/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * Copyright (c) 2013, MPL CodeInside http://codeinside.ru */ package ru.codeinside.gses.webui.supervisor; import com.vaadin.ui.*; import static com.vaadin.ui.Button.*; public class ConfirmWindow extends Window { public ConfirmWindow(String confirmMessage) { setCaption("Внимание!"); setWidth("30%"); VerticalLayout vl = new VerticalLayout(); vl.setSizeFull(); vl.setSpacing(true); Label messageLabel = new Label(confirmMessage); messageLabel.setStyleName("h1"); vl.addComponent(messageLabel); HorizontalLayout hl = new HorizontalLayout(); hl.setSizeFull(); hl.setSpacing(true); Button okButton = new Button("Да"); Button noButton = new Button("Нет"); okButton.addListener(new ClickListener(){ @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { fireEvent(new ConfirmOkEvent(event.getComponent())); close(); } }); noButton.addListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { close(); } }); hl.addComponent(okButton); hl.addComponent(noButton); hl.setExpandRatio(okButton, 0.99f); vl.addComponent(hl); addComponent(vl); center(); } public class ConfirmOkEvent extends Event { public ConfirmOkEvent(Component source) { super(source); } } }