package liquibase.database; import liquibase.change.Change; import liquibase.change.CheckSum; import liquibase.change.core.AnonymousChange; import liquibase.change.core.DropForeignKeyConstraintChange; import liquibase.change.core.DropSequenceChange; import liquibase.change.core.DropTableChange; import liquibase.change.core.DropViewChange; import liquibase.changelog.ChangeSet; import liquibase.changelog.DatabaseChangeLog; import liquibase.changelog.RanChangeSet; import liquibase.changelog.filter.ContextChangeSetFilter; import liquibase.changelog.filter.DbmsChangeSetFilter; import liquibase.database.core.DB2Database; import liquibase.database.core.DerbyDatabase; import liquibase.database.core.FirebirdDatabase; import liquibase.database.core.MSSQLDatabase; import liquibase.database.core.SQLiteDatabase; import liquibase.database.core.SybaseASADatabase; import liquibase.database.core.SybaseDatabase; import liquibase.database.structure.DatabaseObject; import liquibase.database.structure.ForeignKey; import liquibase.database.structure.Sequence; import liquibase.database.structure.Table; import liquibase.database.structure.View; import liquibase.diff.DiffStatusListener; import liquibase.exception.DatabaseException; import liquibase.exception.DatabaseHistoryException; import liquibase.exception.DateParseException; import liquibase.exception.LiquibaseException; import liquibase.exception.RollbackImpossibleException; import liquibase.exception.StatementNotSupportedOnDatabaseException; import liquibase.exception.UnsupportedChangeException; import liquibase.executor.Executor; import liquibase.executor.ExecutorService; import liquibase.snapshot.DatabaseSnapshot; import liquibase.snapshot.DatabaseSnapshotGeneratorFactory; import liquibase.sql.Sql; import liquibase.sql.visitor.SqlVisitor; import liquibase.sqlgenerator.SqlGeneratorFactory; import liquibase.statement.DatabaseFunction; import liquibase.statement.SqlStatement; import liquibase.statement.core.AddColumnStatement; import liquibase.statement.core.ClearDatabaseChangeLogTableStatement; import liquibase.statement.core.CreateDatabaseChangeLogLockTableStatement; import liquibase.statement.core.CreateDatabaseChangeLogTableStatement; import liquibase.statement.core.GetNextChangeSetSequenceValueStatement; import liquibase.statement.core.GetViewDefinitionStatement; import liquibase.statement.core.MarkChangeSetRanStatement; import liquibase.statement.core.ModifyDataTypeStatement; import liquibase.statement.core.RawSqlStatement; import liquibase.statement.core.RemoveChangeSetRanStatusStatement; import liquibase.statement.core.SelectFromDatabaseChangeLogStatement; import liquibase.statement.core.SetNullableStatement; import liquibase.statement.core.TagDatabaseStatement; import liquibase.statement.core.UpdateChangeSetChecksumStatement; import liquibase.statement.core.UpdateStatement; import liquibase.util.ISODateFormat; import liquibase.util.StreamUtil; import liquibase.util.StringUtils; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * AbstractDatabase is extended by all supported databases as a facade to the underlying database. * The physical connection can be retrieved from the AbstractDatabase implementation, as well as any * database-specific characteristics such as the datatype for "boolean" fields. */ public abstract class AbstractDatabase implements Database { private DatabaseConnection connection; private String defaultSchemaName; protected String currentDateTimeFunction; // List of Database native functions. protected List<DatabaseFunction> databaseFunctions = new ArrayList<DatabaseFunction>(); private List<RanChangeSet> ranChangeSetList; private static Pattern CREATE_VIEW_AS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^CREATE\\s+.*?VIEW\\s+.*?AS\\s+", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL); private String databaseChangeLogTableName = System.getProperty("liquibase.databaseChangeLogTableName") == null ? "DatabaseChangeLog".toUpperCase() : System.getProperty("liquibase.databaseChangeLogTableName"); private String databaseChangeLogLockTableName = System.getProperty("liquibase.databaseChangeLogLockTableName") == null ? "DatabaseChangeLogLock".toUpperCase() : System.getProperty("liquibase.databaseChangeLogLockTableName"); private String liquibaseSchemaName = System.getProperty("liquibase.schemaName") == null ? null : System.getProperty("liquibase.schemaName"); private Integer lastChangeSetSequenceValue; private boolean canCacheLiquibaseTableInfo = false; private boolean hasDatabaseChangeLogTable = false; private boolean hasDatabaseChangeLogLockTable = false; protected BigInteger defaultAutoIncrementStartWith = BigInteger.ONE; protected BigInteger defaultAutoIncrementBy = BigInteger.ONE; final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()); protected AbstractDatabase() { } public boolean requiresPassword() { return true; } public boolean requiresUsername() { return true; } public DatabaseObject[] getContainingObjects() { return null; } // ------- DATABASE INFORMATION METHODS ---- // public DatabaseConnection getConnection() { return connection; } public void setConnection(DatabaseConnection conn) { logger.fine("Connected to " + conn.getConnectionUserName() + "@" + conn.getURL()); this.connection = conn; try { connection.setAutoCommit(getAutoCommitMode()); } catch (DatabaseException sqle) { logger.warning("Can not set auto commit to " + getAutoCommitMode() + " on connection"); } } /** * Auto-commit mode to run in */ public boolean getAutoCommitMode() { return !supportsDDLInTransaction(); } /** * By default databases should support DDL within a transaction. */ public boolean supportsDDLInTransaction() { return true; } /** * Returns the name of the database product according to the underlying database. */ public String getDatabaseProductName() { if (connection == null) { return null; } try { return connection.getDatabaseProductName(); } catch (DatabaseException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot get database name"); } } public String getDatabaseProductVersion() throws DatabaseException { if (connection == null) { return null; } try { return connection.getDatabaseProductVersion(); } catch (DatabaseException e) { throw new DatabaseException(e); } } public int getDatabaseMajorVersion() throws DatabaseException { if (connection == null) { return -1; } try { return connection.getDatabaseMajorVersion(); } catch (DatabaseException e) { throw new DatabaseException(e); } } public int getDatabaseMinorVersion() throws DatabaseException { if (connection == null) { return -1; } try { return connection.getDatabaseMinorVersion(); } catch (DatabaseException e) { throw new DatabaseException(e); } } public String getDefaultCatalogName() throws DatabaseException { return null; } protected String getDefaultDatabaseSchemaName() throws DatabaseException { return getConnection().getConnectionUserName(); } public String getDefaultSchemaName() { return defaultSchemaName; } public void setDefaultSchemaName(String schemaName) throws DatabaseException { this.defaultSchemaName = schemaName; } /** * Returns system (undroppable) tables and views. */ protected Set<String> getSystemTablesAndViews() { return new HashSet<String>(); } // ------- DATABASE FEATURE INFORMATION METHODS ---- // /** * Does the database type support sequence. */ public boolean supportsSequences() { return true; } public boolean supportsAutoIncrement() { return true; } // ------- DATABASE-SPECIFIC SQL METHODS ---- // public void setCurrentDateTimeFunction(String function) { if (function != null) { this.currentDateTimeFunction = function; } } /** * Return a date literal with the same value as a string formatted using ISO 8601. * <p/> * Note: many databases accept date literals in ISO8601 format with the 'T' replaced with * a space. Only databases which do not accept these strings should need to override this * method. * <p/> * Implementation restriction: * Currently, only the following subsets of ISO8601 are supported: * yyyy-MM-dd * hh:mm:ss * yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss */ public String getDateLiteral(String isoDate) { if (isDateOnly(isoDate) || isTimeOnly(isoDate)) { return "'" + isoDate + "'"; } else if (isDateTime(isoDate)) { // StringBuffer val = new StringBuffer(); // val.append("'"); // val.append(isoDate.substring(0, 10)); // val.append(" "); ////noinspection MagicNumber // val.append(isoDate.substring(11)); // val.append("'"); // return val.toString(); return "'" + isoDate.replace('T', ' ') + "'"; } else { return "BAD_DATE_FORMAT:" + isoDate; } } public String getDateTimeLiteral(java.sql.Timestamp date) { return getDateLiteral(new ISODateFormat().format(date).replaceFirst("^'", "").replaceFirst("'$", "")); } public String getDateLiteral(java.sql.Date date) { return getDateLiteral(new ISODateFormat().format(date).replaceFirst("^'", "").replaceFirst("'$", "")); } public String getTimeLiteral(java.sql.Time date) { return getDateLiteral(new ISODateFormat().format(date).replaceFirst("^'", "").replaceFirst("'$", "")); } public String getDateLiteral(Date date) { if (date instanceof java.sql.Date) { return getDateLiteral(((java.sql.Date) date)); } else if (date instanceof java.sql.Time) { return getTimeLiteral(((java.sql.Time) date)); } else if (date instanceof java.sql.Timestamp) { return getDateTimeLiteral(((java.sql.Timestamp) date)); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected type: " + date.getClass().getName()); } } public Date parseDate(String dateAsString) throws DateParseException { try { if (dateAsString.indexOf(" ") > 0) { return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").parse(dateAsString); } else if (dateAsString.indexOf("T") > 0) { return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").parse(dateAsString); } else { if (dateAsString.indexOf(":") > 0) { return new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss").parse(dateAsString); } else { return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse(dateAsString); } } } catch (ParseException e) { throw new DateParseException(dateAsString); } } protected boolean isDateOnly(String isoDate) { return isoDate.length() == "yyyy-MM-dd".length(); } protected boolean isDateTime(String isoDate) { return isoDate.length() >= "yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss".length(); } protected boolean isTimeOnly(String isoDate) { return isoDate.length() == "hh:mm:ss".length(); } /** * Returns database-specific line comment string. */ public String getLineComment() { return "--"; } /** * Returns database-specific auto-increment DDL clause. */ public String getAutoIncrementClause(BigInteger startWith, BigInteger incrementBy) { if (!supportsAutoIncrement()) { return ""; } // generate an SQL:2003 standard compliant auto increment clause by default String autoIncrementClause = getAutoIncrementClause(); boolean generateStartWith = generateAutoIncrementStartWith(startWith); boolean generateIncrementBy = generateAutoIncrementBy(incrementBy); if (generateStartWith || generateIncrementBy) { autoIncrementClause += getAutoIncrementOpening(); if (generateStartWith) { autoIncrementClause += String.format(getAutoIncrementStartWithClause(), startWith); } if (generateIncrementBy) { if (generateStartWith) { autoIncrementClause += ", "; } autoIncrementClause += String.format(getAutoIncrementByClause(), incrementBy); } autoIncrementClause += getAutoIncrementClosing(); } return autoIncrementClause; } protected String getAutoIncrementClause() { return "GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY"; } protected boolean generateAutoIncrementStartWith(BigInteger startWith) { return startWith != null && !startWith.equals(defaultAutoIncrementStartWith); } protected boolean generateAutoIncrementBy(BigInteger incrementBy) { return incrementBy != null && !incrementBy.equals(defaultAutoIncrementBy); } protected String getAutoIncrementOpening() { return " ("; } protected String getAutoIncrementClosing() { return ")"; } protected String getAutoIncrementStartWithClause() { return "START WITH %d"; } protected String getAutoIncrementByClause() { return "INCREMENT BY %d"; } public String getConcatSql(String... values) { StringBuffer returnString = new StringBuffer(); for (String value : values) { returnString.append(value).append(" || "); } return returnString.toString().replaceFirst(" \\|\\| $", ""); } // ------- DATABASECHANGELOG / DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK METHODS ---- // /** * @see liquibase.database.Database#getDatabaseChangeLogTableName() */ public String getDatabaseChangeLogTableName() { return databaseChangeLogTableName; } /** * @see liquibase.database.Database#getDatabaseChangeLogLockTableName() */ public String getDatabaseChangeLogLockTableName() { return databaseChangeLogLockTableName; } /** * @see liquibase.database.Database#setDatabaseChangeLogTableName(java.lang.String) */ public void setDatabaseChangeLogTableName(String tableName) { this.databaseChangeLogTableName = tableName; } /** * @see liquibase.database.Database#setDatabaseChangeLogLockTableName(java.lang.String) */ public void setDatabaseChangeLogLockTableName(String tableName) { this.databaseChangeLogLockTableName = tableName; } /** * This method will check the database ChangeLog table used to keep track of * the changes in the file. If the table does not exist it will create one * otherwise it will not do anything besides outputting a log message. * * @param updateExistingNullChecksums * @param contexts */ public void checkDatabaseChangeLogTable(boolean updateExistingNullChecksums, DatabaseChangeLog databaseChangeLog, String... contexts) throws DatabaseException { Executor executor = ExecutorService.getInstance().getExecutor(this); Table changeLogTable = DatabaseSnapshotGeneratorFactory.getInstance().getGenerator(this).getDatabaseChangeLogTable(this); List<SqlStatement> statementsToExecute = new ArrayList<SqlStatement>(); boolean changeLogCreateAttempted = false; if (changeLogTable != null) { boolean hasDescription = changeLogTable.getColumn("DESCRIPTION") != null; boolean hasComments = changeLogTable.getColumn("COMMENTS") != null; boolean hasTag = changeLogTable.getColumn("TAG") != null; boolean hasLiquibase = changeLogTable.getColumn("LIQUIBASE") != null; boolean liquibaseColumnNotRightSize = false; if (!connection.getDatabaseProductName().equals("SQLite")) { liquibaseColumnNotRightSize = changeLogTable.getColumn("LIQUIBASE").getColumnSize() != 20; } boolean hasOrderExecuted = changeLogTable.getColumn("ORDEREXECUTED") != null; boolean checksumNotRightSize = false; if (!connection.getDatabaseProductName().equals("SQLite")) { checksumNotRightSize = changeLogTable.getColumn("MD5SUM").getColumnSize() != 35; } boolean hasExecTypeColumn = changeLogTable.getColumn("EXECTYPE") != null; if (!hasDescription) { executor.comment("Adding missing databasechangelog.description column"); statementsToExecute.add(new AddColumnStatement(getLiquibaseSchemaName(), getDatabaseChangeLogTableName(), "DESCRIPTION", "VARCHAR(255)", null)); } if (!hasTag) { executor.comment("Adding missing databasechangelog.tag column"); statementsToExecute.add(new AddColumnStatement(getLiquibaseSchemaName(), getDatabaseChangeLogTableName(), "TAG", "VARCHAR(255)", null)); } if (!hasComments) { executor.comment("Adding missing databasechangelog.comments column"); statementsToExecute.add(new AddColumnStatement(getLiquibaseSchemaName(), getDatabaseChangeLogTableName(), "COMMENTS", "VARCHAR(255)", null)); } if (!hasLiquibase) { executor.comment("Adding missing databasechangelog.liquibase column"); statementsToExecute.add(new AddColumnStatement(getLiquibaseSchemaName(), getDatabaseChangeLogTableName(), "LIQUIBASE", "VARCHAR(255)", null)); } if (!hasOrderExecuted) { executor.comment("Adding missing databasechangelog.orderexecuted column"); statementsToExecute.add(new AddColumnStatement(getLiquibaseSchemaName(), getDatabaseChangeLogTableName(), "ORDEREXECUTED", "INT", null)); statementsToExecute.add(new UpdateStatement(getLiquibaseSchemaName(), getDatabaseChangeLogTableName()).addNewColumnValue("ORDEREXECUTED", -1)); statementsToExecute.add(new SetNullableStatement(getLiquibaseSchemaName(), getDatabaseChangeLogTableName(), "ORDEREXECUTED", "INT", false)); } if (checksumNotRightSize) { executor.comment("Modifying size of databasechangelog.md5sum column"); statementsToExecute.add(new ModifyDataTypeStatement(getLiquibaseSchemaName(), getDatabaseChangeLogTableName(), "MD5SUM", "VARCHAR(35)")); } if (liquibaseColumnNotRightSize) { executor.comment("Modifying size of databasechangelog.liquibase column"); statementsToExecute.add(new ModifyDataTypeStatement(getLiquibaseSchemaName(), getDatabaseChangeLogTableName(), "LIQUIBASE", "VARCHAR(20)")); } if (!hasExecTypeColumn) { executor.comment("Adding missing databasechangelog.exectype column"); statementsToExecute.add(new AddColumnStatement(getLiquibaseSchemaName(), getDatabaseChangeLogTableName(), "EXECTYPE", "VARCHAR(10)", null)); statementsToExecute.add(new UpdateStatement(getLiquibaseSchemaName(), getDatabaseChangeLogTableName()).addNewColumnValue("EXECTYPE", "EXECUTED")); statementsToExecute.add(new SetNullableStatement(getLiquibaseSchemaName(), getDatabaseChangeLogTableName(), "EXECTYPE", "VARCHAR(10)", false)); } List<Map> md5sumRS = ExecutorService.getInstance().getExecutor(this).queryForList(new SelectFromDatabaseChangeLogStatement(new SelectFromDatabaseChangeLogStatement.ByNotNullCheckSum(), "MD5SUM")); if (md5sumRS.size() > 0) { String md5sum = md5sumRS.get(0).get("MD5SUM").toString(); if (!md5sum.startsWith(CheckSum.getCurrentVersion() + ":")) { executor.comment("DatabaseChangeLog checksums are an incompatible version. Setting them to null so they will be updated on next database update"); statementsToExecute.add(new RawSqlStatement("UPDATE " + escapeTableName(getLiquibaseSchemaName(), getDatabaseChangeLogTableName()) + " SET MD5SUM=null")); } } } else if (!changeLogCreateAttempted) { executor.comment("Create Database Change Log Table"); SqlStatement createTableStatement = new CreateDatabaseChangeLogTableStatement(); if (!canCreateChangeLogTable()) { throw new DatabaseException("Cannot create " + escapeTableName(getDefaultSchemaName(), getDatabaseChangeLogTableName()) + " table for your database.\n\n" + "Please construct it manually using the following SQL as a base and re-run Liquibase:\n\n" + createTableStatement); } // If there is no table in the database for recording change history create one. statementsToExecute.add(createTableStatement); logger.fine("Creating database history table with name: " + escapeTableName(getDefaultSchemaName(), getDatabaseChangeLogTableName())); // } } for (SqlStatement sql : statementsToExecute) { executor.execute(sql); this.commit(); } if (updateExistingNullChecksums) { for (RanChangeSet ranChangeSet : this.getRanChangeSetList()) { if (ranChangeSet.getLastCheckSum() == null) { ChangeSet changeSet = databaseChangeLog.getChangeSet(ranChangeSet); if (changeSet != null && new ContextChangeSetFilter(contexts).accepts(changeSet) && new DbmsChangeSetFilter(this).accepts(changeSet)) {"Updating null or out of date checksum on changeSet " + changeSet + " to correct value"); executor.execute(new UpdateChangeSetChecksumStatement(changeSet)); } } } commit(); this.ranChangeSetList = null; } } protected boolean canCreateChangeLogTable() throws DatabaseException { return true; } public void setCanCacheLiquibaseTableInfo(boolean canCacheLiquibaseTableInfo) { this.canCacheLiquibaseTableInfo = canCacheLiquibaseTableInfo; hasDatabaseChangeLogTable = false; hasDatabaseChangeLogLockTable = false; } public boolean hasDatabaseChangeLogTable() throws DatabaseException { if (hasDatabaseChangeLogTable) { return true; } boolean hasTable = DatabaseSnapshotGeneratorFactory.getInstance().getGenerator(this).hasDatabaseChangeLogTable(this); if (canCacheLiquibaseTableInfo) { hasDatabaseChangeLogTable = hasTable; } return hasTable; } public boolean hasDatabaseChangeLogLockTable() throws DatabaseException { if (canCacheLiquibaseTableInfo && hasDatabaseChangeLogLockTable) { return true; } boolean hasTable = DatabaseSnapshotGeneratorFactory.getInstance().getGenerator(this).hasDatabaseChangeLogLockTable(this); if (canCacheLiquibaseTableInfo) { hasDatabaseChangeLogLockTable = hasTable; } return hasTable; } public String getLiquibaseSchemaName() { return liquibaseSchemaName == null ? getDefaultSchemaName() : liquibaseSchemaName; } /** * This method will check the database ChangeLogLock table used to keep track of * if a machine is updating the database. If the table does not exist it will create one * otherwise it will not do anything besides outputting a log message. */ public void checkDatabaseChangeLogLockTable() throws DatabaseException { Executor executor = ExecutorService.getInstance().getExecutor(this); if (!hasDatabaseChangeLogLockTable()) { executor.comment("Create Database Lock Table"); executor.execute(new CreateDatabaseChangeLogLockTableStatement()); this.commit(); logger.fine("Created database lock table with name: " + escapeTableName(getLiquibaseSchemaName(), getDatabaseChangeLogLockTableName())); this.hasDatabaseChangeLogLockTable = true; } } public boolean isReservedWord(String string) { return false; } // ------- DATABASE OBJECT DROPPING METHODS ---- // /** * Drops all objects owned by the connected user. * * @param schema */ public void dropDatabaseObjects(String schema) throws DatabaseException { try { DatabaseSnapshot snapshot = DatabaseSnapshotGeneratorFactory.getInstance().createSnapshot(this, schema, new HashSet<DiffStatusListener>()); List<Change> dropChanges = new ArrayList<Change>(); for (View view : snapshot.getViews()) { DropViewChange dropChange = new DropViewChange(); dropChange.setViewName(view.getName()); dropChange.setSchemaName(schema); dropChanges.add(dropChange); } if (!supportsForeignKeyDisable()) { for (ForeignKey fk : snapshot.getForeignKeys()) { DropForeignKeyConstraintChange dropFK = new DropForeignKeyConstraintChange(); dropFK.setBaseTableSchemaName(schema); dropFK.setBaseTableName(fk.getForeignKeyTable().getName()); dropFK.setConstraintName(fk.getName()); dropChanges.add(dropFK); } } // for (Index index : snapshotGenerator.getIndexes()) { // DropIndexChange dropChange = new DropIndexChange(); // dropChange.setIndexName(index.getName()); // dropChange.setSchemaName(schema); // dropChange.setTableName(index.getTableName()); // // dropChanges.add(dropChange); // } for (Table table : snapshot.getTables()) { DropTableChange dropChange = new DropTableChange(); dropChange.setSchemaName(schema); dropChange.setTableName(table.getName()); if (supportsDropTableCascadeConstraints()) { dropChange.setCascadeConstraints(true); } dropChanges.add(dropChange); } if (this.supportsSequences()) { for (Sequence seq : snapshot.getSequences()) { DropSequenceChange dropChange = new DropSequenceChange(); dropChange.setSequenceName(seq.getName()); dropChange.setSchemaName(schema); dropChanges.add(dropChange); } } if (snapshot.hasDatabaseChangeLogTable()) { dropChanges.add(new AnonymousChange(new ClearDatabaseChangeLogTableStatement(schema))); } final boolean reEnableFK = supportsForeignKeyDisable() && disableForeignKeyChecks(); try { for (Change change : dropChanges) { for (SqlStatement statement : change.generateStatements(this)) { ExecutorService.getInstance().getExecutor(this).execute(statement); } } } finally { if (reEnableFK) { enableForeignKeyChecks(); } } } finally { this.commit(); } } public boolean supportsDropTableCascadeConstraints() { return (this instanceof DerbyDatabase || this instanceof DB2Database || this instanceof MSSQLDatabase || this instanceof FirebirdDatabase || this instanceof SQLiteDatabase || this instanceof SybaseDatabase || this instanceof SybaseASADatabase); } public boolean isSystemTable(String catalogName, String schemaName, String tableName) { if ("information_schema".equalsIgnoreCase(schemaName)) { return true; } else if (tableName.equalsIgnoreCase(getDatabaseChangeLogLockTableName())) { return true; } else if (getSystemTablesAndViews().contains(tableName)) { return true; } return false; } public boolean isSystemView(String catalogName, String schemaName, String viewName) { if ("information_schema".equalsIgnoreCase(schemaName)) { return true; } else if (getSystemTablesAndViews().contains(viewName)) { return true; } return false; } public boolean isLiquibaseTable(String tableName) { return tableName.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getDatabaseChangeLogTableName()) || tableName.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getDatabaseChangeLogLockTableName()); } // ------- DATABASE TAGGING METHODS ---- // /** * Tags the database changelog with the given string. */ public void tag(String tagString) throws DatabaseException { Executor executor = ExecutorService.getInstance().getExecutor(this); try { int totalRows = ExecutorService.getInstance().getExecutor(this).queryForInt(new SelectFromDatabaseChangeLogStatement("COUNT(*)")); if (totalRows == 0) { ChangeSet emptyChangeSet = new ChangeSet(String.valueOf(new Date().getTime()), "liquibase", false, false, "liquibase-internal", null, null); this.markChangeSetExecStatus(emptyChangeSet, ChangeSet.ExecType.EXECUTED); } // Timestamp lastExecutedDate = (Timestamp) this.getExecutor().queryForObject(createChangeToTagSQL(), Timestamp.class); executor.execute(new TagDatabaseStatement(tagString)); this.commit(); getRanChangeSetList().get(getRanChangeSetList().size() - 1).setTag(tagString); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DatabaseException(e); } } public boolean doesTagExist(String tag) throws DatabaseException { int count = ExecutorService.getInstance().getExecutor(this).queryForInt(new SelectFromDatabaseChangeLogStatement(new SelectFromDatabaseChangeLogStatement.ByTag("tag"), "COUNT(*)")); return count > 0; } @Override public String toString() { if (getConnection() == null) { return getTypeName() + " Database"; } return getConnection().getConnectionUserName() + " @ " + getConnection().getURL() + (getDefaultSchemaName() == null ? "" : " (Default Schema: " + getDefaultSchemaName() + ")"); } public boolean shouldQuoteValue(String value) { return true; } public String getViewDefinition(String schemaName, String viewName) throws DatabaseException { if (schemaName == null) { schemaName = convertRequestedSchemaToSchema(null); } String definition = (String) ExecutorService.getInstance().getExecutor(this).queryForObject(new GetViewDefinitionStatement(schemaName, viewName), String.class); if (definition == null) { return null; } return CREATE_VIEW_AS_PATTERN.matcher(definition).replaceFirst(""); } public String escapeTableName(String schemaName, String tableName) { if (schemaName == null) { schemaName = getDefaultSchemaName(); } if (StringUtils.trimToNull(schemaName) == null || !supportsSchemas()) { return escapeDatabaseObject(tableName); } else { return escapeDatabaseObject(schemaName) + "." + escapeDatabaseObject(tableName); } } public String escapeDatabaseObject(String objectName) { return objectName; } public String escapeIndexName(String schemaName, String indexName) { if (StringUtils.trimToNull(schemaName) == null || !supportsSchemas()) { return escapeDatabaseObject(indexName); } else { return escapeDatabaseObject(schemaName) + "." + escapeDatabaseObject(indexName); } } public String escapeSequenceName(String schemaName, String sequenceName) { if (schemaName == null) { schemaName = getDefaultSchemaName(); } if (StringUtils.trimToNull(schemaName) == null || !supportsSchemas()) { return escapeDatabaseObject(sequenceName); } else { return escapeDatabaseObject(schemaName) + "." + escapeDatabaseObject(sequenceName); } } public String escapeConstraintName(String constraintName) { return escapeDatabaseObject(constraintName); } public String escapeColumnName(String schemaName, String tableName, String columnName) { if (columnName.contains("(")) { return columnName; } if (schemaName == null) { schemaName = getDefaultSchemaName(); } return escapeDatabaseObject(columnName); } public String escapeColumnNameList(String columnNames) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (String columnName : columnNames.split(",")) { if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append(", "); } sb.append(escapeDatabaseObject(columnName.trim())); } return sb.toString(); } public String convertRequestedSchemaToCatalog(String requestedSchema) throws DatabaseException { if (getDefaultCatalogName() == null) { return null; } else { if (requestedSchema == null) { return getDefaultCatalogName(); } return StringUtils.trimToNull(requestedSchema); } } public String convertRequestedSchemaToSchema(String requestedSchema) throws DatabaseException { String returnSchema = requestedSchema; if (returnSchema == null) { returnSchema = getDefaultDatabaseSchemaName(); } if (returnSchema != null) { returnSchema = returnSchema.toUpperCase(); } return returnSchema; } public boolean supportsSchemas() { return true; } public String generatePrimaryKeyName(String tableName) { return "PK_" + tableName.toUpperCase(); } public String escapeViewName(String schemaName, String viewName) { return escapeTableName(schemaName, viewName); } /** * Returns the run status for the given ChangeSet */ public ChangeSet.RunStatus getRunStatus(ChangeSet changeSet) throws DatabaseException, DatabaseHistoryException { if (!hasDatabaseChangeLogTable()) { return ChangeSet.RunStatus.NOT_RAN; } RanChangeSet foundRan = getRanChangeSet(changeSet); if (foundRan == null) { return ChangeSet.RunStatus.NOT_RAN; } else { if (foundRan.getLastCheckSum() == null) { try {"Updating NULL md5sum for " + changeSet.toString()); ExecutorService.getInstance().getExecutor(this).execute(new RawSqlStatement("UPDATE " + escapeTableName(getLiquibaseSchemaName(), getDatabaseChangeLogTableName()) + " SET MD5SUM='" + changeSet.generateCheckSum().toString() + "' WHERE ID='" + changeSet.getId() + "' AND AUTHOR='" + changeSet.getAuthor() + "' AND FILENAME='" + changeSet.getFilePath() + "'")); this.commit(); } catch (DatabaseException e) { throw new DatabaseException(e); } return ChangeSet.RunStatus.ALREADY_RAN; } else { if (foundRan.getLastCheckSum().equals(changeSet.generateCheckSum())) { return ChangeSet.RunStatus.ALREADY_RAN; } else { if (changeSet.shouldRunOnChange()) { return ChangeSet.RunStatus.RUN_AGAIN; } else { return ChangeSet.RunStatus.INVALID_MD5SUM; // throw new DatabaseHistoryException("MD5 Check for " + changeSet.toString() + " failed"); } } } } } public RanChangeSet getRanChangeSet(ChangeSet changeSet) throws DatabaseException, DatabaseHistoryException { if (!hasDatabaseChangeLogTable()) { return null; } RanChangeSet foundRan = null; for (RanChangeSet ranChange : getRanChangeSetList()) { if (ranChange.isSameAs(changeSet)) { foundRan = ranChange; break; } } return foundRan; } /** * Returns the ChangeSets that have been run against the current database. */ public List<RanChangeSet> getRanChangeSetList() throws DatabaseException { if (this.ranChangeSetList != null) { return this.ranChangeSetList; } String databaseChangeLogTableName = escapeTableName(getLiquibaseSchemaName(), getDatabaseChangeLogTableName()); ranChangeSetList = new ArrayList<RanChangeSet>(); if (hasDatabaseChangeLogTable()) { logger.fine("Reading from " + databaseChangeLogTableName); SqlStatement select = new SelectFromDatabaseChangeLogStatement("FILENAME", "AUTHOR", "ID", "MD5SUM", "DATEEXECUTED", "ORDEREXECUTED", "TAG", "EXECTYPE").setOrderBy("DATEEXECUTED ASC", "ORDEREXECUTED ASC"); List<Map> results = ExecutorService.getInstance().getExecutor(this).queryForList(select); for (Map rs : results) { String fileName = rs.get("FILENAME").toString(); String author = rs.get("AUTHOR").toString(); String id = rs.get("ID").toString(); String md5sum = rs.get("MD5SUM") == null ? null : rs.get("MD5SUM").toString(); Object tmpDateExecuted = rs.get("DATEEXECUTED"); Date dateExecuted = null; if (tmpDateExecuted instanceof Date) { dateExecuted = (Date) tmpDateExecuted; } else { DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); try { dateExecuted = df.parse((String) tmpDateExecuted); } catch (ParseException e) { } } String tag = rs.get("TAG") == null ? null : rs.get("TAG").toString(); String execType = rs.get("EXECTYPE") == null ? null : rs.get("EXECTYPE").toString(); try { RanChangeSet ranChangeSet = new RanChangeSet(fileName, id, author, CheckSum.parse(md5sum), dateExecuted, tag, ChangeSet.ExecType.valueOf(execType)); ranChangeSetList.add(ranChangeSet); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { logger.severe("Unknown EXECTYPE from database: " + execType); throw e; } } } return ranChangeSetList; } public Date getRanDate(ChangeSet changeSet) throws DatabaseException, DatabaseHistoryException { RanChangeSet ranChange = getRanChangeSet(changeSet); if (ranChange == null) { return null; } else { return ranChange.getDateExecuted(); } } /** * After the change set has been ran against the database this method will update the change log table * with the information. */ public void markChangeSetExecStatus(ChangeSet changeSet, ChangeSet.ExecType execType) throws DatabaseException { ExecutorService.getInstance().getExecutor(this).execute(new MarkChangeSetRanStatement(changeSet, execType)); commit(); getRanChangeSetList().add(new RanChangeSet(changeSet, execType)); } public void removeRanStatus(ChangeSet changeSet) throws DatabaseException { ExecutorService.getInstance().getExecutor(this).execute(new RemoveChangeSetRanStatusStatement(changeSet)); commit(); getRanChangeSetList().remove(new RanChangeSet(changeSet)); } public String escapeStringForDatabase(String string) { if (string == null) { return null; } return string.replaceAll("'", "''"); } public void commit() throws DatabaseException { try { getConnection().commit(); } catch (DatabaseException e) { throw new DatabaseException(e); } } public void rollback() throws DatabaseException { try { getConnection().rollback(); } catch (DatabaseException e) { throw new DatabaseException(e); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; AbstractDatabase that = (AbstractDatabase) o; if (connection == null) { if (that.connection == null) { return this == that; } else { return false; } } else { return connection.equals(that.connection); } } @Override public int hashCode() { return (connection != null ? connection.hashCode() : super.hashCode()); } public void close() throws DatabaseException { try { DatabaseConnection connection = getConnection(); if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } } catch (DatabaseException e) { throw new DatabaseException(e); } } public boolean supportsRestrictForeignKeys() { return true; } public boolean isAutoCommit() throws DatabaseException { try { return getConnection().getAutoCommit(); } catch (DatabaseException e) { throw new DatabaseException(e); } } public void setAutoCommit(boolean b) throws DatabaseException { try { getConnection().setAutoCommit(b); } catch (DatabaseException e) { throw new DatabaseException(e); } } /** * Default implementation, just look for "local" IPs * * @throws liquibase.exception.DatabaseException * */ public boolean isLocalDatabase() throws DatabaseException { DatabaseConnection connection = getConnection(); if (connection == null) { return true; } String url = connection.getURL(); return (url.contains("localhost")) || (url.contains("")); } public void executeStatements(Change change, DatabaseChangeLog changeLog, List<SqlVisitor> sqlVisitors) throws LiquibaseException, UnsupportedChangeException { SqlStatement[] statements = change.generateStatements(this); execute(statements, sqlVisitors); } /* * Executes the statements passed as argument to a target {@link Database} * * @param statements an array containing the SQL statements to be issued * @param database the target {@link Database} * @throws DatabaseException if there were problems issuing the statements */ public void execute(SqlStatement[] statements, List<SqlVisitor> sqlVisitors) throws LiquibaseException { for (SqlStatement statement : statements) { if (statement.skipOnUnsupported() && !SqlGeneratorFactory.getInstance().supports(statement, this)) { continue; } logger.fine("Executing Statement: " + statement); ExecutorService.getInstance().getExecutor(this).execute(statement, sqlVisitors); } } public void saveStatements(Change change, List<SqlVisitor> sqlVisitors, Writer writer) throws IOException, UnsupportedChangeException, StatementNotSupportedOnDatabaseException, LiquibaseException { SqlStatement[] statements = change.generateStatements(this); for (SqlStatement statement : statements) { for (Sql sql : SqlGeneratorFactory.getInstance().generateSql(statement, this)) { writer.append(sql.toSql()).append(sql.getEndDelimiter()).append(StreamUtil.getLineSeparator()).append(StreamUtil.getLineSeparator()); } } } public void executeRollbackStatements(Change change, List<SqlVisitor> sqlVisitors) throws LiquibaseException, UnsupportedChangeException, RollbackImpossibleException { SqlStatement[] statements = change.generateRollbackStatements(this); List<SqlVisitor> rollbackVisitors = new ArrayList<SqlVisitor>(); if (sqlVisitors != null) { for (SqlVisitor visitor : sqlVisitors) { if (visitor.isApplyToRollback()) { rollbackVisitors.add(visitor); } } } execute(statements, rollbackVisitors); } public void saveRollbackStatement(Change change, List<SqlVisitor> sqlVisitors, Writer writer) throws IOException, UnsupportedChangeException, RollbackImpossibleException, StatementNotSupportedOnDatabaseException, LiquibaseException { SqlStatement[] statements = change.generateRollbackStatements(this); for (SqlStatement statement : statements) { for (Sql sql : SqlGeneratorFactory.getInstance().generateSql(statement, this)) { writer.append(sql.toSql()).append(sql.getEndDelimiter()).append("\n\n"); } } } public int getNextChangeSetSequenceValue() throws LiquibaseException { if (lastChangeSetSequenceValue == null) { if (getConnection() == null) { lastChangeSetSequenceValue = 0; } else { lastChangeSetSequenceValue = ExecutorService.getInstance().getExecutor(this).queryForInt(new GetNextChangeSetSequenceValueStatement()); } } return ++lastChangeSetSequenceValue; } public Table getTable(String schemaName, String tableName) throws DatabaseException { return DatabaseSnapshotGeneratorFactory.getInstance().getGenerator(this).getTable(schemaName, tableName, this); } public List<DatabaseFunction> getDatabaseFunctions() { return databaseFunctions; } public void reset() { this.ranChangeSetList = null; this.hasDatabaseChangeLogLockTable = false; } public boolean supportsForeignKeyDisable() { return false; } public boolean disableForeignKeyChecks() throws DatabaseException { throw new DatabaseException("ForeignKeyChecks Management not supported"); } public void enableForeignKeyChecks() throws DatabaseException { throw new DatabaseException("ForeignKeyChecks Management not supported"); } }