package com.pugh.sockso; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; @Singleton public class CommunityUpdater extends Thread implements PropertiesListener { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger( CommunityUpdater.class ); private final int MINUTES_BETWEEN_PINGS = 15; private final Properties p; /** * Create a new community updater * * @param p * */ @Inject public CommunityUpdater( final Properties p ) { this.p = p; p.addPropertiesListener( this ); } /** * When properties are saved interrupt our wait to check if we need to * ping the community server. * * @param p * */ public void propertiesSaved( final Properties p ) { this.interrupt(); } /** * Entry point for this thread * */ @Override public void run() { while ( true ) { check(); try { Thread.sleep( 1000 * 60 * MINUTES_BETWEEN_PINGS ); } catch ( final InterruptedException e ) {} } } /** * Checks if the community is enabled for this server, and sends a ping * if it is. * */ protected void check() { if ( p.get(Constants.COMMUNITY_ENABLED).equals(Properties.YES) ) { ping(); } } /** * Sends a ping request to the community server to inform it that we're * alive and to update our details. * */ protected void ping() { BufferedReader in = null; OutputStreamWriter wr = null; try { String line; final String pingUrl = getPingUrl(); final HttpURLConnection cnn = getUrlConnection( pingUrl ); final String json = "{" + " \"skey\": \"" +getKey()+ "\", " + " \"port\": \"" +p.get(Constants.SERVER_PORT)+ "\", " + " \"basepath\": \"" +p.get(Constants.SERVER_BASE_PATH)+ "\" " + "}"; cnn.setDoOutput( true ); log.debug( "Ping community server: " +json ); wr = new OutputStreamWriter( cnn.getOutputStream() ); wr.write( json ); wr.flush(); in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(cnn.getInputStream()) ); while ( (line = in.readLine()) != null ) { log.debug( "Ping response: " +line ); } } catch ( final IOException e ) { log.error( e ); } finally { Utils.close( wr ); Utils.close( in ); } } /** * Returns the connection object to use (seam for testing) * * @param url * * @return * * @throws IOException * */ protected HttpURLConnection getUrlConnection( final String url ) throws IOException { return (HttpURLConnection) new URL( url ).openConnection(); } /** * Returns the ping url, which can be specified by settings * * @return * */ protected String getPingUrl() { return p.get( Constants.COMMUNITY_PING_URL, Constants.WEBSITE_URL + "/community/ping" ); } /** * Fetches the servers unique key (generating it if it doesn't exist yet) * * @return * */ private String getKey() { String key = p.get( Constants.SERVER_KEY, "" ); if ( key.length() == 0 ) { key = Utils.getRandomString( 32 ); p.set( Constants.SERVER_KEY, key );; } return key; } }