package liquibase.lockservice; import liquibase.database.Database; import liquibase.exception.DatabaseException; import liquibase.exception.LockException; import liquibase.executor.Executor; import liquibase.executor.ExecutorService; import liquibase.statement.SqlStatement; import liquibase.statement.core.LockDatabaseChangeLogStatement; import liquibase.statement.core.RawSqlStatement; import liquibase.statement.core.SelectFromDatabaseChangeLogLockStatement; import liquibase.statement.core.UnlockDatabaseChangeLogStatement; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.logging.Logger; public class LockService { private Database database; private boolean hasChangeLogLock = false; private long changeLogLockWaitTime = 1000 * 60 * 5; //default to 5 mins private long changeLogLocRecheckTime = 1000 * 10; //default to every 10 seconds private static Map<Database, LockService> instances = new ConcurrentHashMap<Database, LockService>(); private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()); private LockService(Database database) { this.database = database; } public static LockService getInstance(Database database) { if (!instances.containsKey(database)) { instances.put(database, new LockService(database)); } return instances.get(database); } public void setChangeLogLockWaitTime(long changeLogLockWaitTime) { this.changeLogLockWaitTime = changeLogLockWaitTime; } public void setChangeLogLockRecheckTime(long changeLogLocRecheckTime) { this.changeLogLocRecheckTime = changeLogLocRecheckTime; } public boolean hasChangeLogLock() { return hasChangeLogLock; } public void waitForLock() throws LockException { boolean locked = false; long timeToGiveUp = new Date().getTime() + changeLogLockWaitTime; while (!locked && new Date().getTime() < timeToGiveUp) { locked = acquireLock(); if (!locked) {"Waiting for changelog lock...."); try { Thread.sleep(changeLogLocRecheckTime); } catch (InterruptedException e) { ; } } } if (!locked) { DatabaseChangeLogLock[] locks = listLocks(); String lockedBy; if (locks.length > 0) { DatabaseChangeLogLock lock = locks[0]; lockedBy = lock.getLockedBy() + " since " + DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.SHORT).format(lock.getLockGranted()); } else { lockedBy = "UNKNOWN"; } throw new LockException("Could not acquire change log lock. Currently locked by " + lockedBy); } } public boolean acquireLock() throws LockException { if (hasChangeLogLock) { return true; } Executor executor = ExecutorService.getInstance().getExecutor(database); try { database.rollback(); database.checkDatabaseChangeLogLockTable(); Boolean locked = (Boolean) ExecutorService.getInstance().getExecutor(database).queryForObject(new SelectFromDatabaseChangeLogLockStatement("LOCKED"), Boolean.class); if (locked) { return false; } else { executor.comment("Lock Database"); int rowsUpdated = executor.update(new LockDatabaseChangeLogStatement()); if (rowsUpdated > 1) { throw new LockException("Did not update change log lock correctly"); } if (rowsUpdated == 0) { // another node was faster return false; } database.commit(); logger.fine("Successfully acquired change log lock"); hasChangeLogLock = true; database.setCanCacheLiquibaseTableInfo(true); return true; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new LockException(e); } finally { try { database.rollback(); } catch (DatabaseException e) { ; } } } public void releaseLock() throws LockException { Executor executor = ExecutorService.getInstance().getExecutor(database); try { if (database.hasDatabaseChangeLogLockTable()) { executor.comment("Release Database Lock"); database.rollback(); int updatedRows = executor.update(new UnlockDatabaseChangeLogStatement()); if (updatedRows != 1) { throw new LockException("Did not update change log lock correctly.\n\n" + updatedRows + " rows were updated instead of the expected 1 row using executor " + executor.getClass().getName() + " there are " + executor.queryForInt(new RawSqlStatement("select count(*) from " + database.getDatabaseChangeLogLockTableName())) + " rows in the table"); } database.commit(); hasChangeLogLock = false; instances.remove(this.database); database.setCanCacheLiquibaseTableInfo(false); logger.fine("Successfully released change log lock"); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new LockException(e); } finally { try { database.rollback(); } catch (DatabaseException e) { ; } } } public DatabaseChangeLogLock[] listLocks() throws LockException { try { if (!database.hasDatabaseChangeLogLockTable()) { return new DatabaseChangeLogLock[0]; } List<DatabaseChangeLogLock> allLocks = new ArrayList<DatabaseChangeLogLock>(); SqlStatement sqlStatement = new SelectFromDatabaseChangeLogLockStatement("ID", "LOCKED", "LOCKGRANTED", "LOCKEDBY"); List<Map> rows = ExecutorService.getInstance().getExecutor(database).queryForList(sqlStatement); for (Map columnMap : rows) { Object lockedValue = columnMap.get("LOCKED"); Boolean locked; if (lockedValue instanceof Number) { locked = ((Number) lockedValue).intValue() == 1; } else { locked = (Boolean) lockedValue; } if (locked != null && locked) { allLocks.add(new DatabaseChangeLogLock(((Number) columnMap.get("ID")).intValue(), (Date) columnMap.get("LOCKGRANTED"), (String) columnMap.get("LOCKEDBY"))); } } return allLocks.toArray(new DatabaseChangeLogLock[allLocks.size()]); } catch (Exception e) { throw new LockException(e); } } /** * Releases whatever locks are on the database change log table */ public void forceReleaseLock() throws LockException, DatabaseException { database.checkDatabaseChangeLogLockTable(); releaseLock(); /*try { releaseLock(); } catch (LockException e) { // ignore ? LogFactory.getLogger().info("Ignored exception in forceReleaseLock: " + e.getMessage()); }*/ } /** * Clears information the lock handler knows about the tables. Should only be called by Liquibase internal calls */ public void reset() { hasChangeLogLock = false; } public static void resetAll() { for (Map.Entry<Database, LockService> entity : instances.entrySet()) { entity.getValue().reset(); } } }