeString ); LocaleFactory localeFactory = injector.getInstance( LocaleFactory.class ); localeFactory.init( localeString ); if ( useGui ) { Splash.start( r ); } "Loading Properties" ); p = injector.getInstance( Properties.class ); p.init(); "Starting Scheduler" ); sched = injector.getInstance( SchedulerRunner.class ); sched.start(); indexer = injector.getInstance( Indexer.class ); "Starting Collection Manager" ); cm = injector.getInstance( CollectionManager.class ); indexer.addIndexListener( (DBCollectionManager) cm ); injector.getInstance( CommunityUpdater.class ).start(); injector.getInstance( SessionCleaner.class ).init(); injector.getInstance( ObjectCacheGC.class ).start(); final IpFinder ipFinder = injector.getInstance( IpFinder.class ); ipFinder.init(); final int port = getSavedPort( p ); final String protocol = getProtocol( options ); dispatcher = injector.getInstance( Dispatcher.class ); dispatcher.init( protocol, port ); "Starting Web Server" ); sv = injector.getInstance( Server.class ); sv.start( options, port ); if ( options.has(Options.OPT_UPNP) ) { "Trying UPNP Magic" ); UPNP.tryPortForwarding( sv.getPort() ); } manager = injector.getInstance( Manager.class ); final VersionChecker versionChecker = injector.getInstance( VersionChecker.class ); versionChecker.addLatestVersionListener( manager ); versionChecker.fetchLatestVersion();; } /** * returns a boolean indicating if we should start the GUI or not * * @param options * * @return * */ protected static boolean getUseGui( final OptionSet options ) { return !options.has( Options.OPT_NOGUI ); } /** * returns the locale to use (eg. "en", "nb", etc...) * * @param options * * @return * */ protected static String getLocale( final OptionSet options ) { return options.has( Options.OPT_LOCALE ) ? options.valueOf(Options.OPT_LOCALE).toString() : Resources.DEFAULT_LOCALE; } /** * Returns the protocol to use for web serving * * @param options * * @return * */ protected static String getProtocol( final OptionSet options ) { return options.has( Options.OPT_SSL ) ? "https" : "http"; } /** * fetches the port stored in the application properties, if this isn't * something acceptable then it'll return the DEFAULT_PORT * * @param p * * @return * */ protected static int getSavedPort( final Properties props ) { int thePort = HttpServer.DEFAULT_PORT; try { thePort = Integer.parseInt(props.get(Constants.SERVER_PORT)); } catch ( final NumberFormatException e ) { log.error( "Invalid port number: " + e ); } return thePort; } /** * returns name of logger properties file for given type * * @param type the logging type * @return the path to the props file * */ private static String getLogPropsFile( final String type ) { return Constants.LOG_DIR + File.separator + type + ".properties"; } /** * returns name of test logger properties file for given type * * @param type the logging type * @return the path to the props file * */ private static String getTestLogPropsFile( final String type ) { return Constants.TEST_LOG_DIR + File.separator + type + ".properties"; } /** * shuts down the application * */ public static void exit() { exit( 0, true ); } public static void exit( int status ) { exit( status, true ); } public static void exit( boolean showOutput ) { exit( 0, showOutput ); } /** * shuts down the application and exits with the specifed exit code * * @param status the exit code * */ public static void exit( final int status, final boolean showOutput ) { if ( showOutput ) { "Shutting Down" ); } shutdown(); if ( showOutput ) { "Thank you for your attention, bye!" ); } System.exit( status ); } /** * Shuts down application components * */ protected static void shutdown() { if ( !shutdownStarted ) { shutdownStarted = true; if ( indexer != null ) { // @TODO } if ( sv != null ) { sv.shutdown(); sv = null; } if ( manager != null) { manager.close(); manager = null; } shutdownDatabase(); } } /** * Shuts down the database connection if it's open * * @return * */ public static void shutdownDatabase() { // finally shutdown database (do this last so // anything can still be written here from the // other components) if ( db != null ) { db.close(); db = null; } } /** * creates the folder in the users home directory that is used * to store application stuff (the database) * */ private static void setupAppDirectory() { final String[] dirs = { Utils.getApplicationDirectory(), Utils.getCoversDirectory() }; for ( final String dir : dirs ) { final File file = new File( dir ); if ( !file.exists() ) { if ( !file.mkdir() ) { log.fatal( "Unable to create directory: " + dir ); exit( 1 ); } } } } /** * Initializes the logger for the test cases * */ public static void initTestLogger() { initLogger( getTestLogPropsFile("test") ); } /** * Inits the logging framework with the specified props file * * @param propsFile the properties file to use * */ private static void initLogger( final String propsFile ) { if ( new File(propsFile).exists() ) { PropertyConfigurator.configure( propsFile ); } } /** * Inits loggers using java.util.logging * */ private static void initJavaLogger() throws IOException { final File propsFile = new File( getLogPropsFile("javalogging") ); if ( propsFile.exists() ) { final InputStream is = new FileInputStream( propsFile ); LogManager.getLogManager().readConfiguration(is); Utils.close( is ); } } }